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EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES TRAVERSE TABLE (Pages 26-117) ‘The Traverse Table is & series of solutions of right angied plane triangles for each degree from 0° to 90° and integral values of the hypotenuse from 0 to 600. By means of this table the resultant course and distance made good by a ship following a zig-zag track and hence her D.R. position, can be obtained by inspection, For convenience in solving the Traverse the hypotenuse is, named the Distance, the opposite side is the Departure, the adjacent side is the Difference of Latitude and’ the corresponding columns in the table are babelled Dist,, D. Lat. and Dep. ‘The angle is named the Course with the 360° equivalents, given in brackets on the appropriate side of each page, Example 1 ‘A ship steers a course of 112° for 84 miles. Find the difference of latitude and departure made good. 1. ‘The equivalent quadrantal course is S68°E. Enter the pages of the table captioned 22° at the top and 68° at the bottom, 2. Because 112° is at the bottom of these pages, the captions at the bottom of the pages are used. 3. Opposite 84 in the Distance cokumnn on tie page: DiLat.= 315, Dep. = 779 4, 112° isa SBly course therefore the D. Lat, is named S and Departure E. 5. D.Lat= 3145'S 6. Departure = 77-9°E Example 2 Find the course and distance made good by a ship whose difference of latitude wats found to be 431°S, and departure B2W. 1. Search the table for a page in which a D. Lat. of 431 and a Dep. of 132 are found in adjoining columns, 2. An exact match cannot be found but on the page headed 47°, using the eaptions at the top of the columns, a D. Lat of 4313 and a Dep. of 131-9 ate found, These are a sufficiently accurate match for all practical navigational purposes. 3. ‘The course is 197° because: a, the D. Lat is South and the Dep. is West; b. the captions at the top of the columns were used therefore the 360° equivalents at the top of the page gives the course, 4, The distance is 451 miles, ‘The Traverse Table can also be used for solving Parallel and Rhumb Line Sailings when the hypotenuse is renamed the Difference of Longitude, the adjacent side is the Departure and the angle is the Middle Latitude. To avoid confision with working a Traverse the columns are labelled D. Long. and Dep. and are printed in italics, Example 3 In Middle Latitude 18°N the departure made good was 260'S°E. What was the Difference of Longitude? 1. On the page captioned 18° at the ‘op of the page, enter the columns with Dep. printed in italics at the top. 2, The nearest value to 260-5" is found to be 260.6" 3. Opposite to 260-6” js 274 in the D. Long, column: 4. 5 Interpolating for 0-1’ of Dep. gives 0-1’ difference in the D. Long. sD. Long = 274-01" =279 = 4°339°E @Dep. is East) NORIE'S NAUTICAL TABLES eee eer r renee eee A ae Example 4 ‘A ship stcemed 090° for 307.5 miles, and changed her Longitude 6°25. On which parallel of latitude did she sail? 1. D. Long, = 6°25” = 385" 2 Course 090°, Distance = 307.5 miles <. Departure = 307-5°E 3. D. Long. 385° and Dep. 307-5" are found in adjacent columns on the page headed 37° . 4, The D. Long. and Dep. columns are entered from the top, therefore the parallel of latitude on which she sailed is taken from the top of the page i.e, Lat 37°, Example 5 A ship's DR. position was $5°30’N 24°22/W and her Observed position was 5S°45'N 24°12'W. Calculate the set and drift of the current DR Lat. = $5°30°N DR. Long. © 24°22°W Obs. Lat, = $5°45°N Obs. Long. = 24°12'W D. Lat. 00°15°N D. Long. = 00°10'5 DR.Lat = 55°30'N Obs. Lat = 55°45°N ‘Mean Lat. © 35°37°SN Entering the Traverse Table with: Mean Lat, 55°375°N, D, Long. 00°10°E: Interpolating between: ‘Mean Lat. = 55° and Mean Lat. = 56° Departure = 5-6°E Entering the Traverse Table with: Departure “ 5-6°E and D. Lat. = 0°15°'N ‘By interpolation: Set = _-N20'5°E (named after the D. Lat, and D. Long) o205° 16:0 miles bal and Drift MERIDIONAL PARTS OF THE TERRESTIAL SPHEROID (Pages 18-126) This table is used when resolving Mercator’s Sailing problems and in constructing charts on Mereator’s projection, Example Find the course and distance from position A in Lat 35°S4'N, Long. 14°33'E to position B in Lat. 31°28°N, Long. 31°50°E. . To obtain the meridional parts enter’ the cohuma with the degrees of the given latitude at the top or bottom. Opposite the required minutes in either side column read off the ‘meridional parts Lat. A = 35°54’N- Mor. parts = 2296-85 Lat.B = 31°28 Mer. parts D. Lat. = 4926'S DMP = 2686'S Long. B= 14°33°E Long, B= 31°50°E D.Long.~ APLTE = LORTE D. Long. tan Course DMP. D.Long, = 1037 log. 301578 DMP = 31831 og. 250285 Jog. tan. 65.1293, Course = $72°56 Distance = D. Lat, x sec. Course D. Lat Tog. 2:42488 Course log, seo. 053248 ’ log, Dist.2:99736 Distance LOGARITHMS (Pages 127-141) ‘The logarithm of a number is the power to which the base ‘must be raised to give the number. Common logarithms are caiculated to the base 10, For example: 100 = 10" ss fog, 100 20 342 = 10", log, 342= 253403 ‘The logan of number consists of to pat: ‘The part of the logarithm before the decimal point is called the Characteristic and is determined by the operator. It is positive for numbers greater than f and negative for numbers less than 1 2, The part of the logarithm after the decimal point is the Mantissa and is obtained from the tables. It is always positive. To determine the characteristic: 1. Tf the number is greater than 1 count the digits before the decimal point; the characteristic is | less than this. a. Number = 5378-7: there are four digits before the decimal point hence the characteristic is 3- bs Number » 5.78337: there is one’ digit before the decimal point hence the characteristic is 0: 2, JF the number is less than 1 the characteristic is negative and is 1 more than the number of zeroes after the decimal point. a, Number ~ 04729: there are no zeroes after the decimal point hence the characteristic is ». Number = 00004729: there are three zeroes after the decimal point hence the characteristic is The negative bar is placed above the characteristic to indicate that while it is negative, the mantissa is still positive. To avoid negative characteristics logarithms in tabular form may be used, Tabular logarithms are obtained by adding 10 to the characteristic, the mantissa being unchanged. When solving 4 problem either the tabular of the index form of characteristic must be used throughout. ‘Examples: log. of 05378 = 173062 cor in tabular form = 973062 tog. of 0-005378 = 373062 ‘or in tabular form 773062 In the tables “Logarithms of Trig, Functions’ the characteristic is given in both forms at the top of each column of logarithms, ‘To find the logarithm of a number: When the logarithm of » number of four or less significant figures is required, the mantissa is taken directly from the ‘main part of the table. Example: tog, of 1402 = 214675 ‘Where there are five significant figures the difference for the fifth figure is obtained from the relevant section of the D. eoluma, EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES: Example: log. of 14027 = 214675 from D column opposite ? #00022 = 214697 If the number consists of more than six significant figures the approximate logarithm can be found by simple proportion. Example: tog. of 140-227 From ‘Sth Figure’ columns ‘07 gives By simple proportion -007 gives = 214675 00022 To find the number whose known. ‘Example og: N = 427099 Enter the table with the mantissa -27099, The next lower mantissa, -27091 gives the digits 1866, 2. Difference between the given mantissa and the next Tower ~ (-27099 ---2709) = 00008 3. Enter section 185 to 189 of the “Sth Figure” columns. with 8. For a value of 7 the fifth digit is 3 4, By simple propostion the remainder of t gives the sixth digit as 5. 5, The digits of the number are 186635. 6. The characteristic of tho logasithm is 4: therefore place the decimal point after the fifth digit from the left, 7. The number N = 1863.5 LOGARITHMS OF TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS (Pages 214-318) To make interpolation unnecessary the tables are presented as follows: 1. From 0°00" to 0°06" and 89°54" to 90°00" the log. functions are tabulated at 00.1" intervals with the Gifferences for 00.2" 2. From, 0°06" to 0°30" and 89°30" to 89°54" the log, functions are tabulated at 00.2" intervals with the differences for 00.2". 3, From 0°30" to 05°00" and 85°00" to 89°30" the log. functions are tabulated st 00-5” intervals with proportional parts for 0" to 0-4". 