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Revelation Part 19

Chapter 8:1-13 – The 1st Four Trumpets

Introduction: In second portion of chapter 7, we see the

Rapture of the Church!
 The completion of Israel’s Sealing and now the
 So many have made the mistake of thinking that the
God of Wrath, Vengeance, & Judgement is the
confound to the Old Testament! Not So!!!!!
 What we shall soon vividly learn is that Hebrews
13:8 is true!
Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday
today and forevermore.

 In the next few chapters, we will see to the surprise

of many the Wrath, Vengeance and Judgement of
Jesus – The Christ!
AGAIN, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and

Revelation 8:1, When He opened the seventh seal,

there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

 The seven sealed scroll was introduced
in Revelation 5, and the seals were opened one
by one up to the sixth seal in Revelation 6.
 We waited for the last seal to be opened and the
contents of the scroll to be revealed — but then
were given a pause with Revelation 7
Transition: Why, to seal Israel and identify the 144,000
and their purpose!
 Now the idea of a pause between the sixth and the
seventh seal is emphasized by this silence in
heaven for about half an hour.
 This silence is striking!
 The silence gets the full attention of every inhabitant
of earth.
Watch This Now, if I stood here for just one minute
without saying one word, it would seem like eternity. And
it would get everyone’s attention!

Revelation 8:2, And I saw the seven angels who

stand before God, and to them were given seven

 Biblically speaking there are two types of trumpets

 1st Shofar – I learned that it depicts the purpose of
God and points to God’s Provision.

 This is not that type of instrument. This is one
that alerts or gives warning or an announcement!
 That announcement is related to His judgement!
 He condemnation of those that have rejected Him.

Then another angel, having a golden censer, came
and stood at the altar. He was given much incense,
that he should offer it with the prayers of all the
saints upon the golden altar which was before the

Transition: First, let's take a moment to identify the


Example: Go through the Tabernacle – Outer/Enter

Courses [This verse is not speaking here of the Brazen
Altar but he Altar of Incense in the Holy Place before the
Holy of Holies.
 Incense offering Vs. Prayers of The Saint
 Incense offering was a sweet-smelling savor.
 So what does this reveal - It reveals how important
prayer is and they must be pleasing to God!!
Watch Now, that’s why we are to pray in the Spirit and
not in the flesh!

 Making sure our prayers are subjected to the Laws,
The Precepts, The Commandants, and the Word of
Transition: What does the scripture warn us about
offering strange incense or strange fire unto the Lord?
Remember, Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron

 We need to be very careful with our prayers. Making

sure we are in order with His directives concerning
the matter.
AGAPE, The entire book points to the Throne.
 The rulership – The authority God!
 Remember, 1st there will be Judgement then the
It goes on to say all of this happens they are Standing
before the Throne

And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of
the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s
 Again, it mentions before God!
 Clearly signifying God is firmly in Control
 And He is orchestrating what’s taking place.

Watch This Now, here, before anything happens at the
opening of the seventh seal, the prayers of God’s people
come before the Lord God.


Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire
from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there
were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an

Transition: This is interesting as these things listed are

very reminiscent to what takes place in Exodus
Chapters 19-20.

 In those chapters God is getting the attention of His

people and laying out what He expect through the
giving of the 10 commandments

Watch Now, The reason we see these noises,

thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. Is to
breing to our attention the same truth taught in Exodus.

 God wants to bring about a change – that change

being the same laws of Heaven will become the laws
on this earth!
 God was this world to reflect His character!!

So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets
prepared themselves to sound. 7 The first angel
sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with
blood, and they were thrown to the [a]earth. And a
third of the trees were burned up, and all green
grass was burned up.

 What’s happening here in the Trumpet judgements

 God is bringing all these judgements from the
 These will not be things that can be explained
through science or by the intellect of man.
 Because the source of all of these things is HEAVEN!
 Many commentors I’ve read in preparation have bent
over backwards trying to suggest some natural or
scientific occurrences.

