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‫المعهد التكنولوجي العالي – العاشر من رمضان‬

‫الفصل الدراسي ‪ :‬يناير ‪ /‬مايو ‪2020‬‬

‫قسم ‪Mechatronics :‬‬

‫البحث المرجعي الخاص بماده ‪ :‬التحكم بقوي الموائع‬

‫كود ‪MTE 251 :‬‬

‫رقم المجموعه ‪61 :‬‬

Higher Technological Institute
Tenth of Ramadan
Mechanical Engineering Department

Research Project

Course Details
Term ‫ سبتمبر‬/ ‫اغسطس‬
Course Name ‫التحكم بقوي الموائع‬
Course Code MTE 251
Group No. 61
Reviewers Committee

Total points

Student Code
May 2

Student Code

The fluid is the most important thing in our life because it can move things very easily using its power, so there
must be a way to use the fluid’s power very well and there are attachments with the use of fluid energy.

In this research, I will discuss the physical properties of hydraulic fluids, including the general definition of a
liquid because it is a liquid or gas, and I will also talk about the properties of the fluid. I will talk about the
governing equations in hydraulic circuits such as the continuity equations and Bernoulli. I will also talk about
friction losses in hydraulic pipelines, hydraulic pumps, and hydraulic actuators including hydraulic cylinders
and hydraulic motors. Finally, I will talk about hydraulic valves, and I will solve and discuss the problem of
hydraulic circuit.

This paper aims to review the study of all fluid power components and accessories and how to read any
hydraulic circuit recently.

Table of Contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................................................................... i

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1) Physical properties of the hydraulic fluids: ................................................................................................. 2

2.2) properties of fluids: ...................................................................................................................................... 2

2.3) The governing equation in hydraulic circuits: 2.3.1) Continuity equation: ................................................. 3

2.3.2) Bernoulli’s Principle ................................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 3 Friction losses ........................................................................................................................................ 6

3.1) frictional losses in hydraulic pipelines: ....................................................................................................... 6

3.2) Darcy Weisbach Formula. ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.3) Head Loss in a Pipeline................................................................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

Hydraulic Pumps ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

4.1) Hydraulic pumps definition ......................................................................................................................... 8

4.2) Classification of pumps ............................................................................................................................... 8

4.3) types of positive-displacement pumps ......................................................................................................... 8

4.3.1) Rotary pumps ............................................................................................................................................ 9

4.3.2) Reciprocating Pumps .............................................................................................................................. 10

4.3.3) Linear Pumps .......................................................................................................................................... 10

4.4) Applications of Positive Displacement Pumps .......................................................................................... 11

Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

Hydraulic Actuators .............................................................................................................................................. 12

4.1) Hydraulic actuator ...................................................................................................................................... 12

4.2) hydraulic cylinder ...................................................................................................................................... 13

4.3) Hydraulic cylinder components ................................................................................................................. 13

4.4) types of hydraulic cylinders: ...................................................................................................................... 13

4.5) Hydraulic Motor......................................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................................................... 17

Hydraulic valves ................................................................................................................................................... 17

5.1) Hydraulic valves ........................................................................................................................................ 17

5.2) Types of Hydraulic Valves ........................................................................................................................ 17

Table of figure
Figure 1 Continuity Equation.................................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2 Bernoulli’s Principle................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3 Rotary vane ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 gear pumps................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5 Screw pumps ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 6 The piston pump ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 The diaphragm pump .............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 8 SINGLE ACTING HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS .................................................................................. 13
Figure 9 DOUBLE ACTING HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS ................................................................................ 14
Figure 10 TELESCOPIC CYLINDERS ............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11 TANDEM CYLINDERS...................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12 External gear motor .............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 13 piston motor .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 14 Vane motor ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 15 Directional Control Valves ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 16 Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 17 Hydraulic Flow Control Valves............................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 1


Fluid power is a term that describes the generation, control, and application of smooth, effective
power of pumped or compressed fluids (either liquids or gases) to provide force and motion to

mechanisms. This force and motion may be in the form of pushing, pulling, rotating, regulating, or
driving. Fluid power includes hydraulics and pneumatics, which involve liquids and gases, respectively.

Hello Everyone, we at Windsor Manufacturing have decided to start compiling and

sending out articles to keep you informed and up-to-date with information we find useful or even humorous in
hopes that it will not only assist you, but also enlighten your day. We have a lot to share, but just to make sure
we are starting out on the right page we thought we would give you a brief history of fluid power.

