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Medical imaging using ionizing radiation: Optimization of dose and image quality in

A. Kyle Jones, Stephen Balter, Phillip Rauch, and Louis K. Wagner

Citation: Medical Physics 41, 014301 (2014); doi: 10.1118/1.4835495

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Published by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine

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Medical imaging using ionizing radiation: Optimization of dose and image
quality in fluoroscopya)
A. Kyle Jonesb)
Department of Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030

Stephen Balter
Departments of Radiology and Medicine, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032
Phillip Rauch
Retired-Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan 48202

Louis K. Wagner
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston,
Houston, Texas 77030
(Received 29 August 2013; revised 4 November 2013; accepted for publication 11 November 2013;
published 9 December 2013)
The 2012 Summer School of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) focused
on optimization of the use of ionizing radiation in medical imaging. Day 2 of the Summer School
was devoted to fluoroscopy and interventional radiology and featured seven lectures. These lectures
have been distilled into a single review paper covering equipment specification and siting, equipment
acceptance testing and quality control, fluoroscope configuration, radiation effects, dose estimation
and measurement, and principles of flat panel computed tomography. This review focuses on modern
fluoroscopic equipment and is comprised in large part of information not found in textbooks on the
subject. While this review does discuss technical aspects of modern fluoroscopic equipment, it focuses
mainly on the clinical use and support of such equipment, from initial installation through estimation
of patient dose and management of radiation effects. This review will be of interest to those learning
about fluoroscopy, to those wishing to update their knowledge of modern fluoroscopic equipment, to
those wishing to deepen their knowledge of particular topics, such as flat panel computed tomography,
and to those who support fluoroscopic equipment in the clinic. © 2014 American Association of
Physicists in Medicine. []

Key words: fluoroscopy, angiography, tissue effects, skin dose, flat panel computed tomography, cone
beam computed tomography

ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMS blood vessels in the fluoroscopic

ACQ (acquisition) Mode of operation of a fluoro-
30-30-30 Rule An empirically derived rule, pro- scope during which images are
posed by Phil Rauch, to calcu- recorded for later review. Typ-
late the appropriate IAKR to a ically uses a higher image re-
fluoroscopic image receptor. It is ceptor dose per frame, and con-
intended to be used as a starting sequently a higher patient dose,
point for setting the IAKR for than fluoroscopic imaging.
newly installed equipment. The ADRC (Automatic Dose Technical mechanism by which
values should then be modified Rate Control) the output of the x-ray tube is
according to the demands of the modulated during fluoroscopic
imaging task, the noise tolerance imaging to maintain a constant
of the physician, and in response output signal from the detector.
to other considerations such as AEC (automatic exposure Technology used to automati-
the most commonly used FOV, control) cally adjust the image receptor
the pulse rate, the pixel size, and input exposure as variables in
the image receptor type. the imaging protocol, geometric
3D roadmap A three dimensional version of a setup, or x-ray beam path length
roadmap. Rotational movement are changed during the proce-
of the C-arm will cause the 3D dure.
image to rotate so that the pro- ALARA (as low as rea- An approach to radiation pro-
jected 3D image is coincident sonably achievable) tection which advocates taking
with the projected location of all reasonable steps to lower the

014301-1 Med. Phys. 41 (1), January 2014 0094-2405/2014/41(1)/014301/26/$30.00 © 2014 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 014301-1
014301-2 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-2

occupational dose to radiation projection acquisition. Charac-

workers. terized by a decrease in reso-
Angular sampling The angle between consecutive lution along the z-axis as dis-
measured projections during CT tance from the plane of rotation
acquisition. (z = 0) increases.
a-Se (amorphous sele- Photoconductor utilized as the x- CsI(Na) X-ray conversion layer that uses
nium) ray conversion layer in a direct a crystalline form of cesium io-
capture type of FPD. dide doped with sodium to pro-
Beam hardening artifact CT artifact caused by an in- duce light in the blue region of
crease in average energy of the the electromagnetict spectrum.
x-ray beam as it passes through CsI(Tl) X-ray conversion layer that uses
the imaged object. Characterized a crystalline form of cesium io-
by reduced image intensity near dide that is doped with thallium
the center of the object imaged to produce light in the green
or near highly attenuating struc- region of the electromagnetic
tures, e.g., the skull. spectrum.
Bowtie filter Physical filter used to shape a CSV (comma separated Data record consisting of fields
CT x-ray beam to the body part value) separated by a comma.
being imaged and to account CTDI phantoms Acrylic phantoms used to mea-
for x-ray intensity differences sure the computed tomography
caused by the inverse square law. dose index (CTDI). Typically 15
BSF (backscatter factor) The ratio of the skin or surface cm in length and either 16 cm
exposure to the exposure in air (head) or 32 cm (body) in di-
at the same location and for the ameter. The phantoms have cav-
same x-ray beam quality. ities for inserting a pencil ion-
C-arm fluoroscope A fluoroscope composed of an ization chamber, including one
x-ray tube and XRII or FPD in the center of the phantom and
that are mechanically linked by four equally spaced around the
a C-shaped arm. C-arm fluoro- periphery of the phantom, 1 cm
scopes feature an isocenter, the below the phantom surface.
point through which the central CTDI100 CT dosimetry quantity measured
ray passes independent of gantry using a 100 mm pencil ioniza-
orientation. tion chamber placed in a CTDI
CBCT (cone beam com- Computed tomography utilizing phantom and a single rotation
puted tomography) a wide cone angle includes both of the x-ray source and can be
diagnostic CT with large detec- quoted as dose to air or dose to
tor array (e.g., 320 slice scan- the phantom.
ner) and FPCT systems. Some- CTDIw (weighted com- CT dosimetry quantity calcu-
times used interchangeably with puted tomography dose lated by summing 2/3 of the
FPCT, however, FPCT is a sub- index) CTDI100 measured at the periph-
set of CBCT.
ery of the phantom and 1/3 of the
CCD (charge coupled de- A light sensor used in digital
CTDI100 measured in the center
vice) television cameras.
of the phantom.
CINE (cineradiography) Mode of operation of a fluoro-
Del (detector element) Discrete region on a digital im-
scope during which images are
age receptor from which an out-
recorded at a high frame rate
put signal is derived.
for later review, often used dur-
ing cardiac catheterization. Typ- Tissue effect Radiation effect that is charac-
ically uses a lower image recep- terized by a severity that is de-
tor dose per frame than ACQ, but pendent on dose and a threshold
a higher frame rate (15–30 fps). level below which no effect is
CNR (contrast to noise A measure used to assess image seen.
ratio) quality. It is calculated from the DICOM (Digital Imaging A standard for handling, storing,
difference between the signal in and Communications in printing, and transmitting data in
two regions of an image divided Medicine) medical imaging.
by the background image noise. Dp (dose per projection) The radiation dose delivered to
Cone beam artifact CT artifact that occurs when us- the image receptor per CT image
ing a large cone angle for CT projection.

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-3 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-3

DQE (detective quantum A measure of image quality GI fluoroscope The most basic fluoroscope, pri-
efficiency) mathematically derived from marily used for gastrointestinal
measurements of the MTF and (GI) examinations. It consists of
NPS. an x-ray tube under the patient
DSA (digital subtraction Mode of operation of a fluoro- table and an XRII or FPD above
angiography) scope during which a mask im- the patient table.
age without contrast is acquired HVL (half value layer) A measure of x-ray beam qual-
and subtracted from subsequent ity. It is the thickness of a ma-
fill images acquired after injec- terial such as aluminum or cop-
tion of a contrast agent. Other- per that would reduce the in-
wise similar to ACQ imaging. tensity of an x-ray beam by
FDA (Food and Drug Ad- United States Department of 50%.
ministration) Health and Human Services HVS (human visual sys- The eyes and associated neural
agency responsible for protect- tem) circuits responsible for process-
ing and promoting public health. ing visual information.
f-factor A conversion factor that allows IAK (input air kerma) Value of the air kerma at the en-
the calculation of absorbed dose trance to the image receptor.
from exposure. IAKR (input air kerma Value of the air kerma rate at the
FGI (fluoroscopically Medical procedures, often rate) entrance to the image receptor.
guided interventions) catheter-based, performed under IEC (International A nonprofit, nongovernmental
fluoroscopic imaging guidance. Electrotechnical Com- international standards organiza-
FOR PRESENTATION Images to which image pro- mission) tion.
cessing (e.g., edge restoration IFU (instructions for use) Written instructions provided
and harmonization) has been ap- by the manufacturer of imag-
plied. ing equipment which detail the
FOR PROCESSING Images to which only detector proper procedures for operating
corrections (gain, offset, and bad and controlling the equipment.
pixel) have been applied. IR (interventional radiol- Subspecialty of radiology that
FOV (field of view) Used to describe either (1) the ogy) uses fluoroscopic guidance to di-
size of the collimator opening at agnose and treat abnormalities
the image receptor or (2) the full occurring in organs and blood
field of view of the current elec- vessels of the body.
tronic magnification mode being IRP (interventional refer- On C-arm fluoroscopes, a point
used. In the second case, it refers ence point) 15 cm towards the x-ray source
to the diagonal size of the field of from isocenter.
view. Isocenter The point in space about which
FPCT (flat panel com- Computed tomography imaging a C-arm fluoroscope rotates. An
puted tomography) performed with a device utiliz- object placed at isocenter re-
ing a FPD. mains in the center of the FOV
FPD (flat panel detector) Large area image receptor that at any gantry angle.
uses an x-ray conversion layer Ka,i (incident air kerma) The air kerma incident on a pa-
and a thin film transistor (TFT) tient’s skin. It does not include
array to convert a low x-ray contributions from backscatter.
photon fluence to electronic Ka,r (reference air kerma) The cumulative air kerma at the
charge. Indirect FPDs use a crys- IRP.
talline scintillator, most com- kVp The value of the peak kilovolt-
monly CsI(Tl), to convert x-rays age utilized to produce an x-ray
to light and an array of photo- beam.
diodes to convert light to elec- kVp modulation Modulation of kVp during CT
tronic charge, which is stored on scanning to maintain a constant
the TFT array. Direct FPDs use Dp to the image receptor.
a photoconductor, most com- LIH (last image hold) Fluoroscope feature that dis-
monly a-Se, to directly con- plays the final fluoroscopic
vert x-rays to electronic charge, frame on the viewing monitor
which is stored on the TFT array. after the fluoroscopy pedal has
fps (frames per second) The number of unique image been released.
frames presented to the viewer in Limited angle scan CT scan using less than a 360◦
one second. rotation

