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Remedial tasks
Task 1 : Complete the paragraph about « cyberphobia » with words from the list below.

such / nature / fear / perceive /keep / brought / resistance / widespread / lack /created /
irrational /simple

Computers are synonymous with change, and any type of change is usually met with
some…………………………… . Much of this resistance to computers comes from a
……………………………of knowledge about them and, perhaps to a ………………………
of the unknown. People seem to……………………………computers as something mystical.
And it is human ……………………………to fear what we don’t understand. The fear of the
computers……………………………on by rapid change is so……………………………that
psychologists have……………………………a name for it : Cyberphobia is the
……………………………fear of computers. But one should ……………………………in
mind that computers are……………………………machines and don’t merit

Task 2 : Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form.

Electrons flow (easy) ……………………………through certain kinds of materials called

conductors. Many metals, are good (to conduct) ……………………………. They (use)
……………………………in (electricity) ……………………………circuits to provide a
path for the current. Other susbstances, provide strong (to resist) ……………………………to
the flow of circuit. (This) ……………………………susbstances are called insulators which
(to be) ……………………………used to confine a current to the desired path.

Task 3 : All the undrlined words are mistakes. Correct them in the space provided.

One definition of an atom is that it is the small……………………………part of an element

that can took……………………………part in a chemical
reactive……………………………. It is also defines……………………………as the tiniest
part in an element who……………………………has the properties of that element. It
follows from this second definition that atoms of silver differ for……………………………
atoms of lead, and that atoms of led differ from that ……………………………of gold.

Task 4 : Choose the appropriate form of the words to complete the sentences below.

1-instruction, instruct, instructed, instructor

a- Our physics……………………………explained to us the principles of gravity.

b- Elementary physics should be ……………………………to children at an early age.
c- That professor was hired to ……………………………applied physics at the local university.

2- divide, divided, division, dividing

a- The ……………………………of 30 by 6 gives 5.

b- If we ……………………………30 by 6 we find 5.
c- 30……………………………by 6 is 5.

3- equation, equals, equal, equality

a- Six times three……………………………eighteen.

b- Two plus seven is ……………………………to nine.
c- An ……………………………is a statement that shows equality between two expressions.

4-add, adding, addition, added

a- ……………………………two to seven produces nine.

b- The ……………………………of two to seven is equal to nine.
c- If we ……………………………two to seven we get nine.

5- multiply, multiplying, multiplication, multiplied

a- The ……………………………of 4 by 5 gives 20.

b- ……………………………4 by 5 produces 20.
c- If we ……………………………4 times 5, the answer is 20.

6- subtract, subtracted, subtraction, subtracting.

a- 6 …………………………… from 9 is 3.
b- If we ……………………………six from 9 we get 3.
c- The ……………………………of 6 from 9 produces 3.

Task 5 : Fill in the blanks with words from the box.


reveal / between / puprposes / locating / essential

A metal detector si a device for ……………………………hidden metal objects. It was

developed for military……………………………to find buried explosives ; but nowadays, it
is also uesd to locate pipes and cables. A metal detector is ……………………………for
amateur hunter.Only the most expensive detector can……………………………the
difference ……………………………worhtless items.

Task 6 : Correct the underlined words.

Although atoms of differ……………………………elements are distinguishable from each

other, they all had……………………………a similar structure. Thus all atoms consist
in………………a comparatively heavy nucleus around whose……………………………one
or more light electrons orbit. This nucleus is compose……………………………of one or
more neutron……………………………and one or more protons.

Task 7 : Complete with words from the box.

contact / things / information / connecting / around / giant / on / connected / consumers /

agreement / access

The internet is a means by which a bunch of computers communicate with one another, it’s

essentially a ……………………… that connects millions of computers

……………..the world. So when you connect to the Internet, you’re …………………….your

computer to millions of other computers and the ……………………that is stored on all those

other computers. This is important, because all the ………………you can do on the internet

are found on those other computers. But before you can………………………………those

other computers, you first have to gain………………… the Internet. You do this by

setting up an………………….with a company that serves as an Internet Services Provider.

An ISP is a company that provides Internet Service for you and other…………………………

Task 8 : Put the words between parentheses in the right form or tense.

The first (reality)…………………calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of

several people’s experiments. This type of machine, which saves great deal of time and (to

reduce)………………………….the possibility of (to make)………………mistakes, depends

on a series of ten- toothed gear wheels. In the early 19th century Charles Babbage (to design)

……………a machine called the analytical engine. This machine (to be) …………….an

attempt to cut the human being altogether, except for (to provide)………………..the machine

with the (necessity)………………….facts about the problem to be (to solve)


Task 9 : Circle the right option

A computer program is a set of instructions that (told / telling / tell) a computer exactly

(when / what / whose) to do. The instrcution might tell the computer to add up a set of

numbers, or compare two numbers and make a decision based ( at / in / on) the result. But, a

computer program is simply a set of instructions for the computer, like a recipe is a set of

instructions for a food. The computer (followed/ follow / follows) your instruction exactly

and in the process does something (use / used /useful). In order for a computer to do (it’s / it

is /its) job, the instructions need to be (writes / wrote / written) in language. The latter

expresses (approximately / approximate / approximated) the same concepts in different

ways, just like human language.

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