2.1.0 Forces and Energy

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it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume



In explanation, a stone which is thrown

upwards gradually loses kinetic energy

CHEMICAL which in turn reduces its force of motion.


IN FOOD On the other hand, a falling stone gains




kinetic energy and this likewise


increases its downward force of motion.







Basically, Force is moving energy. In
The topics that are studied in science are industry; i.e. world of work, force and
numerous. For this reason, similar topics; energy are connected/linked together
i.e. topics that have much in common, by the concept of work. Energy is the
are treated/studied together. ability to do work but force is
Force and energy are treated together demonstrated by directing a moving
because they have a lot in common. energy to work.

For instance; Force can be

converted/changed into energy and
likewise, energy can also be changed Solar panel
into force.

For this reason, whenever a force is

applied on a body, the energy in the Controller
body also increases. But as and when a
body loses some energy, the force it Battery
possesses also reduces.
Force of
to Integrated Science

INDICATORS and EXEMPLARS Sources and Uses of Energy

At the end of this sub strand, the Everything in the material world has a
student should be able to: source; i.e. where is obtained and some
functions to serve; i.e. uses.
1. Describe energy conversion.
2. Discuss the importance of the conversion
of energy
3. Discuss renewable and non-renewable The table below is a list of some forms of
energy. common energy and their everyday
4. Demonstrate how to manage sources of uses
renewable energy sustainably.
5. Discuss the differences and the
relationship between heat and temperature Energy form/type Basic function(s)
in the environment
1. Used by plants to
1. Light energy prepare their food.
2. Used by animals for
vision [seeing things]

Used as energy/power
2. Electrical energy source for most
[Electricity] machines and

A form of non-
Energy plays an important role in our renewable energy that
lives. This is because it is used/involved in 3. Chemical energy is obtained after a
almost every activity that we perform chemical process like;
The main type of
Energy exists and can be found 4. Sound energy energy used for
hearing, a vital part of
[obtained] in various forms. every communication
Examples include; heat energy, light
energy, electrical energy [electricity], The main energy used
or involved in all forms
chemical energy, sound energy, kinetic 5. Kinetic energy of movements like;
energy, potential energy, nuclear walking, running,
energy etc. flying, etc

it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume

The main energy used The law of conservation of energy

6. Potential energy or involved in all forms
of rest that occurs The law of conservation of energy is the
during or after law [rule] that governs/guides the
changes in energy forms.
The energy obtained
7. Nuclear energy from the activities The law of conservation of energy states
within the nucleus of an
that; energy can neither be created nor
be destroyed but it can only be
changed; i.e. be transformed/be
converted from one form to another

Conversion and conservation of energy According to the law of conservation of

energy, the total amount of the energy
in the universe is constant [fixed]
Energy is required/needed to be able to
because none can either be added or
all the various kinds of work.
be taken away from it.
Every type of energy has a particular
Furthermore, in accordance with the
form of work that it can be used to
above law, energy production and
energy destruction do not occur
[happen] in nature but it is rather energy
This brings about the need to sometimes
transformation; i.e. energy changes that
change one form of energy into another
occur around us.
form that can be used to do/perform a
particular work/activity.

From the above, all the various forms

Importance of energy transformation
[kinds] of energy can sometimes be
changed [converted] into other forms of
From the beginning of the unit, it has
been established that every form of
energy has a set of function/uses that it
The process during which one form of can be put to.
energy changes into another form of
energy is known as energy conversions. Energy conversion is important because
it enables a more available but a less
Energy conversions [changes] and useful energy form to be changed into a
energy conservations are less available but a more useful energy
governed/guided by a set of laws and form.

to Integrated Science

The more available but less useful d. a falling fruit like e. dissolving calcium
energy forms are usually obtained from mango from its tree carbide in water
renewable sources while as the less
available but more useful energy forms
are also obtained from non-renewable

Energy changes [transformations/

conversions] potential energy
light energy chemical energy
sound + heat. light energy.
There are some instances during which
some forms of energy are changed
[converted] into other forms of energy f. using a public address system
for some specific [purposeful] uses. chemical energy
Examples of some common
devices/processes/activities that
demonstrates/illustrates energy sound energy.
changes [transformations] includes;

a. b. a loudspeaker in g. a moving car

use chemical energy

kinetic energy.

producing light
from a drycell

Note: Energy conversion is different from

energy conservation.
chemical energy electrical energy
light energy. sound energy

c. an electric iron Conservation is from the word conserve;

in use which means to protect, to preserve or
to use wisely.
electrical energy
sound energy Materials that are usually conserved are
those that are important/useful.