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-4 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-4

mA (milliampere) Unit of electric current. 1 mA numbers measured in the same

equals 10−3 ampere. locations in pre- and postcon-
Matrix Array of numbers or pixels in trast CT scans.
discrete rows and columns. RDSR (radiation dose A DICOM object that contains
MIP (maximum intensity An image created by ray trac- structured report) information related to the pa-
projection) ing through a series of images tient, total dose metrics, and
in a single anatomic plane (e.g., dose metrics and fluoroscope
coronal) and assigning the max- configuration for each irradia-
imum intensity encountered by tion event during an FGI.
each ray to the pixel it intercepts Roadmap An image of contrast filled ves-
in the MIP. sels which is made semitranspar-
ms (millisecond) Unit of time measurement. 1 ms ent and overlaid onto the live flu-
= 10−3 s. oroscopic image.
MTF (modulation trans- A measure used to assess im- SC (secondary capture) A DICOM information object de-
fer function) age quality. It is a mathematical finition. A secondary capture is a
function that describes contrast “screenshot” of a digital image.
transfer as a function of spatial SFOV (scan field of view) The FOV at isocenter imaged
frequency. with CT
NEMA (National Electri- Association of electrical and Shading/cupping artifact CT artifact caused by a combi-
cal Manufacturers Asso- medical imaging equipment nation of scattered radiation and
ciation) manufacturers in the United beam hardening and character-
States. ized by reduced image intensity
NPS (noise power spec- A measure of image quality that near the center of the imaged ob-
trum) describes the noise content of an ject.
image as a function of spatial SID (source to image re- The distance between the x-ray
frequency. ceptor distance) source and input to the image re-
Osteoradionecrosis Necrosis of bone tissue resulting ceptor.
from damage to the bone caused SNR (signal to noise ra- The magnitude of a signal di-
by high absorbed doses of radia- tio) vided by the magnitude of back-
tion. ground noise.
PACS (picture archiving Technology used to store and SNRin (input signal to The SNR at the input to an image
and communication sys- distribute digital medical im- noise ratio) receptor.
tem) ages. SNRout (output signal to The SNR at the output of an im-
Pixel (picture element) The smallest discrete spatial area noise ratio) age receptor.
containing image signal inten- Spectral filtration Filtration added (e.g., 0.1 mm
sity information in a digital im- Cu) to the x-ray beam path for
age. A digital image is com- the purpose of increasing beam
posed of an array of pixels. quality.
Pixel pitch The distance between the centers SPR (scatter-to-primary The ratio of the intensity of the
of two adjacent image pixels. ratio) scattered radiation in an x-ray
PKA (kerma area product) Product of air kerma and x-ray beam divided by the intensity of
field size, invariant along the the primary radiation.
x-ray source to image receptor Stochastic effect Radiation effect marked by hav-
axis. ing no threshold, a long la-
pps (pulses per second) The number of radiation pulses tent period, a likelihood of oc-
produced by the fluoroscope currence that increases with in-
in 1 s. creasing dose, and a severity that
PSD (peak skin dose) The highest absorbed dose to is independent of dose.
any area of a patient’s skin dur- TCM (tube current modu- Modulation of mA during CT
ing an FGI. lation) scanning to maintain a constant
QA (quality assurance) The systematic measurement, Dp to the detector.
comparison with a standard, and Truncation artifact CT artifact that occurs when
monitoring of processes to mon- imaging objects that exceed the
itor performance and prevent un- SFOV.
expected errors. XRII (x-ray image inten- Vacuum bottle structure that
RCE (relative contrast en- A technique used for quantifi- sifier) functions as a transducer to con-
hancement) cation of contrast enhancement vert a low x-ray photon fluence
using relative differences in CT to a high optical photon fluence.

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-5 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-5

1. INTRODUCTION 2. In most cases, operators and support staff work in the

scattered radiation fields produced during the proce-
Fluoroscopic imaging supports a wide range of diagnos-
dure and are thus subjected to chronic exposure to
tic and image guided interventional medical procedures. Flu-
oroscopy per se is intended to visualize dynamic activities.
Most fluoroscopic systems also offer one or more fluoro-
graphic (acquisition) modes for later review of images. Ac-
quisition (ACQ) includes single images (spot films) and se- 2.A. Modern fluoroscopic equipment
rial image sequences such as digital subtraction angiography
Most modern fluoroscopic systems use the same imaging
(DSA) and cineradiography (CINE). Modern fluoroscopic
channel for both fluoroscopy and ACQ. The x-ray beam pass-
imaging systems also provide fluoroscopic last-image-hold
ing through the patient is detected by an image receptor, ei-
(LIH) and retrospective storage of the most recent fluoroscopy
ther a vacuum x-ray image intensifier (XRII) or a solid-state
loop. These “reuse” modes provide review images without
device, most commonly a flat panel detector (FPD). Active
re-irradiating the patient. They are also of great value during
feedback from the image receptor to the generator modu-
physics image quality evaluations.
lates x-ray output in real time. Detected images are converted
There are two major differences between clinical fluoro-
into digital video signals which are then processed, displayed,
scopic procedures and most other imaging procedures:1
and possibly recorded. The active mode of system opera-
1. Only the dose rate of the equipment can be configured. tion is selected from a menu of clinical options and subop-
The total dose delivered to a patient during a procedure tions. The actual technical parameters are determined by a set
is determined by both the equipment and how it is used of configuration files associated with each operator selection
by the operator during the procedure. (Fig. 1). Default configuration file sets are preinstalled in new

F IG . 1. Example of some of the technical parameters associated with a procedure selection (organ program) on a modern fluoroscope.

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-6 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-6

equipment. These files are often modified to meet local pref- protective eyewear is usually adequate but seldom as low as
erences during installation and system configuration. reasonably achievable (ALARA). Operators work from both
Different clinical requirements are supported by changing sides of the patient during an increasing fraction of proce-
components such as the mechanical configuration, x-ray tube, dures. Face shields and table-mounted drapes should be sup-
image receptor size, and image processor. Most fluoroscopes plied for both sides of the table for such procedures. Several
are further adapted to specific clinical requirements by the support staff can be in the procedure room during a proce-
installation of task-specific software modules and configura- dure performing any one of a number of relevant tasks. Tasks
tion files, such as the file shown in Fig. 1. The dosimetric that do not require patient contact or hand-offs to the op-
and imaging behavior of an individual system usually differs erator should be accommodated in the control room when
from one clinical mode to another,2 and such differences are feasible. Fixed or mobile radiation barriers should be sup-
often substantial. It is essentially impossible to fully test such plied for the protection of remaining in-room staff where
a system in a clinical setting. Medical physicists should eval- practicable.
uate a system using the expected clinical modes of use for
that specific system in their institution. Reference baseline
dosimetry and performance information for a range of recom- 2.B.2. Access door designs
mended uses is supplied by the manufacturers of International Door designs, both control-procedure and hall-procedure,
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)-compliant interventional require specific attention. In general, patient safety can be
fluoroscopes.3 Scatter field isodose curves are also available. compromised if any interventional laboratory doors are inter-
This information is tabulated in the user manual or supple- locked to block radiation production when they are opened.
ments to the user manual. However, it must be understood that doors, and particularly
corridor doors, should be closed as much of the time as pos-
2.B. Interventional fluoroscopic facility design sible. Instead, separate x-ray disable controls should be used
to block radiation production unless a procedure is actually in
This discussion is limited to a sampling of some of the el- progress. Many interventional fluoroscopes provide this func-
ements of an interventional fluoroscopic facility relevant to tion via a dedicated switch. A wall-mounted control can eas-
medical and health physics. The final design should represent ily be provided for any other room. Doors that might remain
the consensus of all stakeholders and result in a workspace open during procedures, e.g., control-procedure, should not
that is as optimized as possible to meet the requirements provide a line of sight from the isocenter to any substantially
of staff safety, anticipated clinical requirements, and patient occupied area. Individuals entering the control room should
safety.4, 5 not have to pass through an unshielded area on their way from
Interventional fluoroscopes are commonly purchased as a the corridor to the control room. These requirements can be
complete system that is configured to perform a specific range accommodated by appropriately locating the position of the
of procedures, e.g., angiography, cardiology, or neuroradiol- door in the barrier and configuring the direction of the door
ogy. Most offerings include a base system and a series of op- swing (Fig. 2).
tions. Manufacturers may not offer all compatible options,
some of which may be of value to a facility. The medical
physicist should help the facility understand the proffered op- 2.C. Fluoroscope evaluation and testing
tion list in the context of all available options. A large assort-
ment of additional imaging devices, workstations, network The evaluation of a fluoroscope, and for that matter any
terminals, etc. usually supplements the fluoroscopic system type of imaging equipment, can be divided into three main
package.4, 5 phases: acceptance, commissioning, and acceptability.8 As
Fluoroscopic equipment vendors often provide generic sit- outlined below, the nature of a medical physics evaluation
ing plans in the context of intended clinical use for each differs in each phase. National Electrical Manufacturers As-
of their systems. Many of these are accessible on the ven- sociation (NEMA) Standard XR-27, first issued in 2012 and
dor’s web site. Additional siting plans can be obtained from scheduled to be implemented by 2015,9 is expected to facil-
vendor sales personnel or from the project architect. These itate all phases of testing of interventional fluoroscopes. Key
are the starting point for developing the actual plan used to elements of XR-27 are outlined in Table I.
construct the room. The final plan and specification should
include inputs and sign-offs by key entities such as the
2.C.1. Acceptance testing
equipment supplier, clinical staff, facility administration, and
radiation safety. Acceptance testing is the initial complete and detailed eval-
uation of a new system, including the x-ray generator, image
receptor, image processing and handling chain, and other ma-
2.B.1. Radioprotective shielding
jor components; or the reevaluation of all or part of an exist-
Radiation shielding for workers in the interventional lab- ing system after major repairs or upgrades. Acceptance test-
oratory is more complex than that needed for a conventional ing verifies that the system meets regulatory requirements,
gastrointestinal (GI) fluoroscope.6, 7 Total reliance on personal its manufacturer’s specifications, and additional contractual
shielding such as protective garments, thyroid collars, and requirements negotiated between the facility and vendor. A

