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Reducing Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis in the Peripherally Inserted

Central Catheter Patient

Dr. Hari Polenakovik; Anita Patton BSN, RN, VA-BC; Jaime Jenkins BSN, RN, VA-BC

ABSTRACT A single-center retrospective study was completed over a 24 month period. CONCLUSION
A total of 8,323 PICC lines were inserted in patients by the Vascular Access Team This study demonstrated significantly
Over 5 million PICCs are placed annually in M including 4,432 standard polyurethane PICCs and 3,891 BioFlo™ PICCs with Endexo® decreased UEDVT rates in the trial group.
the United States. According to JVIR,
E Technology. Endexo® is a proprietary polymer which is a permanent, non-eluting
standard polyurethane PICCs have an
and creates a catheter material which is more resistant to the accumulation of Based on our data, we continue to use
UEDVT rate of 3% to 6%. T blood components (platelets and thrombus). (Lareu, Facchini, 2012). the BioFlo™ PICC with Endexo ®
If an UEDVT develops, it may lead to serious
H Technology.
The study evaluated the UEDVT rates of a standard polyurethane PICC and the
complications such as: complete blockage O
BioFlo™ PICCs with Endexo® Technology.
of the vein, pulmonary embolism or post- D
thrombotic syndrome. Additional costs
There were no changes in nursing practice or care in maintenance. UEDVTs were GRAPH/IMAGE TITLE
and treatments are required for UEDVT. S
confirmed with duplex ultrasound scans. Chart Title
New PICC technologies have emerged for Standard PICC
reducing fibrin accumulation on the
catheter surface. This new PICC 2.5
technology was trialed at a large institution Over the 24 month period, the standard polyurethane PICC UEDVT rate was 3.1%; 2

Axis Title
in the Midwest. UEDVT rates were tracked the BioFlo PICC with Endexo Technology UEDVT rate was 2.1%. 1.5
and reviewed.
R A 30% decrease in UEDVTs was noted in the trial PICC group as compared to the

E standard polyurethane PICC group.


To Edit, click on graph, Click on ‘Chart Tools’ Tag, and select Design. Select ‘Edit Data’

To compare catheter related upper L REFERENCES

extremity deep vein thrombosis rates T Lareau, R. & Facchini, F. (2012). A new
between two types of PICCs to improve S option for short or long term peripheral
patient safety.
access to the central venous system. White
paper. Angiodynamics, Inc. See Slide #3 for instructions.
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