The Conditional

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The Conditional

Put the verb into the correct form. Put a 0, 1, 2, or 3 next to it.

1. I didn’t realize that Gary was in the hospital. If I _____________________ he was in the hospital, I would have gone to
visit him. (know)
2. If the phone __________________, can you answer it? (ring)
3. I can’t decide what to do. What would you do if you ________________ in my position? (b)
4. A: Let’s go to the beach.
B: No, it’s too cold. If it ___________ warmer, I wouldn’t mind going. (be)
5. A: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

B: No, it was too cold. If it ______________ warmer, we might have gone. (be)

6. I’m glad we had a map. I’m sure we would have got lost if we __________________ one. (not/have)
7. The accident was your fault. If you ____________________ more carefully, it wouldn’t have happened. (drive)
8. A: Why do you read newspapers?
B: Well, if I _______________________ newspapers, I wouldn’t know what was happening in the world (not/read)

Complete the sentences.

1. Liz is tired all the time. She shouldn’t go to bed so late.

If Liz didn’t go to bed so late, she wouldn’t be tired all the time.

2. It’s rather late. I don’t think Sarah will come to see us now.
I’d be surprised if Sarah _______________________________________________

3. I’m sorry I disturbed you. I didn’t know you were busy.

If I’d known you were busy, ___________________________________________

4. I don’t want them to be upset, so I’ve decided not to tell them what happened.
They’d ____________________________________ if

5. The dog attacked you, but only because you frightened it.
If _________________________________________________________________

6. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an umbrella and so I got very wet in the rain.
I _________________________________________________________________

7. Martin failed his driving test last week. He was very nervous and that’s why he failed.
If he ______________________________________________________________

Use your own ideas to complete the sentences

1. I’d go out this evening if

2. I’d have gone out last night if

3. If you hadn’t reminded me,

4. We wouldn’t have been late if

5. Who would you phone if

6. Cities would be nicer places if

7. If there were no television,

Choose the correct verb forms

1. If she (comes/came) late again, she’ll lose her job.

2. I’ll let you know if I (find/found) out what’s happening.
3. If we (live/lived) in a town, life would be easier.
4. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive/arrived) early.
5. (We’ll/We’d) phone you if we have time.
6. If I won the lottery, (I will/would) give you half the money.
7. If I’m free on Saturday, I (will/would) go to the mountains.
8. She (will/would) have a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
9. I know I’ll feel better if I (stop/stopped) smoking.

Write the sentence chains with if to show how things could have been different.

Example: If he hadn’t worked so hard, he wouldn’t have passed his exams. If he hadn’t passed his exams, he wouldn’t
have gone to university. If hadn’t gone to university…

1. He worked hard → passed exams → went to university → studied languages → learnt Chinese → went to China →
went climbing in Tibet → tried to climb Mount Everest → disappeared in a snowstorm.

If he hadn’t worked hard, ….

2. He bought a bicycle → went for a ride in the country → fell off → woke up in hospital → met a beautiful nurse →
wrote a bestselling novel about her → got rich → married the beautiful nurse and had three charming children →
lived happily ever after

If he hadn’t bought the bicycle, …..

3. Write some sentences beginning with If I were you… to: other students / your mother / your girlfriend or boyfriend /
your child / the Prime Minister / the Pope / the head of the PH
Mixed Conditional

Part one: How could this situation be different in the present if I had just done things differently in the past?

1. I didn’t take an aspirin, so I have a headache now.

2. I didn’t charge my phone, so it’s not working now.

3. I turned down his wedding proposal, so we’re not married.

4. She didn’t prepare for the interview, so she’s still unemployed.

5. He didn’t try on the clothes at the store, so they don’t fit.

Part two: What would have happened if the present were different?

1. I don’t speak Spanish, so I didn’t move there.

2. She is a terrible photographer, so she didn’t offer to take pictures at her best friend’s wedding.

3. They are broke, so they didn’t do anything special over the summer holidays.

4. He can’t swim, so he didn’t join his friends at the pool.

5. She can’t drive, so she had to take the bus.


1. I wish ________________ a complaint.

2. I wish ________________ a table for six.

3. I don’t wish ____________________ identified.

4. I never win at tennis. I wish ____________________________________.

5. I’ve eaten too much. I wish ____________________________________.

6. It’s raining hard. I wish ________________________________________.

7. I can’t go to the party. I wish ___________________________________.

8. I couldn’t go to the party. I wish _________________________________.

9. I drive a Renault. It’s nice, but I wish I ______________________ an Audi.

10. Leif wishes he __________________________ Japanese fluently, but he can’t.

11. Carol wishes she ____________________________ Spanish when she was young, but she didn’t.

Past Habits

Fill in the blanks using the following verbs plus “used to” or “would” to describe the past. Remember that “would” can
only be used for action verbs.
to live
to spend
to get up
to catch
to eat
to make

When I was young we _________ in a big house in the countryside.

On summer mornings we ___________ while everyone else was asleep.
I _________ breakfast for myself and creep out of the house to go fishing.
I _____________ hours fishing in a small river near our house.
I _____________ enormous trout that we ____________ in the evenings for dinner.

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