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-7 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-7

2.C.2. Commissioning
Commissioning is the verification that a system is prop-
erly configured to meet the facility’s clinical requirements
while maintaining regulatory compliance and acceptable per-
formance goals. New systems are typically delivered with a
set of “factory default” configuration protocols. These enable
use of the system to perform a wide variety of generic clini-
cal procedures. Some or all factory defaults may not meet the
clinical needs of the facility in which the fluoroscopic imag-
ing system is installed. Over the first few months of clinical
use, the configurations supporting those procedures which are
actually performed are often adapted to meet the facility’s
clinical requirements by a combination of facility and ven-
dor personnel. Adaptation can markedly affect both radiation
delivery and image characteristics. It is prudent to carefully
evaluate the performance of adapted settings after clinical
configuration is complete. Equipment use may change over
time. Commissioning testing should include re-measurement
of those factors that were modified by the commissioning pro-
cess. Appropriate commissioning tests should be repeated af-
ter significant clinical reconfigurations.

2.C.3. Acceptability testing

Acceptability testing provides periodic assurance that an
apparently stable system remains legally and clinically suit-
able for continued use. Recommendations for acceptability
testing of all forms of imaging equipment, including fluoro-
scopes, are available in AAPM Reports10–15 and are reviewed
F IG . 2. Good and bad design for fluoroscopic procedure suites. The only in European Commission report RP-162.8
entry to the control room in version (1) is via the patient entry door (P) and the An apparently unstable system should be reported to fa-
control room door (C). Any staff entering or leaving the control room while cility management by its operators in a timely manner and
a procedure is in progress may be irradiated. A control room staff door (S) then subjected to additional testing. Test results may indicate
is added in version (2). Individuals passing to or from the control desk might
the need for routine or urgent maintenance. Depending on the
be irradiated if the control room door (C) is open. In addition, individuals
might be tempted to take a short-cut to the control room via the patient entry findings, the system may have to be taken out of service or
door (P). By moving the control room staff door (S) to the location shown in have its clinical usage restricted until maintenance is com-
version (3), the area around the staff door (S) is completely shielded by the plete. A system might have to be taken out of service per-
control-procedure room barrier. In addition, by locating (S) close to (P), it is manently if critical repairs are impossible, e.g., parts are no
unlikely that an individual going to the control room will pass through the
longer available.
procedure room.
As noted above, routine acceptability tests are a subset
of the more comprehensive list of acceptance tests shown in
Table II. Performance of acceptability testing over the range
of actual clinical use is essential. However, resources should
radiation protection survey is always part of initial accep-
not be expended on evaluating unused options, e.g., pediatric
tance testing and may be needed following major repairs.
performance of fluoroscopy equipment only used for adults,
Acceptance testing also provides a baseline for periodic ac-
or on items that are unlikely to change in a stable system, e.g.,
ceptability testing, often referred to as “QA.” Acceptance test-
remapping the scattered radiation field in a system with intact
ing should be comprehensive and based on the factory de-
protective drapes. The medical physicist should exercise pro-
faults for the specific system’s intended use. However, not
fessional judgment and perform additional testing based on
all of the items included in an acceptance test, e.g., half-
clinical reports and the findings of the baseline tests.
value layer (HVL) for systems where the filters are com-
pletely enclosed in the x-ray tube housing, require routine
2.D. Summary
acceptability testing. Table II summarizes a typical set of ac-
ceptance tests that might be performed on an interventional The evaluation of fluoroscopic imaging systems can be di-
fluoroscope by a medical physicist. Testing protocols can be vided into three main phases: acceptance testing, commis-
found elsewhere. Professional judgment must be applied to sioning, and acceptability testing. Medical physics involve-
refine this list to comply with local regulatory and facility ment at each step is crucial, as deficiencies at any step can
requirements. render the system unsuitable for clinical use. Standards and

Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

014301-8 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-8

TABLE I. Elements in NEMA Standard XR-27—X-ray equipment for interventional procedures: User Quality Control Mode (Ref. 9).

Element Rationale

Manual control of: Supports testing for:

kV Half-value layer
mA Dose reproducibility
Pulse width mA linearity
Spectral filtration kVp, mA, pulse width accuracy
Focal spot size Ka,r and PKA accuracy, x-ray tube output measurement
Export of configuration file sets in a suitable This will include an audit trail to identify the individual/entity that changed the file
format, e.g., comma-separated value (CSV)
An off-line tool is to be provided that automates comparison between the current configuration and the
factory default set of configuration files
Export of FOR PROCESSING and FOR This is expected to facilitate the development of physical phantoms that can be imaged and digitally
PRESENTATION images in nonproprietary analyzed for QA purposes, e.g., SNR, CNR, MTF
formats that include numerical pixel maps
Access to Radiation Dose Structured Provides a portal for downloading RDSRs in the absence of necessary network resources
Reports (RDSR)
Calibration inputs for fields in the RDSR The RDSR requires correction factors in each report. These factors are applied to machine-reported dose
metrics to arrive at final values for these metrics
Measurement protocol is currently under development by AAPM TG-190

TABLE II. Typical fluoroscope acceptance testing items.

Phase Aspects evaluated

Delivery Installed system matches the purchasing documents

All accessories are present
All options, including hardware and software, are present and installed correctly
Documentation Essential user instructions as hard-copy
Manufacturer’s complete accompanying documents, including standard dosimetry, in electronic or hard-copy format
Complete set of initial configuration settings, in human readable form and as system backup media
Complete set of “as installed” drawings in electronic or hard-copy format
Initial configuration System has been configured and calibrated according to factory standard settings
Most common intended use(s) identified
Patient population identified
Initial determination that the factory standard settings are clinically acceptable
Radiation protection survey Approved radiation protection design is available
All required and specified radiation protection accessories are present and installed correctly
Radiation protection survey performed and documented according to local requirements, including regulatory and
Functional and safety survey All mechanical functions of the system are acceptable
All safety interlocks are functional
All switches, both hardware and virtual, and indicators are functional.
Grid is removable if so designed
Five-minute fluoroscopic timer functional
All “x-ray active” warning lights functional
X-ray disable function performs as described in the system user manual
Electrical safety survey completed and system passes
Emergency power-off functional
Backup power functional
Network interfaces, including data and images, are functional.
Monitor quality All x-ray image monitors in procedure room and control room have acceptable performance
All non-x-ray displays have acceptable performance
Image receptor uniformity Image receptors and grids are acceptably uniform in response and free from clinically important artifacts
Collimator Relation of visualized to actual x-ray field meets regulatory requirements
Collimator size tracks with changes in field of view (FOV) and source-to-image distance (SID)
Minimum x-ray field size meets regulatory requirements
Auxiliary collimator elements function in accordance with the instructions for use (IFU)
SID indicator is acceptably accurate

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014301-9 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-9

TABLE II. (Continued.)

