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Exercise-1. 1. Students' individual response

Exercise-2. 1. An igloo was built on the river Tome in Sweden in 1990. 2. It was
in the shape of a cylinder. 3. A French artist opened an exhibition in the igloo.
4. The visitors were surprised to see this place. 5. One night, some guests
decided to spend the night there. 6. They used sleeping bags placed on
reindeer skin as bed. 7. They found this experience very enjoyable. 8. The idea
of building an ice hotel was born here. 9. Since then many ice hotels have
come into existence. 10. They attract tourists from all over the world.


Exercise. 1. S 2. S 3. Q 4. S 5. Q 6. C 7. S 8. C 9. Q 10. Q 11. S 12. C


Exercise. 1. Rubina is not a clever girl. 2. Anvita is not writing neatly. 3. She
has not got many story books at home 4. Ram Das is not an honest man. 5. Do
not sit in the open. 6. The fairy was not looking kind. 7. The school had no big
playground. /(The school did not have a big playground) 8. The nightingale will
not sing sweet songs. 9. The weather in the hill was not pleasant. 10. Don't
open all the windows.


Exercise. 1. Are these diamonds real? 2. Was Mrs Sinha satisfied with
Sonali's work? 3. Will his father bring some comics for him? 4. Has Sanyam
revised all the lessons? 5. Has our library all the books written by Tagore?
6. Can Mr Haider deliver inspiring speeches? 7. Is Mary Korn also taking part in
this tournament? 8. Will the teacher scold me for my carelessness? 9. Can acid
rain harm the crops? 10. Will the school be closed tomorrow?


Exercise-1. 1. Walt Disney's first Micky Mouse movie 2. About 1000
million people 3. Being punctual 4. All the angles of a square 5. It 6. Food,
clothing and shelter 7. All of us 8. (You) 9. (You) 10. All the buses on
this route 11. Putting off our work till tomorrow 12. The flight schedule of
many airlines 13. (You) 14. All the children interested in Kathak 15. The
Principal of our school
Exercise-2. 1(e), 2(f), 3(a), 4(c), 5(i), 6(h), 7(b), 8(d), 9(j), 10(g)
Chapter-6 NOUNS
Exercis e-t. 1. hotter 2. beautiful 3. eat 4. tell 5. grow 6. hot 7. bright 8. ripe
Exercis e-2. 1. stream, valley 2. elephant 3. farmer, oxen 4. camel 5. days, year,
months 6. stars, sky 7. winter, mountains 8. dolls, hockey
Exercis e-3. 1. Students' individual response.
Exercise-1. 1. Students' individual response
Exercise-2. 2.(B)ajdhani®xpress 3.©har�inar 4.@ndhra®radesh 6.�ount
®verest 7.@a.ng1adesh 8. ®anyakumari 10. ® ® (B)ahman 13.Q)m ©orbett
®ational®ark 14.(Slasant(Slalley@chool 15. ®)arayana�urthy
Exercise. 2. gaggle-e 3. bundle-a 4. pride-j 5. swarm-h 6. crew-b 7. colony-i 8.
cluster-d 9. fleet-g 10. suite-f


