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Living with Less Space

1 Watch the Video and Answer the Questions!

Video extract: 00:00 to 5:00
1 Americans have the same amount of space as they did 50 years ago.

2 Personal storage is a 22 billion dollar industry.

3 Having more space means we have more room for our stuff.

4 Our happiness levels have increased over the past 50 years.

5 The Life Edited project aims to increase the amount of possessions people own.

6 The Life Edited project encourages people to edit their possessions ruthlessly.

7 Multifunctional spaces and housewares are not important in an edited life.

8 The coffee table in the Life Edited scheme grows in height and width.

9 The Life Edited scheme includes a movie theater.

10 An edited life means living in a small space.

Correct Answers
1 Correct Answers:
1 False - Americans have about three times the amount of space they did 50 years ago.
2 True
3 False - We become such good shoppers that we need even more space.
4 False - Our happiness levels flatline over the same 50 years.
5 False - The Life Edited project aims to decrease the amount of possessions people
6 True
7 False - Multifunctional spaces and housewares are important in an edited life.
8 True
9 True
10 True

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