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Narutos Character Evaluation

Narutos Chacter Evaluation Van Keo University of Phoenix

Narutos Character Evaluation

I recalled watching an animation serie with my little nephews, and the main character that was in the story had a strong personality. The character name was Naruto, and the film theme was based on ninjas war. Naruto was determined to stop the ninja world from violence and bring it towards peace. Throughout the series, he demonstrated strong personality characteristic that can be described in terms of the five trait clusters. These traits influences and affect how he made his choices. Naruto was an extravert. He effectively communicates his feelings and ideas to the people around him. He is blunt and honest. He is straight to the point, and he tells it how he sees it. He is outgoing and sociable, and most importantly he puts his heart and energy into what he feel is right and important. The ninja world was greatly influenced by his outgoing characteristic and his charisma. People choose to follow him and have faith in him. However, at times, he would make bad choices, because he was acting on impulses. These impulses would lead to more conflicts, but morally, it was the right thing to do. For example, he had to make a choice on killing his best friend whom is trying to destroy the village. Naruto chose not to, because he feels as if there is still some good left in him. His actions of letting his best friend go causes disturbance and disaster for the village. Naruto was rarely a neurotic type of character. However, he was open to experiences. His openess to experiences led him to more friends and more people who have trust and confidence in him. For example, he would try different type of food and immediately trusted a stranger even without knowing them. He did not let his ignorance and unknown variables shelled him to experience new things. His agreeableness to righteousness and his

Narutos Character Evaluation

conscientiousness acted as a moral compass for him to make the right decisions. Eventhough at times he act on impulses, these feelings were influenced by his strong values and traits that led him to act upon. He had an aura and a magnetic energy around him that draws people towards him. It had an optimistic appeal to it. In conconclusion, Naruto was a character with strong personality traits that influenced the people around him. His traits and values were reflected by his actions. His actions led people to have trust and confidence within his ability to perform. His ongoing optimistic energy and striving for peace gave people hope and determination.

Narutos Character Evaluation


Kishimoto, Shueisha, 1997. Naruto. Japan. Akamaru Jump and Sueisha Entertainment

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