Environment and Aphasia - A Personal Account

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Top Lang Disorders

Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 85–100

Copyright c 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of
the Consequences:
The Impact of the Environment on
People With Aphasia Over Time
Robyn O’Halloran, Marcella Carragher, and Abby Foster

Understanding the impact of the environment on the participation of people with aphasia de-
pends on one’s perspective. A long-term perspective provides a unique insight into the myriad
of ways in which the environment can influence the participation of people living with aphasia
over decades. In this article, the authors present the real-life story of “Hank,” who has lived with
aphasia for more than 15 years. The authors consider how 2 different conceptual frameworks—the
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and the Social Determinants of
Health—account for Hank’s experience. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health is useful to conceptualize the range of factors that influence living with aphasia at
a particular point in time. In contrast, the Social Determinants of Health is useful to conceptu-
alize the cumulative impact of living with aphasia on long-term health and well-being. Viewing
aphasia as a social condition that impacts social determinants of health has potentially wide rang-
ing implications for service design and delivery and the role of speech–language pathologists.
Key words: aphasia, consequences, disability and health, environmental factors, interna-
tional classification of functioning, social determinants of health

T HIS ARTICLE focuses on how the envi-

ronment influences the ability of peo-
ple with aphasia to communicate success-
partners. A new trend in aphasiology, in-
formed by the World Health Organization’s
(WHO’s) International Classification of Func-
fully. Aphasia intervention has traditionally fo- tioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO,
cused on the language and communication of 2001), recognizes the importance of the envi-
the individual and their close communication ronment in enabling or disabling the function-
ing and participation of people with aphasia.
The ICF defines Environmental Factors as
“those factors in the physical, social, and atti-
Author Affiliation: Discipline of Speech Pathology, tudinal environment in which people live and
School of Allied Health, La Trobe University, conduct their lives” (WHO, 2001, p. 10). Re-
Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.
searchers have begun to identify how environ-
All the authors have indicated that they have no finan- mental factors influence the ability of people
cial and no nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
with aphasia to communicate (Howe, Worrall,
This is an open-access article distributed under & Hickson, 2008a, 2008b; O’Halloran, Grohn,
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC- & Worrall, 2012) and importantly, which
ND), where it is permissible to download and share environmental factors can be modified to
the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot improve communication and participation
be changed in any way or used commercially without
permission from the journal. (Hux, Buechter, Wallace, & Weissling, 2010;
Kagan, Black, Duchan, Simmons-Mackie, &
Corresponding Author: Robyn O’Halloran, PhD, Dis-
cipline of Speech Pathology, School of Allied Health, La Square, 2001; Rose, Worrall, & McKenna,
Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3086, Australia 2003; Simmons-Mackie et al., 2007). These
(R.OHalloran@latrobe.edu.au). research endeavors inform the understand-
DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000109 ing of the kinds of environments that create

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


barriers to or facilitators of communication (SDH; Commission on Social Determinants of

for people with aphasia. However, this re- Health, 2008)—account for the changes to
search is focused on understanding how the Hank’s health and well-being over time. Fi-
environment impacts the present communi- nally, Part 3 includes a review of the research
cation and participation of people with apha- literature to explore the evidence for a rela-
sia. The chronic nature of aphasia necessitates tionship between aphasia and the SDH.
that researchers and clinicians also consider
how people’s circumstances and, therefore, PART 1: HANK’S STORY
their communication needs and participation
needs change over time. This, in turn, requires Hank, a white Australian man, was in his
clinicians to consider the many different en- 40s and married with four children at the on-
vironments that impact the communication set of aphasia. He worked full-time for a large
and participation of people with aphasia in national company negotiating complex sales
the long term and the consequences on their and contracts and his wife, Beth, worked part-
future health and well-being. time in retail. Although he often travelled in-
The importance of exploring the interplay terstate on business, he was working in his
between aphasia, the environment, and long- home town of Melbourne when he suddenly
term health and well-being was highlighted collapsed and was rushed to the nearest hos-
when the first author met Hank.1 They were pital. Subsequently, Hank was taken to one of
both members of a volunteer aphasia advo- the large publically funded tertiary hospitals
cacy group that met once every two months that serve Melbourne’s population of 4.5 mil-
to develop services and provide a support lion people.
network for people living with aphasia. Dur- His recollections of those days in hospital
ing the four years they worked together, were vague; however, he recalled the doc-
Hank gave several presentations to commu- tors telling him that he had had three strokes
nity groups and to students about his stroke in that first week. His only other memories
and living with aphasia. Through listening to were that he could hardly talk or walk. After
these presentations, as well as through so- several months of inpatient rehabilitation, he
cial conversation with Hank, the author got was discharged home. At the time, he had an
to know him well. His story raises important expressive and receptive aphasia and a per-
questions about the cumulative impact of the sistent right-sided weakness but was able to
environment on the communication, partici- walk with a stick.
pation, as well as health and well-being of peo- Despite the improvements he had made, his
ple with aphasia over time. Hank’s story may aphasia meant that he could not go back to his
cause clinicians to reconsider how they con- former job. As a result, he lost the enjoyment
ceptualize the impact of aphasia over time. and challenge of work that he loved, he lost
Questions about long-term impacts of envi- contact with work colleagues, and he lost his
ronmental factors are explored in detail later. substantial income. The financial implications
In Part 1 of this article, with Hank’s per- were serious. All four children were attend-
mission, the first author recalls his story and ing a private school. The eldest child finished
how his life changed and evolved in the her final year of high school, but the family
15 years since the onset of aphasia. In Part could no longer afford the school fees for the
2, the authors explore how two different con- younger children, who had to move to the
ceptual frameworks—the ICF (WHO, 2001) local government-funded secondary school.
and the Social Determinants of Health model Thus they lost contact with families they had
known in the school community for years.
Hank reported that the stress of all the
changes was terrible, and he and his wife
1 Pseudonym. separated within 2 years. Hank moved into