it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume

In addition to the above, important Examples of these sources of energy

materials are such which has some includes: the Sun; which serves as the
uses/work with which it can be put to. source of solar energy, fossil fuel like
petrol; which serves as a source of
Based on the above, some materials are chemical energy, dry cells [battery];
more important than others depending which serves as a source of chemical
on their number of uses. energy, food substances/materials;
which serves as a source of chemical
Energy is thus an important material and energy, etc.
thus must be conserved.
All the various kinds of energy can be
grouped into two [2] main forms using
Conserving energy [Energy their sources; i.e. where they are
conservation] obtained.
Naturally, energy is contained [found] in These are; Renewable sources of
all the forms of matter. energy, and Non - renewable sources
of energy.
The various forms of energy which are
found in all the different kinds of matter
are what are converted [changed] into a. Renewable sources of energy
other useful forms during energy
transformations. Renewable sources of energy refers to all
those energy sources that are
These energy transformations/changes inexhaustible in supply or cannot get
also occur [take place] in some devices finished [depleted] with time as a result
like; the electric iron, radio set, television of continuous [repeated] use.
set, filament bulb, etc.
Examples of the renewable sources of
Electrical energy [electricity] is the most energy includes; solar energy from the
demanded energy-form today be it can sun, tidal energy from the sea, wind
easily be converted [changed] into [kinetic] energy from moving air, hydro
other useful energy-forms by the various energy from moving water, etc.
household appliances/gadgets.

b. Non - renewable sources of energy

Sources of energy [materials that Non - renewable sources of energy refers

produce and give us energy] to all those energy sources that are
The sources of energy refers to all those exhaustible in supply or can get finished
materials/places which produces and [depleted] with time as a result of
gives us energy. continuous [repeated] use.
to Integrated Science

Examples of non - renewable sources of 1. The biogas digester

energy includes; chemical energy from The biogas digester is a
firewood [charcoal], nuclear energy device/machine that turns [changes]
from radioactive substances, chemical biofuel; i.e. plant and animal waste into
energy from natural gas or crude oil like biogas; i.e. methane gas and carbon
petrol, biogas from decaying organic dioxide gas that can be used for
waste, etc. domestic activities like;

i. production of electricity.
Production of energy from renewable
sources [Devices that convert/change ii. as a fuel for cooking food.
some forms of available energy into
other useful but unavailable energy iii. for lighting purposes/functions, etc.
The by-product from the biogas digester
From the beginning of the unit, it was is in the form of organic manure which
indicated that energy is required in order can even be used for the fertilizing; i.e.
to be able to perform [do] almost every enriching farm lands.
kind of activity or form of work.

However, each of the types of energy has A pictorial diagram of a domestic

a specific activity/task/work for which it biodigester
can be used to perform [carry out].
Therefore, during those times of scarcity; Biogas outlet
i.e. the unavailability of certain useful
energy forms, some devices/machines inlet for animal
have been invented/made that can be
used to change [convert] those forms of Collecting
available energy into other useful
energy forms.
Biogas tank

The above exercise is needed because

some important energy-forms may
either be unavailable or even in limited The biogas digester should either be fed
supply/quantity. with organic waste daily or can even be
connected directly to the sources of
these waste materials in the home like
toilet and animal pen.
Devices/machines that can be used to
perform the above task include;. This is because there is a type of
it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume

bacteria that lives in the biogas tank that 3. The wind mill
converts the biofuel; i.e. the faeces and The wind mill is a device that converts
animal droppings into biogas through kinetic energy of wind [moving air] into
anaerobic respiration for various electrical energy.
purposeful uses in the home.
The wind mill can be used as a source of
electricity either domestically; i.e. in the
2. The solar heater home or even in small factories.
The solar heater is a device that
converts/changes solar energy which is The wind mill is normally erected on roof
obtained from the sun into other energy tops or other open places where it can
forms like electricity or heat for various receive abundant wind energy for its
domestic purposes. operation.

A pictorial diagram of a solar heater The wind mill got its name from its
primitive purpose [function] for which it
Solar cell was initially constructed/invented.
s panels The device was invented to mill [grind]
r rad grains like corn, wheat and millet.
Surplus electricity
is transmitted
Even though it currently has other uses for
Transformer which it can be put to, its primitive and
Domestic use of originally intended function/purpose
electricty has remained as the device’s name to
DC current from A pictorial diagram of the wind mill
solar panels
Inverter that produces
AC from DC current
Rotor Blade

The panel of the solar cell is fixed onto Gear Box

the roof of the house so that it can be Nacelle
able to receive maximum solar energy Wind
to perform its duty. Generator
Power Cables
The heating panel is then connected to
an inverter inside the house which Transmission
Tower lines
changes the DC [direct current] to the
AC [alternating current].