Phase Aspects evaluated

HVL and kVp HVL meets or exceeds regulatory minimums under all conditions
kVp accuracy meets or exceeds manufacturer’s specifications and/or regulatory requirements
Note: This testing may require assistance from the installers to set appropriate x-ray generator parameters.
Radiation output Tested for the most common anticipated clinical examination(s)
Testing includes imaging modes and submodes associated with identified clinical procedures
Testing includes all available FOVs of the system
Pediatric-specific testing included, if pediatric patients will be examined or treated using the fluoroscope under
Testing for each mode covers the full range of patient thickness, including those that are expected to drive the system to
maximum output
Testing includes all modes of operation, including fluoroscopy, ACQ, DSA, and CINE
Effects of SID on table-top output.
Caution: Consider the characteristics of the external radiation detector(s) used for these measurements,
especially with beams filtered by copper, and the influence of the detector(s) on the output of the fluoroscope.
Integrated radiation dose displays System displays reference air kerma and reference air kerma rate
Use AAPM TG-190 protocol when it is available
Accuracy meets or exceeds IEC, FDA, and manufacturer’s standards.
Measured correction factor installed in the system for use with the RDSR, when this function is available
Low contrast detectability Typically performed for all modes and FOVs using either constant physical contrast tools, e.g., different size holes in a
single test plate, or with a contrast-size phantom
Consider also using iodine or iodine-simulating, e.g., tin, contrast targets
Visual analysis of resulting images, including dynamic analysis if this corresponds to clinical use. Replay functions
should be used to analyze images without the need to continuously irradiate the test object
Tools and geometry per regulatory and/or local requirements
High contrast detectability Typically performed for all modes and FOVs using a lead bar pattern and a suitable attenuator
Also consider using clinical guide wires and stents or other devices
The system should be set to a clinically relevant table height and SID
Test object placed near the location of the patient’s input surface to include the influence of focal spot size and
magnification on high contrast detectability
Additional testing at maximum SID can be helpful
Bars should be rotated 90◦ for a subset of the tests to gain an impression of focal spot asymmetry and other effects such
as video bandwidth
Images evaluated visually under dynamic conditions. Secondary magnification of the images may be used for this

guidelines exist, both for specific tests and for overall evalu- 3.A. Differences between flat panel image receptors
ation of fluoroscopic imaging systems. The medical physicist and x-ray image intensifiers
must also exercise professional judgment in evaluating imag-
The migration to FPD has resulted in real benefits to fluo-
ing equipment, adapting testing algorithms according to both
roscope operators, including more flexibility in positioning of
equipment design and use. the fluoroscope, elimination of common image artifacts, and
the introduction of advanced technologies including flat panel
computed tomography (FPCT) and 3D roadmapping that au-
tomatically tracks the position of the imager. However, FPDs
are inferior to XRIIs in one particular aspect—image noise at
low input air kerma rates (IAKR). XRIIs and many FPDs use
Commissioning a fluoroscope can be a daunting task con- the same x-ray conversion layer made of cesium iodide, doped
sidering the number of potential combinations of technical either with sodium for XRIIs [CsI(Na)] or with thallium for
factors and operational modifiers available on modern sys- FPDs [CsI(Tl)] (Although this discussion focuses on the “in-
tems. A working knowledge of modern fluoroscopic equip- direct” type of FPD (CsI/a-Si TFT array), it also applies to
ment and understanding a few basic principles makes the task the “direct” type of FPD (a-Se/a-Si TFT array).). The main
more manageable. The medical physicist must understand key effect of the dopant is to shift the spectrum of the light emit-
concepts including differences between FPD and XRII and ted by the phosphor and it is not present in sufficient concen-
the behavior of fluoroscopes when changes are made to the tration to substantially affect the x-ray attenuation properties
field of view or frame rate. of the conversion layer. Therefore, one might expect that the

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DQE = [SNRout /SNRin ]2 for a FPD and an XRII would be

similar. However, the DQE of a FPD drops precipitously as
the IAKR is reduced to fluoroscopic levels, whereas the DQE
of an XRII remains relatively constant. The difference lies in
the fact that the XRII is a very high gain system, increasing
the number of secondary information carriers by a factor of
approximately 5000, while the FPD suffers from high levels
of additive noise, mainly electronic noise from the readout
and sampling of the detector. This places a dose “floor” on
the input air kerma (IAK) per frame necessary when using
a FPD for low IAK per frame applications, including fluoro-
scopic imaging and FPCT. This floor is in the range of 20–50

3.B. Pulsed versus continuous fluoroscopy

A shift to pulsed fluoroscopy that began 15 years ago is
now almost complete in interventional and cardiac labs. How-
ever, many users of fluoroscopy outside these areas continue
to use continuous fluoroscopy, which is inferior to pulsed flu-
oroscopy in terms of both radiation dose (to both the patient
and the operator) and image quality (Fig. 3).

3.C. Operational logic of modern fluoroscopes

Modern fluoroscopic equipment, and particularly equip-
ment used for fluoroscopically guided interventions (FGI),
operates under the direction of complex algorithms that con-
trol technical factors including kVp, mA, pulse width, and
in some cases added filtration to maintain a constant pre-
set detector output signal. The detector output signal is sam-
pled within a predefined measurement region on the detector.
Although the system operates to maintain a target detector
output signal, it is common to describe the mechanism as “Au-
tomatic Dose Rate Control” (ADRC). In some circumstances
the algorithm will also dynamically modify the value of the
target signal being used to achieve the proper imaging condi-
tions. The report of AAPM Task Group 125 (Refs. 19 and 20)
has provided a wealth of information on the operational logic
of modern fluoroscopes, and in particular on the function of
F IG . 3. Comparison of continuous and pulsed fluoroscopy. (a) Time se-
quences showing tube current (mA) during one second of fluoroscopy. (a.1)
Continuous fluoroscopy—radiation production and mA are continuous. (a.2)
3.D. Fluoroscopic input air kerma rates to the image Pulsed fluoroscopy—for a pulse rate of 30 pps, the mA per image frame is
receptor increased so that each image is produced with the same IAK used for each
frame of continuous fluoroscopy. (a.3) Pulsed fluoroscopy—for a pulse rate
3.D.1. XRII of 15 pps, the mA per image frame is increased over that used at 30 pps to
compensate for the increased perception of image noise as fewer images are
Setting the appropriate fluoroscopic IAKR to the image integrated by the human visual system when the pulse rate is decreased. This
receptor is perhaps the most challenging aspect of configur- phenomenon is described in detail in Sec. 3.D.3. (b) Patient dose rate for
ing a fluoroscopic imaging protocol. The FOV, fluoroscopic pulsed fluoroscopy at a rate of 30 pps is not changed compared to continuous
fluoroscopy, while patient dose rate for pulsed fluoroscopy at a rate of 15 pps
pulse rate, ADRC parameters, and image receptor technology,
is decreased compared to 30 pps. However, a 50% reduction is not achieved as
along with the imaging task and patient, all influence the se- the IAK per pulse was increased to maintain a constant perception of image
lection of the IAKR. Phillip Rauch has distilled much of this noise. (c) Fluoroscopic LIH images of a rotating disk. Edge blur is present
into his simple yet elegant “30-30-30 Rule,”21 which states: when an object moves a large distance during the frame integration time.
“For a nominal XRII FOV of 30 cm and a fluoroscopic rate (Right) Continuous fluoroscopy with frame integration time equal to 33.3 ms
produces a blurred image of moving objects. (Left) Pulsed fluoroscopy with
of 30 image frames per second, set the entrance exposure rate
a much shorter frame integration time (i.e., x-ray pulse width) of 8 ms pro-
to the image receptor to 30 μR/sec (262.8 nGy/sec).” duces a sharper image. Contrast is also improved, as seen in the images of
Rauch empirically derived this rule based on 30 years of the black dots at the edges of the rotating disks. This figure was previously
experience with setting the IAKR on XRIIs and qualitatively published in AAPM Report 125.