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 87

a private rental on his own. He was of- immediate consequences of his stroke and
fered work through a disability employment aphasia, such as being unable to return to
agency, which entailed packing envelopes in his former job, would be familiar to clini-
a mailroom alongside people with intellectual cians and researchers. But Hank’s story sug-
disabilities. He reported attending for a while, gests that there are long-term consequences
but ultimately he found it too depressing, so of aphasia consequences of aphasia. In other
he left. words, there are secondary consequences
With only a disability pension as income, of the initial consequences of aphasia that
Hank found living on his own too expensive, are not immediately apparent. In Hank’s
so he moved into accommodations where the case, one could speculate that the stroke
costs of rent and bills are shared. He said he and aphasia contributed directly to his eco-
did not like living in a shared house, and the nomic challenges and indirectly to the demise
house was not adapted to suit his needs, as of his marriage, both of which, in turn,
there were no rails on the stairs or in the bath- contributed to his depression. Furthermore,
room. Furthermore, he said his aphasia made it is probable that his financial difficulties and
it difficult for him to find the right person to separation meant Hank had to live in a shared
live with, and he was worried that his house- house where he felt unsafe. One could even
mate would take advantage of him. As he was surmise that these consequences contributed
living on a disability pension, he was eligible to the deterioration of his health, culminating
for public housing. He was looking forward in his broken ankle.
to having his own place but there was a five- Hank’s story is unique, but it is not an iso-
year waiting list. Around that time, Hank was lated example. It raises questions that have
diagnosed with depression. broader implications, including the essential
In talking about how he managed every day, question addressed in this article: Is there a
Hank said that he was okay but that he still conceptual framework that can explain the se-
needed occasional help with communication. quence of challenging events that can follow
For example, when his car needed to be fixed, stroke and aphasia in cases like Hank’s? In the
he reported that he did not really understand following sections, the authors explore how
what the mechanic was talking about; there- two different conceptual frameworks could
fore, he did not really know what the problem account for Hank’s story and the implications
was with his car and was worried that he had each might have for reducing barriers to long-
been charged too much to get it fixed. He term health and participation for people with
also said he needed help with his computer; aphasia.
his e-mail often did not work and he could not
work out how to fix it. PART 2: APPLYING DIFFERENT
After Hank did not attend the aphasia group CONCEPTUAL MODELS TO HANK’S
for two months, the author learned that he STORY
had fallen on the stairs at home and broken his
ankle. He was admitted to hospital and had an-
other short period of inpatient rehabilitation. Applying the ICF to Hank’s story helps
Back in his share house, he said his mobility to understand the current consequences
was worse but he was now the highest prior- The ICF is a biopsychosocial framework of
ity on the public housing list. The following health and health-related conditions (WHO,
month, he moved into his own single-level, 2001). It has been used in speech–language
one-bedroom unit. pathology to describe communication and
Reflecting on the events that occurred in swallowing disability (Ma, Threats, & Wor-
the 15 years following Hank’s stroke pro- rall, 2008; Threats & Worrall, 2004). The ICF
vides a unique insight into one Australian consists of four components: Body Functions
man’s experience of living with aphasia. The and Structures (Impairments), Activities and