4, From 05°00" to 85°00" the log. functions are tabulated at 01.0" intervals with proportional parts for 0-1’ to 0:9" 5. The characteristics of the logarithms are given in the index form together with the tabular form in brackets. 6. Example: og, sin. 5°09" = 3-95310 or 895310 ‘The navigator can use whichever Matin of characteristic is preferred though it must be appreciated that the two forms ‘cannot be interchanged within a calculation, If itis necessary to find the log. trig. factions of angles greater than 90°, the second, third and fourth quadrant ‘equivalents of the first quadrant angtes are plainly indicated. ‘The tubles are downward reading for angles in the first and third quadrants, but upward reading for angles in the second and fourth quadrants. In all cases, however, the frame of the tatio being used appears at the top of the page. ‘Fo simplify the extraction of the logs. of tig. functions of angles greater than 90°: 1, The 3rd quadrant equivalent angles are printed above the minutes column on the Feit side of the tables; 2. Tho 2nd and 4th quadrant equivalent angles are printed below the upwards increasing minutes column on the right side of the tabie, NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES |g EXPLANATION EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES ‘Ascertain whether the log, function increases or decreases down the column as this determines whether the proportional parts obtained from the Diff column should be added or subtracted. Examples: Tog. sin. 23°16.0° Tog. sin. 23°16-7° 159661 oF 9:59661 1459661421) = 159682 or 9:59682 1.72354 ot 972354 472354+12) = 172366 or 9:72366 log. cot. 117°53-0" tog. cot. 1179534" log. sin. 19385" = 245710 or 845710 tog, sin. 1938-7" 24571088) 3.45798 or 8.45798 Jog, cos, 83°15-0 1.07018 or 9:07018 log, cos. $3°15-3° 1407018 — 32) 106086 or 9-06986 Tog, 20s. 138°17-0" 187300 or 987300 jog. cos. 138°17-6" 148730047) 187307 or 9-87307 3.55382 or 8-5$382 355382 ~ 141) 255241 of 855241 (35712 oF 1035712 935712 - 10) 038702 or 1038702 ‘Yo find the angte whose log. function is given: Example: log. sine @ = 1:66305 or 966305 ‘The next lower log, sine to the given value is found in the 27° table against 27°24-0" . is value is 1-66295 or 9466295 and the difference between this and the given value is -00010. From the adjoining columa of proportional parts, 10 corresponds to 0-4", O> 27244 fog. tan. 1779570" log. tan, 177574" so Jog, cosee. 206°04-0" Jog, cosee, 206°04-4° nue HAVERSINES (Pages 142-198) ‘To make interpolation unnecessary the tables are presented as follows: 1. From 0°00" to 0°06" and from 359°S4" to 360°00" the hraversines are tabulated at 0-1” intervals with the differences for 00-1". 2, From 0°06" to 0°30" and from 359° 30° to 359°S4" the hhaversines are tabulated at 00-2' intervals with the differences for 00:2". 3. From 0°30" to 05°00" and fiom 355°00" to 359°30" the hhaversines sre tabulated at 00-5" intervals with proportional parts for 0-1’ to 0-4". 4, Brom 05°00" to 180°00" and from 180°00" to 355°00" the haversines are tabulated at 01-0" intervals with proportional parts for 0:1" to 09". 5, The characteristics of the togarithms are given in the negative index form together with the tabular fom in ‘rackets. 6. For angles from 00°00" to 180°00" use the minutes column on the left side of the table, 7. For angles from 180°00" to 360°00" use the upwards reading minutes column on the left side of the tzble, 410 NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES ee Examples: . 15°33-0" fog.hav, = 3.26249 or 826249 nat. hav. 0.01830 1533-6 log hav. = 3426249455) : = 3.26304 or 826304 nat. hav, = 0-(0183042) = 901832 344°100' tog hav. = 327807 or 8:27807 nat-hay. = 001897 344104" log hav. = 5 (27807 ~ 36) = 277M or 827771 natha. © (01897 -2) = 001895 95°25-0" log.hav, =‘ 7-73815 oF 9-73815 fal hay. = = 054720 959286" log.hay. = 147381547) = 173822 or 73822 nat hav. = 045472049) = 054729 263°37-0" log.hav. = ‘17-7445 o 9-74475 nat hay. = 055559 263°378" tog.hav. = (74475 & 9) = 174466 or 9-74466 nat hav, = 0455559 - 12) = 055847 NATURAL TRIG. FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Pages 318-352) ‘These tables give the natural trigonometric ratios of angles to five decimal places and are intended for use with 4 function pocket calculators, 1. The tables of natural sines and cosines are tabulated at 1-0" intervals with proportional parts for 0-1" to 0:9", 2, ‘The tables of natural secants and tangents from 0°00' to 85°00" are tabulated at 1-0" intervals with differences for 0-1 to. 09", 3. The tables of natural secants and tangents from 83°00" to 90°00" are tabulated at 1-0" intervais with differences for 1-0". Interpolation is necessary when the trig. ratio is required for 0:1" to 0-0", 4, The tables of natural epsecants and coangents from 07°00" to 90°00" are tibulated at 1-0" intervals with differences for 0-1 to 0.9". 5, The tables of natural cosectnty-and cotangents from 00°00" to 07°00" are tabulated at 1-0" intervals with differences for 1-0". Interpolation is necessary when the trig, ratio is required for 0-1" to 0.9". 6. Proportoinal parts should be subtracted when finding natural Cosines, Cotangents and Casecants. Examples: Sin. 4423-0" = Sin. 44° 23-67 0-69946 0-(69946+12) . 0.69958 Cos, 53° 38-0" 059295 Cos. 53° 384° = 0159295 ~ 9) = 059286 Tan, 24° 320° = 045643, Tan. 24° 32-3 = 0445643441) 045654 Cot 03° 38-0" 15-7483 Cot. 03° 38-4" S-(7483 — (721 x 0-4) 57483 ~ 228) 15-7195 Sec. 51° 240° = 1-61586 Sec. 51° 348" = 1-(61586+51} = 161637 Coser. 06° 22-0" = 9-01788 Coser. 06° 22-8" = 9-(01788 ~ (2344 x 08)) = 9401788 — 1875) 899913 Spherical Cosine Formula 08, 4 = 605, (608, b x 008.0) (Gin, b x sin. e) ‘Modified for use in navigation: 608. L.HLA.= $08, Zs (608, PZ. 208, PX (Gin, PZ « sin, PX) 0) 00s. LLH.A.~ sin, dit: (sin. Lat, xin Dee.) .....(2) . (60s. Lat. x 60s. Dec.) cos, LH.A, = (sin. Alt~[sin, Lat, x sin, Dec.]) x (sec. Lat. x sec. Dec.) .... B) sin, Alt. = (cos. Lat. x cos Dec. x cos, L.A.) “ (sim. Lat, x sin, Dec) .. 4) Derivation of the Haversine Formula Spherical Fundamental Cosine Formula £08. 4 ~ (e9s. h x €08,.c) (sin. 6 x sin, &) Add | to both sides of the oquatic 2 1 c08. A cos. A (sin, & « sin. c) By definition: versine A = (1 ~ cos. A) os Vers. 4 = (sin b sinc) cos. a* (ons, b x 605, } (sin. b x sin. e) But (sin. b x sin, choos. b x 608. 6) 0s. (b-e) 2. vers, A x sin. b x sin, ¢= cos. (~c) = 608. a = 008. a= cos. (4 6) + (vers. A x sin. b x sinc) ‘Add } to both sides of the equation: fs Leos, a= 1 ~ 00s. ()~ 0) + (vers, A x sin, Dx sin, 6) 2 Vers. a vers. (=e) + (vers. A x sin, b x sin.) Haversine a = % Versine a hav. a hav. (B= €) + (hav, A x sin, B x sin.) By transposing: hay, = hava - hav, (b= (ein. b x sin. c) hav, (6 — 6) = hav. a - (hav, 4 x sin. 8 x SIR, C)aenennnn(3) For use in navigation these 3 versions of the formula are simplified to give: bay. ZX = hav(LtD) + (hav, P x 608. L x 008. Dn hav.. P= [hav, ZX — hav. (LED)} « (Gee x see. D}.. hav, Mer. ZX'= hav. ZX.- (hav. P x 00s, Lx cos, D).. where : ZX = zenith distance Lb = D> declination =P = fatitede Tocal hour aaigle EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES To calculate from a Celestial Sight the Position Line and the Position through which it passes D.R, Latitude 05°520'N, D. R. Longitde 84°26-0°E, Sun’s True Altitude, East of the meridian 36°310", GHA. 222°48:3', Declination 03°27-0'S. Find the Position Line and the position through which it passes. 1, Mare St Hilaire (Intercept) Method Tre Ait, 36°31-0" | G.HLA, Sun 222°4853" a DR Long. 084°260°E True Zen, Dist, 5352007 LA. 3075143 1.1 Using Haversine Formula No, (4) and Logarithms: haw, 2X= (hav, L.A, » cos, Lat, x 60s, Dec) + hay. (Lar. Dec.) ‘The Latitude and Declination have different names: vs hay, ZX'= (hav, LILA. x cos, Lat, x 9s, Dec.) 2 2g g z = & a “+ hay, (Lat.