The word “hydraulics” originates for the Greek word hydraulikos, which in turn originates from hydror, the
Greek word for water and aulos, meaning pipe. Water has played a large part in the advancement of mankind
allowing us to utilize tools such as, water wheels to produce our food, clothes, tools, wood, paper, iron, cotton,
etc. Today fluid power is more utilized in the form of pressurized fluid in order to produce large amounts of
power. This is being used all around us in modern day applications, but if we look back in time it has
progressed significantly.

Chapter 2
Fluid Power

2.1) Physical properties of the hydraulic fluids:

General definitions of fluid: In physics, a fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an
applied shear stress, or external force. Fluids are a phase of matter and include liquids, gases and plasmas

Liquid: is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a (nearly)
constant volume independent of pressure
Gas: A gas is defined as a state of matter consisting of particles that have neither a defined volume
nor defined shape. It is one of the four fundamental states of matter, along with solids, liquids, and plasma.
Under ordinary conditions, the gas state is between the liquid and plasma states

2.2) properties of fluids:

The main properties of fluids are listed below: -

1. Density.
- Density is the mass per unit volume of a fluid. In other words.
- The density of a substance is not necessarily constant throughout the volume of a substance.
- the density of fluid cannot be uniform throughout the fluid.

2. Viscosity.
Viscosity is the fluid property that determines the amount of resistance of fluid to shear stress.

3. Temperature.
Temperature is the fluid property that gives the measure of hotness or coolness of a fluid or measure of heat
intensity of a fluid.
The most common scales of temperatures are: -
i) Celsius Scale (Denoted by °C)
ii) Fahrenheit Scale (Denoted by °F)
iii) Kelvin Scale (Denote by K)

4. Pressure.
Fluid Pressure is most often the compressive stress at some point within a fluid.

5. Specific Volume.
Specific Volume is defined the ratio of material’s volume to its mass. It is the reciprocal of the density of
The standard unit of specific volume is cubic meters per kilogram (m3 /kg).

6. Specific Weight.
Specific Weight of a fluid is defined as the weight per unit volume. It is denoted by γ (the Greek letter
Gamma). Its SI unit is N/m3.
γ = ρg
γ = Specific Weight
ρ = Density
g = acceleration due to gravity.

7. Specific Gravity.
Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the specific weight of the given fluid to the specific weight of standard
fluid. It is also known as relative density. It is denoted by letter ‘S’. It has no unit.

8. Surface Tension.
Surface Tension is the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink in minimum surface area. Surface tension is caused
by cohesive forces between the liquid molecules.

9. Vapor Pressure.
The vapor pressure of a liquid is the equilibrium pressure of a vapor above its liquid.

10. Capillarity.
Capillarity is the ability of a liquid to flow in small passages such as a tube of small cross-sectional area. A
liquid can flow in narrow passages without the assistance of external force like gravity. It can flow in narrow
passages even in opposition to gravity.

11. Cavitation.
Cavitaion is the process of formation of vapor bubbles or vapor filled cavities of a flowing liquid in a region
where the pressure of the liquid falls below the vapor pressure and collapsing of these vapor bubbles in a region
of high pressure.

2.3) The governing equation in hydraulic circuits:

2.3.1) Continuity equation:

Continuity equation represents that the product of cross-sectional area of the pipe and the fluid speed at any
point along the pipe is always constant. This product is equal to the volume flow per second or simply the flow
rate. The continuity equation is given as:

R = A v = constant


• R is the volume flow rate

• A is the flow area
• v is the flow velocity
Figure 1 Continuity Equation

Assumption of Continuity Equation
Following are the assumptions of continuity equation:

• The tube is having a single entry and single exit

• The fluid flowing in the tube is non-viscous
• The flow is incompressible
• The fluid flow is steady


Δx1 = v1Δt

V = A1 Δx1 = A1 v1 Δt

Δm1= Density × Volume

=> Δm1 = ρ1A1v1Δt ——– (Equation 1)

Δm1/Δt = ρ1A1v1 ——–(Equation 2)

Δm2/Δt = ρ2A2v2 ——–(Equation 3)

ρ1A1v1 = ρ2A2v2 ——–(Equation 4)

ρ A v = constant

A1 v1 = A2 v2

A v = constant

Now, if R is the volume flow rate, the above equation can be expressed as:

R = A v = constant

2.3.2) Bernoulli’s Principle

The total mechanical energy of the moving fluid comprising the gravitational potential energy of elevation, the
energy associated with the fluid pressure and the kinetic energy of the fluid motion, remains constant.

