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Unit 46

Words you would hear at a bank:

- mortgage
- savings/checking account
- overdrawn
- loan
- overdraft fee
- cash
- cash machine/ATM (automatic teller machine)/cash point
- interest rate
- borrow / pay back - repay
- Shall I lend you some money?
- take out/get/withdraw (a withdrawal) money
- deposit money “to make a deposit”
- steady income
- “credit check”
- credit card / credit “to pay on credit”
- “hold-up” / robbery
- safe “safety deposit box”
- counter
- exchange rate
- currency/ currencies
Words to describe a good book:
- gripping / captivating / intriguing / interesting / amazing
- a page turner / unputdownable
- thought-provoking / insightful (provides a new
perspective, way of thinking about something)
- cliffhanger
- action-packed
- suspenseful / thrilling
- well-written
Shopping Complaints
- The line/queue is too long - “I’ve been here for 2
hours/I’ve been waiting for 2 hours”
- There’s no/poor service
- My size is out of stock / They don’t have my size / They
only have one size
- The jeans are out of stock / unavailable / sold out
- The shop isn’t open enough / The shop is rarely open /
the hours are too short/limited/strange
- The clerk is rude
- There’s a hole in the shirt / The clothes are low/poor
- The delivery is too long
- The package is half-opened / damaged / wet
- The site isn’t safe/secure for payment
- The shirt doesn’t look like it does online / The picture
online is misleading
Khae is trying on clothes in a fitting room.
- She’s wearing a baggy, colorful, striped dress.
- it’s too baggy/large/big for her
- it’s comfortable
- it’s old-fashioned
- It’s a long-sleeved dress
- It doesn’t suit/fit her
Aanya is wearing a tan/brown skirt and a blue cotton shirt
that’s too tight.
- solid color
- above-the-knee
- tight
- sky/light blue
- a pair of black tights
Khae is wearing a:
- a purple shirt/blouse
- outfit
- a long, silver necklace
- a button-up shirt
- a pair of black leather pants
Aana is wearing:
- a light green, long-sleeved dress
- the color suits her
- it’s a bit baggy
- it’s shapeless
- there’s a belt
- round neckline
- a gold necklace
- a long floral-patterned dress
- a suit with a skirt
old-fashioned v. trendy/stylish/ “in fashion”/ “on trend”
designer label/brand
cozy/comfortable v. uncomfortable
casual v. formal
business clothes / business wear
formal wear
“business casual”
- button-up shirt,
- chinos
- trousers / slacks / “smart pants”
WILL / SHALL - to offer help/assistance
- Shall I open the window?
- I’ll open the window.
- should I open the window?
- Would you like me to open the window?
- Shall I buy you lunch?
- I’ll bring you some food.
- Shall I give you a pen?
- Shall I lend you a pen?
- I’ll write it for you/ I’ll give you a pen
- Shall I buy you a new one? Shall I fix it? Shall I go to
the shop to ask them to fix it?
- I’ll repair it
- I’ll lend you mine
- Shall we clean it this afternoon?
- I’ll clean it this afternoon.
- Shall I call him?
- I’ll pick him up.
Hypothetical scenarios - “contrary to reality”
- If I were you, I would
in modern colloquial English, “If I was you…”
- If this jacket were cheaper, I could/would buy it.
- If I had time, I’d go shopping today.
- If the apartment had more rooms/ If there were
more/enough rooms, we would stay there.
- If the shirt were smaller, I could/would buy it.
- If the shop employees were more polite, I’d buy a dress
- If I had less work, I could finish this project this week.
- If the weather were good, we would go to the park.
- If he did more exercise, he would be fit.
- What would you do if a shop employee were rude to
- I would call the manager.
- What would you do if the pants you bought didn’t fit?
- I would exchange them
- I would choose a different pair
- I would ask for a refund
- What would you do if you had no time to go shopping
and you needed new clothes?
- I’d buy them online.

WILL (future)
I’ll help you with that. Offering
I think it will rain tomorrow. Predictions
He will probably be late for the meeting. Assumption
I will study for the exam tomorrow. Intention
I will call you when I get home. Promise
I'm thirsty. I will get a glass of water. Spontanesous Decision

SHALL (future)
3 reasons why shall is separate to will:
It’s used for tag questions – “Let’s go to the movies tonight, shall we?” (Shall confirms the
when asked in a positive or negative form.)
It can be used for this question. “My girlfriend has dumped me, what shall I do?”
“Shall I help you?” Means would I help you? (Pour offrir quelque chose.)

Here are some good listening YouTube podcasts with different speaking accents.
Pearson Speakout Podcasts:

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