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Example letter

Writing a job application

Analysing a model text
You see the following advertisement on the Skyscanner website. Would you be
interested in applying for the job? Why (not)?

 Read the first draft of an email written in response to the advertisement. What
information does Agata give in the three main paragraphs?
Improving your first draft 😊

Check your writing for correct paragraphing, mistakes, irrelevant information, and language
that is in an inappropriate register.

 Read the draft email again, and try to improve it.

1- Cross out three sentences that are irrelevant or inappropriate (not including the
- I made many American friends during this period, but we lost touch when I came
- He is, in fact, my uncle.
- Friends describe me as calm and conscientious.

2- Correct 10 more mistakes in the highlighted phrases, including spelling, capital letters,
grammar, and vocabulary.

- on your website.

- spoken English.
- for six months.

- an exchange programme.

- marketing assistant.

- The director of the company.

- enthusiastic about (sth)

- apart from.

- calm and conscientious.

… further information.

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