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monitoring the subsequent imaging performance and the sat- 1024 pixels × 0.154 mm/pixel
= 15.8 cm. (1)
isfaction of physicians performing different procedures using 10 mm/cm
the equipment. The intended use of Rauch’s 30-30-30 Rule
is as a starting point for setting the IAKR for newly installed To achieve the same SNRout 2 as that for the 30 cm FOV,
fluoroscopic equipment. The values should then be modified an XRII operating at a 15.8 cm FOV would require (30/15.8)2
according to the demands of the imaging task, the noise toler- = 3.6 times greater IAKR, or 3.6 × 262.8 nGy/s = 946 nGy/s
ance of the physician, and in response to other considerations (31.5 nGy/pulse). This value is therefore the IAKR that would
such as the most commonly used FOV, the pulse rate, the pixel be required for a FPD operating at a pixel pitch of 0.154 mm
size, and the image receptor type as described below. As writ- and a 10242 pixel matrix. Because we ignored the effects of
ten, the 30-30-30 Rule applies to an XRII with a pixel matrix electronic noise in deriving this value of IAKR, the reality is
size of 1024 × 1024, often referred to as a “1k” matrix, typical that the image noise would be slightly higher for the FPD as
of a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. This pixel matrix compared to an XRII operating at the same pixel pitch, matrix
divides a 30 cm FOV into “pixels” 293 μm on a side. If a size and IAKR. Thus, one must consider the dose “floor” of
minimum of 0.2 mm Cu spectral beam filtration is used, the FPD when setting the IAKR, particularly when using high
IAKR can be doubled.22 The doubling of the IAKR is used to fluoroscopic image rates, as discussed in Sec. 3.D.3.
compensate for the loss of CNR associated with x-ray beam
hardening, a consequence of shifting the average energy of
3.D.3. IAKR changes with fluoroscopic image rate
the x-ray spectrum beyond the k-edge of the CsI conversion
layer. The exact change in IAKR that is necessary depends The fluoroscopic image rate also influences the setting of
on the procedure being performed, the organ program config- the IAKR to the image receptor. The human visual system
uration settings, and the noise tolerance of the operator. The (HVS) has a finite integration time, and multiple fluoroscopic
30-30-30 Rule is not intended to allow exact determination of images are integrated during one visual cycle. Integration in
the IAKR but can be extremely useful in calculating an IAKR the HVS occurs because whenever an image is projected onto
that is reasonable and acceptable with regard to the tradeoff the retina, the photoreceptor stimulus from that image will
between image noise and patient dose. It should be noted that take approximately 200 ms to fade away completely.23 When
the stated entrance exposure rate of 30 μR/s (262.8 nGy/s) is two or more images, each with a different random noise dis-
after the antiscatter grid. When measuring the IAKR, either tribution, are presented within the 200 ms time frame, both
the antiscatter grid should be removed or a “grid factor” (i.e., the image signal is reinforced and the image noise is reduced.
reciprocal of the primary transmission of the antiscatter grid) At high fluoroscopic image rates more fluoroscopic images
applied to the measured IAKR to determine the true IAKR to are integrated by the HVS compared to low image rates. As
the detector. Manufacturers often publish grid factors in their the image rate is reduced, fewer frames are integrated, and
service manuals to aid service engineers when calibrating flu- the perceived image noise increases. Dr. Richard Aufrichtig
oroscopes. studied this phenomenon and published an experimentally
measured empirical relationship that can be used to calculate
the necessary IAKR for fluoroscopic image rates less than
3.D.2. Flat panel image receptors
30 pps.24 The following expression can be used to scale the
Rauch’s 30-30-30 rule was derived for XRII imaging sys- IAKR for different fluoroscopic image rates, such that the vi-
tems using CsI(Na) conversion layers but it can be adapted sual impression of image noise remains relatively constant:
to estimate the IAKR needed for FPD fluoroscopic imaging 
systems using CsI(Tl) or a-Se (Ref. 88) conversion layers. If fpsold
the effects of electronic noise are ignored for the moment, de- IAKRnew = IAKRold × , (2)
livering the same photon flux to equivalent size pixels in the
XRII and in the FPD will achieve similar SNRout 2 . For a fluo- where fps (frames per second) is the fluoroscopic image rate.
roscopic image rate of 30 frames per second (fps) and a pixel As can be seen from this relationship, a halving of the image
matrix of 1024 × 1024, we must determine the FPD IAKR rate would not be expected to result in a halving
√ of the IAKR,
that will deliver equivalent SNRout 2 as that for an XRII hav- but instead a reduction by a factor of 1/ 2 if the perception
ing the same pixel pitch as the FPD. If we then deliver this of image noise is to remain constant. The same logic does not
same IAKR to an XRII and to an FPD, each having the same apply to all frame rates. Because any single image is retained
pixel pitch and 10242 pixel matrix size, the SNRout 2 should for only 200 ms (1/5 s), the only integration that occurs at
be equivalent and thus we have arrived at the equivalent FPD frame rates of 5 fps or less is that between the previous fill
IAKR. frame and the current fill frame.89 Therefore, Eq. (1) should
An FPD with a pixel pitch of 0.154 mm and a FOV of be used only for frame rates of 5 fps or greater, and the re-
22 cm (diagonal measurement) will have a pixel matrix of quired IAKR calculated for 5 fps should be used for frame
10242 . Because the XRII/CCD always has a pixel matrix of rates less than 5 fps.
10242 , we simply have to determine the input diameter of the In practice, only one manufacturer configures their default
XRII that has the same 0.154 mm pixel pitch as that for the imaging protocols to follow the Aufrichtig scale,25 and no
FPD. This value is the product of the matrix dimension and manufacturers configure their systems to use the Aufrichtig
the pixel pitch: scale when an operator uses the tableside controls to change

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the fluoroscopic image rate. The responsibility for making enhancement, and noise reduction techniques to compensate
these changes in the system configuration in order to main- for the higher additive noise levels of flat panel image recep-
tain a constant perception of image noise as the frame rate is tors. When configuring a fluoroscopy imaging protocol, one
changed therefore falls on the medical physicist. typically sets the IAKR for a specific baseline FOV (e.g., 1024
× 1024 matrix size, 22 cm diagonal), and the fluoroscopic
system adjusts the IAKR as the FOV is changed according to
3.D.4. IAKR changes with FOV the installed configuration files.
XRIIs use a CCD camera with a fixed matrix size but can
electronically vary the size of the input FOV. As a result, the
3.D.5. An example
sampling pitch or “pixel size” at the input screen varies in pro-
portion to the diameter of the FOV. To maintain the same out- For the FPD with the specifications described in Table III,
put SNRout 2 when the FOV diameter is decreased (i.e., “Mag calculate the desired IAKR when the imager is operated in the
Mode”), the IAKR must be increased inversely proportional 32 cm FOV at a fluoroscopic image rate of 15 fps.
to the change in input screen area (Fig. 4). This change also First, determine the IAKR for the FOV corresponding to a
exactly compensates for the reduction of image brightness 10242 matrix with an image rate of 30 fps. From Table III, the
caused by the reduction in minification gain as the image is 22 cm FOV with 0.154 mm pixel pitch is selected. The cal-
electronically magnified. FPDs have a fixed detector element culation of IAKR for this FOV and a fluoroscopic image rate
(del) size and therefore a fixed sampling pitch. However, the of 30 fps was performed in Sec. 3.D.2 and it was determined
pixel matrix size changes with the FOV, generally becoming that the required IAKR was 946 nGy/s (31.5 nGy/pulse).
smaller as the FOV decreases. Because the pixel pitch remains Next, the IAKR is adjusted for the change in FOV. From
constant, there is no physical requirement to vary the FPD Table III, the vendor algorithm will automatically adjust the
IAKR as the FOV is changed. An exception to this principle relative IAKR from 100 to 71 (i.e., reduction of 0.71) when
occurs whenever dels are binned, which is common for larger the FOV is changed from 22 to 32 cm. Thus we must multiply
(>31 cm) FOVs. In these cases the matrix size is reduced by a 946 × 0.71 = 672 nGy/s (22.4 nGy/pulse).
factor equal to the reciprocal of the number of dels combined Finally the Aufrichtig scale24 is applied to adjust the IAKR
into one image pixel. To achieve the same SNRout 2 , the larger for the change in image rate:
pixels that result from del binning require a lower IAKR, by 
a factor of the reciprocal of the number of dels combined. 30 fps
IAKR15 fps = 22.4 nGy/pulse ×
Although there is no physical basis for changing the IAKR 15 fps
for a FPD when the FOV is changed, except in the case where
dels are binned, most manufacturers vary the IAKR inversely = 31.7 nGy/pulse or 475.5 nGy/s. (3)
proportional to the diagonal of the FOV (Fig. 4). Manufac-
turers use this strategy because they argue that the “percep-
The net result is a 50% reduction in IAKR from 946 to
tion” of image noise increases with magnification due to in-
475.5 nGy/s even though the dose per pulse remains nearly
creased visual acuity.26 Manufacturers may also adjust the
visual presentation of the image when the FOV is changed
As stated earlier, if the protocol is configured to include
by applying image processing, including harmonization, edge
at least 0.2 mm of copper filtration during fluoroscopy, the
IAKR can be increased up to a limit of double the calculated
value in order to achieve additional noise reduction.22 Such
increase should only be made, however, if the level of im-
age noise interferes with the perception of the required image
Maintaining the FOV at 32 cm and further reducing the flu-
oroscopic image rate to 7.5 fps would result in the following

TABLE III. Flat panel detector specifications.

FOV Pixel pitch Matrix Manufacturer’s specified

(cm)a (mm) (pixels) relative IAKR

48 0.308 960 × 1240 50

42 0.308 960 × 960 50
32 0.154 1440 × 1440 71
22 0.154 1024 × 1024 100
F IG . 4. Changes in IAKR as a function of FOV for two fluoroscopes us- 16 0.154 720 × 720 142
ing different image receptors, one an XRII (solid line) and the other a FPD 11 0.154 512 × 512 200
(dashed line). Both fluoroscopes were set to use 45 nGy/pulse at their respec-
tive baseline FOVs (17 cm for the XRII, 22 cm for the FPD). a
Diagonal dimension.

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changes to the IAKR: fluoroscopic image rates and, if possible, applied to tableside
 frame rate override settings. For single or serial acquisition,
15 fps there is generally a range of values of IAK per frame that
IAKR7.5 fps = 31.7 nGy/pulse ×
7.5 fps are used in practice, with specific settings depending on the
= 44.8 nGy/pulse or 336.2 nGy/s. (4) procedure type and operator preferences.