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


Participation (Activity Limitations and Partic- nication environment might be creating bar-
ipation Restrictions), Environmental Factors riers to or facilitating Hank’s ability to com-
(Barriers and Facilitators), and Personal Fac- municate and participate. Consideration of
tors, all of which contribute to a person’s ex- environmental factors might prompt the SLP
perience of functioning, disability, and health to wonder if Hank’s important communica-
(WHO, 2001). tion partners, such as his wife and daughters,
The ICF provides a way to conceptually have the knowledge and skills to communi-
understand the different factors that influ- cate with Hank. Finally, the ICF’s Personal
ence a health condition such as aphasia. A Factors component might prompt the SLP to
speech–language pathologist (SLP) working consider if Hank’s personality, his knowledge
with Hank could apply the ICF to Hank’s sit- of stroke and aphasia, and his ability to cope
uation to capture the wide-ranging factors in- with such a dramatic loss might also be in-
fluencing his aphasia. For example, the clini- fluencing his ability to communicate. Some of
cian could describe his language deficits (the these factors are depicted in Figure 1. The ICF
Impairment) or describe the consequences of framework can be applied to explore the fac-
the language deficits in terms of his commu- tors influencing Hank’s aphasia at any point
nication Activity Limitations and Participation in time after his stroke. Figure 2 provides a
Restrictions. These might include the range hypothetical example of the factors that may
of communication Activity Limitations related have influenced Hank’s experience of aphasia
to his interpersonal relationships, such as dif- many years after his stroke.
ficulty expressing feelings, difficulty under- In summary, the ICF (WHO, 2001) pro-
standing intent, and difficulty adjusting to a vides a conceptual framework to describe
change in topic (Frattali, Thompson, Holland, Hank’s functioning and disability at a par-
Wohl, & Ferketic, 1995). Furthermore, the ticular moment in time. However, it does
SLP could consider how these different com- not provide a way to conceptualize how
munication Activity Limitations combine to current level of functioning and disability,
result in Participation Restrictions, such as dif- such as difficulty participating in relation-
ficulty in maintaining his spousal relationship. ships or difficulty reading complex informa-
The ICF framework also provides a useful tion, may influence health and well-being over
framework to think about how the commu- time. Is there another conceptual model that

Figure 1. The factors hypothesized to influence Hank’s communication activity and participation in
the months after his stroke as conceptualized by the ICF. Adapted from International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health, by World Health Organization, 2001, Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 89

Figure 2. The factors hypothesized to influence Hank’s communication activity and participation many
years after his stroke as conceptualized by the ICF. Adapted from International Classification of Func-
tioning, Disability and Health, by World Health Organization, 2001, Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

offers guidance in regard to potential long- experience disease or injury that leads to poor
term consequences? health and well-being.
A wealth of evidence world wide demon-
Applying the SDH to Hank’s story helps strates how different social factors in-
determine the possible long-term fluence population health and well-being
consequences (Commission on Social Determinants of
Health, 2008). For example, mortality rates
The social determinants of health for both men and women steadily increase
The SDH model provides a different con- as poverty increases; this pattern is evident
ceptualization of health: one that identifies both within individual countries and across
the social factors that influence health and different countries (Commission on Social De-
well-being in the long term (Solar & Irwin, terminants of Health, 2008). Mortality rates
2010). The SDH may provide a better account are related to ethnicity, education, and in-
of the factors contributing to Hank’s dramatic come. For example, indigenous Australians
change in circumstances from being a suc- live approximately 16 years less than non-
cessful executive, living with his wife and chil- indigenous Australians (Commission on Social
dren with financial means and several social Determinants of Health, 2008). In the United
networks, to being an unemployed recipient States, men with a low education live on av-
of a disability pension, living in shared accom- erage 6.5 years less than men with university
modations where he does not feel comfort- degrees (Davidson, 2015). Similarly, women
able or safe. The SDH model, as depicted in on low incomes live on average 5 years less
Figure 3, states that social factors (such as the than affluent women (Davidson, 2015). As
socioeconomic and political context, and a Davidson (2015) states, some differences in
person’s subsequent social position) directly population health, such as health differences
influence a person’s material, social, psycho- due to genetic factors, may be unavoidable.
logical, and biological circumstances, which These differences are called health inequali-
in turn influence a person’s health and well- ties. However, if the variations are avoidable,
being (Solar & Irwin, 2010). According to the like the variations in health described ear-
SDH, it is not simply that disease or injury lier, then they are no longer considered to
causes poor health and well-being; rather, it is be health inequalities but health inequities
the complex interplay of social factors that de- (Davidson, 2015). Health inequities occur be-
termine the likelihood that an individual will cause of the way society is structured and the