AC is a stronger form of electricity that Transformer

can power most electrical devices.
to Integrated Science

Management of renewable energy 2. Ensuring that the energy obtained

from these sources is efficiently used.
The efficiency in the use of a material
It has been established that renewable involves the use of the exact/correct
energy can generally be changed into quantity in order to prevent waste.
other needed energy forms during
energy conversions. When a material is efficiently used, it
prevents the source from getting
These energy forms are obtained from depleted before it would have normally
certain sources/places. And as such been, if it was wisely used.
protecting these energy sources
involves protecting those places where For instance; the proper/efficient use of
electricity, either domestically; i.e. in
they are obtained.
homes or commercially; i.e. in factories
and industries can help decease the
The sustainable management of energy
national demand which can exert/put
sources involves; pressure on its production.
1. Protecting/preserving the source of In addition to the above, the efficient
these renewable energy forms usage will require the beneficial use of
and even the by-product from its production
2. Ensuring that the energy obtained so that it does not go waste.
from these sources are efficiently used.
For instance; after the water from a dam
has been used to produce electricity, it
can also be put into another use like; for
1. Protecting the sources of these irrigating crops or to be treated as
renewable energy forms. portable water for human use.
Protecting the source of renewable
energy involves reducing the negative
human influences at such places.
Challenges in the management of
For instance; protecting the river/dam renewable energy
that ser ves as a source of There are some challenges that are
hydroelectricity may include preventing associated with the management of the
human activities like farming or sources of the various/different
renewable energy.
settlement along its banks.
There are three [3] common forms of
Such practices can reduce the volume
renewable energy sources.
of the water over time which can even These include;
affect the electricity generation 1. The wind; i.e. kinetic energy of moving
[production] air
it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume

2. Solar energy; i.e. energy from the sun Such variations/challenges make one
production type to be preferred over the
3. Hydroelectricity; i.e. kinetic energy other.
from moving water. Additionally, the purpose of
consumption; i.e. either domestic or
commercial can also determine which
of the three [3] methods above will be
The conversion of the major renewable suitable for a particular/specific
energy sources into electricity for various production.
domestic and commercial
uses/purposes always comes with their
a s s o c i a t e d / r e l a t e d The table below compares some of the
difficulties/challenges. challenges that are associated with the
conversion of the three [3] common
These challenges differ from one factors of renewable energy into
production type to the other. electricity.

Parameter Wind Solar Hydro

1. Times of availability 1. Wind intensity is not 1. Solar energy [sunlight] 1. Water quantity in the
f o r c o n t i n u o u s uniform throughout the is not available for dammed river reduces
production day conversion during the during the dry season
2 . C o s t o f 2. Very high as several 2.Relatively cheap as a 2.The cost of building the
e s t a b l i s h m e n t a n d wind mills covering a large single solar panel unit can dam and installing the
maintenance land area would have to be used depending on machines is very high
be put together to form a the type of production
wind farm
3. Type of suitable 3. Mostly suitable for 3. Mostly suitable for 3. Mostly suitable for
p r o d u c t i o n ; i . e . commecial production domestic production commercial production
d o m e s t i c o r
4. Major environmental 4. The large land area that 4. Solar panels take much 4. Hydroelectricity
challenges that it poses must be used for the wind s p a c e f o r e f f e c t i v e production can affect
or can cause farm may compete with installation and use aquatic habitats like the
other better uses of the fish population in that
land like crop production water body
5. Type of pollution 5.The wind turbines can 5.The disposal of old and 5.The construction of the
associated with its c a u s e n o i s e / s o u n d spoilt solar panels can dam and new water ways
production pollution lead to land pollution can lead to the
deterioration of the orinal

Force of
to Integrated Science

Relationship between heat [heat It is this transferred heat that your hand
energy] and temperature will detect/perceive as pain.

