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Med Surg Essentials Day

September 7

Instructions: View the schedule below for on campus attendance time. Students will begin their session
in room 103. Clinical tardies and absences per policy.

Attire: Clinical attire (white scrub top/blue bottom, badge, hair/nail/makeup/facial hair according to
policy, etc).


0900-1100 Adeoti, V Fuller, W Njenga, N

Aldape, N Gomez, M Ortega, N
Andrews, A Guillen, M Ovalle, N
Arriaga, A Hilburn, J Poindexter, M
Berry, J Holloway, S Powell, C
Castillo, Y Jernigan, B Rapsilver, D
Cooper, D Kayode, I Rivera, G
Crosby, T Kelly, J Rogers, K
Donaldson, N Lensing, J Schmidt, J
Eastepp, S Lopez, C Soto, G
Elizondo, C Magee, K Vargas, M
Epperson, N Martinez, M

1200-1400 Aguilar, L Hiltpold, J Samuelson, M

Belasco, S Jackson, A Scroggins, E
Burse, D Leyva, R Smith, M
Clark, J Luna, E Teasdale, A
Crisanto, J Martin, A Titler, N
Denton, T Mason, S Velazquez, E
Dupree, K Milton, C Walsh, M
Ensign, G Modissette, S White, L
Escobedo, G Phillips, J White, M
Fuqua, K Porras, V Williams, T
Greenup, W Quarles, J Wilson, K
Hernandez, H Ricks, A

Pre-readings: View applicable readings and handouts in BlackBoard prior to attending your session.

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