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


Figure 3. The Social Determinants of Health model. Amended from Solar & Irwin (2007). Reproduced
with permission from Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity Through Action on the Social
Determinants of Health, by Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2008. Final report of the
Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

way in which resources are distributed within individual’s behaviors and biological factors,
society (Commission on Social Determinants all the other factors in the SDH model are envi-
of Health, 2008). ronmental factors. Some factors such as mate-
The SDH model proposes that there are rial circumstances and psychosocial networks
structural determinants of health such as the are part of a person’s immediate environment,
socioeconomic and political context that in- whereas factors such as the socioeconomic
fluence social position in society. The socioe- context, the political context, and the health
conomic and political context is proposed to care system are part of a person’s broader en-
influence a person’s access to education, in- vironment. Can the SDH model be applied to
come, and occupation. The socioeconomic individuals such as Hank, to explain the series
and political context may also have differ- of events that occurred to him after his stroke
ential impact on people, depending on their and aphasia?
gender and ethnicity. These structural deter-
minants are hypothesized to effect intermedi- Applying the SDH to Hank’s story
ary determinants of health such as a person’s The SDH is a cyclical model that depicts
material circumstances, psychosocial factors, how an individual’s health and well-being are
and behaviors. The health system in which influenced by structural and intermediary de-
an individual finds himself or herself is also terminants of health. Therefore, in applying
considered an intermediary determinant of the SDH to Hank’s story, the authors acknowl-
health because it influences a person’s access edge that there were structural and interme-
to health services, such as the specific criteria diary determinants of health already operat-
around access to health care and health care ing that had influenced Hank’s health and
resources (Solar & Irwin, 2010). Apart from an well-being prior to his stroke. These included

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 91

the prevailing Australian socioeconomic and the particular social determinants thought
political context at the time (e.g., Australia is to play a key role in influencing Hank’s
a stable democracy; it is a wealthy, developed health and well-being are highlighted in
nation; free public health care is available), as Figure 4.
well as Hank’s prestroke social position (e.g.,
white male, high school educated, high status How might structural determinants
occupation, and high income), his preexist- influence Hank’s long-term health
ing material circumstances (e.g., whether or and well-being?
not he could afford safe comfortable housing, The SDH leads to reflection on how struc-
healthy food, adequate clothing), the degree tural determinants of health may have influ-
of social cohesion (e.g., the safety of his neigh- enced Hank’s health and well-being after his
borhood), psychosocial circumstances (e.g., stroke, subsequent aphasia, and reduced mo-
his social networks, his stress levels), behav- bility. That is, were there any factors in the
ioral circumstances (e.g., the extent to which environment related to government and re-
he ate well, slept well, and exercised), and flected in Australian macroeconomic, social,
biological factors (e.g., his preexisting med- and/or health policies that impacted Hank’s
ical conditions). The application of SDH to health and well-being? Did Australian cul-
conceptualize the consequences of aphasia tural and societal norms and values regarding
over time begins at Hank’s discharge from stroke and disability affect Hank? Two struc-
formal rehabilitation services approximately tural determinants that influence a person’s
3 months after his stroke and consider the social position, income, and occupation are
possible interplay of social determinants of considered later.
health from this time on. Although all social Hank’s stroke, aphasia, and reduced mobil-
determinants influence health and well-being, ity meant that he could no longer participate

Figure 4. Some of the factors hypothesized to influence Hank’s participation as conceptualized by the
Social Determinants of Health. Adapted from Solar & Irwin (2007).