Heat is a form of energy which travels

from one point to another point due to
temperature difference between the two Differences between heat and
points. temperature
Heat energy is also known as thermal
energy. Heat [heat energy] Temperature

Temperature is a measure of the amount 1. Heat is the energy 1.Temperature is

which travels from the degree of
of heat energy that is found [contained]
one point to another hotness or coldness
in a body.
point due to of a body.
In a more simpler term, the temperature temperature
of a body is the degree of hotness or d i f f e r e n c e
coldness of that body. between the two
Heat energy and temperature are
2. Heat is a form of 2. Temperature is not
sometimes seen/perceived as the same
energy a form of energy
but there are some major differences
between them. 3. The S. I. unit of 3. The S. I. unit of
measuring heat is m e a s u r i n g
While as a form of heat energy known as joules [J] temperature is
sensible heat is concerned with the kelvin [K]
transfer of energy between two [2]
bodies with a temperature difference, 4. The instrument for 4. The instrument for
measuring heat m e a s u r i n g
temperature rather measures the
energyis the temperaure is the
amount of heat that is contained [found]
calorimeter thermometer
in a body.
5. Heat is a derived 5. Temperature is a
The main similarity [correlation] between quantity fundamental
heat and temperature is appreciated quanity
with regards to how they work [function].

For instance; a hot electric iron has a lot

of heat in it due to its high temperature.
When a person touches such an iron, the
hot iron will transfer some of its heat to 1.Which of the following energy changes
your hands due to the differences in takes place when a church bell is tolled?
temperature. A. potential energy to kinetic energy

it's the millennium success series : Integrated Science for Junior High Schools Volume

B. kinetic energy to sound energy E. thermal energy is changed into sound

C. potential energy to sound energy energy.
D. chemical energy to heat energy [BECE 1998 obj. 19]
E. sound energy to kinetic energy
[BECE 1992 obj. 8] 6. Which of the following appliances
transforms electrical energy to heat
2. Which of the following is the energy energy?
possessed by an object on top of a I. Swish oven
table? II. Hair drier
A. kinetic energy B. electrical energy III. Refrigerator motor
C. potential energy D. sound energy A. I only B. I and II only
E. heat energy. C. II and III only D. I and III only
[BECE 1994 obj. 22] E. I, II and III.

3. When the palms of the hand are 7. When the brakes of a car are applied
rubbed together, kinetic energy is for a long time, the brakes become hot.
changed to This is because of a change of energy
A. thermal energy B. potential energy from
C. solar energy D. elastic energy A. kinetic energy to potential energy
E. chemical energy. B. potential energy to kinetic energy
[BECE 1996 obj 35] C. potential energy to heat energy
D. kinetic energy to heat energy
4. According to the principle of [BECE 2002 (B) obj. 6]
conservation of energy, energy can
A. be created and destroyed 8. The types of energy produced when
B. be created but not destroyed the hands are vigorously rubbed against
C. be destroyed but not created each other are
D. be reduced but not increased A. chemical and electrical energy
E. neither be created nor destroyed B. heat and sound energy
[BECE 1997 0bj. 7] C. heat and light energy
D. electrical and light energy
5. Which of the following energy changes [BECE 2004 obj. 2]
takes place when a church bell is tolled?
A. chemical energy is changed to sound 9. Which of the following items converts
energy chemical energy to electrical energy?
B. kinetic energy is changed to sound A. dry cell B. electric bulb
energy C. loudspeaker D. microphone
C. potential energy is changed to sound
energy 10. When a mango is falling from a tree, a
D. potential energy is changed to kinetic potential energy is changed to
energy A. sound energy B. heat energy
Force of
to Integrated Science

C. kinetic energy D. chemical energy 17. State the energy transformations that
[BECE 2005 obj. 7] takes place in each of the following
11. A solar cell produces electrical i). dry cell in use;
energy from ii). solar panel in use;
A. electromagnets B. heat iii). electric stove in use;
C. light D. sound iv). hammering a piece of metal.
[BECE 2009 obj. 7] [BECE 2013 Q 2c]

12. Which of the following device 18.I). Distinguish between heat and
converts electrical energy into sound temperature
energy? ii) State the S. I. units of heat and
A. Electric heater B. Electric fan temperature
C. Washing machine D. Loudspeaker [BECE 2002 (A) Q3d]
[BECE 2016 obj. 25]

13. The form of energy which flows from

one point to another point due to
temperature difference is known as
A. mechanical energy B. heat energy
C. solar energy D. nuclear energy
[BECE 2016 obj. 39]

14. Which of the following does not

produce energy ?
A. Coal B. Sand
C. Water D. Wind
[BECE 2016 obj. 40]

15. Energy stored in food is referred to as

A. chemical energy B. heat energy
C. solar energy D. kinetic energy
[BECE 2017 obj. 15]

16. The instrument used to measure

temperature is the
A. ammeter B. barometer
C. manometer D. thermometer
[BECE 2007 obj. 4]


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