Speech Sample Graded by Teacher

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TASK NO: 1, Speech

Dear fellow students,

thanks for taking a piece of your precious time and coming here today. We have gathered to
listen to us, all the students running for presidents of our school's student council. As you know,
it is again that time of the year when you vote for a student who will represent us, our ideas and
our opinions in the school council. The president must listen to your worries, your ideas, your
suggestions. The president must respect the members of the council. The president must bear
with the enmity of his opponents, those who doubt hisdoubtdoubtin his ability, those who hold
different views than him, and those who were defeated by him. The personman holding this role
bearsrole, bares a great, yet honorableyet a honorable burden. But, what would I do? What
would I change? What we desperately wish for! Introducing changes to the ways teachers
assess our knowledge, to the quality of the school canteen and to the school's infrastructure.

How satisfied are you with the school’s canteen? Is Are its offering s sufficient? Is the food
tasty? Not really. We have been complainingcomplaning about our school'sschools canteen for
years. Has Did anything changed? Yes, the furniture has been was replaced. Does this make
the experience any better? Yes, to some extentd. However, the underlying problem of our
canteen is the food itself. From eating chill "warm meals" to eating sandwiches with soggy buns.
Having said that, I have a solution. Instead of our presidents just passing our complaints to the
council, we should rather introduce a plan, on how to solve the issue. We cwould talk to the
local institutions about their offers offerings, compare them with our existing ones, and then
calculate the expenses and draw up a plan. By not just saying complaining, but by offering a
tangible solution we would certainly succeed. No more soggy buns, no more limited food
selection, only tasty, fingerlicking food!

Secondly, our school’s infrastructureinfracstructure is lacking. Have you heard about how our
school’s science laboratories are lacking in equipment? Yes, we all have. For instance, in our
physics classes, we have to divide in groups, come to the laboratory at different times and do
our lab work. This is not ideal. Some of you have difficulties with staying at school longer,
because then your their bus home is at 719:00 pm, some of you have sport trainings and some
of you have music school. That being said, what can we do about it? We can propose a way of
gathering fundsfounds to obtain the needed equipment. Maybe the funds from the upcoming
next Christmas concert could be used for buying lab equipment? Maybe we could take some
profit from the EST? If we look for long enough, we will for certain scrape up enough funds to
afford the aforementioned things.
Lastly, I would like to emphasise that I, as an promising upcoming academic, care most about
the way our knowledge is assessed. You have all heard about credit points. Do you like having
them? Do they help your knowledge? They help some, and stress out the others. They force us
to revise the material throughout the year. However, all of you have different learning styles.
Thus I would propose optional credit points. Those, who like the fact that their knowledge is
tested throughout the year, can have them and those, who would rather study for a singlesignle
test, can opt for not having them.

Having said that, I am well aware that some of you will be my adherent supporters, while some
will be against my presidency, and that is completely understandable. As a president, you
represent the majoritymajorty, but listen to the minority. If I happen to become the president, you
have my word that I will listen to all of you! Those who voted for me, and those who did not! I will
follow through with my plan, I will gather your ideas, listen to your worries, and represent you to
the best of my abilities!

Dear student,

this text is well planned and organized; one can see that you are very methodical
in executing the task and you follow (and understand) the instructions well. The
ideas are well developed and substantiated - the speech comes across as a
believable text (type).

A: Language 11/ 12
B: Message 12/12
C: Conceptual Uderstanding 6/6


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