In practice, only certain discrete values of IAKR are avail- 4. ESTIMATING PEAK SKIN DOSE IN
able on the fluoroscope and the closest available setting must FLUOROSCOPY
be selected. Also, the spacing between available values may Estimating the peak skin dose (PSD) resulting from an FGI
be such that it is impossible to precisely implement the is a multistep process. First, information related to radiation
Aufrichtig scale. dose must be gathered and interpreted. Second, the peak inci-
dent air kerma (Ka,i ) must be calculated based on the gathered
information. Third, correction factors must be applied to the
3.E. Acquisition input air kerma to the image receptor
peak Ka,i to arrive at an estimate for the PSD. These steps are
Single frame and serial image runs including digital acqui- discussed in more detail in this section.
sition (ACQ), digital subtraction angiography (DSA), and cin-
eradiography (CINE) are an integral part of FGI procedures.
4.A. Sources of information on radiation dose
Because ACQ and DSA image runs are typically acquired at
frame rates less than 5 fps and individual frames are archived There are many sources where information regarding ra-
or selected for interpretation, each frame must be produced diation dose related to FGI can be found. Images that are
with sufficient IAK to provide acceptable image noise. There- archived during the procedure have associated DICOM head-
fore, the requirements for image noise are similar to that for ers, and these headers contain information that can be used
any digital radiographic acquisition. The image subtraction to estimate the radiation dose to the patient from the proce-
inherent to DSA increases the noise in the final subtracted dure. The DICOM standard27 can be consulted for informa-
image, and DSA is often configured to use a higher IAK per tion regarding interpretation of the DICOM header, as can
frame than ACQ to compensate in part or in full for the addi- DICOM conformance statements from equipment manufac-
tional noise. The IAK per frame used for CINE will depend on turers. Beginning about 10 years ago, certain manufacturers
the procedure, the frame rate, and the preferences of the per- began creating proprietary dose reports containing informa-
forming physician. Because most CINE runs are performed at tion related to individual digital acquisition runs and con-
frame rates greater than or equal to 15 fps, some perceptual taining total dose metrics for the procedure. Recently, man-
integration of the frame noise does occur. Table IV provides ufacturers have begun implementing the DICOM Radiation
general guidelines for setting the appropriate acquisition IAK Dose Structured Report (RDSR),28 which includes detailed
per frame as a multiple of the fluoroscopic IAK per frame at radiation dose information for each pedal activation during a
the same FOV and matrix size and, for CINE, at the same procedure. However, legacy systems may never support the
frame rate. RDSR.
The accuracy of information sources must be verified, in-
cluding verifying compliance with the DICOM standard. This
3.F. Summary
may require the medical physicist to perform measurements
Fluoroscopic imaging systems can be configured and the to confirm the accuracy of certain quantities. Contingency
IAKR for different types of fluoroscopes can be standardized plans may be needed for recording certain data that are not
by using Rauch’s 30-30-30 Rule. Careful consideration must available, or not accurate, in available dose information. The
also be given to properly adjusting the IAKR to the detector methods used to collect dose information will vary based on
as operational parameters are changed. The Aufrichtig scale the options available on the fluoroscope. RDSRs can be trans-
should be followed when configuring protocols with different mitted to DICOM network nodes, while proprietary dose re-
ports may have to be printed or archived as secondary capture
(SC) images on PACS.
TABLE IV. Guidelines for setting the acquisition input air kerma per frame
to the image receptor. Current efforts within the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) and DICOM seek to standardize radia-
Multiplier of the fluoroscopic tion dose reporting and integrate comprehensive information
IAKa per frame for the same related to radiation dose, including technical factors, patient
Acquisition mode FOV and matrix size models used to estimate dose, and geometry information into
Single 20–60
a single report.
ACQ 40–60
DSA 50–80
4.B. Estimating the peak incident air kerma
CINE 3–8
The most important step in estimating the PSD is arriv-
IAK = input air kerma. ing at a reasonable estimate of the peak Ka,i . This task can

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range from simple, if dose reports or other information is pro- ularly in cardiac catheterization and neurointerventional pro-
vided by the fluoroscopic imaging system, to complex if little cedures. The f-factor for bone tissue is approximately 4.75,
or no dose information is available. Several scenarios can be and bone tissue lying close to the skin surface may experi-
considered, including the availability of an RDSR or propri- ence higher doses than the skin.
etary dose report, the availability of only DICOM headers, the
availability of only machine-reported dose metrics (reference
air kerma [Ka,r ] or kerma area product [PKA ]), or the availabil-
ity of only images and no associated dose information. These 4.D. Complicating factors
scenarios are discussed in detail in two papers by Jones and
A few complicating factors must be considered when es-
Pasciak,29, 30 and will not be addressed here.
timating the PSD. The first is the distribution of dose over
Another important consideration is how the dose informa-
multiple skin sites. In some circumstances it may be possible
tion will be treated—piecemeal or wholesale. In a piecemeal
to distribute dose over multiple distinct sites on the skin, how-
treatment, each digital acquisition series, and perhaps even
ever, in other cases this may not be possible. A previous study
each fluoroscopic series if working from an RDSR, can be
has demonstrated that avoiding overlap is particularly difficult
considered separately. This is feasible when using computer
in interventional radiology (IR),33 owing to the large x-ray
algorithms or spreadsheets to perform detailed dose recon-
field sizes and small geometric magnification factors used in
structions. Wholesale treatment of the total Ka,r is simpler,
IR. In contrast, overlap can often be avoided in interventional
but perhaps less accurate, than piecemeal treatment.
cardiology, as procedures are performed using an isocentric
If the Ka,r is known, the Ka,i can be calculated by apply-
geometry and smaller image receptors.34 Unless one can be
ing two corrections. The first is an inverse square law cor-
certain that dose was distributed over distinct skin sites, it is
rection using the known location of the interventional refer-
safest to consider all dose as being delivered to the same skin
ence point (IRP),3 which can be found in the detailed doc-
umentation provided with a fluoroscope, and the distance
A second complicating factor is the use of rotational an-
from the x-ray source to the patient. This information may
giography, also referred to as flat panel CT (FPCT) or cone
be found in the DICOM header, in an RDSR, or can be mea-
beam CT (CBCT). Rotational angiography results in the de-
sured and recorded by a technologist involved with the proce-
livery of dose to a wide area of the skin as the x-ray source
dure. It is critically important that the accuracy of the infor-
rotates around the patient during the acquisition. The range of
mation used be verified. For example, one manufacturer in-
angles irradiated during a rotational angiography run always
cludes the position of the patient support relative to isocenter
results in the delivery of a fraction of the dose to sites on the
in the RDSR, but includes the calibrated measurement loca-
skin distinct from the primary projection. One approach to
tion (15 cm above the patient support by default) in the “Dis-
handling this is to measure empirical correction factors to ac-
tance Source to Patient” field in the DICOM header. The sec-
count for this distribution.
ond correction is for attenuation of the x-ray beam by the pa-
tient support and pad, if used. This factor should be measured
by the medical physicist at acceptance testing or after the in-
stallation of a new pad. A broad-beam geometry and clinical
4.E. Prevention of tissue effects
beam quality should be used for the measurement. Typical
values range from 0.8 for thick viscoelastic pads to 0.9 for While estimating the PSD after a high dose FGI is nec-
half-thickness pads29–31 used in catheterization labs; however, essary in certain cases, the primary goal should be the pre-
off-brand pads may attenuate the beam more. vention of tissue effects. This requires that the physician be
aware of how much radiation has been used during the course
of a procedure. One approach to this is to set Ka,r thresholds
4.C. Calculating the peak skin dose
at which the physician is notified and certain actions taken
To estimate the PSD from the Ka,i , two corrections must to ensure patient safety. This strategy was first discussed by
be applied: the backscatter factor (BSF) and the air kerma to Wagner and Archer35 and has since been adopted by various
tissue dose conversion factor, referred to here as the “f-factor” professional societies and as part of practice guidelines.1, 36
(Note that this definition of f-factor is slightly different from One method for determining Ka,r thresholds is to make mea-
the traditional definition. The traditional definition is a con- surements using a phantom on the fluoroscope used to per-
version factor from exposure in Roentgens to tissue dose in form FGI. The system is configured geometrically as is typ-
rads. The definition used here is a conversion factor from air ical during a case, and a dosimeter placed directly beneath
kerma in mGy to tissue dose in mGy.). The information nec- the patient phantom. A combination of irradiations using both
essary to calculate these factors can be found in the same loca- fluoroscopy and acquisition are performed, and the ratio of
tions as discussed previously. The beam quality, a function of the machine-reported Ka,r to the air kerma measured using
kVp and added filtration, and the x-ray field size must be used the dosimeter is used to calculate Ka,r thresholds that corre-
to calculate the BSF.29, 32 The f-factor is weakly dependent on spond to certain skin doses, including backscatter (however,
beam quality, and for soft tissue a factor of 1.06 can safely be the f-factor does need to be applied to the dosimeter reading).
used in all circumstances.29 However, in some cases the skin Lead-backed dosimeters cannot be used for this purpose as
may not be the tissue that experiences the highest dose, partic- they are insensitive to backscatter.