Bernoulli’s equation formula is a relation between pressure, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy of
a fluid in a container. The formula for Bernoulli’s principle is given as:

p + 12 ρ v2 + ρgh =constant


• p is the pressure exerted by the fluid

• v is the velocity of the fluid
• ρ is the density of the fluid
• h is the height of the container

Figure 2 Bernoulli’s Principle

Chapter 3
Friction losses

3.1) frictional losses in hydraulic pipelines:

Flow of fluid through a pipe is resisted by viscous shear stresses within the fluid and the turbulence that occurs
along the internal pipe wall, which is dependent on the roughness of the pipe material.

3.2) Darcy Weisbach Formula.

The Darcy formula or the Darcy-Weisbach equation as it tends to be referred to, is now accepted as the most
accurate pipe friction loss formula, and although more difficult to calculate and use than other friction loss
formula, with the introduction of computers, it has now become the standard equation for hydraulic engineers

Darcy-Weisbach equation:
hf = f (L/D) x (v^2/2g)
hf = head loss (m)
f = friction factor
L = length of pipe work (m)
d = inner diameter of pipe work (m)
v = velocity of fluid (m/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)

- The friction coefficient f (or λ = 4 f) is not a constant and depends on the parameters of the pipe and the
velocity of the fluid flow, but it is known to high accuracy within certain flow regimes.
For given conditions, it may be evaluated using various empirical or theoretical relations, or it may be obtained
from published charts.
Re (Reynolds Number) is a dimensionless number. Re = ρ v / µ

When the flow reaches the limit of velocity it transfers from laminar flow to turbulent flow then
the losses in pipes are increase. We can know the type of flow by calculate the Reynolds Number
.because It is important to know whether the flow pattern inside a pipe is laminar or turbulent.

For pipes.

• Laminar flow Re < 2000

• Transitional flow 2000 < Re < 4000
• Turbulent flow Re > 4000

- For laminar flow.

Poiseuille law, (f = 64/Re) where Re is the Reynolds number.
- For turbulent flow.
Methods for finding the friction coefficient f include using a diagram such as the Moody chart, or solving
equations such as the Colebrook–White equation. Also, a variety of empirical equations valid only for
certain flow regimes such as the Hazen – Williams equation, which is significantly easier to use in
calculations. However, the generality of Darcy – Weisbach equation has made it the preferred one. The
only difference of (hf) between laminar and turbulent flows is the empirical value of (f).

3.3) Head Loss in a Pipeline

When fluid flows inside a pipeline, friction occurs between the moving fluid and the stationary pipe wall. This
friction converts some of the fluid’s hydraulic energy to thermal energy. This thermal energy cannot be
converted back to hydraulic energy, so the fluid experiences a drop in pressure. This conversion and loss of
energy is known as head loss. The head loss in a pipeline with Newtonian fluids can be determined using the
Darcy equation (Equation 1).

hL = Head loss (feet of fluid)
f = Darcy friction factor (unitless)
L = Pipe length (feet)
D = Inside pipe diameter (feet)
v = Fluid velocity (feet/sec)
g = Gravitational constant (32.2 feet/sec2)
d = Inside pipe diameter (inches)
Q = Volumetric flow rate (gallons/minute)


Hydraulic Pumps

4.1) Hydraulic pumps definition

A hydraulic pump is a mechanical device that converts mechanical power into hydraulic energy. It generates
flow with enough power to overcome pressure induced by the load.

4.2) Classification of pumps

All pumps may be classified as either positive-displacement or non-positive-displacement. Most pumps used in
hydraulic systems are positive-displacement.

- non-positive-displacement pump: produces a continuous flow. However, because it does not provide a
positive internal seal against slippage, its output varies considerably as pressure varies. Centrifugal and
propeller pumps are examples of non-positive-displacement pumps.
If the output port of a non-positive-displacement pump were blocked off, the pressure would rise, and output
would decrease to zero. Although the pumping element would continue moving, flow would stop because of
slippage inside the pump.

- positive-displacement pump: slippage is negligible compared to the pump's volumetric output flow. If the
output port were plugged, pressure would increase instantaneously to the point that the pump's pumping
element or its case would fail (probably explode, if the drive shaft did not break first), or the pump's prime
mover would stall.