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


in a high-status, high-income job. His inability service planning, and delivery, and resource
to resume his prestroke occupation had many allocation.
consequences, including a dramatic reduction
in income. However, government policy did Psychosocial factors
play a role. Although considerably less than The SDH model suggests that the fall in
the income he had previously received, Hank Hank’s social position as a result of his loss
received some income through a government- of occupation and income may have resulted
funded disability pension. This pension also in a range of negative psychosocial conse-
entitled him to a concession on the cost quences. These might include living with the
of some essential services, such as electric- stress of debt, the loss of his work-related so-
ity. The overall value of this pension would cial network, the loss of the school social net-
determine the extent to which it served as work, and the breakdown of his marriage. It
a protective factor for Hank’s health and is also important to consider the interactions
well-being. among aphasia, the environment, and these
There was also a government service to psychosocial consequences. Whereas the en-
support people with acquired disabilities to vironmental supports provided to Hank were
find employment. However, it is important unknown, the SDH can prompt clinicians to
to consider whether there were any environ- consider what they might need to be. For ex-
mental factors operating within these govern- ample, if there were a communicatively acces-
ment services that created barriers for Hank, sible financial counselling service, Hank and
given his aphasia. Specifically, did the peo- his wife would have been able to get financial
ple responsible for finding Hank employment advice and support in a way that Hank could
after his stroke understand what aphasia is? understand. This support might have been in
Were they able to communicate with him in a the form of supporting Hank to continue to be
way that revealed his competence (see Kagan, involved in making financial decisions and/or
1995)? It is unknown if the disability employ- giving him the opportunity to be involved
ment staff had an understanding of aphasia in appointing someone to assist with these
and provided Hank with a supportive com- decisions.
municative environment or not. Instruction Similarly, as Hank and his wife experienced
in aphasia and supportive communication their relationship deterioration, communica-
may have benefited their assessment of his ca- tively accessible relationship counselling ser-
pabilities and the work opportunities he was vices might have meant that they would have
offered. been able to get the psychological and emo-
tional support that they needed. The con-
sequences of losing his job and his income
How might intermediary determinants also meant that Hank lost important social
influence Hank’s long-term health and networks. Environmental factors related to
well-being? the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of fam-
The SDH proposes that social position, in- ily, friends, school colleagues, as well as work
dicated by occupation and income, has a di- colleagues become critical. Having communi-
rect bearing on intermediary determinants of cation partners with the skills and knowledge
health such as psychosocial factors, material to support a person with aphasia in conversa-
circumstances, and access to health care. The tion (Simmons-Mackie, Raymer, & Cherney,
SDH may be useful when considering the 2016) and having opportunities to develop
long-term impact of these environmental fac- new social networks (see Howe, this issue)
tors on Hank’s health and well-being. The au- may have provided Hank with a communica-
thors aim to initiate a conversation within tively supportive social network. The loss of
aphasiology regarding the long-term impact social networks alone can be detrimental to
of aphasia that can inform future research, feelings of belonging and overall health and

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 93

well-being (Dalemans, de Witte, Wade, & van Irwin, 2010). The SDH provides a way of ex-
den Heuvel, 2010). plaining how access or a lack of access to
the health care system can serve to protect
Material circumstances a person’s health or further compromise it.
Another important intermediary determi- Health care policies determine who is able to
nant of health is a person’s material circum- access health care and the cost of this access.
stances, such as housing (Solar & Irwin, 2010). Given that Hank was in receipt of a disabil-
This prompts a number of important ques- ity pension and living in Australia, he would
tions around how a range of environmental have received free transport to hospital, free
factors, such as the accessibility of legal ser- hospital care, and free inpatient rehabilitation.
vices and the availability of advocacy services, A publically funded health care system facili-
may have contributed to Hank’s financial situ- tates access for all Australians to basic health
ation and the quality of his housing. Although care. However, on his admission to hospital
Hank did not mention it explicitly in his story, with a broken ankle, the SDH model prompts
thinking about the relationship between apha- clinicians to consider whether there were any
sia and the social determinants of health may environmental factors that could have influ-
prompt clinicians to consider what, if any, enced Hank’s access to this health care given
communicative support Hank received dur- that he had a preexisting aphasia.
ing the complex, legal process of divorce and A recent metasynthesis of the environ-
how this might have affected the amount of mental factors that influence health care
money he received as part of the financial set- for people with communication disabilities
tlement. This is important because it would based on observations in Melbourne hospitals
have had implications on many aspects of his (O’Halloran et al., 2012) identified that there
life, including the quality of rental accommo- are no systems in place to detect patients with
dation he could afford. A better financial set- preexisting communication disabilities, and
tlement might have made the difference be- there are no systems in place to equip health
tween living in a place where he felt safe or care providers with the knowledge, skills, and
in a place where he did not feel safe. resources to support people with communi-
Another environmental factor relates to the cation disabilities to participate in their health
presence of advocacy services. There are no care. It is possible that health care staff were
advocacy services for people with aphasia in not aware that Hank had aphasia, that the SLPs
Melbourne. If Hank had had access to an ad- were not aware of Hank’s admission, and that
vocate, he might have been able to find af- staff did not modify the information they pro-
fordable and acceptable accommodations for vided him about the assessment and treatment
himself. Alternatively, an advocate might have of his broken ankle. Ineffective communica-
been able to help him find a shared house tion might have placed Hank at risk of a pre-
where he felt both physically safe and psy- ventable adverse event in hospital (Hemsley,
chologically comfortable. An advocate might Werninck, & Worrall, 2013) and might have
also have supported Hank when more com- undermined an optimal recovery (Street, Mak-
plex communication situations arose such as oul, Arora, & Epstein, 2009).
understanding his rights and responsibilities In summary, the SDH model prompts con-
as a tenant, negotiating with his housemates sideration of the effect of aphasia and the en-
on bills, negotiating with the landlord about vironment beyond communicating in a partic-
getting stair-rails in place, and negotiating car ular activity or participating in a certain event.
repairs with the mechanic. It encourages consideration of how aphasia,
as a chronic condition, may make an individ-
The health care system ual more vulnerable to a set of conditions,
Another intermediary determinant of health such as poorer housing and fewer social sup-
is the health care system itself (Solar & ports, which, in turn, place him or her at