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4.F. Skin dose from multiple procedures netic effects have been confirmed in descendants of exposed
persons. The following is a list of potential effects ranked ac-
Occasionally a single area of a patient’s skin may be irra-
cording to priority of concern in large patients. Exceptions for
diated more than once in a short period of time. This may be
small patients are noted in the list:
the result of a patient undergoing multiple procedures for the
same condition, two unrelated procedures, e.g., radiation ther- 1. Short term (weeks to months) debilitating tissue ef-
apy followed by cardiac catheterization, or may occur when a fects, e.g., radiation-induced injury to skin and under-
procedure expected to be complex is staged owing to concerns lying tissues.
of radiation dose, contrast dose, or other considerations. Ap- 2. Long-term (years to decades) debilitating tissue ef-
pendix E of Ref. 36 covers in great detail the radiobiology of fects, e.g., cataract, osteonecrosis.
multiple irradiation and should be consulted when such situa- 3. Long-term stochastic risks, e.g., cancer. Typically,
tions arise.37 Also of importance is the definition by the Joint long-term stochastic risks are the primary concern for
Commission of a dose greater than 15 Gy delivered to the abdominal and thoracic procedures in small children.
same skin site in a period of six months to a year as a sentinel 4. Short-term cosmetic risks, e.g., depilation.
One special concern is potential effects on a conceptus,
should the patient be pregnant.45 Pregnancy tests are required
4.G. Summary for many procedures that may potentially result in the delivery
of high doses to the uterus, e.g., hysterosalpingogram.
The process of estimating the PSD can be summarized in a
few simple steps. The first step is to determine the peak Ka,i .
The next step is to apply specific corrections that are func- 5.A. Radiation risks for pediatric patients
tions of beam quality and tissue type to estimate the PSD. Fi-
nally, any modifiers to the PSD, such as those accounting for Radiation risk to pediatric patients is a special problem ow-
rotation of the C-arm or rotational angiography, are applied. ing to the following:
While the accuracy of the estimate depends on the available 1. Children are the most sensitive population for
data and its accuracy as well as the methods used, it should radiation-induced neoplasm and malignancy;46
be remembered that the end goal is to determine a course for 2. Radiation doses delivered to children with chronic
the appropriate medical management of the patient. The latest conditions are accumulated over many years and can
work on radiation effects on the skin and hair stratifies effects be very high;
into broad dose “bands.”37 What is most important is that the 3. Children vary in size from a few pounds or less to hun-
PSD be determined with sufficient accuracy to classify the pa- dreds of pounds.
tient into the correct band, which will then guide the medical
management of the patient. While children are not the primary topic of this review,
their special situation must be kept in mind, realizing that ra-
diation management in children requires special techniques
5. RADIATION EFFECTS FROM FLUOROSCOPIC that are not particularly applicable to adults. Quoting Keith
X-RAYS Strauss, “Children are not small adults.” The primary goal
in managing radiation to children is to ensure that radiation
The following are established facts regarding fluoroscopic
is used as sparingly as possible in order to keep long-term
stochastic risks as low as reasonable. In large children, the
1. Fluoroscopy has induced cancers in patients.39 risk for deterministic effects is the same as it is for adults.
2. Fluoroscopy has seriously injured patients.40, 41
3. Fluoroscopy has caused cancers in medical staff.42
4. Fluoroscopy has caused skin injuries in medical 5.B. Lessons learned from early uses of fluoroscopy
Shortly after Röntgen discovered x-rays, the effects of ex-
5. Fluoroscopy has caused cataracts in medical staff.43
posure to high doses of radiation became apparent.47, 48 At
6. Medical staff have died from disease induced by med-
Vanderbilt University in the United States, Professor John
ical fluoroscopy.44
Daniel was a physicist working with discharge tubes when
7. Medical practitioners as a group are not well-versed in
he read the news about Röntgen’s discovery. With his own
the risks and exposures to patients from medical radi-
equipment Professor Daniel was able to acquire radiographs
of thin body parts. When asked by surgeons if he could ac-
In workers, observable radiation effects are commonly quire a radiograph of a patient with a gunshot wound to the
caused by the long-term accumulation of radiation dose.42 In head, Dr. Daniel hesitated. He decided to perform a prelim-
patients, effects are typically caused by the delivery of high inary test on a volunteer. The test was unsuccessful, but the
radiation doses in a short period of time,40, 41 except for poten- effects of the x-ray exposure became apparent in the volun-
tial stochastic effects which are hypothesized as being possi- teer when “after 21 days all the hair fell out from the space
ble at any dose. Stochastic effects include induced neoplasm under the x-ray discharge, which was approximately 2 in. in
and heritable genetic effects, although no heritable human ge- diameter.”47 This is the earliest report of an x-ray induced ef-

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riod necessary for a radiation-induced tumor to advance to a

detectable disease. The shortest latent period is approximately
two years for leukemia and 5–10 years for all other cancers.52
On average, the latent period for leukemia to be diagnosed is
approximately 12–15 years and after 25 years the likelihood
of developing leukemia drops to levels near the spontaneous
incidence. For solid tumors, the average latent period is ap-
proximately 20–25 years and the excess risk is elevated for
many decades.
During the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, one method used to
treat pulmonary tuberculosis was to artificially collapse the
affected lung to starve the disease. To assure that the affected
lung remained collapsed, fluoroscopy was often used to exam-
ine the induced pneumothorax. During the 1960s at a sanato-
rium in Nova Scotia, Dr. I. McKenzie39 observed that there
were an unusual number of female patients with a history of
F IG . 5. Hands of Dr. Kassabian shortly before his death in 1910. this type of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis who had
also developed breast cancer. Dr. McKenzie launched an in-
vestigation into the probable cause and concluded that the
fect that I [LKW] have been able to find. I [LKW] have no likely culprit was high doses of fluoroscopic x-rays. These
further follow-up regarding the loss of hair in the volunteer. findings were corroborated in further research that was re-
Hearing of the x-rays, Thomas Edison realized the en- ported in 1979.53 Dr. McKenzie’s report is the first finding
trepreneurial potential and immediately began work on devel- of a radiation-induced cancer subsequent to an FGI.
oping the first fluoroscope. Clarence Madison Dally was an
assistant to Thomas Edison who had volunteered himself for
many of the experimental uses of x-rays employed during the 5.D. The United States government acts to regulate
development of the fluoroscope. The high doses experienced medical x-ray use
by Mr. Dally during the course of these experiments resulted Because of the increasing knowledge regarding the poten-
in his death from cancer in 1904, and in the eight years leading tial dangers of overexposure to x-rays, the United States Food
up to his death he suffered from radiation dermatitis leading and Drug Adminstration (FDA) was granted authority to reg-
to the amputation of both arms.44, 49 ulate the manufacture of x-ray producing equipment.54 By the
Mirhan Krikor Kassabian was a photographer who immi- 1960s the FDA had placed limits on fluoroscopic output, es-
grated to the United States in the 1890s. He attended medical tablished the use of a 5-min timer, had requirements on shield-
school in Philadelphia. After medical school, he used his med- ing of x-ray tubes, had requirements on collimation, had es-
ical degree and his photographic skills to become one of the tablished a minimum distance between the x-ray source and
first radiologists. Dr. Kassabian would often expose his hands the exit port of the x-ray producing equipment, had require-
to x-rays to demonstrate the uses of the fluoroscope or to eval- ments for shielding of the x-ray image receptor, and estab-
uate its performance.50 By 1903 he had developed severe der- lished minimum requirements for filtration of the x-ray beam.
matitis on his hands and is recorded as having said at the 1903 This had great success in limiting the number of reported ad-
meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society: “most of us verse events from the use of fluoroscopic x-rays.
have been burned by the X-rays when using the fluoroscope The success of these regulations led to the development
for indefinite periods. . . I hope that we will soon. . . prevent of a false sense of security in the medical profession regard-
these injuries. . . ” Dr. Kassabian is a voice from the past teach- ing the use of fluoroscopic x-rays. Many had formed the be-
ing us today about the importance of making our uses of radia- lief that fluoroscopy had been rendered perfectly safe. How-
tion safe for medicine. He died of radiation-induced leukemia ever, during this time procedures were brief and diagnostic
at the age of 40 in 1910. Prior to his death, both of his hands in nature. Long, complex interventional procedures were not
were severely damaged by the radiation and two fingers were considered because the technology necessary to perform them
amputated (Fig. 5).44, 50 was not available. X-ray tubes would fail if pushed too hard,
and film was the only available recording technology. Thus,
technology itself limited the potential uses of fluoroscopic
5.C. Establishing the link between fluoroscopic x-rays x-rays.
and cancer in patients
At about the same time as the death of Dr. Kassabian, sci-
5.E. Radiation skin injuries observed in patients
entists and others began to suspect that x-rays were the cause
of certain human tumors. In 1911 Otto Hesse51 had reported By the 1980s, technology had advanced sufficiently to
on 94 cases of x-ray induced human tumors. Knowledge re- make complex FGI possible. High power generators and high
garding the tumorigenic potential of x-rays came long after heat capacity, water cooled x-ray tubes allow the operator to
knowledge about other effects because of the long latent pe- produce intense x-ray beams for long periods of time. At the

