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Survival Analysis Applied to the Sensory

Shelf-Life Dating of High Hydrostatic Pressure

Processed Avocado and Mango Pulps
D.A. Jacobo-Velázquez, P.A. Ramos-Parra, and C. Hernández-Brenes

Abstract: High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) pasteurized and refrigerated avocado and mango pulps contain lower microbial
counts and thus are safer and acceptable for human consumption for a longer period of time, when compared to fresh
unprocessed pulps. However, during their commercial shelf life, changes in their sensory characteristics take place and
eventually produce the rejection of these products by consumers. Therefore, in the present study, the use of sensory
evaluation was proposed for the shelf-life determinations of HHP-processed avocado and mango pulps. The study
focused on evaluating the feasibility of applying survival analysis methodology to the data generated by consumers in
order to determine the sensory shelf lives of both HHP-treated pulps of avocado and mango. Survival analysis proved to
be an effective methodology for the estimation of the sensory shelf life of avocado and mango pulps processed with HHP,
with potential application for other pressurized products.
Keywords: high hydrostatic pressure processing, sensory shelf life, survival analysis

Practical Application: At present, HHP processing is one of the most effective alternatives for the commercial nonthermal
pasteurization of fresh tropical fruits. HHP processing improves the microbial stability of the fruit pulps significantly;
however, the products continue to deteriorate during their refrigerated storage mainly due to the action of residual
detrimental enzymes. This article proposes the application of survival analysis methodology for the determination of
the sensory shelf life of HHP-treated avocado and mango pulps. Results demonstrated that the procedure appears to be
simple and practical for the sensory shelf-life determination of HHP-treated foods when their main mode of failure is
not caused by increases in microbiological counts that can affect human health.
S: Sensory & Food

Introduction Jacobo-Velázquez and Hernández-Brenes 2009). Although these

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing is an effective non- products are safe for human consumption for long-storage peri-
thermal technology for the pasteurization and shelf-life enhance- ods, consumers reject them after a certain period of time due to
ment of tropical fruit pulps and other food products. In many physicochemical and sensory changes.
cases, properly HHP-pasteurized fruit pulps are microbiologically Previous shelf-life estimation reports for HHP-treated products
stable during storage. However, the quality of these products is generally base their determinations on physicochemical measure-
affected by the residual activity of enzymes that are not com- ments, which can result in the overestimation of the shelf life
pletely inactivated by the commercial HHP treatments. Therefore, of these products. However, when food products have enhanced
low- and high-acid fruit pulps processed by HHP are commonly microbiological stability, their shelf life is limited by changes in
stored under refrigeration to reduce quality losses. Avocado and their sensory properties (Hough and others 2003). Commercial
mango pulps processed by HHP are products commercially avail- HHP-treated foods generally contain low levels of microorgan-
able, and have been reported to be stable to the action of spoilage isms and their acceptability is mainly affected by storage-related
microorganisms during refrigerated storage (López-Malo and oth- sensory changes, therefore, survival analysis methodology is be-
ers 1998; Guerrero-Beltrán and others 2006; Ramos-Parra 2006; ing proposed herein as a suitable option to determine their shelf
life. Survival analysis is a statistical data analysis procedure widely
used in clinical, biological, and epidemiological studies, and it has
been proposed as a potential tool to estimate the sensory shelf
MS 20090893 Submitted 9/10/2009, Accepted 3/24/2010. Authors Jacobo-
life of microbiologically stable food products. The key concept
Velázquez, Ramos-Parra, and Hernández-Brenes are with Dept. of Biotechnology of this shelf-life determination methodology is to focus on the
and Food Engineering, School of Biotechnology and Health, Tecnológico de Monterrey- risk of rejection by consumers rather than on product deteriora-
Campus Monterrey, E. Garza Sada 2501 Sur, C.P. 64849, Monterrey, N.L., tion (Hough and others 2003; Gámbaro and others 2004a, 2004b,
México. Author Jacobo-Velázquez is also with Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, Texas 2006; Salvador and others 2006).
A&M Univ., HFSB Building, Room 202, MS 2133, College Station, TX 77843-
2133, U.S.A. Direct inquiries to author Hernández-Brenes (E-mail: chbrenes@ The objective of this study was to determine the sensory shelf life of HHP-treated avocado and mango pulps. To the best of
our knowledge, there are no previous reports focused on the

C 2010 Institute of Food Technologists


S286 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010 doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2010.01656.x
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Survival analysis and HHP-treated fruits . . .

