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1. Who do they admire the most?

2. If they could retire anywhere in the Galaxy, where would it be?

3. If they could choose to do anything for a day, what would that thing be?
4. What is their favorite game or sport to watch and play?
5. Have they ever had a nickname? What is it?
6. Do they like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
7. What is their biggest fear?
8. What would they change about themselves if they could?
9. What triggers anger or frustration in them?
10. What motivates them to work hard?
11. What is their favorite thing about being in their current assignment?
12. What is their least favorite thing about being in their current assignment?
13. What is the accomplishment they are most proud of?
14. What are their children/parents/siblings/grandparents like?
15. What is their favorite piece of literature?
16. What makes them laugh hardest?
17. What was the last art or music event they attended? How did they feel about it?
18. If they could go back in time, what era would they travel to?
19. What are their hobbies?
20. What is the best gift they have ever received?
21. What is the worst gift they have ever received?
22. What is their favorite animal, if any?
23. If they could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
24. What’s their favorite holiday?
25. What’s the most daring thing they’ve ever done?
26. What is their favorite childhood memory?
27. Do they collect anything?
28. Are they related to anyone famous?
29. What was their first job or assignment?

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