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PARAVARTANA or Temporal Mutual Receptions Astrologer : ELAINE ESTRELA ( Brazil ) I began studying astrology at the age of 10, and

now, with 35 years old, I am studying Vedic Astrology. I give lectures, classes and consultations in Rio de Janeiro. I have several articles published in Portuguese . This article was inspired on June 2008 , after puja to shiva.

Greetings to Lord Shiva, Master of the gurus, for its teachings ! Introduction This article aims to explain about the use of transits in MUTUAL RECEPTIONS or Paravartana ( sanscrit term ). The concept of mutual reception is already known by most astrologers, but this article aims to link Transits, Natal Planets and Mutual Receptions. At the first sight it seems to be a challengeable task or almost impossible to match, but after some research I came to the conclusion that it is perfectly possible to join transits, natal planets and mutual reception. This Technique, perhaps an old one, since it was revealed to me after a Puja to Shiva, explains perfectly why people with the same rashi Chandra ( moon sign ) experience different impact on their personal life during the same transits ( gochara ) . You may argue that they are passing through different dashas, but I noticed that temporal mutual reception may have its impact. Step 1/ The concept behind this idea is quite simple, since it is only necessary to compare the transiting planet with the natal planet , and see if both are in mutual reception. Thus, a person ( January 27th 1976- 21:30- Rio de Janeiro- Brazil ) with the transit of Saturn in virgo, whose natal Mercury is in Capricorn in the 5th house ( lagna virgo ), has a temporary mutual reception between Mercury and Saturn, so that we can see that more information can be gathered to this interpretation . Mercury is rajas guna. Saturn is tamas guna, so this mutual reception means an exchange between rajas and tamas energy. Mercury , lord of lagna becomes tamasic, thus influencing clients health. Shani , lord of 5th house, becomes rajasic, and client makes its living from astrology. Sometimes mutual reception can make planets to be powerless, but it depends on the chart. In 2011, Shani is in virgo, forming a temporal mutual reception with the following natal planets: Mercury in capricorn, Mercury in aquarius. These people

may be learning new techniques, as Mercury will be temporarily positioned in virgo. These learnings can be applied to job ( temporal shani in capricorn ). Jupiter is now in Aries, so people with natal Mars in pisces or sagittarius, will be experiencing a temporary mutual reception. This is an exchange between a tamasic planet ( mars ) with a satvic ( Jupiter ), so much things will be going on in the life of these people. Temporal Jupiter in pisces or sagittarius get dignified due to natal mars, bringing an attention towards spirituality, high education , Money, children. It will be a smooth period due to strong Jupiter. Temporal Mars in ries brings energy and aggitation to the life of the person, but on a temporary basis. Rahu is in Scorpio, affecting thus people with natal mars in aquarius or virgo. This is an exchange between two tamasic planets, so it will be quite smooth to them. Rahu will go to the sign of aquarius or virgo and mars to scorpio. Very much secretive energy will be envolving. Ketu is in Taurus, so affecting people with natal Venus in Scorpio or Venus in sagittarius. This will be an exchange between a tamasic planet ( ketu ) with a rajasic one ( Venus ) , so some effort is necessary. It signifies effort to transform the debris of the soul. Shani in Libra will affect people with Venus in capricorn , particularly on Money issues and relationship. They will be more mature and can be involved with an older person.

Step 2/ If there is a temporal mutual reception between the planets, see the houses envolved in the reception and notice the new strenght of the planets. You may notice that mutual reception will make some planets be temporarily dignified , thereby strengthening the indications of transits. Step 3/ Watch, too, if there is a transitory sade sadi. The most challenging positions of Saturn from the moon, are the Sade-sadi, the Asthama Shani ( 8th from the Moon) and Shani Kantaka (4th and 10th from the moon). These three positions are critical periods . Eg: someone with chandra in saggitarius, mercury in capricorn and shani is now transiting in virgo. Temporal mutual reception will reveal a shani in capricorn, being placed 2nd house from moon, so constituting a temporal Sade sadi ! These temporary receptions may explain why so many people with chandra in the same sign, experience differents results in their forecasts ! I show examples of people with Mercury in capricorn, who are, due to the presence of shani in virgo ( 2009-2011) , experiencing a temporary mutual reception , with different results to each client. Step 4Temporal mutual receptions can ruin or make the forecast. So watch them carefully in the chart. Make research, compare your chandra rashi with