+ Dee.) DR Lat, 05°52.0°N Dec. 03°27.0°S (Lai+Dec) — 09°19:0" LHLA, 3079143" log. hav, 129542 9-29542 Lat. 05°52-0°N log. cos. 1.99772 9.99772 Dec. 03°27-0'S Tog. cos. £99921 9.99923 log, hav. £29235 9.29235 nat. hav. @:19604 0-19604 (L+D)09°19-0" nat. hav. 0-00660 9-00660 Cale. Zen. Dist. nat hav. 0°20264 020264 Cale, Zen. Dist. = 539304" True Zen. Cate. Zen. Dist. ~ Intercept Calle. Zen Dist, > True Zen. Dis <= Intercept is Towards the sun’s geographical position. True Zen. Dist. = 53°29-0° Cale. Zen. Dist. = 339304" os Intercept = _01-4' Towards 1.2 Using Cosine Formula No. (4) and Logarithms: sin. Alt, = (c0s. Lat, « ¢0s. Dee. x cos. L.H.A * (sin, Lat. x sin. Dec.) Lat. 05°520'N tog. sin. 100981 9-00951 Dec, O3°27.0'S tog. sin, 277943 877943 Jog, S.g804 78894 (sin. Lat, x sin, Dec.) nat. 000615 --0-00615, Lat 05°520'N tog. cot. 199772 999772 / Dec. 03°270°S tog. cos. 199921 999921 LHA 3079143" log. cos. I 278185 tog” las Site nat. 060087 0-60087 (sin. Lat. x sin, Dee) nat, 000615 =0-00615 Cale. Altitude nat, sin, “059472 “059472 Cale. Altitude = 36°29-6 ‘True Alt. ~ Cate. Alt, = Intercept ‘True Alt. > Cale. Alt: . +. Intercept is Towards the sun's geographical position. ‘True Altitude = 3631-0 Calculated Altimde 36°29-6 Intercept = 4° Towards 1.3 Using Cosine Formula No. (4) and a Calculator: sin. Alt. = (cos, Lat. x cos, Dec. x cos. L.A.) + (sin, Lat. x sin, Dee.) NORIE'S NAUTICAL TABLES © ee EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES 13.1 Using a 4 function calculator and Norte’ Tables of 2 Longitude by Chronometer Method Natural Trig, Functions: 2.1 Using Haversine Formula No, (5) and Logarithms: From Norie’s Tables of Netural Trig. Functions: hav. LALA. = (hav, 2X havs. (Lat. + Dec.}) LHA. = 3079143" aat.cos. 060513. * x (sec. Lat. x see. Dec.) DR. Lat. = 05%52:0'N nat. sin, 010221 ‘The Latitude and Declination have different names: DR Lat = 05°52.0°N nat.cos. 0-99476 shay. LILA, = (hav. 2X ~ hays, (Lat. + Dee.j) Dec, = (03°27 nat. sin. -0-06018 (See. Lat. x see. Dee.) Dee, 03°270°S nat. cos. 099819 DR.Lat = 05°520'N True Alt, 36°31-0" (sin. Lat. « sin, Dec.) = 000615 Dee. = 9327.08 90000" {oos.Lat. x cos. Dee. x cos. L.H.A}= 060087 {Lat.+ Dec. 0919-0' Zen. Dist. — $3°22-0" nat. sin. Alt, 2 SET ZX $3290" nat, hav, 020247 020047 Caloulated Altitude = 36°29-6" {L+D) 09°19-0° nat. hav. 0:00660 9-00660 True Alt, ~ Cale. Alt. = Intercept nat. hav. 19587 0-19587 True Alt. > Cale. Alt: jog (1.29197 929197 +1 Intercept is Towards the sun's geographical position, ‘Let, O5°S20°N fog. sec [-00228 10-0028 Dec. 03°27-0°S log. see -00079 10-0079 ‘Truc Altitude = 369310" " Caloulated Aliiude = 36°29-6° foe. bey Nagsed 22850 Intercept = O14? Towards 07s 8 1.3.2 Using @ multi-function calculator and Nories Table = Be ‘Decimals of a Degree’: . a rert minutes of ate to decimal dons of a degree using. (2.2 Using Cosine Formula No, (3) and Logarithms: the table ‘Decimals of a Degree” inside the back cover. cos, Litt A. » (sin. Att. ~ (sin. Lat x sin. Dec.}) LHA. somtas = 3072388" * (se, Lat See. Dee.) DR Latiude = Os 20N gone Dee, 092709 logan Dias grr9as i °27.0°S, 450°S ee. i evi, 2 : Declination = 03°2: 8 {sin Lat, « sin, Dec.}log. 3-7a804 7.78804 (sin, Lat. « sin, Dee.) = 000615 nat. -0-00615 ~6-00615 (cos. Lat. x cos. Dec. x cos. L.A) = —0:60087 ‘Ale 36°30" natssin, 959506 059506 sin, Altitude > Os2dre (Gin. Akt —[sinLat. x sin. Dec.]) 0:60121 060121 Calculated Altitude = 36-4928° fog. 177903 977903 = 36°29-6" Lat. 05°52-0°N log. sec. oon78 fone? 00228 True Ait, ~ Cale, Alt. = Intercept Dec. 03°27-0'S Jog. sec. ‘True Alt. > Cale, Alt: Cac LWA, logces, (amzio “paRaig . Intercept is towards the sun's geographical position. Cale, LILA. = 307°15-8" ‘Truc Altitude = 3631-0" GHA. Sun (222°48-3" Caleulated Altitude = 36°20:6" Longitude = 984°27.5°E Intercept OL. Towards “23 Using Cosine Formuta No, (2) and a calculator: 1.4] To find the Azimuth and Position Line using the cos. LILA, » sin. Alt.» (sin, Lat. x sin, Dec) rasan {cou Lat cos, Dec) LBA 05°52. ON A = 0°0808 23h Bans 0 op fireiion calculator and Norie’s Tables of Dec. = (03°270'S B= 00758 . C - O1ae From Norie’s Tables of Natural Trig, Functions ‘Azimuth S81-2°E ‘Truc Alt. = 36°31-0° “nat. sin. 059506 098-88 DR Lat = 05°5200'N hat sin 010221 <. Position Line = 00881888" DR Lat. 05°520'N nat bos" 0.99476 142 ft ee Poe oer ages ma Hel , Wes st [sin, Lat. x sin. Dee J = 0.00615 intercept “be: 4 (sin, Alt. - sin, Lat» sin. Dec.) = 060121 D. Lat 02'S Dep. OE (0s. Lat, x eos. Dec.) = 099296 Mean Lat. = 0S°S19N D.Long = — O4'E (oe Hately Hour Aogte 06037 D.R.Long.= 84°26-0°E «. Easterly Hour Angle = 082°44:2), ‘D. Long. =___01:4° 360° ‘TPt Long, = 84°27-4°E Calculated L.HA, = WTIS: Position Line 008-8°-188'8° passes through GHA. Sun = _222°48 Latitude 05°S1-8'N, Longitude 084°27-4E, Longitude = 08427 SE = NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES 23,2 Using a multicfunction caleuiator and Norie’s table ‘Decimals of a Degree’ ‘Convert minutes of arc to decimal fractions of a degree using the table ‘Decimals of a Degree’ inside the back cover. ‘True Altitude 36°31-0" 36517 DR. Latitude 05°52.0'°N, O5:867N Declination = —-03°2740'S 03-45°S (in, Ait. sin. Lat. xsin. Dec) == 0.6012 (cos. Lat. « eos. Dec.) = 999205 Ely, Hour Angle 08. = 960547 Ely, Hour Angle = 52.73692° 0527442" 360° Calculated LHLA.* 3075-8" GHA. Sun = 2220483" Longitude 084°97-5°E 24 To find the Acimuth and Position Line using the A.B.C. Tables: LBA = 307458" Lat = 0552-0" A = 0.0808 Dec. = 03°27-0°S B= 00755 C = O1558. Azimuth S81P-2°R. = 098-8" +: Position Line = 008-8" — 188-3" =. Position Line GO8-8° - 188'8° passes through Latitude 05°52.0°N, Longitude 084°27-5E ‘To Calculate the great circle distance, the initial course and the position of the vertex Calculate the initial course and great circle distance from A in Lat, 17°22°N, Long, 25°28" W to B in Lat. 40°08'N, Long. 73°17 W. Calculate also the position of ihe vertex of the great circle. £. The Great Circle Distance AB 41 Using Haversine Formuta and Logarithms: hay. Dist.~ (hav, D. Long. x cos. Lat. A x cos. Lat. BY + hav. (Let. A~ Lat. BY Lat. A 17°22-0°N_ Long. A 25°28:0'°W: Lat B 40°08-0°N Long B 73°17.0°W (Lat. A~ Lat. B)22%460° Long. 47°49-0°W D.Long. ——_47°49-0"W log. hav. 121550 9-21550 Lata 17°22.0'N log. cos. [97974 997974 Lat. B 40°08-0°N log. cos. 188340 9-88340 log. hav, 107864 207864 nat. hav. 011985. 0-11985 (Lat. A~ Lat, B} nat. hav. 0-03896 0:03896 Great Circle Dist. ‘nat. hav. O-85881 O:1588i Great Circle Distance = 46°82" = 2818-2 nautical miles EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES 1.2 Using Cosine Formula and Logarithms: cos. Dist = (cos. Lat. Ax cos Lat, Bx cos. D Long.) + (sin, Lat. A x sin Lat. B) Lat A 17°22-0°N log, sin. 1-47492 9.47492 Lat. B 40°08-0°N log. sin, }agezz 280927 log. 28419 928419 (in. Lat.A x sin, Lat. B) nat 19239 0.19230 Lat. A 17°22-0'N log. cos. 197974 9.97974 Lat. B 40°O80'N log. cos. 1.88340 988340 D. Long. 47°49-0'Whog, cos. 1:82705 982705 log. F-69019 9-69019 nat. 048999 048999 (sin, Lat. A x sin, Lat, B) nat. 0:19239 919239 ‘Great Circle Distance nat. cos, 0:68238 068238 Great Circle Distawce = 46°58-2' 28182 nautical miles, 1.3. Using Cosine Formuta and a Calculator: cos. Dist, = (eos, Lat. A x 005, Lat, B x cos D. Long.) + (Sin, Lat. A x sin, Lat. B) 1.3.1 Using a 4 function caleulator and Tables of Natural Trig. Functtons. From Norie’s Tables of Natural Trig. Functions: D.Long. © 47°49-0°W nat, cos. 067151 Lat. A = 17°220°N nat sin, 029849 Lat A = 17°220°N nat. cos. 095441 Lat B= 40°0RO'N nat. sin, 0-64457 Lat. B= 40°08 0'N nat. cos. 076454 (Gin. Lat. x sin, Lat. BY = 019240 (cos. Lat. A x cos. Lat. B x cos. D. Long.) = Meare Great Circle Distance nat. cos. Great Circle Distance ae = 2818-2 nautical miles 1.3.2 Using « multi-function calculator and Norie’ table ‘Decimals of a Degree’. Convert minutes of arc to decimal fractions of « degree using the table ‘Decimals of a Degree’ inside the back cover. D.Long. = 47°49-0'W = 47-817°W Lat. A 17°220N = 17367N Lat B= 40°080°N = 40-133°N (sin, Lat. A sin, Lat. B) = 019240 {c0s. Lat. A x cos. Lat. B x cos. D. Long) = 0-499 Great Circle Distance nat. cog = 068239 Great Circle Distance = 46,9695° = 46382" = 2818 nautical miles EXPLANATION EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES 2. The Initial Course from “A” 2.1 Using Raversine Formula and Logarithms: hav. A = (hay. PB = havs, [PA ~ AB). (Gin. Ba x sin. 4B) where: A = Initial Course; AB = Great circte distance PA = Codat.of A; PB = Co-lat, of By LalA = 17°220'N Lat. B =40°08.0'N 20°00__ 20°00 PA = 725380 PB = 49°52" PA 72°38-0° AB A658 (PA~ AB) 255398" PB 49°520" nat. hav, 017772 017772 (PA~ AB) 25°30-8" nat. hav. 004992 004932, nat, hav, 912840 02840 hav. PB -hav. PA ~ PB) tog. bav. 1:J0856 9:10856 PA 72°38-0" log. sin, 1.97974 997974 AB 46°S8-2' log. sin. 186391 986391 (Gin. PA « sin, AB) tog, hav. 184365 9:84365 A log hav, 726491 9.26491 aA = soa Initial course = N50°™48-4"W = 3097116" 22 Using Cosine Formula and Logarithms: cos. A= si 3 (Gin. Distance > cos. Initial Lat) Dist, 469582" tog. cos, F-83402 9-83402 Lat.A 17°220°N tog sin. [47402 9.47492 (eos. Dist. « sin, Lat.A) log. F-30896 930894 nat gauss 6-20368 Lat B 40°08.0'N nat sin, esse sin. Lat. B~ (sD. a 9:34088 tog. 964433 Dist. 46582 log. sin, Feest 