Exercise.1. U 2. C 3. U 4. C 5. C 6. U 7. U 8. C 9. C 10. U
Chapter-10 NOUNS: NUMBER
Exercise-1. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. a
Exercis e-2. 1. man, woman 2. Women, men 3. mouse 4. mice 5. foot 6. feet
7. fruit 8. children 9. teeth 10. Lives
Chapter-11 NOUNS: GENDER
Exercise. Across:3. hen 4. madam 5. goddess 7. sister 9. uncle 10. heroine
Down: 1. husband 2. daughter 3. horse 6. niece 8. queen
Exercise-1. 1 . these children's parents 2. my daughter's toys 3. Ashita's school
4. this dog's kennel 5. the boys' hostel 6. the chairman's office 7. Vipul Mehta's
Exercise-2. 1. These birds' nest ... 2. His children's room ... 3. Women's flats ...
4. a week's rest 5. next two weeks' programme ... 6. a good children's magazine
7. St. Thomas's Church
Exercis e-1. young, oval, short, curly, long, grey, black, back, precious, new,
small, loud
Exercise-2. naughty boy, funny cartoon, sweet voice, sincere friend, brave
soldier,shabby clothes,cloudy day
1. sincere friend 2. funny cartoon 3. sweet voice 4. brave soldier 5. naughty boy
6. fresh air 7. cloudy day 8. shabby clothes
Exercise-1. 1. weaker, weakest 2. sweeter, sweetest 3. younger, youngest 4.
brighter, brightest 5. narrower, narrowest 6. stranger, strangest 7. sadder,
saddest 8. thinner, thinnest 9. costlier, costliest 10. funnier, funniest 11. sillier,
silliest 12. noisier, noisiest 13. more careful, most careful 14. more famous,
most famous 15. more handsome,most handsome
Exercise-2. 1. wettest 2. costlier 3. bold,fearless 4. brilliant 5. more dangerous 6.
largest 7. most popular 8. richest 9. exciting 10. most exciting
Chapter-15 A, AN, THE
Exercise-1. 1. an,the,the,the 2. a,an,the 3. an,a,the,the,x 4. the,the,the,
the 5. a,the,The,the
Exercise-2. 1. Have you read the Bible? 2. The equator divides the earth into
two equal parts. 3. The Hindu is _a good newspaper. On Tuesdays, it has _a
supplement for children. 4. At a distance, I could see _a man sitting in the shade
of _a tree. I did not understand what the man was doing there. 5. A fisherman
was standing on the bank of the river Kaveri. The fisherman was carrying _a net.
Exercise-3. 1. We spent that night in the open. The moon was shining softly
and everything was bathed in the moonlight. In the background, there was _a
mountain peak covered with snow. It was really beautiful. Water in the lake
looked like _a white sheet. There was _a boat near us. We sat in the boat and
started rowing. Suddenly, my cousin Taruna began to sing _a song and we all
joined her. That night brought us _a unique experience.
Chapt er-16 PRONOUNS
Exercise-1. He goes to his school by bus. He carries his books in a bag. Today
when he entered the class, his teacher said, "Why are you late?" He said,
"Ma'am, I missed my bus." The teacher said, "You should be careful. Coming
late is a bad habit." Anurag said,"lam sorry. Please excuse me today."
Exercise-2. He,She, He,We (You),him,you, He,She,She,me,You,her,you,
Chapter-17 VERBS
Exercise-1. The aeroplane flew, The painter painted, The priest prayed, The
batsman hit,The teacher taught (Sentences can be individual's own choice.)
Exercise-2. 1. have brought 2. are marching 3. had 4. prayed 5. will join 6. Give
7. am 8. are 9. rained 10. has
Exercise-3. Across: 3. shine 6. rings 7. paint
Down: 1. steal 2. gives 3. stand 4. write 5. beat
Exercise. 1. will help 2. understood 3. spend 4. have 5. wrote 6. came 7.
use 8. was 9. leave 10. am
Exercise-1. Individual's own choice.
Exercise-2. Individual's own choice.
Exercise-3. 1. Aman doesn't help his friends. 2. Ajay doesn't do his homework
on time. 3. Meghna doesn't obey the teachers. 4. Khalida doesn't get up early.
5. Anwar doesn't revise his lessons. 6. Sushmita doesn't share her toys with
her friends. 7. Sukumar doesn't keep his room tidy. 8. Monica doesn't brush her
teeth regularly.
Exercise-4. 1. Tashi doesn't tease the animals. 2. Anand doesn't fight with his
classmates. 3. Priya doesn't keep awake till late hours. 4. Renu doesn't eat
exposed food. 5. Hema doesn't disturb the class.
Exercise-5. 1. doesn't live, find, hunt, follow. 2. comes, b reaks, goes, stays,
love 3. live, roam, remain, attacks, causes
Exercise-6. 1. When do these shops close? 2. What is his father? 3. Where
does Mr Malhotra live? 4. How many cars does your father have? 5. Who opens
the innings of your team? 6. How does Mr Kohli verify the bills? 7. Why does
she go for these exercises daily?
Exercise. 1. is climbing 2. is helping 3. is not doing 4. is waiting 5. Am,
creating 6. are, getting 7. is managing 8. are disturbing 9. is ringing, are coming
10. is walking, is turning, looking, is waving
Exercise-1. 1. followed, wished, did not want, welcomed, b egan, touched,
gave, was, said, took, glowed, didn't seem
Exercise-2. 1. Shanti didn't dust the rooms. 2. She didn't arrange the washed
dishes on the shelves. 3. She didn't clean the fridge. 4. She didn't give woollens
for dry-cleaning.
Exercise. 1. ha ve 2. was 3. were 4. tells 5. has 6. describe 7. is 8. is 9. has
10. Does

