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Zero tolerance to shunt infections: can it be achieved?

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as on 5 January 2004. Downloaded from on July 31, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
M S Choksey, I A Malik

See end of article for J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75:87–91

authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Mr M S Choksey,
Department of
Neurosurgery, University
Hospitals Coventry &
Warwickshire NHS Trust, Objective : To evaluate the rigid application of a technique of shunt placement aimed at the eradication of
Walsgrave Hospital, postoperative shunt infection in neurosurgical practice.
Bridge Road, Coventry Method: All shunt procedures were performed or closely supervised by the senior author (MSC). The
CV2 2DX, UK;
munchi.choksey@ essentials were the use of intravenous peri- and postoperative antimicrobials, rigid adherence to classical aseptic technique, liberal use of topical antiseptic (BetadineH), and avoidance of haematomas.
Results: Of 176 operations, 93 were primary procedures; 33 patients underwent revisions, some multiple.
Received Only one infection occurred, seven months postoperatively, secondary to appendicitis with peritonitis. The
5 November 2002
Revised accepted infecting Streptococcus faecalis appeared to ascend from the abdominal cavity.
1 May 2003 Conclusion: A rigidly applied protocol and strict adherence to sterile technique can reduce shunt infections
....................... to a very low level.

nfection remains a serious complication of shunt implan- Operative technique
tation, with a mortality rate ranging from 1.5–22%.1 2 Those All operations were carried out in a dedicated neurosurgical
who survive risk intellectual, cognitive, and neurological operating theatre, which was seldom, if ever, used for general
deficits.3 Infection has been reported to occur in 5–15% of surgical cases. The operating theatre personnel were all
shunt procedures.4–6 However, some authors have described neurosurgically trained. Most operations were carried out by
lower infection rates ranging from 0.3– 5%.7–12 single surgeons. All operating theatre staff were reminded
Many factors have been associated with shunt infection, that a shunt procedure was in progress, and strict aseptic
including the age of the patient,1 13–15 the aetiology of sterile technique was observed throughout. Lapses in theatre
hydrocephalus,1 and the type of shunt implanted.16 17 Most discipline were not tolerated, and this attitude was inculcated
studies of the use of prophylactic antibiotic medications have into all present; we term this ‘‘zero tolerance’’. All ingress and
given inconclusive results,2 7 15 18–24 and there has been no egress from the operating theatre was prohibited except for
definite evidence that prophylactic antimicrobial medications genuine emergencies. The number of operating theatre
reduce shunt infection rates. Other factors such as timing of personnel varied between five and seven. All personnel wore
the operation (elective/emergency), duration of surgery, full operating theatre dress, including facemasks. A wide area
number of operations/patient, number of people in the was cleared around the operating table itself, so that the
operation room, and length of time during which the shunt diathermy, suction, and anaesthetic machines were kept well
material is exposed to the atmosphere have been highlighted away from the sterile area.
as contributing to shunt infection; these may all be included Intravenous antibiotics were given with the induction of
in specific ‘‘theatre discipline’’. general anaesthesia to all patients, in most cases benzylpe-
In January 1994, the senior author (MSC) established a nicillin 1.2 gm and flucloxacillin 1 gm intravenously. Those
strict protocol for shunt placement with vigorous attention to who were allergic to penicillin were given rifampicin 600 mg
asepsis, antisepsis, and perioperative antimicrobial therapy. intravenously with induction. The patient was positioned
We report the results of 176 shunt procedures in 126 patients on the operating table in the anaesthetic room (details of
over a period of seven and a half years. the operating theatre and the preparation solutions used are
given in the Appendix). The head, trunk, and abdomen
METHODS were lathered with BetadineH surgical scrub, and shaved
Between January 1994 and mid-July (15th) 2001, 126 widely with a sterile cut throat razor. MSC’s preference
patients underwent shunt insertions and revision procedures was to use a right frontal burr hole whenever possible,
in the Department of Neurosurgery at University Hospitals and therefore the pinna of the ear was carefully taped
Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, Walsgrave. A total of forwards.
176 shunt procedures were performed in 126 patients with The skin was prepared using a solution of chlorhexidine
hydrocephalus. Although the majority of procedures involved and cetrimide, followed by alcoholic BetadineH. The incisions
ventriculoperitoneal shunts, a variety of other shunts were were marked with a sterile pen and then draping was carried
also inserted, including lumboperitoneal, cystoperitoneal, out, using sterile adhesive drapes (KlinidrapesH, by
ventriculopleural, syringopleural, and ventriculoatrial shunts. Molnlycke), to outline the operative area, followed by a
Primary shunt procedures had been performed previously at transparent sterile drape (IobanH) impregnated in BetadineH.
other centres in 33 patients; these patients underwent shunt Two further layers of standard towels were then used to
revision for various reasons, and have been included in this drape the patient right down to floor level, so that no part of
study. All shunt material removed during revision was sent the operating theatre table was exposed. Finally, the sterile
for bacteriological analysis. drape was daubed with a further layer of alcoholic BetadineH,
88 Choksey, Malik