4.3) types of positive-displacement pumps

4.3.1) Rotary pumps
In rotator type pump, the liquid can be supplied using a rotary, and its rotation moves the liquid from the lake to
the releasing pipe. The best examples of these pumps mainly include screw pump, internal gear, flexible
impeller, sliding vane, helical twisted roots, circumferential pump, etc. These pumps are classified into three
types namely gear pumps, screw pumps, and rotator vane pumps.
- gear pumps: the liquid can be moved among two rotating gears when it rotates.
- Screw pumps: include two screw form rotor which turns against each other. Once the two screw turns, then it
sucks the liquid from the inlet of the pump to the outlet of the pump.
- Rotary vane: pumps are like scroll compressors which include cylindrical rotor with vanes over it. It is
covered within a cylindrical shaped housing. Once it turns, the vanes on top of the rotor catch the liquid among
the rotor & casing, and the liquid discharges through the outlet.

Figure 3 Rotary vane Figure 4 gear pumps

Figure 5 Screw pumps

4.3.2) Reciprocating Pumps

In reciprocating pumps, the division of reciprocating assists the liquid to flow

forward from the lake. The reciprocating parts of these pumps are a plunger, a
piston otherwise a diaphragm. This type of pump includes different types of valves
such as the inlet valve and outlet valve. In the fluid suction method, the inlet valve
opens & the outlet valve stays closed.

- The plunger pumps: are mainly used for pushing water.

Figure 6 The piston pump
- The piston pump: is inbuilt with a piston which is used for pumping the

- The diaphragm pump: works similar to plunger pump however it includes

diaphragm for suction & expulsion of liquid.

Figure 7 The diaphragm pump

4.3.3) Linear Pumps

In linear pumps, the dislocation of the liquid takes place in a straight line which means linearly. The best
examples of these pumps are rope pumps as well as chain pumps. In this type of pump, the calibration cannot be
needed. This type of pump can be placed within a static location. But, the main issue of this pump is volume.
Because of the piston withdrawal within the cavity, these pumps will make a lot of sounds and therefore, must
be fixed distant from living places. These pumps are classified into two types namely rope pump and chain

- rope pump: is one type of linear pump wherever a loose hanging rope is placed into a well & drawn up with
the help of a lengthy pipe where the base immersed within water. The round disks are attached on the rope,
which will draw the water in the direction of the outside. This kind of pump is frequently used for both self-
supply & community supply of water. These pumps can be fit on boreholes otherwise hand-dug wells.

- chain pump is one type of linear pump where a number of circular discs are located on a continuous chain.
One division of the chain is immersed into the water, & the chain runs throughout a pipe, somewhat superior to
the disc diameter. Once the chain is drawn up the pipe, then the water turns into trapped among the discs and is
discharged at the summit. These pumps are used for centuries during the early Middle East, China & Europe.

Parameters Positive Displacement Pump Non-Positive Displacement Pump

These pumps are used for low force

applications and the pressure might be 18 bar
These pumps work for high
to 20 bar.
force applications, and the force
Pressure might be 800 bar.

When pressure increases then

the efficiency will The efficiency will decrease at a lower
Efficiency automatically increase. pressure or higher pressure.

When the viscosity increases

then efficiency will increase When the viscosity increases then efficiency
because of the frictional losses will decrease because of the frictional losses
Viscosity in the pump in the pump

When the pressure changes then When the pressure changes then the flow will
Performance the flow will change constant

4.4) Applications of Positive Displacement Pumps

These pumps are commonly used to pump high viscosity fluids where precise dosing otherwise high force
output can be necessary. Not like centrifugal pumps, the outputs of these pumps are not affected by force thus
they also have chosen in any condition where the supply is unequal. The best positive displacement pump
examples are piston, plunger, diaphragm, gear, lob, screw and vane.

• Piston and Plunger pumps are used to pump low viscosity fluids, paint spraying, oil production, and high force
• Diaphragm pump can be used for metering, spraying, treatment of water, oils, and paints.
• Gear pumps are used for pumping the high viscosity fluids within the petrochemical, food industries, paints, oils,
• Lobe pump is used in food and chemical industries pharmaceutical, biotechnology, sanitary, etc.
• Screw pump is used in fuel transferring, production of oil, irrigation, etc.
• Vane pump is used in low viscosity liquids, fuel loading, & transmission, etc.

