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‫بســم هللا الرحمــن الرحيــم‬

Taghaabun (64:1)

‫َش ُء قَ ِّد ُير‬ ُ‫ل َو َُُل ٱلأ َح أمدُُ َوه َُُو عَ َ ى‬

ُِّ ُ ‫ل‬
‫ك َأ‬ ُ ِّ ‫ت َو َمُا ِّ ُف ٱ أ َْل أر‬
ُُ ‫ض َُُل ٱلأ ُم أ‬ ُِّ َ ِّ ‫ي َُس ب ُُِّح‬
ُِّ ‫لِل َمُا ِّ ُف ٱ َلس َم َٰ َ َٰو‬

ُ‫ ي َُس ب ُِّح‬: Fi’l mudare

HE declares perfection

ُ‫ِّ َ ِّلِل‬ : MBF Mukaddam

Fi’l ‫سبِّ ُح‬

َ ُ‫ ي‬married to Harf ‫ل‬

of Allah ( every ‫ ل‬HOJ does not mean for

as in this Ayah)

‫َما‬ : Ism Mowsool Fi Mahalli Raf

‫ ما‬could be R/N/J but here its Raf boz its

an outside doer

Pronoun ‫ هو‬is so obvious in Ism Mowsool

that it need not be said

ُ‫ ِّ ُف ٱ َلس َم َٰ َ َٰو ِّت‬: Silatul Mowsool

‫( ال محل لها من العراب‬no status in grammar)

Pronoun ‫هو‬

In the skies

ُ‫ َو َمُا ِّ ُف ٱ أ َْل أر ِّض‬: is chained with Harf Atf – ‫و‬

So ‫ ما‬is Ism Mowsool Fi Mahalli Raf Jaar Majroor

ِّ ‫ فِّى ٱ أْل َ أر‬: is Silatul Mowsool


In the earth

ُ‫ت َو َمُا ِّ ُف ٱ أ َْل أر ِّض‬

ُِّ ‫ َمُا ِّ ُف ٱ َلس َم َٰ َ َٰو‬: & entire thing is Faa’il

Whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth declares

perfection ONLY of Allah

ُ ‫ َُُل ٱلأ ُم أ‬: (new sentence starts)

‫ له‬MBK mukaddam

ُ‫ ٱ أل ُم ألك‬Mubtada (proper) so MBK will

come after

Also ‘The’ won’t come as kingship ( Idea)

Kingship ONLY belongs to him

ُُ‫ َو َُُل ٱلأ َح أمد‬: Laam in JI means ‘ belongs to ‘/ ‘is to’

‫ له‬MBK mukaddam

‫ ٱ أل َح أم ُد‬Mubtada (proper) Masdar don’t get

‘The’ even if there is ‫ال‬

And praise & gratitude ONLY belongs to him

‫َشُء قَ ِّد ُير‬ ُ‫َوه َُُو عَ َ ى‬

ُِّ ُ ‫ل‬
‫ك َأ‬

‫و‬ : Harf Atf

‫هو‬ : Mubtada

َ : Jaar Majroor MBK mukaddam

‫ ُك ِّل‬: Special Mudaf ‫ش أىء‬

َ : Mudafiliah

‫قَدِّير‬ : Khabar
• But we don’t use ONLY even if its Mukaddam boz it does not
make sense (context will tell)
• Mukaddam for some other reason (Balaghaa)
• Here it’s Ihtemaam (bold/stress)

And HE is in complete control over everything

“Whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth declares

perfection ONLY of Allah. Kingship ONLY belongs to him And praise
& gratitude ONLY belongs to him. And HE is in complete control over

Sarf :

‫سبِّ ُح تَ أسبِّيحا‬
َ ُ‫سب َح ي‬

‫َح ِّم َد َي أح َم ُد َح أمدا‬

‫ ِّم ألكا‬/‫َم َلكَ َي أم ِّلكُ ُم ألكا‬

‫قَ َد َر يَ أقد ُِّر قَدأرا‬

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