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Sales Script PLB Digital

Only use this script as a guide. Read it, practice it, digest it, customize it and make it your own.
You don’t want to read this script verbatim on your calls, but you rather just want to use the
script as a guide. As a tool to guide you through the call. Remember to always take notes on the
prospects answers to your questions because you want to be able to retell the story back to
him/her during the call.

Come prepared:

1. Start the zoom meeting 5 minutes before.

2. Make sure that your mic and webcam is working.
3. Have a pencil, notepad and water bottle with you.
4. Relax, breathe and remember that the other person is just a normal human being just
like you. They are just looking for a solution that will benefit their business, do your best
to present your solution & value. Don’t feel the stress of making the sale; rather focus on
making sure that the prospect understands the value you can bring to the table.

Small talk (1-3 minutes):

Simply set a good vibe for the call before you dive into business. Be yourself, greet the prospect
with a genuine smile and show some interest in their personal life. Example questions:

● Hey John, nice to meet you, how are you today?

● Where are you calling from?

Set the agenda (1 minute):

The main goal here is to just get the prospect to understand how the call will playout. He/she will
now understand that you will ask some questions first, then you’ll share your presentation and
after that you’ll discuss price.

● Is it ok with you John if we dive straight into the call? (Yes)

● Ok, so normally on these calls I like to spend a couple of minutes first just to learn a little
bit more about you, your company, what you’re currently doing in terms of advertising
and what you’re looking for. After that, I’ve a prepared presentation for you where I’ll
walk you through from A-Z what we do. After that we can take it from there and discuss
pricing, our offer and those details. Does that sounds ok with you John?
SPIN questions (10-15 minutes)

● Ok great John, so please tell me a little bit more about your business.
● What makes your business unique? Why do people buy from you instead of a
● What does your current sales & advertising process look like right now?
○ How much do you currently pay per lead?
○ How much do you currently pay per appointment?
○ How much do you currently pay to generate a new customer?
■ Dig deeper into this with implication questions
● How much does your business generate per year right now?
● Where do you want to grow the business within the next 12-24 months?
● What do you think is the main obstacle hindering you from achieving that goal right now?
○ Dig deeper into this with implication questions
● How would things be different in your business & personal life if you grew your business
to $X per year?
○ Dig deeper into this with need-payoff questions

Once you’re done with all the questions. Retell the entire story back to the prospect. This will
prove to the prospect that you’ve listened carefully and that you understand his/hers problems &
needs. Because remember, the only way you’ll be able to have a custom solution for your client,
is if you understand their specific problems & needs.

Once this is done, continue to the next step:

Pitch deck (10-15 minutes)

● Ok John, so I think that’s all of my questions for now. Is it ok If I tell you a bit more about
what we do?
● Perfect, so I’ll go over our presentation for you now, please don’t hesitate to interrupt me
if you have any questions along the way, ok?
○ Share your screen and go over the pitch deck.
○ Remember to pause, and ask the prospect a couple of times during the
presentation if they have any questions.
■ If the prospect also has their webcam on, keep an eye on them, you’ll see
if they react to something and want to ask a question. If so, simply pause
and give them the word.
Q&A + close (10-15 minutes)

● The prospect will naturally have questions regarding your agency, system & offer during
and after the presentation. Respond to the best of your ability. If you can’t answer it,
simply let him/her know that you'll get back to them with an answer directly after the call
after checking with your team etc.
● With a good pitch deck you’ll have minimum objections, because you’ve already
answered them during the presentation.
● Always close something. If they don’t buy, make sure to schedule a follow-up call. Book
the follow-up meeting on the call with them, make sure that they agree to the call. But
also make sure that they are genuinely interested. Be direct and ask if there’s anything
about your solution or offer that they don’t like, identify it and discuss it on the call.
● If they want to sign up, simply let them know that you’ll be sending them a contract &
payment link over the email. Once that is done you’ll start the onboarding process.

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