which was allowed to dry while the surgeon left the operating Of these, two died as a result of their high grade tumours,
room to put on sterile dress. and one was killed in a road traffic accident. No other
The skin incisions were then carried out and a swab soaked patients were lost to follow up.
in aqueous BetadineH placed in the incisions, with particular

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as on 5 January 2004. Downloaded from on July 31, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
care to soak the exposed skin edges. The burr hole was made, Criteria for CSF shunt infection
the abdominal cavity opened by a transverse right upper We observed the criteria for CSF shunt infection defined by
quadrant incision, and a small intervening stab incision was Odio et al.25 Shunt infection was considered present when a
added just above the ligamentum nuchae about 5 cm behind pathogenic organism was cultured from lumbar or ventri-
the ear. Two separate shunt tunnellers were daubed with cular CSF, or blood. In addition, a shunt infection was also
aqueous BetadineH and positioned subcutaneously. The considered present if the patient developed a pyrexia higher
interior of each tunneller was then irrigated with aqueous than 38.5oC, shunt malfunction, or abdominal or neurologi-
BetadineH solution. Having completed all the preparation for cal symptoms; these findings were attributed to infection
shunt placement, including opening of the dura and even if cultures were negative.
diathermy of the cortical surface, the operating surgeon’s
Statistical analysis
gloves were washed with aqueous BetadineH and covered
The statistical analysis of this series was to a degree limited
with a further pair of sterile gloves. Only then was the shunt
by the absence of controls. However, there is sufficient
system opened and placed upon a separate trolley, using
literature to justify the assumption that the expected level of
sterile instruments that had not been in contact with the
infection lies between 5 and 15%. At the 5% level, we would
skin. In the majority of cases Delta valves (PS Medical) were
have expected 9 infections; at the 15% level, 27 infections.
chosen, with a Medtronic barium-impregnated catheter,
After discussion with our statisticians, we applied the Fisher
without biocide.
one-sided exact test to our data.
The shunt system was irrigated with 5 mg of intrathecal
gentamicin, made up in theatre with saline to 5 ml. The RESULTS
ventricle was tapped using a Dandy needle, and a further Between 1994 and 2001, a total of 176 shunt procedures were
5 mg of intrathecal gentamicin, made up to 5 ml with saline, performed in 126 patients with hydrocephalus. The details of
was injected slowly into the ventricles, with frequent back the patients in this series are set out in tables 2–8. Eight
and forth aspiration and injection, to ensure thorough mixing patients required emergency shunt revision for imminent
with ventricular CSF. The shunt system was tunnelled down death or blindness. The remaining 168 procedures were
to the peritoneal cavity, with care to keep it away from the performed on the next routine operating list, usually within
skin on a separate sterile towel. 24 hours (table 5). The reasons for shunt revision are given in
The ventricular catheter was inserted and cut to length table 7; the majority were in patients with neural tube
with new, sterile scissors. The connection between the defects. The duration of the procedures varied from 45 to 95
ventricular catheter and the shunt was made as quickly as minutes.
possible, handling the shunt with fingers once again soaked
in BetadineH. The ventricular catheter was tied to the shunt Statistical analysis
with a heavy silk tie (2/0 or larger), to avoid the risk of The observed infection rate was one patient out of 176
cutting through the shunt catheter. The shunt was then (0.57%). Applying the Fisher exact one-sided test, and
pulled down, and checked to ensure that it was free of kinks assuming an expected infection rate of 5% (nine infections),
and dripping well. The burr hole was lined with surgicel, and the significance was 0.01 (p ,0.01). At the 15% expected
bone wax used to cover the burr hole defect and reduce the infection rate, the significance was greater (p ,0.0001).
risk of CSF leakage. The distal end of the shunt was placed in These statistical tests show a highly significant reduction in
the peritoneal cavity. Haemostasis was ensured. The wounds shunt infection when compared with historically accepted
were then closed using VicrylH, sprayed with BetadineH dry data.
powder spray, followed by sterile OpsiteH dressing spray, and Our single infection was seen in an 18 year old patient with
covered with MeporeH dressings. Strict instructions were aqueduct stenosis. Before transfer to our unit, he had had
given that the dressings should not be disturbed until the multiple procedures performed at another institution, includ-
staples were due for removal at seven days (14 days for ing external ventricular drainage for haemorrhage following
infants). a shunt operation. When his CSF cleared, we inserted a
Postoperatively, patients were maintained on the same shunt. His infection occurred seven months after this last
intravenous antibiotics for a further 48 hours, and were procedure, and appeared to follow appendicitis and perito-
mobilised as soon as they were fit. Under no circumstances neal sepsis. His shunt and ventricular CSF both grew
were patients allowed to have the staples removed by any Streptococcus faecalis. Although included in this series, this
agency other than the nurses on the neurosurgery unit, under infection may not have been directly attributable to the shunt
clean conditions. placement.
The follow up period ranged from 16 to 90 months (table 1). Shunt infection remains a potent cause of mortality and
All patients who had had shunt insertions were allowed free morbidity. The quoted infection rate ranges from 5–
access directly to the neurosurgical unit at any time. The
follow up periods for three patients were curtailed by death.
Table 2 Shunt type
Table 1 Duration of follow up of patients Shunt Number performed Percentage of total

