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The teacher will ask for 5 volunteer pairs to

play the game. The pairs will be asked a
question while they are standing back-to-
back and will jump facing each other to
provide their answer, they should have the
same answer to gain a point.
Learning Outcomes
Define strategic analysis
and intuitive thinking.
Differentiate strategic
analysis and intuitive
Learning Outcomes
Identify the key
components of strategic
and intuitive thinking
Apply strategic analysis and
intuitive thinking in dealing with
personal issues
Thinking is an important
part of our human
experience, and one that
has captivated people for
-A system or method
Strategic that requires
Analysis deliberate, abstract,
and effortful thinking
that breaks down a
complex problem into
-Employs a detailed
Strategic examination of a
Analysis problem to come up
with a solution.

-Involves looking at
the context of the
What would you
do in this
Your teacher gives you a task or project
that you need to work on as a group. The
task is to create a cheer dance
presentation. It is a complicated task
that requires days or weeks to finish you
are chosen as the leader of the group.
What will you do to make sure that your
group will accomplish the project?
1.Identify the problem
-Examine the instruction
given by the teacher
concerning the task. Answer
the question what is asked or
what is required
2.Analyze the problem
-Examining the variables that
will change state situations
including the potential
challenges and its causes.
3.Generate a solution
-Setting practical, reasonable,
and creative criteria and
strategies to solve the problem
4.Implement the solution
-Execute the plan!

5.Reflect on the outcome

-Draw lessons that will guide
your future decisions
01 What would you do if you were in
this situation?

Bonita, one of your classmates, passes

out during your rehearsal. As the leader of
the team what will you do to address the
- Ability to understand something
Intuitive instinctively without the need for

conscious reasoning.

-Quick and ready.

-Sixth sense instinct.

-Refers to gut feeling bases on

prior knowledge and
02 Identify
examining which vegetable to buy
02 Identify
fire rescue
02 Identify
03 Evaluation

In these cases, one would

not hesitate or delay
making decisions because
these situations need
immediate action.
intuitive strategic
Focuses on the idea or concept Starts from an idea or concept and
and its attributes moves on to what can be
Heart centered
Brain centered
Hunch, instinct, gut feeling
Hard facts, Data instruction
Spontaneous, quick, finished at one
time Needs time to finish

Unplanned Well planned

Decide whether each situations requires
strategic or intuitive thinking
1.A group of researchers solving climate change

2.A lawyer solving a case

3.A mother attending to the whining of her child

4.Scientist finding a cure for an infectious


5.Paramedics attending to an accident.

KEy concepts of strategic ANALYSIS
1.Tool analysis - are used to help in the
formulation of strategy. The common tool
analyses use are the SWOT analysis

2. Rational - Being logical in examining a


3. Systematic - There is a step-by-step

process in identifying problems.
KEy concepts of strategic ANALYSIS
4. Goals - talks about the purpose of the

5. Strategic Planning - clarifies the ways in

which our daily work will help move the
goals forward.
Example of swot analysis
student who wishes to finish high school
with good grades.
Strong Work Ethic
Academic abilities
Organizational skills
Support system
Example of swot analysis
student who wishes to finish high school
with good grades.

Procrastination tendencies
Time management
Subject weaknesses
Test anxiety
Example of swot analysis
student who wishes to finish high school
with good grades.

Academic Resources
Goal Setting
Extracurricular Involvement
Support Networks
Example of swot analysis
student who wishes to finish senior high
school with good grades.

Peer Pressure
External Factors
Competitive Environment
Example of swot analysis
organizing a charity event
Diverse skill set
Strong teamwork
Access to resources
Creative ideas
Example of swot analysis
organizing a charity event

Limited time
Lack of experiences
Example of swot analysis
organizing a charity event
Community engagement
Networking opportunities
Future growth
Example of swot analysis
organizing a charity event
Weather conditions
Competing events
Volunteer recruitment
Funding fluctuations
KEy concepts of Intuitive THINKING
1. Lack of Rationalization - creates
solutions without logical reasoning.

2. Non-sequential - there is no step-by-

step process in planning.

3. Insights - used to understand a person,

thing or a situation with the help of senses.
KEy concepts of Intuitive THINKING
4. Gut feeling - a quick reaction without
logical rationale.

5. Experiences-can help to understand the

situation because trained experiences.
Can you think of a scenario in the past
when you have acted based on intuition?
create a SWOT analysis about choosing a
college course


Think of specific events in your life where

you had to exercise intuitive thinking


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