9-86391 La A 17°220°N —log.cos. FE 9.97974 (Gin. Dist, x cos, Lat. A) fog, F-94265 9-84365 A log. cos, 780068 9:80068, A ~ 50°48. Initial course = N50°48-4” = 301-6 23 Using Cosine Formula and a calculator: cos. A= si x (Gin. Distance » cos. Initial Lat) 23.1 Using a 4 function caleulazor and Tables of Natural Trig. Functions: From Norie’s Tables of Natura! Trig, Functions: Lat.B = 40°08-0'N nat. sin. 064456 Distance = 46°S8-2' nat. sin, 0-73100 Distance © 46°S8-2' nat, cos, 0-68239 LatA © 17°22-0°N nat, sin. 0-20848 Lat A = 17°220°N nat..cos 095441 (cos. Dist. x sin, Lat. A) 020368 ssin, Lat, B = (cos, Dist. « sin. Lat. A) 044088 (sin. Distance x cos. Lat A) A nat, cos. 0:63193 oA 069767 S0°48-4" 4%) NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES ie 23.2 Using a multi-function calculator and Norie’s table ‘Decimals of a Degree’: Convert minutes of arc to decimal fractions of a degree using the tablo ‘Decimals of a Degree” inside the back cover. Distance = 46°58:2" 46970" Lat.A = 17922.0'N = 17367°N La.Bo = 40°08-0'N = 40133°N sin, Lat. B- (cos. Dist. x sin. Lat. A) 0-44088 (in, Distance x cos. Lat. A) 069767 cos. A 063193 oA = 5080734" 507484 Initial course 48-4" NS0°48.4°W = _309°11-6" 24 Using the 4.8.C. Tables: LH.A= D. Long. 47°49.0°W Lat. =LatA = 17220'N A= 0298 Dee, = Lat. B = 40°080'N B= Li4N C= 085N Azimuth = Initial Course = NS0-9°W. ~ 30918 3. The Latitude of the Vertex 3.1 Using Sine Formula and Logarithms: 08. Lat. of Vertex = (sin, Initial Course x 00s. Lat. A) Initial Co.50°48-4' log. sin. 188931 9-88931 Lat A 1F220°N log. cos, 197974 997974 ~ Lat. of Vertex log. cos. 186905 9-86905 Latitude of Vertex = 42°17-7°N 3.2 Using Sine Formula and a cateulator: 008, Lat. of Vertex = (sin, Inttial Course x cos. Lat. A) 3.2.1 Using a 4 function cateulator and Norte’ Tables of Natural Thig. Functions: 0s. Lat. Vertex = (sin, Initial Course x 00s. Lat. A) From Norie’s Tables of Natural Trig. Functions: Initial Co. 50°48-4° nat. sin. 0-77502 LatA 17°22-0°N sat. cos. 0-95441 Lat. of Vertex nai. cos, 073969 + Latitude of Vertex, = 4°07-7°N 3.22 Using a multtfinction calculator and Nore’: table ‘Decimals of a Degree’: % os. Lat. Vertex = (sin. Initial Course x 00s. Lat. A) Convert minutes of arc to decimal fractions of a degree using the table ‘Decimals of a Degree’ inside the back cover, Initial Co, = $0°48-4° = 50/807" LatA = 17°220°N = 17367°N Latitude of Vertex nat. cos. = 0-73969 Latitude of Vertex = 4229496" = a2 ITIN 4. The Longitude of the Vertex 41 Using Napier’s ruies for right angled spherical triangles and logarithms: sin. DLong = — ¢0s, Initial course sin, Lat, of Vertex Initial Co. 5048-4" og. cos. 80068. 9-80068 Lat of Vertex 42°17-7'N log. sin. 1:82798 9:82798 D, Long. log. sin, 197269 9:97269 D. Long. = 69°53.6°W Initial longitude = -25°28-.0°W Longitude of vertex = 95°21 6° 42 Using Napier’s rules for right angled spherical triangles and a caleutator: 4.2.1 Using a 4 function calculator and Norie’s Tables of Natural Trig. Functlons: sin, D. Long cos. Initial course sin. Lat.. of Vertex From Norie’s Tables of Naturat Trig. Functions: Initial Co. 50°48-4" nat, cos. 0-63194 Lat. of Vertex $2°27-7'N nat. sin, 067295, D. Long. nat. sin, 093906 D. Long. Initial Tongitude Longitude of vertex = 95°21:6°W 42.2 Using a multifunction cafculator and Norie’s table ‘Decimals of a Degree: sin, D. Long. ~ os, Initial course sin, Lat. of Veriex Convert minutes of are to decimal fractions of a degree using the table “Decimals of a Degree’ inside the back cover. Initia course = S0°48-4° = 50807? Lot.A QPITTN = 42-295°N D.Long. nat.sin. 093905 D. Long. 69:8933°W 69°53.6'°W Initial longitude © = 25°28.0'W Longitude of vertex = 95°21-6°W. ‘A. B.C. AZIMUTH TABLES Pages 353-409) These tubles ca be used: 1, Inall latitudes between 80°N and 80°S. 2. For ail declinations between 75°N and 75°S. 3. For all Local Hour Angles in degrees or degrees and ‘minutes where necessary for easy interpolation, Table A is entered with the arguments L.A. and the observer's Latitude. It is named opposite to the Latitude, except when the LH.A. is between 90° and 270°, ‘Table B is entered with the arguments the L.A. and Declination and is always named the same as the Declination. Table C is entered with the arguments the observer's Latitude and (A+B). Ifthe body is west of the meridian its L.H.A. is between, (0° and 180° and is printed in the upper row of L-H.ASs atthe top and bottom af each page. If the body is east of the meridian its LLH.A. is between 180° and 360°,and is prinied in the lower row of LH.A.s at the top and bottom of each page. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES Example 1 LILA, 50”, latitude 48°N, declination 20°N. From Table A: L.H.A. 50°, latitude 48°N, A= 0938, (Named opposite io the latitude) From Table B: LA. 50°, declination 20°N, B= G-48N. (Always named the same as the declination) Aand B have different names and A> B. 2 C= (A=B) = (0935 ~ 048N}™ 0455 From Table C: C= 0-458, iatitude 48°N. ‘Tre Azimuth = S73-2°W. (Named $ because C is $ and W ‘because the L.FLA. is between 000° and 180°). True Azirouth = 180°+73-2° = 253-2° Example 2 L.A, 244°, latitude 41°S, declination 05°S. From Tuble A: L.A. 244°, latitude 41°S, A= 0428, (Named opposite to the latitude) From Table B: LILA, 244°, declination 05°. B= 0-108. (Always named the same as the dectination) Aaand B have the same name. 2. C= (ANB) = (0.42S+0.108) = 0.525 From Table C: C= 0552S, latitude 41°S. ‘True Azimuth = S68-6°E, (Named S because C is S and E bbecause the L.H.A. is between 181° and 360°). 1 True Azimuth = 180° — 68-6° = 111-4? Example 3: TL.HLA. 108°, latitude 61°N, declination 20°N. From Supplementary Table A: LILA. 108°, latitude 61°N. ‘A= O'59N, (Named the same as the latitude) From Table B: L.HLA, 108°, declination 20°N. B= 038N. (Always named the same as the dectination) ‘Aand B have the same name. C= (A4B) ~ (0-59N4038N) ~ 0.97N From Table C: C= O97N, latitude 61°N. ‘True Azimuth = N 648°W, (Named N because C is N and W because the LILA. is betwoen 000° and 180°), True Azimuth = 360° ~ 648° = 295-0° Longitude Correction It can be shown that C Le. (A B) is the inaccuracy is the tongitude caused by an error of 1” in the DAR, latitude used when calculating a sight. A navigator can utilise this when calcuiating the noon position from a Meridian Altitude and a ‘morning ot aftemoon transferred position line. "To determine whether the longitude is too far to the east or west draw a situple sketch showing the direction of the position tine: When the position line fies NE/SW (Azimuth S.Ely or N-Wiy) 1. If the noon D.R. latitude is to the North of the soon observed latitudle the noon D.R. longitude is too far East; 2. Ifthe noon DR. latitude is to the South the noon D.R. longitude is too far West, EXPLANATION NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES #18, EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES When the position line lies NWISE (Azitouth N.Ely or S.Wiy): ‘a. If the noon D.R. fatitude is to the north of the noon observed Latitude the noon D.R. longitude is too"far West: b. If the noon D.R. latitude is to the south the noon D.R. Tongitude is too far East. Example: From a moming sight of the sun the Position Line 008-1888 passed through Lat, 05°518'N, Long. 84°274'F, the value of C being 0.1548. The ship then steamed 100°(T) for 38 miles to noon when the True Altitude of the sun was 80°44-0", Declination 03°24-0°S, Calculate the noon position. ‘Noon D.R. Posn: Course: 100° x 38 miles, from the Traverse Table: 0668 374°E 05°48-5'N 376E 05°51.8°N 842742 . » GEAS2N SoseR ‘True Mer. Al. = 80°440'S 0700-0" ‘Mer, Zen. Dist. = OF 160'N Dectination Sun = 08°24:0'S ‘Noon Obs. Lat. = 05552.0°N ‘Noon Obs. Lat, = 05°52.0'N Noon DR. Lat. = 95285:2" + Brror in DR. Latitude = 068°N Error in Longitude Latitude entor x C c = Longitude comection = OL0'E ‘Noon D.R, Long. = 85°05.) E . Comect Noon Long, = 85°06-0°E From a rough sketch of the am. position tine which runs (008-8°-188-8° through the noon D.R. position,it can be seen hat the Observed Latitude is North of the D.R. latitude, therefore the correct longitude must lie to the East of the DAR. longitude. + Noon Observed Position = Lat. 05°52:0°N Long. 85°06-0°E Use of the A.B.C. Tables in a Great Circle Sailing Using the AB.C. tables find the initial and final courses a ship will steer when following a Great Circle Course from P (49°30°N, 5°00°W) to Q (46°00°N, 53°00°W). 