Follow up Number of Number of Number of Ventriculoperitoneal 161 91.5

(years) patients revisions infections Lumboperitoneal 7 4.0
Cystoperitoneal 3 1.7
1 126 32 1 Ventriculopleural 2 1.1
1–2 118 27 0 Syringopleural 2 1.1
Over 2 114 28 0 Ventriculoatrial 1 0.6
Reduction of shunt infections 89

Table 3 Patient details Table 5 Timing of procedures

Patient details Number of patients Percentage of total Timing of procedure Number of procedures Percentage of total

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as on 5 January 2004. Downloaded from on July 31, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Male 68 54 Elective (within 24 hours) 168 95.5
Female 58 46 Emergency (out of hours) 8 4.5
Preterm infants 6 4.8
Full term infants 2 1.6
2–5 years 11 8.7
6–59 years 81 64.2
60+ years 26 20.6
Table 6 Aetiology of hydrocephalus
Aetiology Number of cases Percentage of cases

Congenital malformations 35 27.8

Table 4 Number of first procedures and revisions Tumours 28 22.2
Subarachnoid 19 15.1
Procedure Number of cases Number of procedures haemorrhage
Meningitis 10 7.9
First ever 89 89 Normal pressure 12 9.5
One revision 26 (2662 = 52) 52 hydrocephalus
Two revisions 9 (963 = 27) 27 Intraventricular 6 4.7
Three revisions 2 (264 = 8) 8 haemorrhage
Total 126 176 Cysts 6 4.7
Miscellaneous 10 7.9