Chapt er-24 ADVERBS

Exercise-1. 2. twice-frequency 3. anywhere-place 4. gently-manner
5. back-place 6. often-frequency 7. early-time 8. confidently-manner
9. up-place 10. seldom-frequency 11. bitterly-manner 12. always-frequency
13. yesterday-time 14. never-frequency 15. out-place 16. dearly-manner
17. everywhere-place 18. seriously-manner 19. tomorrow-time
20. Then-time
Exercise-2. 1. rudely 2. simply 3. gladly 4. heavily 5. cheaply 6. specially
7. deeply 8. seriously 9. tightly 10. anxiously 11. luckily 12. carelessly 13. nobly
14. cheerfully 15. noisily
Exercise-3. 1. help-willingly 2. live-peacefully 3. wait-anxiously
4. speak-loudly 5. dance-gracefully 6. decide-wisely 7. laugh-heartily
8. request-politely (Sentences can be individual's own choice.)

Exercise. 1. from 2. at 3. behind 4. among 5. between 6. near 7. infront of/
near/behind, of, to, for 8. In, at, on 9. of, over, from, to 10. into, at, out of, in, for

Exercise-1. 1. When 2. and 3. but 4. if 5. because 6. or 7. As 8. so 9. because
10. but
Exercise-2. 1. She opened the drawer and took out an old photograph. 2. I
looked into the room but could see nothing because of darkness 3. She went
home because she had nothing to do there 4. Geetha slipped and fell as she
was carrying the tray to the dining room. / As Geetha was carrying the tray to
the dining room, she slipped and fell. 5. I lost my pen in the school or at the
bus stop. 6. You may get 20% discount or this shirt free. 7. When they were
returning home, they met with an accident. 8. Although he promised to come,
he may not come today.


Exercise-1. 1. plead 2. push 3. stove 4. pant 5. though
Exercise-2. 1. trunk 2. ring 3. bank 4. nails 5. light 6. stick 7. ruler 8. back
Exercise-3. Across: 1. plump 3. broad 6. difficult 8. scared 10. quick 11. wealthy
Down:2. mend 3. beautiful 4. right 5. stop 7. finish 9. answer
Exercise-4. 1. luckily, luckier, luckiest 2. richly, richer, richest, richness
3. nearly, nearer, nearest, nearness 4. thinly, thinner, thinnest, thinness
5. angrily, angrier, angriest 6. dearly, dearer, dearest, dearness 7. thickly, thicker,
thickest, thickness
Exercise-1. A 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c
B 1. The visitors can climb upto the crown, through a spiral staircase. 2. It was
taken into several pieces, packed in crates and shipped to New York.
C 1. pedestal 2. astound
Exercise-2 1. (a) The bamboo belongs to the grass family. (b ) It is difficult to
believe that it is actually a grass because it is so tall. (c) wheat, rice, sugarcane
2. houses, mats, bowls, sandals, cages, pipes (any four)
3. (a) a very delicious dish (b) pickle 4. (a) It is strong but light-weight (b) It is
less expensive than wooden furniture.
5. The people living in the hilly areas of North-East. 6. (a) elegant (b ) abundant
(c) expensive
Exercise-3 A 1. Anu and John 2. Bank, post office 3. East 4. Courts and
railway station 5. Dhruv
B 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F C 1. Neha, Anu 2. hospital 3. Rose
4. opposite 5. Lotus 6. Lotus 7. Anu, John, Rose Avenue

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