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


greater risk of poorer health and well-being tus, level of education, and income level (Solar
over time. For clinicians and researchers, the & Irwin, 2010). To further illustrate the im-
SDH identifies some environments that may pact of aphasia on these indicators of socioe-
be particularly important to target in order conomic position, the following provides an
to enhance and protect the long-term health overview of the literature in relation to the
and well-being of people with aphasia. These influence of aphasia and the environmental
include government policies, employment, factors that influence access to education.
income, education, psychosocial networks,
and health care environments. The SDH also Aphasia, civic engagement, and access
prompts new questions in terms of how apha- to government agencies
siologists define and measure the success of Citizenship is “a concept which encom-
aphasia interventions. Finally, it highlights the passes connection to wider society, rights
need for support services for people living and responsibilities, and the capability for
with aphasia when life circumstances change. exerting power and influence” (Mackenzie,
Below, the authors review the research ev- Bennett, & Cairney, 2011, p. 187). Peo-
idence to explore the relationship between ple with aphasia largely define citizenship
aphasia and the structural and intermediary in terms of community involvement, al-
social determinants of health. though some suggest a broader definition
involving dealing with government agencies
PART 3: IS THERE EVIDENCE OF A (Mackenzie et al., 2011).
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN APHASIA Findings from interviews with people with
AND SDH? aphasia suggest that their desire for civic in-
volvement is driven by a wish to engage in
This section provides an overview of the activities beyond the home, and by a desire
research evidence in relation to aphasia, the to act as agents for change for both them-
communicative environment, and SDH. The selves and others in the populations they
authors have not identified any studies that represented (Mackenzie et al., 2011). An in-
apply the SDH model to aphasia and its con- vestigation by Howe et al. (2008a) found
sequences. However, as described later, some that the environmental factors that influenced
literature exists examining aphasia and these the community participation of people with
health and well-being determinants. aphasia included (a) awareness of aphasia;
(b) opportunity for participation; (c) familiar-
Exploring the structural determinants ity; (d) availability of extra support for com-
of health and aphasia munication; (e) communication complexity;
Within the SDH model, structural deter- (f) message clarity; and (g) time available
minants of health refer specifically to “in- for communication. However, little is known
terplay between the socioeconomic–political about the relationship between environmen-
context, structural mechanisms generating so- tal factors and participation, or the impact of
cial stratification and the resulting socioeco- environmental level interventions on the par-
nomic position of individuals” (Solar & Irwin, ticipation of people with aphasia.
2010, p. 28). As such, the authors begin by The ability of people with aphasia to engage
discussing the evidence regarding the citizen- with government agencies has been reported
ship experiences of people with aphasia, and to be fraught with challenges. As an example,
the environmental factors that influence their people with aphasia have been found to expe-
access to government services. The structural rience difficulties accessing services through
determinants of health both influence and are Centrelink (Booth, 2012), the public interface
influenced by an individual’s socioeconomic of the Australian Government’s Department
position. The most important indicators for of Human Services responsible for the pro-
socioeconomic position are occupational sta- vision of social security payment to, among