determination of the sensory shelf life of these commercially avail- establishes a random variable T (storage time at which consumers
able HHP-treated fruit pulps. reject the product); and then a probability of a consumer rejecting
the product before or at a storage time t, F(t) = P(T ≤ t), which
Materials and Methods is estimated based on the interval obtained from each consumer.
Survival times generally do not follow a normal distribution.
Materials and high hydrostatic processing Therefore, models such as the Weibull, log-normal, and log-
Avocado (Persea americana) and mango (Mangifera indica L.) logistic are used (Klein and Moeschberger 1997). Survival analysis
fruits were obtained from the regions of Michoacan and Oaxaca, methodology requires the estimation of the likelihood function
México, respectively, and transported to Avomex Inc. (Sabinas, (L) based on the acceptability data obtained from consumers. The
Coahuila, Mex., U.S.A.) for high-pressure processing. Briefly, av- likelihood function is a mathematical expression that describes
ocados and mangos were washed, sanitized, peeled, and macerated the probability of obtaining the data observed as a function of
without food additives. Individual avocado and mango pulp sam- estimated parameters of the selected mathematical models (Klein
ples (200 g) were vacuum-packaged into plastic bags impermeable and Moeschberger 1997). The product of each interval obtained
to oxygen (WinpaK Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Avo- from each consumer [τ j , τ k ] defines the likelihood function. The
cado and mango pulps packages were commercially processed at contribution of each interval to the likelihood function is given
600 MPa for 3 min at 23 ◦ C, using a 215L ULTRA HHP- by P(τ j < T < τ k ) = S(τ j ) − S(τ k ). Therefore, the complete
processing unit (Avure Technologies, Kent, Wash., U.S.A.). Pro- likelihood is given by Eq. (1).
cessing conditions were closely monitored and recorded to assure
experimental reproducibility. After processing, the samples were   
◦ L= S(Ri ) S(l i ) − S(r i ) (1)
placed in a cold-water bath (1 to 3 C) and transported under
i ∈R i ∈I
refrigerated conditions (4 ◦ C) to the Biotechnology Center main
laboratory at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey, Nuevo León, where R is the set of right-censored observations (consumers that
México). accepted HHP-treated avocado and mango pulps for 45 and 40 d,
respectively); I is the set of observations censored in an interval.
Storage study In Eq. (1), S(t) is substituted by the expression that corresponds
HHP-processed avocado and mango pulps samples (30 plastic to the survival function for the selected parametric model. The
bags, 200 g each) were stored in the dark at 4 ◦ C for 45 and data obtained from the sensory study were analyzed using the
40 d, respectively. Refrigerated samples were collected (every 5 d program S-PLUS 7.0 (Insightful Corp., Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.).
for avocados and every 4 d for mangoes) and placed in a freezer Regressions were carried out for all parametric models (Weibull,
at −80 ◦ C until they were analyzed by consumers. Since freezing log-normal, log-logistic, extreme, normal, and logistic) and the
at −80 ◦ C occurred quickly, the formation of water crystals was values of μ (intercept) and σ (dispersion) were obtained for the
prevented and therefore nonsignificant organoleptic differences 2 models that showed best fit for the collected data of each fruit
were detected in the products. pulp. Once the models were selected, the survival function was
defined. For instance, when using the log-logistic model for T,

S: Sensory & Food

Consumer sensory analyses the survival function for the log-logistic model is the expression
Fruit pulps from each storage time were assessed by 60 con- given in Eq. (2).

sumers (for each fruit) recruited among students and employees
from Tecnológico de Monterrey with ages ranging from 18 to ez t − μ
55 y. In the selection process, the consumers were questioned on S(t ) = σ t (1 + e z)2 , where z = σ and t  = ln(t ) (2)
the frequency of consumption of each fruit and those who con-
sumed avocados or mangoes at least once a week were selected
for the sensory evaluations. Consumers generated sensory accept- Finally, the shelf life with their 95% confidence interval was
ability data for samples with different storage times, by answering predicted for each HHP-processed fruit pulp using values for
the question “would you normally consume this product?” with F(t) = 0.25 and 0.50 (representing 25% and 50% of product re-
a “yes” or “no” answer. Prior microbiological analyses confirmed jection probability from the consumers, respectively).
that both fruit pulps were fit for human consumption during the
evaluated storage period. Results and Discussion
As it has been previously described, various mathematical mod-
Statistical analyses els (commonly used in survival analysis) were evaluated for ad-
Because of the nature of the study, each consumer tasted sam- justment to the acceptability data generated by consumers for
ples with different storage times (τ 1 < τ 2 < · · · < τ m ). The HHP-treated avocado and mango pulps (Figure 1 and 2, respec-
information from each consumer was then reduced to an interval tively). Suitability of each model was assessed visually since, to
[τ j , τ k ] that represented the period during which the consumer date, there are no goodness-of-fit tests to handle interval-censored
rejected the product. In other words, a consumer with the above- data (Hough and others 2003; Salvador and others 2006).
mentioned interval accepted the product before τ j and rejected it Parametric models that presented the best fit for avocado pulp
before or at the time τ k . Therefore, the exact time at which the data were the log-logistic and Weibull (Figure 1A and 1E). On
consumer rejects the product is located within τ j and τ k . the other hand, the log-normal and log-logistic models showed
Survival analysis methodology was then used as previously de- the best fit for mango pulp data (Figure 2C and 2E). These math-
scribed (Hough and others 2003; Salvador and others 2006) to ematical models were selected and used in subsequent steps of the
estimate the shelf life of avocado and mango pulps processed by sensory shelf-life determination. The parameter estimates (μ and
HHP using the acceptability data obtained from consumers. In σ ) of the selected models were calculated and are shown in Table 1.
order to estimate the shelf life of a product (P), the methodology Estimated values for μ and σ were then used to obtain prediction

Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010 r Journal of Food Science S287

Survival analysis and HHP-treated fruits . . .

curves for the time-dependent consumer rejection probabilities terval censored. Whereas, 32 of the 60 consumers that evaluated
of avocado (Figure 3) and mango (Figure 4) pulps treated with mango pulp accepted the product with 40 d of storage resulting
HHP. For both fruit pulps, the mathematical models used resulted in right-censored data.
in similar rejection probability curves. As observed in Figure 3, Solution of the mathematical models (Figure 3 and 4), for av-
the probability of rejection of the HHP-processed avocado pulp ocado and mango, respectively, resulted in the estimation of the
after 45 d of storage was almost 90%. On the other hand, HHP- shelf life of both products. In order to predict the shelf life of
processed mango pulp almost reached 50% of consumer rejection each HHP-processed fruit pulp F(t) values of 0.25 and 0.50 were
at the end of the evaluated storage period of 40 d (Figure 4). The used (25% and 50% of product rejection probability from the con-
obtained rejection probability curves for both pulps suitably de- sumers). As previously indicated, the estimated values for μ and
scribed undesirable changes in sensory perception that took place σ from the selected models for avocado and mango are shown
during the storage period and decreased consumer acceptability of in Table 1. In the case of avocado pulp by solving F(t; μ =
the products. From the 60 consumers that evaluated the avocado 2.84, σ = 0.43) and F(t; μ = 3.21, σ = 0.69), values of t = 17
pulp, the acceptability data generated by 54 consumers were in- and 19 d were obtained for the log-logistic and Weibull models,

.999 A weibull B extreme

P ro b a b ility


10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Failure Time Failure Time
.9999 lognormal normal
S: Sensory & Food

P ro b a b ility


10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Failure Time Failure Time
.9999 loglogistic logistic
P ro b a b ility

10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Failure Time Failure Time

Figure 1–Mathematical prediction lines for consumer acceptance/rejection data for avocado pulps processed by HHP (600 MPa, 3 min) and stored
refrigerated at 4 ± 1 ◦ C for 45 d. Models evaluated included (A) Weibull, (B) extreme, (C) log-normal, (D) normal, (E) log-logistic, and (F) logistic.

S288 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010

Survival analysis and HHP-treated fruits . . .

respectively. Therefore, results indicated that the estimated shelf Table 1–Values for μ (intercept) and σ (scale) for selected mathe-
life for avocado pulp processed by HHP (600 MPa, 3 min, and matical models used to predict consumer-rejection probabilities
during storage of avocado and mango pulps processed by high
23 ◦ C) for a 50% rejection probability was approximately 17 to hydrostatic pressure (HHP, 600 MPa, 3 min).
19 d (Table 2). The estimated shelf life of avocado pulp using 25%
Parameter estimates
rejection probability was 10 d on both of the parametric models
evaluated. By the same procedure, it was determined that mango HHP-processed Mathematical μ ± standard σ ± standard
product model error error
pulp shelf life was 41 d and 31 d using 50% and 25% consumer
rejection probabilities, respectively (Table 2). Avocado pulpa Log-logistic 2.84 ± 0.14 0.43 ± 0.17
As stated previously, 60 consumers (N) were used to determine Weibull 3.21 ± 0.13 0.69 ± 0.17
the sensory shelf life of HHP-treated avocado and mango pulps Mango pulpb Log-normal 3.74 ± 0.10 0.45 ± 0.15
Log-logistic 3.76 ± 0.10 0.27 ± 0.15
by the mathematical approaches of the survival analysis method-
ology used herein. The acceptability data collected showed a data
Storedfor 45 d at 4 ◦ C.
Stored for 40 d at 4 ◦ C.
trend that indicated the possibility to mathematically describe the

.999 A weibull B extreme

P ro b a b ility


8 9 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Failure Time Failure Time
.9999 C lognormal D normal

S: Sensory & Food

P ro b a b ility


8 9 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Failure Time Failure Time
.9999 E loglogistic F logistic
P ro b a b ility

8 9 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Failure Time Failure Time

Figure 2–Mathematical prediction lines for consumer acceptance/rejection data for mango pulps processed by HHP (600 MPa, 3 min) and stored
refrigerated at 4 ± 1 ◦ C for 40 d. Models evaluated included (A) Weibull, (B) extreme, (C) log-normal, (D) normal, (E) log-logistic, and (F) logistic.

Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010 r Journal of Food Science S289

Survival analysis and HHP-treated fruits . . .

rejection of both food products through time with this approach. use of additives such as resveratrol has been reported to extend the
However, a recent study suggested a larger number of consumers quality attributes and shelf life of avocado products ( Jiménez and
(N = 120) to determine the sensory shelf life of food products such others 2005). Nevertheless, the use of additives is not always well
as minced beef, yogurt, and lettuce when using the survival analy- accepted by consumers since it can modify avocado flavor.
sis methodology (Hough and others 2007). Therefore, it would be Other strategies oriented to extend sensory shelf life of mini-
relevant for future studies that use survival analysis methodology to mally processed mangoes are also reported in the scientific liter-
explore the impact of the N value on the shelf-life determination ature. Robles-Sánchez and others (2009) reported that fresh-cut
of foods. Particularly, it would be interesting to validate its effects mangoes dipped on a solution containing ascorbic acid, citric acid,
on the shelf-life estimation of HHP products, which is the focus and calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) allowed the retention of the nutri-
of the present study. tional quality on the product. However, the authors observed that
It is well known that avocados are usually consumed as a fresh after 15 d of storage at 5 ◦ C close to 50% of the panelists in their
fruit product and that thermal processing of avocado pastes can study rejected the product. The authors attributed this finding to
generate bitter off-flavor (Ben-et and others 1973). The estimated negative sensory changes produced during storage of the fresh-cut
sensory shelf life of HHP-processed avocado pulp (17 d consider- mangoes as a result of the dipping treatment. Martı́nez-Ferrer and
ing a 50% rejection probability) demonstrates the effectiveness of others (2002) studied the shelf life minimally processed mangoes
this nonthermal technology on the conservation of this fruit. The stored under modified atmospheres using a mixture of 10% CO2 ,

Figure 3–Consumer rejection probability curve

of avocado pulp processed by HHP (600 MPa,
3 min) as a function of storage time. The
mathematical models selected to obtain the
curves were the log-logistic (- - -) and Weibull
(—). Rejection probability curves were obtained
using the software S-PLUS 7.0 (Insightful Corp.,
Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.).
S: Sensory & Food

Figure 4–Consumer rejection probability curve

of mango pulp processed by HHP (600 MPa,
3 min) as a function of storage time. The
mathematical models selected to obtain the
curves were the log-normal (- - -) and log-logistic
(—). Rejection probability curves were obtained
using the software S-PLUS 7.0 (Insightful Corp.,
Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.).

S290 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010

Survival analysis and HHP-treated fruits . . .

Table 2–Estimated sensory shelf life (d) of avocado and mango pulps processed by HHP (600 MPa, 3 min).
Sensory shelf life (d) ± confidence interval (95%)
HHP-processed product Mathematical model 25% rejection probability 50% rejection probability
Avocado pulpa Log-logistic 10 ± 6 17 ± 5
Weibull 10 ± 6 19 ± 6
Mango pulpb Log-normal 31 ± 5 41 ± 5
Log-logistic 32 ± 7 42 ± 7
Storedfor 45 d at 4 ◦ C.
Stored for 40 d at 4 ◦ C.

4% O2 , and 86% N2 . The authors reported that the minimally and from the joint Research Program of The Univ. of Califor-
processed mango product maintained good color, texture, odor, nia Inst. for Mexico and the United States (UC MEXUS) and
and taste after 25 d of storage at 5 ◦ C. The shelf-life estimated the Mexican Natl. Council for Science and Technology (CONA-
herein for HHP-treated mango pulps (30 d considering 25% re- CYT). We also would like to thank Fresherized Foods, A Div.
jection) is significantly higher than previously reported studies, of Avomex Inc. for providing avocados, mangoes, and the use of
demonstrating the effectiveness of HHP for the conservation of HHP equipment and for their continuous commitment to the
the sensory quality of minimally processed mango pulp. advancement of nonthermal processing technologies.

Conclusions References
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This research was possible thanks to the research funds from the Salvador A, Varela P, Fiszman SM, Gómez G. 2006. Estimating the shelf life of brown pan bread,
suitability of survival analysis methodology. J Food Sci 71(4):S321–5.
Tecnologico de Monterrey-Research Chair Initiative (CAT-05)

Vol. 75, Nr. 6, 2010 r Journal of Food Science S291

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