Chapter 4

Hydraulic Actuators

4.1) Hydraulic actuator: consists of a cylinder or fluid motor that uses hydraulic power to facilitate
mechanical operation. The mechanical motion gives an output in terms of linear, rotary or oscillatory motion.
Because liquids are nearly impossible to compress, a hydraulic actuator can exert considerable force.
and can be classified into three basic types:
(1) Cylinders or jacks.
(2) Motors.
(3) Rotary actuators.


• Hydraulic actuators are rugged and suited for high-force applications. They can produce forces 25 times
greater than pneumatic cylinders of equal size. They also operate in pressures of up to 4,000 psi.
• Hydraulic motors have high horsepower-to-weight ratio by 1 to 2 hp/lb greater than a pneumatic motor.
•A hydraulic actuator can hold force and torque constant without the pump supplying more fluid or pressure
due to the incompressibility of fluids
• Hydraulic actuators can have their pumps and motors located a considerable distance away with minimal loss
of power.


• Hydraulics will leak fluid. Like pneumatic actuators, loss of fluid leads to less efficiency. However, hydraulic
fluid leaks lead to cleanliness problems and potential damage to surrounding components and areas.
• Hydraulic actuators require many companion parts, including a fluid reservoir, motors, pumps, release valves,
and heat exchangers, along with noise-reduction equipment. This makes for linear motions systems that are
large and difficult to accommodate.

4.2) hydraulic cylinder
A hydraulic cylinder is a key hydraulic component. It serves as a hydraulic consumer that converts the energy
of the hydraulic fluid into useful work. Its input value is the hydraulic fluid under pressure acting on the surface
of the hydraulic cylinder piston. This causes a linear movement of the piston and thus the piston rod, which is
connected to the load. Therefore, the energy of the hydraulic fluid is transformed into a controllable power,
which acts in a straight line. The hydraulic medium is usually mineral oil, and in hydraulics, synthetic oils and
emulsions, as well as water (water hydraulics), are also used.

4.3) Hydraulic cylinder components

Hydraulic cylinders are composed of two main elements, namely the barrel and the piston with an attached
piston rod. The cylinder bottom and the cylinder head close both sides of the barrel respectively. The piston rod
exits through the cylinder head. The piston, equipped with seals and sliding rings, divides the inside of the
cylinder into two chambers, the lower pressure chamber and the upper piston rod chamber. The hydraulic
pressure is generated by the piston that moves the piston rod in a linear direction. This type of cylinder is also
called a double–acting hydraulic cylinder.
4.4) types of hydraulic cylinders:


The characteristic of the single–acting piston hydraulic cylinder is that the operating stroke is only generated in
a single direction; whereas, the return stroke is enabled by the load, spring or any other exterior force.
Typically, the working stroke can be generated as cylinder extraction, therefore this cylinder is a push cylinder;
or the working stroke can be generated as cylinder contraction. This type of cylinder is called a pull cylinder.



Hydraulic cylinders with double acting operation (double-acting hydraulic cylinders) have two opposite facing
piston surfaces that control the operation of the force of the hydraulic liquid, i.e. usually a special hydraulic oil
that enables two active moving directions. The hydraulic energy is converted through the hydraulic liquid into
the mechanical energy for the movement of the pistons. The pistons usually have separate connections that
enable active movement in both directions. The force is thus applied in both directions and the structure of this
hydraulic cylinder is very simple.
This type of cylinder with linear movement is especially suitable for use in presses and chippers, for opening
and closing drawers and for all types of raising and lowering devices. The piston rod is attached to the piston in
this structure. The piston can move faster if it has a smaller surface and slower if its surface is larger. This
hydraulic cylinder is used for many types of construction machinery.

Hydraulic cylinders with double acting operation are divided into differential and synchronous types.


Telescopic cylinders or multi–stage cylinders are composed of a number of cylinders stacked on top of each
other. Where the cylinder barrel also acts as a piston rod. Cylinders can have two, three, four, five or even six
stages. They are most often used where the cylinder installation length is less than the required stroke. Most


telescopic cylinders are single–acting, but there are also double–acting telescopic cylinders available.

Tandem cylinders are two interconnected cylinders. The piston rod of the first cylinder enters through the base
of the second cylinder and pushes its base. In this manner the greater effective surface area of both pistons
generates greater force, despite a small cylinder diameter and unaltered operating pressure.


4.5) Hydraulic Motor

Hydraulic motors are rotary actuators that convert hydraulic, or fluid energy into mechanical power. They work
in tandem with a hydraulic pump, which converts mechanical power into fluid, or hydraulic power. Hydraulic
motors provide the force and supply the motion to move an external load.