Transition: Why do I say it will not be scientific or

explainable by man, because many who translate or
provide commentary on Revelation like to suggest this is
perhaps a Nuclear occurrence.

 Many of them are look for a scientific or human

explanation for these events.
 There is no human explanation because these things
have never happened!

Watch Now, when in history have, we seen such things!

[From the heavens] hail and fire followed, mingled
with blood, and they were thrown to the [a]earth.
And a third of the trees were burned up, and all
green grass was burned up.

Transition: One of the important things, I want to point

to concerning these Trumpet Judgements is this number
– One-third!

 Over the next few teaching, we will see the number
One-third mention over-and-over again!

Transition: Why is this, because One-third is a partial

judgement of God. We will not see the full Wrath of God
unleashed until Chapters 16 and 17 when we get to
the Bowl Judgements… several weeks from now.

 Remember the Trumpet Judgements represent the

partial judgement of God!

Watch Now, make note, that this partial judgement is

design to bring about repentance.

 If it were another why God could react to get a

greater number of people to response to Him, to
accept Him, He would do it!
 We see through the Israel’s history that through the
Judgement of God – Israel was brought to
 And spiritual change occurred amongst His people
that was pleasing!

Then the second angel
sounded: And something like a great mountain
burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a
third of the sea became blood.

Saints of God, this is not man made!

 Has this ever-taken place.

 1/3 of all the oceans became blood

And a third of the living creatures in the sea died,
and a third of the ships were destroyed.

 Think about the devastation

 What about those that need the sea for food
 What about the sea’s use to transport 1/3 of ships
 Talking about supply chain problems
 You haven’t seen supply chain problems
 This is going to affect every nation of the earth!
 Think about it!!!!

Transition: Do you remember a few years back during

COVID and many of the stores were empty – you haven’t
seen nothing yet!

Verse 10
Then the third angel sounded: And a great star
fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on
a third of the rivers and on the springs of
water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third
of the waters became wormwood, and many men
died from the water, because it was made bitter.

 This again is devastating.

 There is no scientific explanation for this – none.
 This is in part to show the power and wonder of God

 Its bitter and associated with death!
 Many died because they became bitter… refusing to
submit to God!!!
 Lack of vegetation
 1/3 sea and fresh water gone

Watch Now, Is this this Loving God – The God of the

New Testament

Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the
sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of
the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A
third of the day [b]did not shine, and likewise the

Turn Quickly to: Matthew 24:29, Immediately after the

tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon
will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the
powers of the heavens will be shaken.

 Do you see that …. This is time right here in

Revelation 8:12 that Jesus was speaking with His
disciples about!
 Will man be able to explain this!
 Will scientist provide an explanation!
 No sir – No Ma’am they will not!


And I looked, and I heard an [c]angel flying
through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud
voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the
earth, because of the remaining blasts of the
trumpet of the three angels who are about to

Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth,

because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet:
 The angel’s woes are well emphatic, because one-
third of the earth’s population will die in the next
three trumpets.
Example: How I feel about the church and particularly
Pastors in this season!!! [My Friend Aubrey Shines]
 I get it when the people don’t get it.
Watch This Now, In Chapter 4:9, Hosea said, “And it
shall be: like people, like priest. So I will punish them for their
ways, And [a]reward them for their deeds.”


 These first four trumpets reveal the severity of God’s

 He attacks all the ordinary means of subsistence,
such as food and water; and He attacks all the
ordinary means of comfort, and knowledge, such as
light and the regular rhythm of days.

 Man has come to see these aspects of the created
order total under the control of a mighty God!.
 During the great tribulation, God proclaims His
Lordship through their agonizing pain and

Watch Now, We know the great humility that comes

upon us when we find ourselves in the midst of
something like an earthquake, because they know that
“nature” is not as reliable as they had thought.

 With these four trumpets, that effect will be

multiplied many times over!!!

Transition: Saints of God keep in mind that the first four

trumpets also reveal the mercy of God’s judgment.
 These are partial judgments striking only one-third
and are meant to warn and lead a rebellious world to
repentance before the final curtain.
 For now, God spares more than He smites.


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