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Workforce Management Communications

The Scheduling Web Suite

Impact 360 Overview

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Workforce Management Communications
“Verint” is the company that provides us with the software that generates our schedules. They also
provide us with the “Impact 360” website that you are able to access to view your schedules and
manage various requests. This document is a training guide that you can use to help you navigate
Impact 360.

Logging In
You can reach Impact 360 by going via the Interpreter Portal at
Once logged in there, you click Impact 360 and you will be redirected to the Impact 360 site

Users with a LanguageLine provided laptop will find a shortcut to Impact 360 on the desktop.
You can access Impact 360 from your computer through the following URL:


First Time Users:

First time users of Impact 360 will need to register to create your own username and password. Existing
users can log in using your Impact 360 username and password.

New users click on “Register”. You will then be prompted to enter the following information so the
system knows who is registering. The information must match how you are set up in the system,
1. First name (you may have more than one)
2. Last name (you may have more than one)
3. ID number (if it’s six digits and starts with a 3, use all six digits, if it’s six digits
and starts with any other number, use the last five digits of your ID, if you have
less than a six digit ID, add zeros in front to make five digits)
4. Email address (LLS rack space email address)

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Next you will be prompted to enter a Username and Password. The username should not have spaces in
it. The password must be at least eight (8) characters long and must contain at least 1 letter and 1
number. You will be asked to change the password every 90 days.

For more detail see “Changing Your Password” in the My Profile section.

 If you want to change your password before 90 days, see “Changing Your Password” in the My
Profile section of this document.

If you have any questions or are having difficulties logging into the Impact 360 web suite please input a
Support Request in the Interpreter Portal under Impact 360 Technical Issues Type Trouble Logging In

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Workforce Management Communications
Navigating the Web Suite
Each of the pages in Impact 360 will have the following elements:

Element Location Description

System toolbar Top of the page Provides buttons for
performing common tasks.
Sometimes, the icons
provide information. For
example, you can have icons
that indicate unread
notifications and alerts.
Main menu Below the toolbar Provides access to
Workspace Below the main menu Area of a page where most
of the content is displayed
and user actions take place.


How the main menu works

The main menu provides access to all applications. It has three levels.
Level 1 - Provides a list of applications.
Level 2 - Provides a list of page groups associated with the level 1 application.
Level 3 - Provides links to individual pages associated with the level 2 application.

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There will be some new sections being rolled out in the future, but for now you will find things under
the My Home application (level 1).

You can see all the different section discussed in this document in the “My Home” application. Click on
the left (blue) section of the Main Menu. By default, the first module that opens is “My Information”
“Personal Profile”.

My Information
In the “My Information” section you will find one page under this section labeled “Personal Profile”.
There are only a few fields that you can edit within this page, and any changes will be reflected in the
scheduling software only. You will still need to submit a “Personal Information Update” support request
to have your information updated in the other systems.
Fields that you can modify:
 E-mail address.
 Home phone.
 Work phone.
 Cell phone.
 Your password for the Impact 360 site.

Changing Your Password

At the bottom left of the Personal Profile page there is the Sign-in Data section which contains your User
Name and password. To change your password, follow these steps.
 Click on the icon next to the password field, and enter your old password.
 Enter the new password, twice.
 Click set, and then Save.

Note: You are the only person within the group that can view this information page.

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 You will also be asked to change your password every 90 days by the system

You need to adhere to these guidelines when changing your password:

 Password will need to be changed every 90 days.

 You cannot reuse the last 10 passwords.
 Minimum characters are 8.
 Maximum characters are 30.
 Password must contain 1 letter and 1 number.

The other modules in Impact 360 are accessible through the “My Home” menu:
 Click on “My Home” to bring up the menu.
 From the My Home menu, on the right select the page you want to go to.

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My Schedule
Under the “My Schedule” section, you will see three individual pages: “Summary”, “Personal”, and
“Group”. These pages will allow you access to different schedule views, as described below.

The first page is labeled as “Summary”. This tab shows you the following:

 This Week’s Schedule - shows the start and end times of your current week’s schedule. For a
break-down of daily activities see the Personal page.

 Time Off Summary - includes the following by year:

o Total – Projected hours accrued for the year

o Starting Balance – Starting balance for the year
o Used – Hours already taken
o Scheduled – Hours scheduled in the future
o Pending – Any pending hours waiting for approval
o Estimated Remaining – Hours remaining to select

 Shift Swap – shows a summary of your shift swaps activity of:

o Swap Board Postings – number of swap board postings

o Total Requests – total number of swap requests
o Expired Requests – total number of expired swap requests
o Requests Incomplete – total number of incomplete swap requests
o Requests Pending – total number of pending swap requests
o Requests Approved – total number of approved swap requests
o Requests Denied – total number of denied swap requests
o Requests Invalid – total number of invalid swap requests

Note: You can refresh the screen by clicking the “Refresh” button at the bottom right corner.

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The second page is labeled as “Personal”. Clicking on this page shows your current week’s schedule by
If you want to view schedules for a range of dates, you can use the “Dates” fields to specify what you
would like to view.
 Select the calendar icon at the right of the Dates range.
 Click on the starting date using the left calendar and the ending date using the right calendar to
specify the range, and then select “Set”.

To change how your schedule is displayed, select either “Textual” or “Graphical” in the View menu.
Shown below in Textual view.

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The third page is labeled “Group”. By default, this tab shows your groups schedules for the current
week. For example, if you are a Korean interpreter, you will be able to view schedules for the Korean
interpreters only. This page is used for shift swaps, which you can read more about in the Impact 360
Shift Swap document, available in the Interpreter Forum.

