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Conservatory – Action 1B

3.2.24 Lesson Plan

9:30 – 11:30

 Speaker
 Pens
 Paper
 Printed scripts
NOTE ABOUT OUR SCRIPT: Our script is living in the land of the absurd that is exploring
technology, AI, and the eventual destruction of the world and mankind. I have taken all of their
words and heightened them while attempting to string together 12 individual scenes. I have
altered real names/ business, but if students come up with better options go with that!
ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE! Give and take as needed!
 Doors Open
o Welcome students to the space.
o We don’t have any formal rituals during this time and allow students to hang out,
chat and let out some energy

 Opening Circle
o Call all students to the opening circle.
 Sitting on floor in center of room
o Go around the circle and state the following:
 Name
 Access Needs
 Energy Level (1 – 10)
 Answer to the question of the day

 Warm-Up Exercise: RED BALL

o Stand in a circle
o Start passing around a neutral red ball
o Beginning adding attributes to the ball for each rotation around the circle:
 Sticky
 Heavy
 Floaty
 Hot
o Students should pantomime passing the ball with the proper description

 Read Through of New Script

o You will need to assign the people to the following roles:

 BREAK (10:30ish)
o Take all students to the bathroom
o NOTE: Our boys can occasionally be a little rowdy. I usually don’t say anything
unless they start to get out of sorts
o Return to room and let students have snacks if they brought them

 Refocus Game (Land/ Sea/ Air)

o This is a group FAVORITE
o Have all students stand behind the line on the floor.
o One side of the line is the LAND, the other the SEA
o LAND/ SEA is called out and students hop from side to side
o If you call SEA and they are already on SEA, they should not move
o AIR – students hop straight up and come back down
o SHORE – hop onto the line
o Start slow and then speed up commands
o We haven’t done outs yet, but you can if you think they’re prepped for that

 Script Discussion
o What has changed? Improved? Etc. Open a discussion about initial thoughts and
curiosities from the new alteration of the script
o Fill in the blanks/ missing lines in script
o Please write down any changes/ alterations/ big discussion points

 IF TIME: Play and Block

o Allow students to pick a scene that inspires them
o Give them time to work on developing the blocking for their chosen scene
o Share – please record these so that I can see them for future lessons. I’d like to
use as much of their own choices as possible
o If a scene is chosen that could include more than just the speakers use it to teach
background acting
 I’m thinking the opening scene with the live audience

 Closing Circle
o Similar to the opening circle, return to a sitting circle
o All students will participate in a Rose and Bud
 Rose – Favorite part of the day
 Bud – what are you looking forward to?
o Warm up hands and close out the day with a POWERCLAP

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