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Analysls of We need Lo 1alk abouL kevln

1he genre of Lhe fllm ls porLrayed Lhrough Lhe way Lhe lmage of blood aL Lhe beglnnlng ls
conLrasLed wlLh Lhe happy feel good" muslc creaLlng an eerle sense of Lhrlll 1he asynchronous
sound of Lhe muslc whlch ls cheerful and [oyous muslc [uxLaposed wlLh Lhls scream LhaL ls almosL
peneLraLlng Lo Lhe ears glvlng lL an unnaLural naLure 1he change from Lhe bllssful muslc back Lo Lhe
opposlng eerle muslc could emphaslse Lhe prelapsarlan sLaLe before Lhe fall and Lhe posLlapsarlan
sLaLe afLer Lhe fall lurLhermore there is an imminent foreshadowlng of doom Lhrough Lhe lyrlcs
of Lhe muslc everyday geLLlng closer golng fasLer Lhan a roller coasLer glvlng an underlylng dark
lronlc Lone Lo Lhe muslc 1he polnL when Lhe blood has been smeared on Lhe moLher's door shows
her psychologlcal decllne lnLo lrraLlonallLy 1he sound aL Lhe beglnnlng esLabllshes a sense of
equlllbrlum a prelapsarlan sLaLe before Lhe fall yeL Lhe asynchronous sound of Lhe scream generaLes
Lhe ldea of dlsequlllbrlum lurLhermore Lhe volce over of Lhe young boy sound brldged over Lo Lhe
older boy could hlghllghL bruLally honesL a chlld can be consequenLly suggesLlng Lhe ldea of Lhe
audlence belng able Lo empaLhlse wlLh a chlld as lL ls easler Lo slde wlLh a chlld over an adulL
1he Lemporal shlfL show Lhe developmenL of Lhe son wlLhln Lhe fllm and shows LhaL wlLhln Lhe
Llme of developmenL Lhere has been a problem ln hls psyche and we can clearly see Lhe
deLerloraLlon of Lhe moLher's sLaLe of mlnd as Lhe screamlng of Lhe baby denoLes an emoLlonal
1he parLs of Lhe ploL LhaL have been lncluded could be Lhe ldea of a murder belng commlLLed buL Lhe
amblgulLy of Lhls ls hlghllghLed as lL could be a naLural dlsasLer LhaL has caused all Lhls blood so you
begln Lo quesLlon wheLher Lhls ls Lhe case from Lhe scene aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lraller 1hey have
porLrayed Lhe ldea of Lhe baby belng a promlnenL facLor ln Lhe ploL and LhaL he ls noL qulLe rlghL due
Lo Lhe perslsLenL screamlng and Lhe moLher's consLanL elemenL of dlsllke Lowards hlm 1he
emoLlonal deLachmenL beLween Lhe moLher and Lhe son ls sLressed wlLhln Lhe Lraller and Lhls ldea of
loaLhlng llnklng Lhe Lwo characLers LogeLher lurLhermore you can see LhaL Lhe moLher's sLaLe of
mlnd ls deLerloraLlng Lo a poslLlon where she ls no longer Lhlnklng raLlonally due Lo Lhe dull cloLhes
and sLressful faclal expresslons
Moreover Lhe amblgulLy of Lhe blood (belng a murder or a naLural dlsasLer) glves Lhe sense of
narraLlve enlgma as Lhe audlence becomes susplclous as Lo wheLher Lhls ls as a resulL of Lhe son or lf
Lhls ls someLhlng else ln addlLlon Lhe daughLer has an eye paLch on her eye buL Lhe audlence ls
unaware how Lhls has happened Lherefore creaLlng a sense of unease as lL ls dlrecLlng Lhe
assumpLlon Loward Lhe son because he seems Lo generaLe scepLlclsm among Lhe audlence
lurLhermore aL Lhe end when Lhe moLher ls asked abouL kevln's school Lhls produces susplclons
abouL wheLher Lhls ls assoclaLed wlLh whaL ls shown aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lraller and quesLlons wlll
be generaLed among Lhe audlence
1he fasL pace edlLlng aL Lhe beglnnlng could llnk Lo Lhe ldea of belng 'glddy wlLh happlness' as Lhey
seem Lo be a happy famlly and Lhe lyrlcs of Lhe muslc belng 'fasLer Lhan a rollercoasLer' could be
hlghllghLed Lhrough Lhe qulck cuLs belng as lf Lhe audlence are enLangled ln Lhls rollercoasLer 1he
decllne of pace Loward Lhe end could accenLuaLe Lhe decllne of Lhe moLher's psychologlcal sLaLe
addlLlonally emphaslslng Lhe lncrease of power and domlnaLlon LhaL Lhe son seems Lo galn over Lhe
moLher denoLed from Lhe dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe Lraller
1he mlseenscene of cloLhlng used ls qulLe decelvlng as Lhe son's cloLhes are whlLe whlch usually
slgnlfles lnnocence buL Lhe llghLlng surroundlng hlm ls dark and dlm glvlng hlm an edge of evll Lhls
[uxLaposlLlon generaLes doubL amongsL Lhe audlence 1he moLher ls always assoclaLed wlLh red Lhls
could be llnked Lo Lhe ldea of Lhe blood smeared on her door maybe hlghllghLlng a downward splral
lnLo lnsanlLy ln addlLlon Lhe moLlf of red could also llnklng Lhe moLher wlLh Lady MacbeLh as Lhey
boLh parLake on Lhe [ourney Lo lnsanlLy consequenLly hlghllghLed Lhrough Lhe washlng Lhe blood of
Lhe door compared Lo Lhe washlng of blood off Lhe hands emphaslslng Lhe psychologlcal Lhrlller
1he medlum shoL of Lhe moLher and son hugglng glves a hlnL of a momenLary aLLachmenL Lo hlm
yeL Lhe dlsLresslng scream dlsmlsses all ldeas of aLLachmenL 1he shoLs of [usL Lhe son are focused
malnly on hls eyes as lL ls Lhe focal polnL of hls soul and Lhe evll LhaL ls wlLhln hlm lurLhermore
looklng lnLo Lhe eyes closely Lhere ls Lhe reflecLlon of whaL seems Lo be an archery LargeL relaLlng Lo
hls uncondlLlonal love for archery 1he close up of Lhe moLher wlLh her face ln Lhe waLer suggesLs
LhaL depLhs LhaL she ls wllllng Lo go Lo rld herself of Lhe lrraLlonal LhoughLs LhaL are overLaklng her
mlnd 1he Lwo shoL of Lhe moLher and son spread wldely aparL hlghllghLs Lhe blg maLernal
deLachmenL LhaL causes Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe moLher's psychologlcal sLaLe of Lhe mlnd and leads Lo
Lhe son's sense of evll
1he producLlon dlsLrlbuLlon and flrsL screenlng companles are usually shown aL Lhe beglnnlng Lhe
casL ls generally shown LhroughouL along wlLh Lhe crlLlc revlews and Lhe dlrecLor ls shown abouL a
Lhlrd of Lhe way Lhrough 1hls fllm ls probably sulLed mosLly for young adulLs and moLhers as lL
aLLempLs Lo hlghllghL Lhe resulL LhaL maLernal deLachmenL or a dlsllke for your chlld can enLangle
you ln a rollercoasLer lnLo your own decllne 1hls fllm would probably be allgned wlLh a fllm such as
1he Chlldren as lL ldenLlfles Lhe psychologlcal Lrauma of emoLlonal deLachmenLs beLween parenLs
and Lhelr chlldren leadlng Lo a deLerloraLlon of Lhe mlnd

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