If you want to view schedules for a different range of dates, you can use the “Dates” fields to specify
what you would like to view. You will only be able to see schedules that have been completed and
released by the scheduling team:

1. Select the calendar icon at the right of the date range.

2. Click on the starting date using the left calendar and the ending date using the right calendar to
specify the range, and then select “Set”.

You’ll then see the list of interpreters and their shifts, your name will be in bold font and your shift will
be underlined (in the Multiday view). You have the option to change your view to Textual or Graphical if
you prefer.

Note: If you are in a large group, the list may not reflect all members in your group. You can change this
by doing the following:

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 Click on the box in the lower left corner of the screen that says “Viewing Person 1 to …”
 Click the up and down arrow and select the highest number to see all of the people in your
You may also be able to see other people in your language group who are in a different organization
within the software. To see if there are others who you may want to swap with click on the people icon
next to “My Group Schedule”.

Note: This page and the “Swap Board” are the ONLY pages that can be seen by everyone in the group.

My Requests
When in “My Requests”, you have 4 pages available: “My Requests”, “My Time Off Calendar”, “My
Time Off Report” and “Swap Board”.

These pages allow you to see the different aspects of requests you can make. Please refer to the Impact
360 Time Off and Impact 360 Shift Swap documents available in the LLS Libraries for detailed
information on submitting time off and shift swaps.

The first page in My Requests is labeled “My Requests”. In this page you will see the following
information on requests you have created. When viewing All requests you will see the fields all requests
have in common:

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 Status – the current status of the request is shown graphically. If you put your cursor over the
icon it will display what that icon means (approved, denied, pending, negotiations, etc.).

 Type – the type of request that was submitted

 Submitted – when the request was originally submitted

 Last Modified – when the request was last updated

 Expired – if the request is expired, by default expired requests are not shown. To show expired
requests click on the checkbox “include expired”

 Comments – any comments that were added in the request

 Alerts – if there are any alert messages showing the request is violating one of the rules for that
type of request

 Actions – all actions available for that request shown graphically. Common actions would be
Edit, Withdraw, Submit to Manager and Details.

You can Create New Time Off Request, Shift Swap or Shift Swap Posting by clicking on “Create New
Request” at the lower right corner of the page.

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The second page is “My Time Off Calendar”. In this page you can view which dates have time still
available to request using your UTO hours.

When in the Personal View (the default view) each date box within the calendar will show you three
numbers. The diagram on the left of the calendar is there to explain what the numbers represent.

 The first number shows how many hours are still available to be requested off using your hours.
 The middle number shows how many hours you have requested and are pending.
 The third number shows how many hours you have scheduled off.
o When Time Off Type is set to UTO the hours represented will be for your UTO requests
o When Time Off Type is set to Voluntary Time off the hours represented will be for VTO
requests you have submitted.

The other views are described in detail in the Impact 360 Time Off document available in the LLS

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The third page is “My Time Off Report”. This tab allows you to see what time off codes are on your
schedule for a past or future date. This includes any absence codes such as AP, AS, UTO or any other
time off code.

The fourth page is labeled as “Swap Board”. Here you can view and pick up the swaps that anyone in
your group has posted. Be sure to have the view in My Campaign and not My Postings in order to see
all the postings.

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My Time
The “My Time” section is where you will find “My Adherence” and where can see how well you are
following your schedule during the day.

The top section of this page there are three lines of data:
 Scheduled – your schedule for the day
 Primary – ACD – the different states you are in while logged in
 Exceptions - this will show an orange line if you are out of adherence

The bottom section of this page is a summary of the day so you can see how much time you were in
adherence to your schedule vs. how much time you were unable to adhere to it.

If you want to look at a different day you can do so. Simply change the date in the top right of the

NOTE: adherence is a reference guide for you to see how well you are following your schedule and you
are not paid based solely on your adherence. There can be several factors to how you are paid which will
include calls going over your shift or lunch as well as if you are late, leave early or are in a refused state
for too long. There also may be times when Adherence is off-line for one reason or another and these
times will also not affect payroll.

A sample of what your adherence could look like:

In the top right corner of the Impact 360 window you will see some more options; Refresh Print, Help
and a drop down menu showing your user name.

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Workforce Management Communications

“Refresh” and “Print” will refresh or print the page you have currently displayed.
The drop down menu will give you two options “Preferences” and “Logout”.
“Preferences” allows you to set a number of preferences specific to how Impact 360 displays
information to you.
 In the “General” section of Preferences you will see Language, Regional Format and Time Zone.
o NOTE: It is important to make sure the Time Zone is set to Pacific Time before
submitting a time off request, but for all other times you can set it to your local time
 In the “User Settings” section you can set which screen/page you want to come up when you
login as well as if you want to “Use Accessibility Compliance Mode”.

 In the “User Interface” section of Preferences you can set the following:
- How often headers are displayed – when viewing many rows
- How many rows you see on a page

In the Workforce Management section you can set:

- Show Unavailability Events – allows you to see any unavailability events that are setup
in your schedule.

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Workforce Management Communications
- Show Time Off Events – this allows you to see any time off code that has been added to
your schedule.
- Show Net Staffing – This feature allows you to see where we need additional staff or if
we are overstaffed during hours you are scheduled. (not yet rolled out to everyone)
- The Net Staffing colors (Surplus, Shortage and Neutral) allows you to customize how
you see the net staffing ribbon.

When you are done with your session, select “Log Out” from under the username drop down, located at
the top-right side of the screen.

Again, should you have any questions or experience difficulties logging into the Impact 360 web suite,
please input a Support Request in the Interpreter Portal under Impact 360 Help.

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