1. To find the initial Great Circle Course: Longitude P $°00°W Longitude Q D. Long. LHA. Lat. P Lat. Q = D. Long. = Latimde = A = = Dectination B A~By= C Enter table C with Latitude P ‘True Azimuth = i.e, Initial G.C. Course 46. NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES 2. To find ihe final Great Circle Course: Using the same method, find the Initial course from Q to P then reverse it. Longinide Q. Longitude P D, Long. LHA. 53°00'W 05°00°W 48°00" D. Long. Latitude Declination B (A~B) = © Enter table C with Latitude Q ‘True Azirouth = N6G-0°E = 066-0? 2 Final G.C. Course = 246.0° A = 0938 1:S7N 0-64N g 0 vee TRUE AZIMUTHS AT RISING AND SETTING — (Pages 414-417) ‘The tabulated bearings of the sun ate given in the forma of azimaths measured from the meridian, not as amplitudes ‘measured from the Prime Vertical, Today this form is generally considered to be more useful to the practical navigator, Tn the main tables the tabulated True Azimuth at rising and setting are calculated for the instant when the sun's centre is on the Rational Horizon ie. the imue altitude is 9°00" and the zenith distance is 90°00". Because of the effects of Dip, Refiaction and Parallax, this occurs when the sun’s lower limb is approximately one semi-diameter above ‘the sea horizon and azimuths should be taken at this time. ‘An azimuth at rising and setting is only reliable in low latitudes where the angle between the diumal path of the ‘body and the sex horizon is close to 90°. In high latitudes ‘where the angle between the diurnal path and the sea horizon is stall, abnorma} refraction or variations in the dip often make it difficult to determine when the sun's centre is on the Rational Horizon. ‘The Tme Azimuth obtained from the tables is named \N if the Declination is North; if the Declination is South; E wher rising; Wowhen setting. Example 1 In latitude 24°S, declination 20245/S the gyro bearing of the sun at sunset was 248° . What is the error of the compass? Prom the main table: ‘True Azimuts = s672°W Ago = Pe Compass Azimath 248-02 Compass erzor = O88 High Example 2 {In latitude 18°N, declination 11°30°S the magnetic compass bearing of the sun at sunset was 274°, What is the exror of the ‘compass and if the variation is 15°W, what is the deviation of the compass? From the main table: ‘True Azimuth STEW 30° = 25798 Compass Azimuth = 274° Compass error = 16TW ‘Variation ” Sow Deviation = LEBw The supplementary table ‘Azimuth Corrections; Visible Suntise and Sunset’ gives the corrections to be applied t6 azimuths taken at the instant when the sun’s upper fitib is on the sea horizon. From the main table extract the the true azimuth for the declination and the observer's latitude and convert this to the 360° notation. Extract the correction from the supplementary table and apply as indicated below the table. Example 3 mn latitude 44°N, declination 20°N the gyro bearing of the sun at visible sunset was 298-5°. What is the error of the compass? From the main table: ‘True Azimuth = NELEW 360° 2084 Supplementary correction 20L1 ‘True Azimuth at visible sunset 299.5% Compass Azimuth 208° Gyro Compass error = 10%Low Example 4 In latitude 24°S, declination 19°30'S the magnetic compass bearing of the sun at visible suarise was 108-5°. What is the error of the compass and if the variation is 11°E, what is the deviation of the compass? From the main table: True Azimuth = $663°E 30° 1137 Supplementary correction 40:82 True Azimuth at visible sunset = —114:5° Compass Azimuth = LBs? Compass error - oe Variation LOE Deviation = Sow If an azimuth is taken of the moon when its centre is on the sea horizon its true azimuth can be obtained using the main table phis @ supplementary table, ‘Azimuth Corrections; Moon's Centre on the Sea Horizon’. From the main table extract the true azimuth for the declination and the observer's latitude and convert this to the 360° notation. Exizact the additional correction from the supplementary table and apply as indicated below the table. Example 5 In latitude $2°N, declination 20°S the gyro bearing of the ‘moon when its centre was on the sea horizon at moonset was 236°S°. What is the error of the compass? From the main table: True Azimuth = 8563°W 1302. 2363° Supplementary correction 00-5" Trae Azimnth of moon 235.88 ‘Compass Azimuth = Bes ‘Compass ertor 07° High EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES EX-MERIDIAN TABLE 1 (Pages 199-205) *a’is the change in altitude (in seconds of arc) of a heaventy body, during the minute immediately preceding or following its meridian passage. It is tabulated for latitudes to 83° and declinations to 63° in two sections: 1. Latitude and Declination SAME NAME, When the latitude and dectination are within 4° of each other the ‘meridian altitude is close to 90° and ‘A’ is changing too rapidly to give an accurate Ex-Meridian reduction in the zenith distance, For this reason there are bands across ‘the tables in this section from which the value of °A’ is omitted. 2, Latitude ané Declination DIFFERENT NAMES. The lower parts of these tables contain ‘A’ for circampolar bodies at their lower meridian passage. (A body is circumpolar if its polar distance is equal to, or less than the observer's. latitude, tho latitude and declination having the seme name.) EX-MERIDIAN TABLE 2 (Pages 207-211) ‘To obtain the Reduction in the zenith distance the table is entered! with: 1. °A’ and the Local Hour Angle for upper tansit Bx- “Meridian observations; 2. ‘A’ and (180° ~ L.H.A) for lower transit Ex-Meridian observations, ‘The reduction is added to the true altitude of upper transit observations but subtracted from is the true altitude of lower transit observations of circumpolar bodies. If the interpolated value of “A’ from Table 1 is to one or two decimal places, the Reduction can be obtained to a gorresponding accuracy by moving the decimal point the appropriate number of places. Example 1 AEA’ = 2-45 and the Local Hour Angle = 354°00" calculate the Reduction, From the column headed 354° 00° Reduction: 2.00" = 192 040" = 3-84 Gor 4" then divide by 10) 0.05" 0:48 (for 8’ then divide by 100) 243" = Bsz Example 2 New In DR. position, Let. 48°13°N, long. 7°20'W, the sun's trae altitude was 19°52", Declination 21°39'S, L.H.A. 356°00", Determine the position line and the position through which it passes From Table | “Latitude — Declination DIFFERENT NAMES": Lat, = 48°13'N : Dec. 2139'S, oA = 13" NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES © 17 ae EXPLANATION EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES From Table 2: LHA. A Reduction for 43" . for 13 Reduetion for cia ‘True Ex-meridian altitude = 19°52-0'S Reduetion 56 ‘True Meridian Altimde 19°576'S, 2 ‘True mer, zea. dist, = WORN Declination » 2939-0'S Latitude = 48930N From A.B.C. Tables: LHLA. 356°, Lat. 48°13-NA = 16-08 LHA. 356°, Dec. 21°39'SB = 3-75 Cc 2038, ‘Truc Azimuth, S04°E 190° « Position Tine lies 086° ~- 266° through Lat. 48°23-4°N, Long, 7°20°W Example 3 In DR. position, lat: 42°12°N, long. 24°32'W, Antares" true altitude was 21°28’, declination 26°18°S, and L.A. 357°00', Determine the position line and the position through which it passes. From Table | ‘Latitude - Declination DIFFERENT. ‘NAMES’: Lat. 4 i2'N Dec. = 2618'S oA 14" From Table 2: LHA. = 357900 A = 14” Reduction for 10" = 24" for 04" = 0.96" Reduction for 14" = 336° ‘Truc Ex-meridian altitude = = 21°280'S Reduction 34° ‘True Meridian Altitude = 2314's oP ‘True mer. zen. dist. = 828ON Declination = 269)80'S Latitude = 4106N From A.B.C. Tables: . LWA. 357°, Lat-42°12'N A = 1738 LILA. 357°, Dec. 26°18'S B= 948 C = 2678 ‘True Azimuth 802-9° gaa <*. Position line lies 087-1 and 267-1° through Lat. 42°30°6°N, Long. 24°32°W. Example 4 Jn DR. position, fat. 42°10'N, tong. 21°30"W, Dubhe’s trae altitude at the lower transit was 14°20", declination 61°45°N, L.H.A, 17630’. Determine the position Tine and the position through which it passes. From the lower section of Table 1 “Latitude — Declination DIFEERENT NAMES’. (Latitude and declination are both North but Dubhe is close to its tower meridian transit): Lat = 4210'N Dec. = 61745 AU = 07" is a NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES From Table 2: At the lower meridian passage the LILA, is 180°, is less | than 180° when west of the meridian and greater than 180° when cast of it Enter Table 2 with (180° ~ LHLA.) LMA, = 176930" = 03°30" W of the lower meridian As 0.7” Reduetion for 0.77" =. Reduction, lower transit, ‘True Ex-meridian altitude 14°200" Reduction —=23 ©. True Meridian Altitude = eotea Declination = 61°45.0'N a . Polar Distance = iS, Latitude (P.D.