1- external gear motor

Gear motors feature two gears, one being the driven gear—which is attached to the output shaft—and the idler
gear. Their function is simple: High-pressure oil is ported into one side of the gears, where it flows around the
gears and housing, to the outlet port and compressed out of the motor. Meshing of the gears is a bi-product of
high-pressure inlet flow acting on the gear teeth. What actually prevents fluid from leaking from the low
pressure (outlet) side to high pressure (inlet) side is the pressure differential. With gear motors, you must be
concerned with leakage from the inlet to outlet, which reduces motor efficiency and creates heat as well.

In addition to their low cost, gear motors do not fail as quickly or as easily as other styles, because the gears
wear down the housing and bushings before a catastrophic failure can occur.

At the medium-pressure and cost range, vane motors feature a housing with an eccentric bore. Vanes rotor slide
in and out, run by the eccentric bore. The movement of the pressurized fluid causes an unbalanced force, which
in turn forces the rotor to turn in one direction.

Figure 12 External gear motor

2- piston motor
Piston-type motors are available in a variety of different styles, including radial-, axial-, and other less common
designs. Radial-piston motors feature pistons arranged perpendicularly to the crankshaft’s axis. As the
crankshaft rotates, the pistons are moved linearly by the fluid pressure. Axial-piston designs feature a number of
pistons arranged in a circular pattern inside a housing (cylinder block, rotor, or barrel). This housing rotates
about its axis by a shaft that is aligned with the pumping pistons. Two designs of axial piston motors exist—
swashplate and bent axis types. Swashplate designs feature the pistons and drive shaft in a parallel arrangement.
In the bent axis version, the pistons are arranged at an angle to the main drive shaft.

Figure 13 piston motor

3- Vane motor
Vane motors provide good operating efficiencies, but not as high as those of piston motors. However, vane
motors generally cost less than piston motors of corresponding horsepower ratings. The service life of a vane
motor usually is shorter than that of a piston motor, though. Vane motors are available with displacements of 20
in.3/rev. Some low-speed/high-torque models come with displacements to 756 in.3/rev. Except for the high-
displacement, low-speed models, vane motors have limited low-speed capability.

Figure 14 Vane motor

Chapter 5

Hydraulic valves

5.1) Hydraulic valves

mechanical device that opens and closes, most often to control the flow of fluid—liquid or air. Valves exist in
nearly every industry, from automobile engines to the foundries that cast the engine’s valves; yes, there are
valves on the machines that make valves.

5.2) Types of Hydraulic Valves

1- Directional Control Valves
As the name suggests, directional control valves are used to direct the flow of fluid through the system. These
valves can control the start, stop, pause, and change in direction of flow of a pressure medium. For this reason,
they are also referred to as switching valves.
The function of a directional control valve is determined by the number of working ports and the number of
spool positions. A directional control valve comprises at least two-spool positions and two working ports.
The most common directional control valve is a 4/3-way valve, which means the valve has four working ports
and three spool positions. The 2-way directional control valve is the simplest directional control valve that has
two ports called inlet and outlet. A 3-way directional control valve has 3 working ports called inlet, outlet and
exhaust. They are used in single-acting cylinders and the third working port can block the flow of all ports.

Figure 15 Directional Control Valves

2- Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves
Pressure Control Valves are the most common valves for controlling pressure. They include relief, reducing,
sequence, counterbalance, and unloading valves. The hydraulic pressure control valve plays a vital role in
preventing the leakage and bursting of pipes or tubing. Pressure control valves regulate the pressure of the fluid
passing through the pipe or tubing by releasing the excess pressure. These valves maintain the pressure as
entered manually by the operator.
Pressure-control valves are found in virtually every hydraulic system, and they assist in a variety of functions,
from keeping system pressures at safe levels to maintaining a set pressure in part of a circuit.

Figure 16 Hydraulic Pressure Control Valves

3-Hydraulic Flow Control Valves

The purpose of flow control in a hydraulic system is to regulate speed. Flow Control Valves control the speed of
an actuator by regulating the flow rate. Flow rate also determines the rate of energy transfer at any given
pressure in a system.
Flow control valves are used for controlling and adjusting the fluid or gas flow through the system. These
valves can optimize the performance of your hydraulic system. Flow control valves will monitor and regulate
pressure fluctuations in the system and prevent flow towards system components.

Figure 17 Hydraulic Flow

Control Valves










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