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Section 2

Lecture (2)
Operations Management

First _ MCQ Questions: -

1. ……………………………… is an arrangement of resources that create some mixture of
service and products.
a) A product
b) A service
c) A process
d) An operation
2. Operations and process management requires analysis at …………………………… .
a) The level of the operation itself
b) The level of the supply network
c) The level of individual processes
d) All the three previous levels
3. Analysis at the level of ………………. comprises a network of processes with flow
between them.
a) operation
b) supply network
c) process
d) all of the above
4. Analysis at the level of ………………. comprises a network of resources with flow
between them.
a) operation
b) supply network
c) process
d) all of the above
5. ……………………………… meaning the part of the organization which creates and
delivers services and products for the organization’s external customers.
a) ‘operations’ as an activity
b) ‘operations’ as a function
c) ‘operations’ as a concept
d) ‘operations’ as a network

6. ……………………………… meaning the management of the processes within any of the
organization’s functions.
a) ‘operations’ as an activity
b) ‘operations’ as a function
c) ‘operations’ as a concept
d) ‘operations’ as a network
7. Fresh food, Operators and Processing technology in a Frozen food manufacturer
resemble ……………………………… .
a) Some of the operation’s inputs
b) Some of the operation’s processes
c) Some of the operation’s outputs
d) All of the above
8. The Four Vs of business operations processes are ……………………………… .
a) Volume, variety, vision and visibility
b) Volume, variety, vision and variation
c) Volume, variety, variation and visibility
d) Volume, variety, vision and vigilance
9. …………….. is a dimension of operations that refers to the level of change and
predictability of demand that a business’s operation experience.
a) The volume
b) The variety
c) The variation
d) The degree of visibility
10. ……………… is a dimension of operations that refers to the extent to which
customers are involved in or experience the business operation’s activities, or how
much the operation is exposed to its customers.
a) The volume
b) The variety
c) The variation
d) The degree of visibility
11. ……………… is a dimension of operations that refers to the number of different
‘types’ of products produced or services rendered and how different they are from
each other.
a) The variety
b) The volume
c) The variation
d) The degree of visibility

12. The repeatability of the tasks people are doing and the systemization of the work
are implications of …………………………. .
a) Low volume and high variety operations.
b) High volume and low variety operations.
c) High variation and low visibility.
d) Low variation and high visibility.

13. A high visibility operation has the following characteristics EXCEPT ……………………. .
a) Experience of ‘value –adding’ activities
b) The time lag can be hours or even days.
c) Requires staff with good customer contact skills
d) Tends to be a relatively high-cost operation
14. Flexibility, changing capacity, anticipation and high unit costs are implications of
operations which have ……………………. .
a) High variation in demand
b) Low variation in demand
c) High volume of output
d) All of the above
15. When customers could request services or products which clearly would not be
sold in such a shop, because the customers are actually in the operation they can
ask what they like. This is called ……………………... .
a) low received visibility
b) high received visibility
c) low received variety
d) high received variety
16. Operations and processes can (other things being equal) reduce their costs
by…………………. .
a) increasing volume, reducing variety
b) reducing variation, reducing visibility
c) both A & B
d) none of the above
17. All four dimensions of operations (the 4 Vs) have implications for the ………… of
creating and delivering services and products. (Most appropriate answer)
a) Quality
b) Cost
c) Dependability
d) All of the above

18. To some extent the position of an operation in the four dimensions (the 4 Vs) is
determined by ……………………..……… .
a) The number of processes involved.
b) The demand of the market it is serving.
c) The volume of products produced.
d) The quality of products produced.
19. ……………….. is the activity of determining the physical form, shape and
composition of operations and processes together with the services and products
that they create.
a) Developing
b) Design
c) Directing
d) Planning
20. Operations management activities involves …………………………………… .
a) directing the overall strategy of the operation
b) designing the operation’s products, services and processes
c) planning and controlling delivery, and developing performance
d) all of the above

Second _ True & False Questions :-

1. All processes consist of a collection of operations (though these operations
may be called ‘units’ or ‘departments’) interconnecting with each other to
form a network.
2. It is not just the operations function that manages processes, all functions in
the organization manage processes.
3. All managers, to some extent, are operations managers.
4. Whenever a business attempts to satisfy its customers’ needs it will use
many processes, both in its operations and its other functions.
5. The way in which processes need to be managed is influenced by volume
6. Both high- and low-visibility processes can’t exist within the same operation.
7. In an airport, activities that are totally ‘visible’ to its customers, such as
information desks answering people’s queries, These staff operate in what is
termed a back-office part of the operation.
8. Put simply, high volume, low variety, low variation and low customer
contact all help to keep processing costs down.
9. Before being designed, the delivery of services and products from suppliers
and through the total operation to customers must be planned and

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