27%,1 11 22 25 28 29 31 34 with most between 5% and 15%. This is

one reason for the recent interest in alternative CSF diversion This is in accordance with our study, where there was no
procedures that do not involve implanted prostheses; of increase in the shunt infection rate with revisions. There are
these, third ventriculostomy is the most commonly carried many reports demonstrating an increased risk of infection in
out. the younger age group.11 28 38 George et al found a significantly
Different studies have pointed to a variety of factors that increased rate of infection in children and the elderly.1
may possibly be responsible for shunt infection. Age,26 27 skin Kontny et al39 found no significant difference in the rates of
condition,28 gender, pathology, aetiology of the hydrocepha- infection in different age groups, which corresponds with our
lus,21 and immunological status of the patient1 have all been results. In concordance with other studies such as that of
implicated. Surgical factors that have been studied are length Shoenbaum and Gardner,5 we did not see a significant
of preoperative hospitalisation, duration of surgery, number difference in infection rates with implantation of different
of revisions,1 type of material used,25 29 30 aseptic technique,44 types of shunts for CSF diversion procedures. In parallel with
and prophylactic antibiotics.1 4 11 31 32 Kontny et al39, we did not observe any significant difference
The bacteria that most frequently appear in shunt in infection rates according to different aetiologies of
infections are staphylococci (S epidermidis and aureus)1 10 18 33; hydrocephalus.
the percentage varies from 62–90%.1 10 18 33 Infections due to The use of prophylactic antimicrobials remains controver-
Gram negative bacteria are infrequent but important, because sial.4 11 31 32 In a recent control study, the infection rate was
mortality is very high at 40–90%.1 6.25% in patients without antibiotic prophylaxis as compared
The variation in quoted infection rates may partly be with 2.56% in patients with antibiotic prophylaxis.26 This
caused by different study designs. The incidence of infection difference was not found to be statistically significant. At
is related either to the number of patients29 35 36 or to the present, the benefit of perioperative antimicrobial prophy-
number of procedures, inclusive of revisions.1 28 Clearly, laxis remains unestablished. As CSF shunt infections con-
infection rates per patient will be higher than infection rates tinue to be common and life threatening for patients with
per procedure, as in any series many patients will have hydrocephalus, we give prophylactic antibiotics to our
multiple procedures. patients. The regimen used in this series (penicillin,
In some series28 37 there was no difference in infection rate flucloxacillin) may be criticised for lack of Gram negative
between initial and revision shunt procedures. However, Odio cover. However, the vast majority of shunt infections are
et al showed an increased risk of CSF shunt infection in shunt caused by Gram positive cocci, and the senior author (MSC)
revisions.25 Meirovitch in contrast reported a similar rate of has used this regimen successfully for over 12 years, including
shunt infection in primary and shunt revision operations.38 the use of rifampicin, although this may be controversial.

Table 7 Reasons for revision of shunt

Reason for revision Number of cases

Infection 1
Mechanical failure 36
Slit ventricle syndrome 9
Abdominal pseudocyst 1
Disconnection/fracture 7
Shunt migration 10
Overdrainage 14
Underdrainage 8
Haemorrhage 1
90 Choksey, Malik

Table 8 Age groups and interval between shunt changes per hour. The theatre was part of a suite of four,
insertion and subsequent revision which was monitored continuously at a central console. Air
flow and filter alarms were in place, and the filters and plant
Interval 0–1 years 1–5 years 6–59 years 60+ years were checked every day in accordance with standard

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as on 5 January 2004. Downloaded from on July 31, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
operating theatre practice in the United Kingdom.
8 weeks 3 4 6 1
8 weeks–1 year 1 3 11 3 The solutions used were as follows:
1–2 years 0 2 20 5
2+ years 0 3 19 6 N BetadineH antiseptic solution (Seton Healthcare Group)
containing povidone-iodine 10% w/v
N BetadineH alcoholic solution (Seton Healthcare Group)
containing povidone-iodine 10% w/v
Regarding the duration of operation, Kontny39 did not
observe any significant difference in infection rates, which
N BetadineH Surgical Scrub (Seton Healthcare Group)
containing povidone-iodine 7.5% w/v
agrees with our study, where length of surgery had no
significant effect. Several reports identified perioperative
N BetadineH dry powder spray (Seton Healthcare Group)
containing povidone-iodine USP 2.5% w/v
airborne contamination as the main source of infection,
particularly in procedures that included the insertion of a N Chlorhexidine and cetrimide solution (MIZA Phar-
maceuticals UK) containing 0.25% chlorhexidine gluco-
prosthetic device.28 40 41 In one series there was a twofold
nate solution 20% BP and 1.25% strong cetrimide solution
difference in infection complications between different
40%BP in purified water
surgical teams (6–11.7%).28 Thus, aseptic technique appeared
to be a significant factor influencing the shunt infection rate. N IobanH iodine impregnated transparent dressings (3M).
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