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Author: Reviewer:

ENG 1001: Comp I

Spring 2018
Peer Review – Expressive Essay / This I Believe

1. Do you see a clear focus and clearly articulated main idea? If yes, write the main idea in
one sentence.

2. What does the author want readers to care about after reading this essay?

3. Does the author create a good beginning for the essay, grabbing the reader’s attention, and
provide key ideas?

4. Does the author give at least one vivid example of the main idea from his or her own life?

5. Can you identify any gaps? Are there examples or ideas the author could say more about
or explain in greater detail? If so, please explain.

6. Does the essay have a clear structure? Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end? If not,
what might the author add, subtract, or change?

7. Do the paragraphs follow each other logically? If not, what would you rearrange or how
would you suggest the author change the order of ideas?

8. How would you describe the tone of the essay?

9. Name at least one thing the author is doing well.

10. Name at least one thing you think the author could focus on improving.

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