*Meer. Alt) = 42327N From A.B.C. Tables: LH.A, 176°30', Lat 42°10'N A 148N LHLA. 176730", Dec.61°45'N B= 30:5N Ce 45:3N True Azimuth, = NOTE 360.0" = 358.3 +. Position line lies 088.3° — 268,3° rough Lat. 42°32-7°N, Long, 21°30'W Example 3 In DR. position, lat, 30°02'S, long. 67°20°W, Achernar’s ‘rue altitude at the iower transit was 17°20°, declination ST°1S'S, LALA. 184°20". Determine the position line and the position through which it passes From the lower section of Table 1 “Latitude ~ Dectination DIFFERENT NAMES." (Latitude and declination are both South but Achemar is close to its lower meridian transit): Lat, = 50°02'S Dec. ST°15'S A= 07” ‘From Tabte 2: At the lower meridian passage the L.HLA. is 180°, is less than 180° when west of the meridian and greater thar 180° when east of it, Enter Table 2-with (180° LILA.) LHA.= 184°20" = 00420" E of the lower meridian As 07" ve Reduction for 0.7” = 35 Reduction, lower transit, = = =3-5* ‘True Ex-meridian altitude 17200" Reduction 235 2. True Meridian Alrimde =~ T7165" Declination - STISO'S. 302 : +. Polar Distance = 340 Latitude (P, D.+Mer, Alt.) 0015'S. From A.B.C. Tables: LAHLA. 184°20", Lat. 50°02'S A LAHLA. 184°20", Dec.S7°15'S B= 20-68 Cc = 3638 ‘True Azimuth, = $0258 A800" = 1s «. Position line lies O87-5° ~ 267-5° through Lat. 50°O1-5'S, Long. 67°20" W Ee Se eM EX-MERIDIAN TABLE 3 (Page 212) ‘When the Reduction obtained from Table 2 is large, applying this 2nd Correction extends the hour angie limits of usefulness of this method of solving the Ex-Meridian, ‘The table is entered with the Reduction obtained from ‘Table 2 and the true altitude of the heavenly body. ‘Example 6 In DR. position, int, 31°00°N, Jong. 124°00°W, the sun’s true altitude was 55°01", dectination 02°00°S, LH.A. 34800". Determine the position line and the position through which it passes From Table 1 ‘Latitude ~ Declination DIFFERENT. ‘NAMES’: Lat, = 31°00°N Dec, = 02°00°S A= 31" From Table 2: LEAS 38°00" A an" Reduction for 3.0" = 115-0" for G1 3:84 Reduction for 3.1 B84 From Table 3: First Corzection liss" True altitude 36°01" Second Correction 30° ‘True Ex-meridian attitude = 55°01-0'S Reduction = 1°58 2nd Correction “ ‘Tre Meridian Altitude = oo ‘True mer. zen, dist. - BGIN Declination = 02°00-0'S Latitude = 5 From A.B.C. Tables: LILA. 348°00", Lat. 31°03°NA. LILA. 348°00', Dev, 2°00'S B c ‘True Azimnuth -. Position line lies 068-8" — 248-8" through Lat, 31°03-2°N, Long, 124°00°W EX-MERIDIAN TABLE 4 (Page 213) The accuracy of the latitude obtained by the ex-meridian method is dependent on the locat hour angle of the body. This table gives the limits of time, before or after the meridian passage when the latitude by an_ex-meridian observation will be sufficiently accurate for practical navigation, Within the limits prescribed by this table the Second Correction from Table 3 is negligible and need not be applied. If the tme zenith distance is equal to, of less than 4° no reliance can be placed on tie latitude found by sn ex- meridian, . The table is entered with ‘A’ taken from Table 1 and the limits are given in minutes of time, EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES Example 6 In D.R. position, lat. 37°00°N, long. 24°00°W, dectination 18°00°N. Find the focal hour angle limits for taking an Ex-Meridian observation. From Table i “Latitude - Declination SAME NAME" Lat. = 37°00'N Dec. = 18°00'N As 46" From Table 4. A = 46" Limits = 24 minutes i.e, an ex-meridian can be used any time between 24 minutes before, to 24 minutes after the meridian passage of the body. DIP OF THE SEA HORIZON (Pages 410-411) The tabulated values are derived from the formula Dip (in minutes) = £.76vh where b = height of eye in metres. Example: From the Table: Height of eye + Dip of the sex horizon 30m (98ft) “96 —_ MEAN REFRACTION (Page 43.2) Light from a eavenly body is refracted when passing through the atmosphere by an amount which depends on: 4. The altitude of the body; 2, The density of the ait which varies with the atmospheric temperature, pressure and relative kumidity The table gives the refraction experienced under mean atmospheric conditions {atmospheric pressure 1,000mb. (2955 in.) and temperature 10°C (S0°F)). ‘The comection is always subtracted from the apparent abtivude, Example: From the Table: Apparent altitude = 10°50 Mean refraction = -5:1" For low altitudes all refraction tables are more or tess inaccurste. Hf abaormel refraction is suspected or if the body used has an altitude of less than 10° the calculated ship's position should be treated with eautiod, ADDITIONAL REFRACTION CORRECTIONS (Page 413) If the atmospheric pressure or temperature differ from the values given above, the additional corrections given in these tables should be applied to the apparent altitude. Example: Find the true altitude of the sun when the observed altitude of the sun’s lower limb was 4°00”, height of eye 26m (85 f1.), atmospheric pressure 980mb, (28-94in.), air temperature O°C G2), From the table ‘Sun’ Total Correction, (Lower Limb)’: Observed altinude 4°00"; Height of eye 26m. (858) Total correction= 051" NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES | 19 EXPLANATION EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES From the table ‘Refraction Corrections for Air Temperature’: Apparent altitude £00" Airtemperature = = °C (32°F) s. Temp correction ~ 0:5" From the table ‘Reftuction Corrections for Atmospheric Pressure’: Apparent altitude = = 4°00" ‘Atmospheric pressuze = 980 mb, (28-94in,) <. Pressure correction = 40-4" Observed altinide 4°00" Total correction 05-1" Tre altitude 549" ‘Temp. correction 05" Pressure correction 40-4" Corrected altitude Psag" ‘These additional corrections to the mean refraction are only important when the altitude is small. If the altitude of a heavenly body is less than 10° the position and position tines obtained from sights should be used with caution, Under extreme temperatures the effect of atmospheric, refraction on the dip of the sea horizon can cause targe ‘unptedictable errors in the observed altitude (irrespective of the altitude of the body). If abnormal refraction of ships or ‘errestial objecis is observed errors in the dip of the borizon are probable. Reliance should not be placed on positions obtained from sights taken at these times SUN'S TOTAL CORRECTION (Lower Limb - inside Front Cover and Pages 422-425) (Upper Limb - Pages 426-429) This table corrects the combined effects of dip of the sea borizon, refraction, parallax in altitude and a semi-diameter of 15:8", The tablo is entered with the observed altitude and the height of eye and the correction is added to, or subtracted from the observed altitude, as indicated in the table. ‘The small table at the foot of each page gives monthly corrections to the semi-diameter which are always added to Yowor limb altitudes and subtracted from upper limb altinides. Example 1 Tn September the observed altitude of the sun's lower limb vwas 24°57-2", height of eye 120m. (39f.). Calculate the true altitude. From the table *Sun’s Total Correction (Lower Limb)’: 24°57-2" sT Obs, Alt. Sun's LL. ‘Total correction Subsidiary corr, for September ‘True Altitude of Sun’s centre Example 2 Jn March, the observed altitude of the sun's upper imb was 332456", height of eye 190m. (6241). Calculate tbe trie altinude. From the table ‘Sun's Total Correction (Upper Limby’: Obs. Alt. Sun’s ULL. 33°56" ‘Total correction, 248 Subsidiary corr, for March 03" ‘True Altitude of Sun’s centre = 33°20 STAR’S TOTAL CORRECTION (inside Back Cover and Pages 418421) ‘This table corrects the combined effects of dip of the sea horizon and refraction and should be used to correct ‘899 NORIE'S NAUTICAL TABLES observed altitudes of stars and planets. The correction is always subtracted from the observed altitude, For observations of Venus and Mars additional small corrections for the effects of parallax and phase should be applied. These corrections, which vary with date and altitude, are given at the front of the Nautical Almanac. Example I The observed altitude of Spica was 35°42-0’, height of eye 100m (33f}), Calculate the tru altitude. From the table ‘Stat’s Total Correction’: Obs. Alt, Spica = 35°42.0" Total correction = __.69° Truc Altitude of Spica = 3535-17 Example 2 In September the observed altitude of Venus was 21°45-0", height of eye 22-0m (724), Calculate the trve altitude, From the table "Star's Total Correction Table’: Obs. Alt. Verus = 21°45" Total correction = 307" From the Nautical Almanac: Obs. Alt. Venus 2145-0" September corr. for Venus +08" Obs. Ait, Venus 217450" Total correction 107" Subsidiary corr. for Venus == _ AOR True