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 95

others, people with disabilities. In interviews first be understood clearly by the educational
about their experiences with this government provider. When staff have a lack of awareness
agency, people with aphasia reported that or understanding about a student’s disability,
additional time, accessible interactions, infor- students are more likely to have negative edu-
mation and processes, and service relation- cational experiences (Holloway, 2001). Facil-
ships with individualized approaches were itating an understanding of aphasia within ed-
needed to facilitate their engagement, but ucational settings is likely to be made difficult
that none of these things was currently being by a poor public awareness and understand-
provided. ing of the aphasia in the community (Code
et al., 2016). The “invisible” nature of apha-
Aphasia and access to education sia may mean the obligation of disclosure and
The notion of access to education is impor- seeking accommodations lies with the student
tant in addressing both equity within the edu- with aphasia (Mullins & Preyde, 2013), a pro-
cation system, and opportunities that seek to cess that has been reported as difficult for in-
grant equal opportunities in employment be- dividuals with a variety of disabilities and may
yond course completion (Santiago, Tremblay, be made more difficult for people with apha-
Basri, & Arnal, 2008). There has been very lit- sia as a result of their linguistic deficits.
tle research on the environmental factors that
influence access to education for people with Lack of responsive and flexible systems
aphasia. The number of people with aphasia to support the needs of people with
who make the decision to either enter or re- aphasia in educational settings
turn to higher or further education following Because of the high-level language demands
the onset of aphasia is unknown. in educational settings and the communica-
Existing literature on the experiences of tion difficulties inherent to aphasia, people
people with aphasia in the educational sector with aphasia may be limited in their capac-
describes both experiences in which the chal- ity to participate in formal education without
lenges of trying to access education lead to learning support (Bruce et al., 2006; Parr et al.,
withdrawal (e.g., Parr, Byng, Gilpin, & Ireland, 1997). Aphasia can restrict a person’s ability to
1997) and those in which academic success engage with the process of education, which
was achieved despite these challenges (e.g., is normally conducted in the spoken and writ-
Bruce, Parker, & Renfrew, 2006; Parr et al., ten language modalities, including their ability
1997). That is, in addition to the person’s lan- to meet linguistically focused outcome assess-
guage impairment, the findings reported in ment requirements.
the literature revealed environmental barriers Parr et al. (1997) identified a number of
experienced by people with aphasia in the specific teaching methods that contribute to
educational setting. These barriers can grossly educational success for people with apha-
be categorized into two areas: (1) poor aware- sia. However, it has been reported that these
ness of aphasia and its consequences within methods are not commonly employed. Ex-
the education sector and (2) a lack of respon- ploration of education service provision to
sive and flexible systems to support the needs people with aphasia by Jordan and Kaiser
of people with aphasia in educational settings. (1996) in the United Kingdom identified a
These categories are explored in further detail number of small-scale examples of collabora-
later. tion between SLP services and adult educa-
tion providers to meet the needs of people
Poor awareness of aphasia and its with aphasia; however, challenges related to
consequences within the education conflicting philosophies were identified. De-
sector spite this, the value of collaborations between
To meet the needs of people with aphasia SLPs and academic staff was also identified
in an educational context, their needs must by Bruce et al. (2006). They suggest that the

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


model and location of SLP services should en- tive ways (Michallet, Le Dorze, & Tétreault,
able people with aphasia to seek support from 2001; Michallet, Tétreault, & Le Dorze, 2003).
SLPs as their educational circumstances and Recent research also indicates that many
needs change. spouses of people with aphasia experience
third party disability that may further compro-
Exploring the intermediary mise their ability to support the relationship.
determinants of health and aphasia For example, family members of people with
The structural determinants of health for aphasia are at risk of developing depres-
people with aphasia, as discussed earlier, sion (Grawburg, Howe, Worrall, & Scarinci,
operate through a series of intermediary 2013a, 2013b), deterioration in their own
determinants of health. Those structural health (Grawburg, Howe, Worrall, & Scarinci,
determinants can be considered to influence 2014), changes to their own social relation-
these intermediary determinants. The main ships (Gillespie, Murphy, & Place, 2010), and
categories of intermediary determinants of recreational activities (Le Dorze & Signori,
health as outlined in the SDH model are mate- 2010).
rial circumstances, social cohesion, psychoso- Positive and supportive intimate relation-
cial factors, behaviors, and biological factors. ships are a powerful contributor to living suc-
The following section reviews the evidence cessfully with aphasia (Brown, Worrall, David-
regarding environmental factors that influ- son, & Howe, 2012). Access to supportive
ence access to interpersonal relationships for and meaningful relationships was one of the
people with aphasia and access to the health seven themes identified in a qualitative meta-
care system for people with aphasia. analysis of interview data from people with
aphasia, family members, and SLPs (Brown
Aphasia and interpersonal et al., 2012). The authors concluded that their
relationships study reinforced “the idea that living success-
Without the speed or ease of prestroke fully with aphasia can only occur within the
verbal output, are people with aphasia able context of love, acceptance, friendship, and
to maintain and create new social relation- support from others” (p. 146). This research
ships? Language has been described as the supports the idea that access to and participa-
“currency” of relationships (Parr et al., 1997, tion in meaningful personal relationships may
p. 44). Thus, the loss of language with aphasia serve to buffer people with aphasia against
deprives the individual of one of the funda- some of the negative impacts of aphasia.
mental ways to maintain relationships (Hilari Relationships with children appear more re-
& Northcott, 2006). There is substantial ev- silient to the impact of aphasia. In a study
idence to support the assertion that aphasia of 83 people with chronic aphasia, 71% re-
has a profound impact on interpersonal rela- ported that they had the same amount of con-
tionships, described as a psychosocial factor tact with their children following the stroke
within the SDH. The effects of aphasia have (Hilari & Northcott, 2006). This is in keep-
been described in regard to many different ing with evidence from the broader stroke
kinds of relationships, including intimate re- population (e.g., Astrom, Asplund, & Astrom,
lationships, relationships with children, and 1992). However, less is known about the rela-
relationships with friends. tionships between younger children and their
There are no data available on the number parents, when parents still have caring re-
of marital relationships that break down fol- sponsibilities (e.g., Harlow & Murray, 2001).
lowing one person acquiring aphasia. There Outside family relations, evidence suggests
are some limited studies on the perceptions that aphasia affects the nature and quality
and experiences of spouses of people with of interactions between people with apha-
aphasia that suggest that aphasia impacts sia and their friends (Parr et al., 1997). This
spousal relationships in positive and nega- manifests in reduced social networks and/or

