Martha Rodríguez C&C E Clustering

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Point by Point Method Clustering Format

Block Method Clustering Format

Title of the essay: Discrepancies on the Affective Filter Levels of Second Language Classes in Public and Private Schools

Thesis Statement: There are many differences on the affective filter levels of second language classes in public and private schools.
Topic Sentence 3: The acquirers’ control of
Topic Sentence 1: The students in public and private Topic Sentence 2: The acquirers’ attitude in public emotions while learning a' different fears to
schools have a different level of motivation towards and private schools influences their second failing on second language classes in public and
their second language classes. different motivations language classes. private different.
to the second language classes.

Supporting idea 1: First of all, learners of public schools

Supporting idea 1: First, ublic school students
Supporting idea 1: To start with, students in tend to take seriously their classmates’ comments
do not really care about learning a second
public schools have little or no contact with the about their second language performance. Public school
language during their first years of study. students are influenced by their classmates’ pressure.

Detail: As a consequence, they might feel Detail: Most of the students just want to have
Detail: As a result, they are prone to feel shy and
extremely unmotivated when taking English a grade to pass the subject, so they do not take
reluctant to participate since they are susceptible to
classes. They tend to be more apathetic and their second language classes seriously. They
feeling embarrassed if they make a mistake during the
negative during language explanations, regard them as a game or waste of time. This
English classes. Du (2009) mentioned that “Fear of
vocabulary games, and so on. The prevents them from learnings successfully their
negative evaluation occurs when L2 learners feel that
government does not have a study English plan second language.
they are not able to make the proper social impression.”
for the public schools until seventh grade.
This statement is prominent because it shows that
Supporting idea 2: in addition, some learners
Supporting idea 2: Besides, students in public have an extremely negative attitude a
schools lack their parents’ support when THE IDEA.
resistance attitude during the second language
learning a new tongue. Students do not have classes.
their parents’ motivation to really learn a Supporting idea 2: Moreover, public school pupils feel
second language. easily afraid when they face new things in their second
Detail: Their behavior is usually rebellious and
language classes. Students are not afraid of being failed
defiant. Instead of feeling that the English
Detail: Parents mainly pay attention to the in any subject.
classroom is enjoyable, they feel that is a direct
general subjects and downplay to English
classes. They consider that it might be a waste attack to them. As a consequence, they exhibit
Detail: They tend to suffer panic attacks when being
of time for their kids to learn a second negative behaviors and habits that do not allow
presented with new and challenging aspects of the
language since they might not use it during them to advance in their learning process of
target tongue. Instead of finding forms to solve the
adulthood. the new tongue. cloud be influenced by the
situation, they sabotage themselves and start to show
teaching techniques.
Point by Point Method Clustering Format

On the other hand, private school acquirers are

Contrary, private school students are usually more inclined to have a more solid control of their
motivated towards learning a second tongue. rounded Conversely, learners from private schools behave feelings when learning a new language.
by different motivations. differently when taking English lessons. experience different fears.
Supporting idea 3: The mainly Students in private schools Supporting idea 3: Students have a real concern
are offered instruction since their early school year. teach
for learning their new tongue. the education their Supporting idea 3: The pupils of private
a second language since the first grade. parents are paying for. institutions do not care about their peers’
negative perspectives. Students have healthy
Detail: They try to pay attention to their mentors’ competition that helps them overcome their
OUTLINE) HOW THIS EARLY EXPOSURE TO THE SECONDexplanations and practice during the classroom fears.
LANGUAGE SERVES AS A TOOL TO MOTIVATE LEARNERS activities. They attempt to use actively their second Detail: Students have the capacity to overcome
TO ACQUIRE THEIR NEW LANGUAGE. tongue’s macro skills. give their best effort even their fear of being embarrassed in public after
making mistakes in their second language. This
Private schools show the importance of have a secondwhen they do not learn the language at a hundred
percent enables them to have a healthier learning
language as part of an integral education.
experience. Positive companionship becomes
Supporting idea 4: Lastly, private school students part of the learning process
Supporting idea 4: Finally, private school pupils receive
their parents’ backing when learning a new language. keep a positive attitude during their second
language classes. Supporting idea 4: Last of all, second language
Detail: EXPLAIN IN 4 LINES IN THE CLUSTERING (2 learners learn to overcome their fear to the
Detail: Parents from private schools understand the
unknown when taking second language classes.
importance and the positive impact that of learning IN a THE OUTLINE) HOW THIS POSITIVE ATTITUDE
HELPS LEARNERS TO HAVE AN EASIER Private school students are afraid of failing a
second language has in their children’s lives.
subject and not passing it due to low grades.
Most of these parents studied at private schools ACQUSIIITON OF THE NEW LANGAUGE. This is the
Xiaoyan Du (2009) mentioned that “The motivation of SLA reflect of the teachers’ attitude and the
educational techniques. (2 IN THE OUTLINE) HOW THESE STUDENTS ARE
refers to the desire and impetus of the acquirers” (page?).
This phrase is important as it shows that the success of Xiaoyan Du (2009) mentioned that “Attitude
students while acquiring a second language is linked to influences
the the class participation.” This phrase is
significant because it demonstrates that EXPLAIN LANGAUGE CLASSES. These students experience
motivation they have during learning. Thus, students who
the pressure of high expectations at private
receive aid and assistance from their tutors are likely toIN 2 LINES HOW IT CONNECTS WITH THE IDEA.
have an easier second language acquisition process.
Xiaoyan Du (2009) mentioned that “Fear of

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