Altitude Venus ~ Beer MOON'S TOTAL CORRECTION (Pages 430-453) The main section of the total correction table corrects the combined effects of refraction, parallax in altitude, the moon's semi-diameter and augmentation of the moon's semi-diameter with altitude, The reduction of the moon’s horizontal parallax with latitude is not included because, in general it is of no practical significance. In cases where a high degree of accuracy is required this additional correction can be foand in the table ‘Reduction of the Moon's Horizontal Parallax’ and applied separately. The correction for dip (taken from the bottom of the page) is subtracted from the observed altitude to give the apparent altitude. The main table is then entered with the apparent altitade and the moon’s horizontal parallax (taken from the daily pages of the Nautical Almanac). ‘To obtain the moon’s true altitude the corrections are added to the apparent altitude, thee 0°30" is subtracted from ‘upper limb altitudes. Example 1 The observed altitude of the moon’s lower limb_ was 38°47-4", horizontal parallax (from Nautical Almanac) 57:4", height of eye 13-0m. (438). Calculate the true altitude, From the table ‘Moon's Total Correction (Lower Limb)’: Dip correction table: - Obs. Alt. moon's lower limb = 38°47.4" Dip Correction = _2063" Apparent Altitude = Ie From the ‘able ‘Moon's Toial Correction (Lower Limb)’, main table: Apparent Atitade = 38eahd Correction = _ 4592 True altitude of moon = 39403" Example 2 ‘The observed altitude of the moon's upper limb was 29°36-0', horizontal paraliax (from Nautical Almanac) 59-0", height of eye 33-0m. (H08f.). Calculate the true akin. From the table “Moon's Tota Correction (Upper Limb)’ Dip Comrection Table: Obs. Alt. moon’s lower limb = 29°36-0" Dip Correction = Apparent Altitude = From the table “Moon's Total Correction (Lower Limb)’, main table: Apparent Altitude = 29°25" Correction 41°03°5° 30°29-4° =300 ‘Tre altinede of moon, = Besos DAY'S RUN - AVERAGE SPEED TABLE (Page 454) ‘The table has been calculated to conform with the modem practice of altering the clocks, on casterly or westerly passages by increments of 30 minutes. To obtain the average speed for the day’s run, enter the column corresponding to the steaming time and extract the speed for the hundreds, tens and units of the distance run. Example Day's steaming time 22h30m. Day's run 582 miles Find the average speed. Enter the column headed 22h. 30m. 500 miles 22-22 knots 80 miles 3-56 knots 2 miles 0.09 knots Se2miles = 25:87 knots MEASURED MILE SPEED TABLE (Page 455) ‘Note the time in minutes and seconds to complete the measured mile, To obtain the speed for the time taken, enter ‘the appropriate minutes column; the speed is read off ‘opposite the seconds. Examples 1. The time reconded for the measured mile is 911.16-0s, Rnter the column headed 9 minutes, ‘Opposite 16 seconds the speed is 6-47 knots. 2. The time recorded for the measured mile is 3m.52-5s. Enter the column headed 3 minutes. ‘Opposite 52 seconds the speed is 15:52 knots, Opposite 53 seconds the speed is 15:45 knots. 2, interpolating for 52°5s. the speed is 15-5 nots. The table can also be used to determine quickly the time to steam one or more miles at 2 known speed. Example A ship's speed is 16-0 knots. How long will it take to reach & position 3 miles ahead? Enter the body of the table: 160 knots is in the column fteaded 3 minutes, opposite 45 seconds. :, Bt 16-0 knots the ship will take 3m. 455, to sail I rile, at 16-0 knots the ship will take 1m, 15s, to sail 3 miles, EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES SPEED AND DISTANCE TABLES: (Pages 456-458) Example 1 A ship's speed is 21 kniota, What distance will she sail in 43 minutes? Enter the column headed 21 knots, ‘The distance 15-1 mites is read off opposite 43 minutes. Example 2 A ship sails 364 miles in 37 hours. What is her average speed? Enter the tabte with 17 hours in the outer columns. Move across the table horizontally, 364 lies between 357 in the column headed 21 knots and 374 in the column headed 22 kos. Average speed = 21+ (64357 G74357) ait 2 7 21-4 knots 4 DISTANCE OF THE SEA HORIZON. (Page 459) Under standard atmospheric conditions of air temperature, pressure and relative humidity: Distance of the sea horizon in a, miles = 2-095vh where h = height of eye in motres, Example An observer's height of eyo is 28m, (92R.). At what range will the base of @ lighthouse be visible above the sea horizon, From the table, Height of Eye 28m, (92) Dist. of sea horizon = 11-1 miles. This is the theoretical maximum range at which the base of 4 lighthouse would be visible to an observer, whose height of eye is 28 metres. A vertical sextant angle of the lighthouse could be measured for position fixing though in practice positions so obtained are only accurate at ranges of 7 miles or less. EXTREME RANGE TABLE (Pages 460-461) From this table the dipping distances of lights (geographical range) can be obtained Example Note ‘An observer, height of eye 14m, (46f%) raises a light 85m, (279%) high. What is the range? Enter the Height of Eye column headed Lam. (46ft): The raising range of 27-2 miles is read off opposite the height of object 85m, (2798) ‘The tables are compiled for normal atmospheric conditions of refraction and visibility and it is aysumed that the luminous range of the light is greater than the extreme range. In practice observed dipping distances may be affected by abnormal refraction, visibility or height of tide. ‘The clovetions of fights and coastal landmarks are measured from Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) or Mean Higher ‘High Water (MEW) therefore the ranges observed at lower states of the tide witl be greater than those extracted from the table, and this difference may be navigationally important especially if the elevation of the fight or range is small NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES a Dae EXPLANATION EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES DISTANCE BY VERTICAL ANGLE (Pages 462-467) ‘This table gives the distance of un observer ftom an object of known height, when the sextant angle between the swsnmit and its base vertically below is known, The distances given are fram the position of the observer to a point at the base vertically below the summit. “The table is compited for distances up to 7 miles at which the whole object from base to surnmit will be in view, $0 observers whose height of eye is more than 12 metres (39), “The elevations of lights and coastal landmarks given on ‘he chart are above Mean Wigh Water Springs (HWS) ot Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) so that for all other states of the tide the tabulated range will be less than the true distance, unloss an allowance for the height of the tide is toade. In the case of light-vessels, or seas such as the Baltic ‘where the tidal range is negligible, no allowance for the state of the tide is made, ‘The chazted elevation of a lighthouse is measured to the centre of the Tantem. Example 1 The vertical sextant angle of a light-house 60m, (197R) above sea level was 0°56", Required the distance off, ‘Evier the column headed 60m, (1978) Opposite the angle 0°56" is the distance 2-0 mites. Example 2 ‘What angle should be set on « sextant to maintain a distance ‘of 3-0 cables when rounding a lighthouse 12m. (398%) high? Ener the column headed 12m. 39%), ‘Opposite the distance 0-3 miles is the angle 1°14” which should be set on the sextant. RANGE BY SEXTANT (Page 468-469) Using this table the approximate distance of a neatby ship can be oblaitted by measuring the angle between her waterline and the sea horizon. Example: “The sextaot angle between the waterline of a nearby ship and the see horizon is 0°23-0'. Height of Bye 25m, (82). What is the range? Eater the column headed 25m. (82f.) Opposite the angle 0°23" is the distance 1-5 miles, 3CM RADAR RANGE TABLE (Page 470) ‘The table gives the theoretical distances of the Sem. radar horizon for various aerial and tanget heights, under standard atmospheric conditions. Standard atmospheric conditions ate: a Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1013mb decreasing with altitude at the rate of approximately 100mb per 1000m; ir temperature at sea level is 15°C. decreasing with altitude af the rate of 6:5°C per 100m; ©. Relative humidity is 60 per cent, remaining constant with, altitude, When passing through the earth's atmosphere electro magnetic radiation is teftacted by an amount dependent on, the frequency of the signal and the atmospheric conditions. b. 