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The Consequences of the Consequences 97

reduced quality of social relationships access within health care can lead to damag-
(Cruice, Worrall, & Hickson, 2006; Davidson, ing and negative experiences for people with
Howe, Worrall, Hickson, & Togher, 2008; aphasia, including a reduction in the reported
Davidson, Worrall, & Hickson, 2003). Hilari satisfaction with the health care experience
and Northcott (2006) found that 64% of 83 (Tomkins, Siyambalapitiya, & Worrall, 2013),
people with aphasia interviewed reported re- an increased risk of inappropriate or inade-
duced interactions with friends and 30% re- quate service provision (Hemsley et al., 2013),
ported having no close friendships whatso- and an increased likelihood of the occurrence
ever. This loss of friendship is uniquely at- of adverse events (Bartlett et al., 2008).
tributed to the presence of aphasia rather than
the stroke more generally. A survey of people CONCLUSION
with aphasia in the United States found that
75% felt others avoided them because of their The SDH model offers clinicians and re-
communication difficulty (Sarno, 1997). The searchers a way to conceptualize the cumu-
evidence to date creates a picture of shrink- lative effect of inaccessible environments on
ing social networks, while the nature of apha- the long-term health and well-being of people
sia further restricts opportunities and ability with aphasia. The authors are not suggesting
to seek emotional and informational support that Hank’s story is typical for people who ac-
(Davidson et al., 2008). It is still possible for quire aphasia, nor is his story rare. Aphasiolo-
people with aphasia to develop and maintain gists have much to learn regarding how SDH
friendships, but this requires the “two way can enrich approaches to aphasia assessment,
hard work of friendship” as well as creativity decision making around the aims and type of
and resourcefulness (Pound, 2013, p. 354). the interventions offered, and measurement
of intervention effects.
Aphasia and access to health care For SLPs, the SDH may challenge traditional
Recent research has addressed the fac- views of the clinician’s role in the lives of peo-
tors that influence the success and failure of ple with aphasia. Viewing the impact of apha-
communication between patients (including sia decades after the onset emphasizes the
those with aphasia and other communication importance of understanding the impact of
disabilities) and health care providers across many different environments on people with
the continuum of health care (Blackstone, aphasia. The SDH suggests that SLPs need to
Beukelman, & Yorkston, 2015). When pa- work beyond the level of the individual with
tients and health care providers manage to aphasia in formal rehabilitation settings, to ad-
establish shared meaning, positive health dress the vast range of systems, services, and
care outcomes are likely (Blackstone et al., policies that have the potential to damage or
2015). Conversely, communication break- enhance the long-term health and well-being
downs within the health care sphere lead to of people with aphasia (see McAllister, Wylie,
negative health outcomes, increased length Davidson, & Marshall, 2013).
of hospital stay, higher rates of readmis- Hank’s life following the onset of aphasia
sion, increased costs, an increase in negative is one example of how many different facets
events, and a reduction in patient satisfaction of the environment appeared to influence
(Bartlett, Blais, Tamblyn, Clermont, & MacGib- his health and well-being for the long term.
bon, 2008; The Joint Commission, 2013). His story illustrates the disconnect between
Without access to appropriate and rele- how an individual might present initially in
vant communication support, people with a health care setting (e.g., with a clinical
aphasia may experience a reduction in their diagnosis of aphasia) and the foreseeable
capacity to express their health care needs and unforeseeable impacts that aphasia may
and actively participate in decisions regard- have on that person’s health and well-being
ing their own health care (O’Halloran, Wor- in the future. Indeed Hank’s story serves to
rall, & Hickson, 2012). Poor communicative highlight the powerful (at times devastating)

Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.


domino effect that can result from changes loaded to acute care and rehabilitation within
in one aspect of the model (i.e., biological the first year poststroke, the SDH poses
factors), which turns a present-day health interesting questions on how clinicians might
condition into a long-term social problem that serve the needs of people with aphasia by
impacts all aspects of life. Given the chronic recognizing and reducing the environmental
nature of aphasia and that limited public barriers to full participation in life to optimize
health care resources are typically front- health and wellbeing for the long term.


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