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NAME: ……………………………… COURSE: 5°…..


1) Read the text and order the events:

a) _____ Ckyde went to prison

b) _____ The police caught them.
c) __1_ Bonnie and Clyde met.
d) _____ The couple became famous in the U.S
e) _____There was a movie about the couple
f) _____ They started travelling around the U.S

2) Match the words with the definitions. Use the text to work out their

a) ____ damaged something badly a- frequently

b) ____ made someone die b- killed
c) ____ having a bad time c- couple
d) ____ two people in a relationship d- suffering
e) ____ often, regularly e- appalling
f) ____ very bad f- destroyed
3) Read the text again and answer the questions.

a) What different crimes did they commit?


b) How did the public know about Bonnie and Clyde?


c) Where did they die?


d) Bonnie and Clyde´s bank robberies made them heroes at a difficult

time in U.S history. Why?

4) Read and choose the correct verb forms

a) While I swam / was swimming someone took/ was taking my bag.

b) The assistants had lunch/ were having lunch when the men
robbed/ were robbing the store.
c) Someone stole/ was stealing my dad`s car while we watched/ were
watching the soccer game.
d) When I arrived / was arriving at school, everyone talked/ was
talking about the news story.
e) While I was getting on/ got on the bus, someone was stealing/
stole my wallet from my pocket.
f) When the police was catching/ caught the man, he was escaping/
escaped out of a window.

5) Read and match:

6) Complete the sentences with the Past Progressive or Simple Past form
of the verbs.

While I …………(rob) a supermarket, a man ……………………..(post) a

picture of the crime on Facebook. He stole $500 and then decided to go
shopping. He ………………..(spend) the money in another store when
the police ……………….(arrest) him.
A woman …………………..(show) a friend how to use a GPS app on her
cell phone when a thief…………………………..(steal) the phone from her
hand. The thief ………………………..(try) to escape on a motorcycle, but
the app ……………….(follow) his movements, and the police quickly
caught him.

7) Complete the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets:

a) ………you……… Michael yesterday? (see)

b) We ………….. by bus to Madrid. (go)
c) Tom…………………his glasses. (not find)
d) The children…………after the ball. (run)
e) They …………….. football (not play)
f) ………she………… you? (smile)
g) I ……………….. TV in my bedroom. (watch)
h) Tim ………… his homework yesterday.(do)

8) Write pieces of advice in these situations. Use SHOULD and SHOULDN


a) Max has a headache. _______________________________________

b) Brenda is going to travel by plane, and she is terrified.______________

c) Tommy has an exam tomorrow ________________________________

9) Complete these sentences about obligation. Make them true about yourself.
a) At school I must………………………………………………………….
b) At school, we have to………………………………………………….
c) At school, we mustn´t………………………………………………..
d) At school, we don´t have to……………………………………….
e) At home, I must………………………………………………………..
f) At home, I don´t have to…………………………………………….

10) PRODUCTION. Write a story. Choose one of the following options. Use
Past Continuous Tense and Past Simple Tense.

a) Did I tell you about the time when an old woman attacked some robbers?
It all happened…
b) Did I tell you about the time I saw someone save a life? It all happened…

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