other people with the same chandra, and see the difference that you are having on your lives IF is not due to a temporal mutual reception. Example 1: ( January, 27th 1976- 21:30- Rio de Janeiro- Brazil ) An astrologer with the moon in Sagittarius, Mercury in Capricorn, gochara of Saturn in virgo. Due to the temporal mutual reception, Mercury is in virgo, moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn, which is the position of Saturn in 2nd house from the moon, thus constituting a temporary Sade- sadi or difficult period. The client lost her mother during this transit and is facing a financial tough time. Notice that Ketu is now transiting taurus and thus forming another temporal paravartana with Venus in saggitarius in the 4th house. The Exchange is between a tamasic graha ( ketu in the 9th ) with a rajasic planet ( Venus ). Venus will be positioned in taurus in the 9th, very good to luck, and ketu in the 4th house. She is currently experiencing some problems at home, of presence of disembodied spirits ( ketu in sagittarius in the 4th ). She is giving lectures to a loto f women ( Venus in taurus in the 9th house ). Example 2: ( February, 2nd 1958- 5:00 am- rio de janeiro- Brazil ) A woman with moon in Libra, Mercury in Capricorn on the ascendant ( lagna ) and Saturn transiting virgo. Due to temporal mutual reception, saturn is in Capricorn in the ascendant, Mercury is in virgo and moon in Libra, forming, thus a kantaka sani (Saturn in 4th house from Moon and aspecting the 7th house from ascendant). The marriage of the client was over. The important point is that mercury in virgo, in 5th house, enabled her to finish high school and begin the study of foreign languages. She is 54 years old. The difficulties of these two clients arise from the fact that Saturn is in a temporary challenge position from the moon. Example 3: ( January, 19th 1974- 23:30- Rio de Janeiro- brazil ) An attorney with Mercury in Capricorn, lagna Libra, moon in Scorpio and Saturn transiting through the sign of Virgo. The mutual reception places mercury in virgo in 11th house from chandra, shani in 4th from chandra. In short, she has been gaining lawsuits for 2 years until know because of the temporary placement of Mercury in 11th house from her moon, but the kantaka Shani (Saturn in the house 4th from chandra) points to problems of dissatisfaction in her place of job, with frequent payment delays. Example 4: ( March, 9th 1955-19:00h- rio de janeiro-Brazil) An administrative officer with lagna in virgo, moon in virgo , Saturn transiting virgo and natal Mercury in Capricorn. Due to mutual reception between Saturn in Capricorn and Mercury in virgo, she appears to be younger than she actual appears ( Mercury in virgo in lagna ). Saturn in Capricorn forms a temporary relief from the natal Sade sadi that she is currently experiencing ( shani in virgo and moon in virgo ). At present she has a lawsuit. Her family from mother side seeks the repossession of the house where she lives, who belonged to a deceased aunt. If she loses the house shell have to move on and rent a house, what she doesnt want to do. The Law suit is dragging on. Despite the Sade sadi, she can stay in the house because Saturn being displaced by mercury, mitigates the effect of the judicial process while the transit lasts.

Example 5: ( October, 1st 1948- 3:20 am- rio de janeiro-Brazil ) Housewife has Mercury in Libra, moon and lagna in leo. The transit of Saturn in virgo forms a mutual reception with Mercury. Mercury , afer displacement, will be in virgo, and shani in libra. She is at present under a Sade sadi, and the mutual reception helps to relief this Sade-sadi, as shani in libra is 3rd house from moon in Leo. She has experienced depression and has been diagnosed bipolar, but recently, due to psychotherapy , some improvement is occurring. Financially, she is supported by her son, who is a lawyer (Mercury in virgo, 2nd house from Leo ). Example 6: ( december, 1st 1980- 21:40- rio de janeiro- Brazil )Lawyer has lagna in cancer , Mercury in Libra, moon in virgo. Saturn is currently transiting virgo and forming a mutual reception with natal Mercury. .So, shani will be in libra and Mercury in virgo. He is under a Sade sadi ( shani in virgo with moon in virgo ), but because of mutual reception, has some relief from it. He is facing some financial difficulties and he is living with his brother while he is waiting for he apartment to be built.

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