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Name: _________________________ 2ºESO-C/D (10th, January 2022) l‘THE CANTERVILLE GHOST ’ Chapters 5 to 8l ______ / 43 =

► 42.6 + 0.4 = 43.00 TOTAL ◄ _______________ / 43.00 = _______________

10 x 0.5= 5.00

10 x 0.5= 5.00

6 x 0.5= 3.00

4. Look at the ‘DID YOU KNOW?’ squares above and below, A and B, and translate both into your own language: 4.00

6 x 1.0= 6.00 6 x 0.5= 3.00

5 x 0.5= 3.00

9. Read the summary of ‘Chapter 6’ & fill in the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs. (24)x 0.2= (4.8)

amuse/ appear /bex3 /blow /bring /change /come /disappear x2 /fall /green /hear /laugh /leave x 2 /make /pass /rub /say /shoot /stand /wear

5 x 0.4=
The ghost 1. ____________ for the rest of the week. The only strange thing was the blood-stain, which 2. ___________ on the
2.00 library-floor every morning and 3. ___________ its colour from time to time. Some mornings it was red, then brown or purple, or even
4. _______. These changes 5. ___________ the Otises very much, who 6. _________ practical and ____________ afraid of it at all.

The second appearance of the ghost was on Sunday night. The whole family was already in bed when they 7. __________ a fearful
crash in the hall. A suit of armour had 8. _________ on the floor and the Canterville ghost was there, 9. __________ his knees, because
they hurt. Suddenly, the twins started 10. ___________ peas at him with their pea-shooters. The ghost 11. __________ up angrily and
12. ________ through the twins like a mist. He 13. _______ out the candle, and 14. _________ them all in total darkness. On top of the

stairs the ghost turned around and, in order to frighten the Otis boys, 15. __________ his most horrible laugh. Just then, a door opened
and Mrs Otis 16. _________ out of her bedroom. 'I am afraid you are not well,' she 17. _________, 'I have 18. _____________ you this
bottle of medicine.' The ghost looked at her furiously, and then he 19. _____________.
When he reached his room, he 20. _______ completely exhausted. This American family was extremely annoying. But what
annoyed him most was, that he had not 21. ________ able to 22. _________ the suit of armour. The weight of it had 23. ________ him
fall and hurt his knees. For some days after this the ghost only 24. ______________ his room to renew the blood-stain.
10. Read the summaries of Chapters 7-8 & 9-10 and choose -circle or underline- the correct options. (34)x 0.2= (6.8)


For a few days, the ghost did not leave his room. He was very weak and 1. tired / nervous / angry and his nerves were completely shattered. Whenever the
Canterville ghost 1. 2. walked / came / slept around the house now, he was very 3. careful / clever / afraid to keep his chains well 4. clean /oiled / shining and not to
make a single 5. a trick / a sound / mistake. However, the twins still kept playing their 6. peashooters / games / tricks on him. They carefully put 7. strings / banana
skins / water across the corridor for Sir Simon to 8. fall / trip / scare over them in the dark, and once he even 9. slipped / knock / sit on a butter-slide, which the
twins had prepared for him on the 10. basement / staircase / garden. This annoyed the ghost so much, that he decided to give them the 11. fright / applause / name of
their lives. When he reached the twins' bedroom, he found the door slightly open. In order to frighten the boys 12. enormously / a little / silently, he flung the door
wide open, when a heavy 13. bottle / bucket / rain of water suddenly fell right down on him and wetted him to the skin. The twins started 14. to run / to smile / to laugh
very loudly and the ghost, humiliated, 15. ran / hit / scared away with his head under his right arm.


One day, Virginia was walking along the 1. corridor / garden / street, when she saw a person in one of the rooms and went in. To her surprise, it was the Canterville
ghost and he looked really 2. sad / shocked / worried.
'I am so sorry for you,' she said, 'but my brothers are going back to school tomorrow, and then, if you behave yourself, no one will annoy you.'
'That is absurd!’ the ghost answered, 'I’m what I am and I cannot but rattle my 3 chains/ hands / feet and walk about at night. It is my only reason for existing.'
'It is no reason at all for existing, and you know you have been very 4. friendly/ nasty/ stubborn. Mrs Umney told us that you killed your 5. brothers/ wife/ son.'
'Well, I admit it,' said the ghost, 'but my wife didn’t love me, you know, and she knew nothing about 6. love/ cookery/ housework. However, it is all over now,
and I don't think it was very nice of her 7. servants / family / brothers to starve me to death.'
'Starve you to death? Oh, Mr Ghost, I mean Sir Simon, are you hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?'
'No, thank you, I never eat anything now; but it is very kind of you. You are much nicer than the rest of your 8. kind / rude / practical, dishonest family.'
'Stop!' cried Virginia, 'it is you who are rude! You stole 9. the paints/ clothes/ jewels out of my box to renew that ridiculous bloodstain in the library. First you
took all my reds and then the 10. green/ black/ pink & the yellow. Finally, I had no blue & white paints, & it wasn’t 11. easy/ hard/ nice at all to continue to paint.'
Very angry, Virginia turned around to leave the room but the ghost cried:
'Please don't go, Miss Virginia! 'I am so 12. rude/ miserable/ kind & I really don't know what to do. I want to go to sleep & I cannot. I have not slept for 13. four/
two/ three hundred years, and I am so tired!'
'Poor, poor Ghost,' she murmured; 'Can’t you find a place to sleep?'
'Well, I know where I could sleep – it's the Garden of 14. Birds/ Death/ Ghosts. But only if you 15. weep/ come /
talk for me & my sins & 16. come/ pray/ save with me for my soul, the Angel of Death will have mercy on me.’
When Virginia promised to help him, he stood up, took her hand and kissed it 17. thankfully / quickly / sadly. Then he
led her across the room. Virginia suddenly saw the wall slowly 18. fading / running / falling away like a mist, and a
very 19. warm / cold / thick wind was around them at once making her feel frightened.
'Quick, quick,' cried the ghost, 'or it’ll be too late.' Then the wall closed behind them, and the room was empty.

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