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Albert Einstein School

English 2nd Grade Secondary

Name ________________________________________________________________________ Grade_______________ Date ______________Score

Unit 6 | Reading
Read the text. Select True or False.
Buckleford was a big industrial town in the early 20th century. There were a lot of people, stores and factories. The town had five
hotels, and on Main Street there were twelve stores, including a grocery store, a bookstore and three bars. There weren't many cars,
but there were a lot of trolleys, and the downtown area was busy. Because Buckleford was an industrial town, there was a lot of
pollution. But there was a green space, the Miners Park. And there was culture, too: next to the park there was a library, and across
from the library, a theater.
Today Buckleford is very different. There aren't many factories, and there are fewer people living
downtown. There aren't any hotels, either, and there are only two stores and a bar on Main Street.
Of course there aren't any trolleys anymore, but there is a trolley museum. Tragically, the old
library next to Miners Park is now a parking lot. And finally, one of the most important changes: the
theater is now a supermarket.
1. There was a park in Buckleford, but today there isn't one.
2. In the past, there was a lot of pollution because of the factories.
3. There were twelve bars, but today there are only two.
4. The library is now a supermarket.
5. There was a trolley museum, but today there isn't one.
Unit 6 | Grammar - Verb be questions
Match the parts of the question.
1. Were a. you at the concert?

2. Weren't there b. was the party?

3. Was c. she at the barbecue?

4. Who d. was at the party?

5. Where e. any bars downtown?

Unit 6 | Grammar - Prepositions of place

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. The bed is ... the closet. c. above

a. on 4. The books are ... the bed.

b. next to
c. under a. above
2. The TV is ... the table. b. opposite
c. under
a. under
b. on 5. The table is ... the sink and the armchair.
c. in
3. The sink is ... the bed. a. behind
b. between
a. opposite c. in front of
b. under

Unit 6 | Grammar - was/were

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of be.

1. How ___________________ the movie?

2. When ___________________ you in Toronto?

3. What time ___________________ your interview?

Albert Einstein School
English 2nd Grade Secondary
4. ___________________ you at the bar last night?

5. Where ___________________ the party?

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Furniture

Match the furniture and the rooms.
1. closet a. bedroom

2. armchair b. dining room

3. shower c. living room

4. stove d. kitchen

5. table e. bathroom

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Party items

Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter is given in parentheses.
1. We need some (n)___________________ for the table and some paper plates.

2. I am making a big birthday (c)___________________ for Angela.

3. I need some (c)___________________ to put on the cake.

4. Children like (b)___________________ at a party. They are great decorations and fun!

5. We need some (g)___________________ for the beer and wine.

Unit 6 | Vocabulary - Rooms in the home

Match the parts of the sentence.
1. You watch TV in the a. bedroom.

2. You park your car in the b. living room.

3. You cook in the c. kitchen.

4. You take a shower in the d. bathroom.

5. You sleep in the e. garage.

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