2B, NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES 1s ha bon found under standand condiions that the range of 3cm, is about 5% greater than the visual range; 2. dhe range of #Oem, radar is about 3% greater than the range of Sem, radar. Using the table, the theoretical detection range of target under standard atmospheric conditions is the sum of the radar horizon distances of the aerial and of the target. I practice, other than during super-retraction conditions, targets are seldom detected at this range but if used with diseretion it can be useful to the navigator. “The radar detection range of a target depends mainly on ‘the characteristics of the radar equipment (wavelength, transmitted power, beam width, seriaf height, receiver seusivity), the reflecting qualities of the target (size, shape, composition and target aspect) and on the meteorological conditions. Example1 ‘What is the 3em, radar theoretical detection range of a target 120m. (3908) high; aeriat height 10m (3382). ‘From the colurnn headed height: Against the target height of 120m, (3908): Range = 24 miles Against the aerial height of 10m, (338); Range = 7 miles ‘Theoretical detection range of target 2447 miles 31 miles. Example 2 What is the 10ctn, radar theoretical detection range of @ target 100m, (328ft,) highs aerial height 14m, (468). From the column headed height: Against the target height of 100m. (328f.3s 3em, range = 22 miles Against the aerial height of Lam, (46f1): Som, range = 8:3 miles ‘Theoretical 3em. detection range of target 224833 miles 303 miles, Theoretical 10cm detection range of target is 3% greater, . Theoretical 1 om detection range of target 30:34(303 x 0603) = 30309 = 312 mikes 1/2 CONVERGENCY CORRECTION OF RADIO DF BEARINGS (Page #71) ‘A transinitted radio signal between two places on the earth's surface follows the great circle joining therm. Uf plotted on @ ‘Mercator chart the path followed would appear as a curve therefore the DF bearing of a radio transmitter cannot be iaid off on a Mercator chart until 2 correction for Half Convergeney has been applied. This correction is always, applied from the Radio bearing towards the equator, Example 1 In DIR. position Lat. 44°15°N, Long. 31°S0°W, the DF. bearing of Cabo Finisterre (Spain) Radio Beacon (Lat 42°53°N, Long 9°16°W) was (25°. Find the correction and ‘the cortesponding Mescatorial bearing, Ship’s DR. Lat. 4a°15'N Ro. Beacon Lat. 42°53'N 2387908" Mean. Lat © 43534°N Ship's DR.Long, = 11°50'W Ro, Beacon Long. = 09°16: W D. Long, 2345 From the table: Correction ‘09° applied towards the Equator. < Mercator bearing = 125°+0-9° 259° Example 2 In DR. position Lat, 49°40°S, Long. 65°4S'W. the D.F. bearing of Punta Virgenes (Argentina) Radio Beacon (Lat. 52°20°S, Long, 68°22" W) was 211°, Find the correction and the corresponding Mercator bearing. Ship's DR. Lat. = 49°40°S Ro, Beacon Lat. = 52°20°S 2)102°00" Mean. Lat. = Z Ship’s DR. Long. Ro, Beacon Long. D. Long. From the table: Correction = _1.0° applied towards the Equator J: Mercator bearing = 21)°+1.0E = 21205 CONVERSION TABLES IMPERIAL, SI AND USA UNITS (Page 472) CONVERSION OF ARC INTO TIME (Page 475) Example 1 Convert 87°42-25" into time, Enter the table: From the Degrees column headed 60°120° : 87° © Sh, 48m, From the Minutes column headed 025° 42.25" 2a, 496, 2. 8P 4225" Sh. 48m+2m. 493. = 5h. 50m, 495. Example 2 (Angie greater than 180°) Convest 306°28'5" into time, Enter the Degrees column headed 120°-180° ne = 8h, 24m. Enter the Minuies column headed 0:5" 2B" = im. 54s, 306°28:5" = 12h+8h, 24m.+1m. 54s. = 20h. 25m. Ss. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES CONVERSION OF TIME INTO ARC (Page 476) Example 1 Convert 6h 37m 23s into arc. Enter the table Time info Arc: Boter the Hours column headed 6h ‘Oppasite 37m, Gh, 37m, = 99°15" Enter the Soconds column 238, 5°45" © Oh, 37m, 23s, = 9915"+5'45"" = 99°20'45"" Example 2 (Angle greater than 12h.) Convert 14h, 44m, 53. into are 14h. 44m. $38,— 12h, = 2h. ddm, 53s. Enter the table: Enter the Hours column headed 2h. Opposite 44m, 2h. ddim, = 41°00" Enter the Seconds column 5 = 315" 14h, 4m, 538. = 1807641°00°H13"15"" = 22113157 HOURS, MINUTES AND SECONDS TO DECIMALS OF A DAY (Page $77) Example 1 ress Sh, 44m, 28s. as a decimal of a day. Enter the table: Enter the Hours column headed 00-06h, Opposite 5h. 42m. Sb. 42m. = 0.23750 days Enter the 2 Minutes column. Opposite 28s, 2m, 285. = 0.00171 days < Sh 44m, 28s, = 0.23750+0.00171 days = 023921 days Example 2 (More than 12h.) Express 21h 16m 3s into are. 2th, 16mm, 338~ 12h, = 9h, 16m, 333, Enter the table: Enter the Hours column beadéd 06-12h, Opposite 98. 12m, Sh. 12m, = 038333 days Enter the 4 minutes coluton 4m, 335, 0:00316 days = 9h, 16m. 33s, 0-5+0:38333+0-003 16 days 088649 days BAROMETRIC PRESSURE, MILLIBARS AND INCHES OF MERCURY (Page 478) Example 1 ‘Convert an atmospheric pressure of 10225 millibars into inches of mercury. Enter the table “Millibars — Inches of Mercury’, Search the columns headed miibars for 1022 millibars Opposite 1022 is 30-18 inches of mercury. Opposite 1023 is 30-21 inches of mercury. Interpolating between them: 1022'5 millibars ~ 30-195 inches of mercury. EXPLANATION ee EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES Example 2 Convert an atmospheric pressure of 29:24 inches of mercury into miltibars. Enter the table ‘Inches of Mercury ~ Millibars’, Search the cofunins headed “Inches of Mercury’ for 29-24 inches. Opposite 29-24 is 990-2 millibars CELSIUS AND FAHRENHEIT TEMPERATURES Page $79) ‘Example 1 Convert a temperature of 25°C into °F, Enter the table ‘Cetsius ~ Fahrenheit’: Search the columns headed °C for 25°C. Opposite 25°C is 77-0° E. Example 2 Convert a temperature of 125°P into °C. Enter the table ‘Fahrenheit ~ Celsius": Search the columns headed °F for 125°. Opposite 125°F is $1.7°C, IMPERIAL GALLONS, USA GALLONS AND LITRES: (Page 480) Example f Convert: a 75 litres to Imperial gallons: b 75 Imperial gallons to litres Enter the centre cotumn of the table imperial Galtons and Litres? Opposite 75: ain the column headed Imperial Gallons: 75 litres = 16-50 Imperial gallons. b In the colunm headed Litres: 75 Imperial gallons ~ 340-96 litres Example 2 Convert: 2. 42 U.S.A gallons to Imperial gallons; b, 42 Imperial gellons to U.S.A gallons’ Enter the centre column of the table “Imperial and USA, Gallons’. Opposite 42: a In the column headed Imperial Galfons: 42 USA gallons ~ 34:97 Imperial gallons. b In the column headed USA Gallons: 42 Imperial gallons = 5044 USA gallons. Example 3 Convert: a. 75 littes to USA gallons: b, 75 USA gallons to litres Enter the centre colunm of the table ‘USA Gallons and Litres’, Opposite 75: 4 Inthe column headed USA Gations 75 litres = 19-81 USA gations. . In the column headed Litres: 75 USA gallons = 283-91 litres - QA, NORIE’S NAUTICAL TABLES KILOMETRES, STATUTE MILES AND INTERNATIONAL NAUTICAL MILES: (Page 481) Example 1 Convert: 4. 66 International nautical miles to kilometres; », 66 kilometres to Intemational nautical miles Enter the centre column of the table ‘International Nautical Miles and Kilometres’. Opposite 66: a. In the column headed Kilometres 66 Int. nautica mites = 122-2 kilometres; . Inthe colwnn headed Int. nautical miles 66 kilometres © 35-6 Int, nautical miles Example 2 Convert: a 70 statute miles to Intemational nautical miles; , 70 International nautical miles to statute miles Enter the cenire column of the table “Statute Miles and International Nautical Mites’ Opposite 70: a. In the column headed Inter. nautical mites; 70 statute miles > 60-8 Inter. nautical miles. Inthe column headed statute miles: 70 Inter. nautical miles ~ 80-6 statute miles. Example 3 Convert: 4. 40 starute miles to kitometres b, 40 kilometres to statute miles Entet the centre column of the table ‘Statute Miles and Kilometres’. Opposite 40: a, In the column headed kilometres; 40 statute miles = 64-4 kilometres. b, In the column headed statute miles; 40 kilometres = 24-9 statute miles. METRES AND FATHOMS (Poge 482) Example 1 Convert: a, 30 tnetres to fathoms; b. 30 fathoms to metred. Enter the centre column of the table ‘Metres and Fathoms’. Naw Opposite 36: a. In the column headed Fathoms 30 metres = 16-40 fathoms. b, In the column headed metres 30 fathoms ~ 54-86 metres DECIMALS OF A DEGREE . (Page 481 and inside Back Cover) Example Convert 35°19-6" to degrees. Enter the table ‘Decimals of a Degree’ Enter the Minutes colurin and move across the 19° line #0 the column headed 0-6" 196" = 03278 5 BS196 = 35327°

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