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same time, a new generation of physicians without previous served in patients who have undergone interventional cardio-
experience with the consequences of high doses of fluoro- logic procedures.58, 59 The threshold dose for osteoradionecro-
scopic x-rays was emerging. By 1990, the first radiation injury sis is very high, but the fact that the calcium matrix of bone
from an FGI had been reported.55 This would be followed by enhances dose over that to soft tissue by a factor of 4–5 means
hundreds more.1, 40, 41 While the benefit to risk ratio for the pa- that the threshold can be crossed when severe skin effects,
tient from FGI was clearly in favor of the benefits, the down- e.g., ulceration or necrosis, are observed.
side to the small percentage of patients who suffered radiation Severe injuries have also been observed in body parts, pri-
injury was severe. These are some facts surrounding the vast marily the arms and shoulders, that were incidentally exposed
majority of these injuries:40, 41 in the direct beam.60–62 When arms or shoulders are in the
beam, the risk for injury increases because the ADRC in-
1. The physicians involved were unaware that fluo-
creases x-ray output to compensate for the increased tissue
roscopy could cause such an injury.
penetration thickness in the beam. Further, these body parts
2. Use of fluoroscopy and acquisition was extensive.
are often closer to the x-ray tube and the inverse-square law
3. The primary beam remained, during most of the pro-
dictates increased x-ray intensity at these locations. Removal
cedure, focused on the same skin site.
of spacers mandated by law to maintain a minimum source-
4. The etiology of the injury remained undiagnosed for
to-skin distance can also contribute to the severity of these
injuries. Personnel who assist in procedures should be aware
5. There was no attempt to monitor radiation use.
of the possibility of severe injuries and should evaluate pa-
In the 22 years since the first injury, some progress has tient setup for the presence of arms or shoulders that might be
been made in correcting the problems stated above. Many in the beam. At an appropriate moment during the procedure,
physicians are now aware that radiation injury is a possibility, a polite observation to the operator, whose attention is likely
but the number is not 100%. Many physicians are aware of the focused elsewhere, might help prevent a patient injury.
need to manage radiation use and professional societies are The diagnosis of radiation injury is relatively simple. The
now encouraging education in this direction, and dose mon- following characteristics must be present to make the conclu-
itoring equipment is required by the FDA on all new fluoro- sion that a skin injury was radiation-induced:
scopes. Use of dose monitoring technology, however, needs
1. The absorbed dose to the skin must be high with the
radiation beam fixed mostly on the site of concern;
Radiation injury in adults from fluoroscopic x-rays has oc-
2. The injury must be located at the entrance beam site;
curred on most continents, has occurred in a wide variety of
3. The temporal patterns of injury must fit with the
anatomical locations, and has occurred during procedures per-
known temporal progression of radiation-induced
formed by several specialties. Few reports of radiation in-
jury exist as such injuries are not publicized owing to re-
4. The physical shape of the injury must be consistent
strictions placed as terms of lawsuit settlements. Therefore, it
with the field size and collimation of the entrance
would be imprudent to believe that radiation injury resulting
beam, with due consideration to the movement of the
from FGI is an isolated incident caused by any one group of
beam during the procedure.
If the above characteristics of injury are observed, a biopsy
of the site is generally unnecessary and should be avoided as
5.E.1. Characteristics of radiation injury
it might lead to a nonhealing wound.1, 37, 40, 41
The characteristics of radiation injury are well-reviewed in
a few papers,37, 40, 41 and these characteristics will not be re-
5.F. Irradiation of the female breast
iterated in this review. Patients demonstrate different degrees
of tolerance for radiation exposure. This might be a result of During some procedures, the female breast might be in the
a variety of factors, including health status, genetics, previous direct beam and in some cases may be the organ closest to the
radiation exposures, and medications that they might be tak- x-ray source. The female breast is perhaps the most radiosen-
ing. These factors are reviewed in previous papers.37, 56 Physi- sitive organ for women under 50 years of age.46 Therefore,
cians should be aware of these factors to be able to counsel a careful consideration should be given when females undergo
patient appropriately. For example, if a patient has undergone procedures that might directly irradiate the breast tissue. It is
a previous FGI, the physician should examine the patient’s advisable for the physician to try to avoid direct exposure of
skin for signs of a reaction from that procedure. If a skin re- the breast as much as possible.
action is observed, the physician knows to avoid irradiating
the site if possible and can counsel the patient regarding the
5.G. Radiation cataractogenesis
elevated risk for a severe skin reaction from the impending
procedure. The threshold for radiation-induced cataractogenesis is
A more recent development is the observation of osteo- lower than previously believed. A well-designed long-term
radionecrosis in patients with severe radiation skin injury.57 investigation of individuals exposed to radiation after the
While this has now been observed in some patients undergo- accident at Chernobyl has shown that the threshold for
ing prolonged neurological intervention, it has also been ob- radiation-induced cataracts is less than 0.7 Gy and could be

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even lower.63 This is particularly important information for reconstruction is in the conditioning of and corrections ap-
neurointerventionalists. Tight collimation to shield as much plied to the projection data and the absence of certain image-
of the patient’s orbits and surrounding tissue as possible from space corrections. The result is that FPCT images may lack
lateral beam trajectories will help reduce the long-term poten- certain characteristics inherent to conventional CT images,
tial for development of radiation-induced cataract. The orbits for example, accurate CT numbers. Figure 6 outlines some
receive only the exit dose from a PA projection, thus limiting of the basic image reconstruction steps and highlights those
the dose from that direction. This does not mean that the dose that may be absent in FPCT implementations.
from that direction should be discounted, however. It can be FPCT implementations also face several key technological
substantial over the course of treatment for a severe condition. challenges. The FDK algorithm is not exact outside the plane
This makes the avoidance of direct exposure from the lateral of rotation, and cone beam artifacts are evident at extended
trajectory all the more important. distances from the central axial plane, particularly in the form
of shading and streaks arising from flat surfaces oriented par-
allel to the central axial plane, e.g., joint surfaces. The number
5.H. Summary
of data channels that must be simultaneously read out is much
Radiation injury to patients continues with many reports of larger for a FPD used at its native resolution than for a typi-
such occurrences in the past several years. The effects go be- cal conventional CT scanner. Read out noise is also higher for
yond the physical pain and suffering of the patients. The prob- FPD than for conventional CT scanners, which use ultra-low-
lems caused by these injuries run much deeper, affecting the noise hardware. Finally, the detection of scattered radiation is
families of patients emotionally, socially, and economically. a challenge for FPCT, given the large area of the x-ray field
Daily wound dressings, restrictions on going out in public, needed to fully irradiate the FPD.
the economic toll of additional medical costs and associated
expenses, loss of work, and chronic pain all must be man-
6.A. Technical aspects of FPCT
aged by the patient and family members. It is very difficult
to measure whether or not education and radiation awareness The various implementations of FPCT on the market today
have reduced the incidence of such injuries and other radi- operate in a wide range of modes, and are incorporated into
ation risks. However, the severe impact of such injuries on a wide variety of gantry configurations, ranging from a rigid
patients’ lives demands that vigorous efforts be made toward gantry used for dental CT to a C-arm used for fluoroscopy
improving the technological delivery of radiation, the moni- that has many degrees of freedom of motion. Modes of op-
toring of patient dose, and advancing the education of physi- eration available range from systems that use a fixed kVp,
cians regarding the effective use of these tools. fixed mA, and fixed pulse width to systems that vary the kVp,
Operators of fluoroscopes must also understand the risks mA, and pulse width to maintain the selected dose per projec-
faced by themselves and their staff and take steps to minimize tion (Dp ) to the detector. FPCT scans may be full-scan, i.e.,
these risks. Occupational doses, including whole body effec- 360◦ of rotation, or half-scan, using a rotation of only 180◦
tive doses and lens doses, can be maintained ALARA by us- plus the width of the fan beam. FPCT implementations also
ing good practice, wearing protective garments and eyewear, differ in the available scan field of view (SFOV). When the
and using auxiliary shielding options such as face shields and FPD is aligned with the central ray of the x-ray source (i.e.,
rolling barriers. full-fan), the SFOV at isocenter is limited by the size of the
FPD and is small compared to conventional CT, e.g., 20–25
cm for FPCT compared to 50 cm for conventional CT. The ef-
fective SFOV is increased in some FPCT implementations by
Flat panel computed tomography (FPCT) refers to the use offsetting the FPD laterally from the central ray of the x-ray
of an area FPD to acquire a number of projections around an source during the scan (i.e., half-fan). Using the half-fan ge-
object that are used to reconstruct computed tomography (CT) ometry, the SFOV can be enlarged to a diameter approaching
images. FPCT is a subset of cone beam CT (CBCT), which 50 cm, though a full 360◦ rotation is required. Each of these
refers to the use of a detector array sufficiently wide in the approaches introduces unique challenges to FPCT image re-
axial (z) direction to require an x-ray source with a large cone construction and dosimetry.
angle. Consider that an early 4-slice CT scanner required a
cone angle of 0.6◦ , while a modern 320-slice scanner requires
6.A.1. Tube current and peak kilovoltage modulation
a cone angle of 8.7◦ . By comparison, an FPCT system using a
40 × 30 cm area detector requires a cone angle of 14◦ , which Some implementations of FPCT, particularly those used
is almost as large as the fan angle (18.4◦ ). in FGI applications, use tube current modulation (TCM) and
The reconstruction of images from projection data for both even peak kilovoltage (kVp) modulation to maintain a con-
equiangular and equal-spaced detector arrays has been dis- stant Dp to the detector. These techniques are referred to
cussed in great detail,64 as has the reconstruction of images as automatic dose rate control (ADRC) or automatic expo-
acquired in a cone beam geometry,65, 66 including the well- sure control (AEC) when used in fluoroscopy. TCM and kVp
known Feldkamp-Davis-Kress (FDK) algorithm.65 Where modulation maintain input doses at or near calibration lev-
FPCT image reconstruction as currently implemented in clin- els, avoiding noisy projection data that degrades image qual-
ically used systems often differs from conventional CT image ity in reconstructed images. Another benefit of TCM and kVp

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F IG . 6. Reconstruction flowchart for three dimensional filtered backprojection. Steps outlined with dashed line (— — —) may be absent in FPCT. I0 calibration
is typically performed daily for conventional CT but is often performed at intervals of one year or longer in FPCT. Images in this figure courtesy of Jeffrey
H. Siewerdsen, Ph.D. (Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University) and Guang-Hong Chen, Ph.D. (Professor, Departments of
Medical Physics and Radiology, University of Wisconsin).

modulation is the reduction in patient dose that results from ually in this implementation of FPCT, and are held in place
reducing x-ray intensity for low attenuation projections. by rails on the collimator window of the x-ray tube assembly.

6.A.3. Calibration
6.A.2. Bowtie filter
In addition to the calibrations inherent to FPD (gain, offset,
Conventional CT systems use one or more bowtie filters and bad pixel), FPCT systems require geometric calibration
to shape the x-ray fluence distribution exiting the source. The to account for changes in the gantry geometry during a scan.
bowtie filter compensates for both changing patient dimen- FPCT systems, similar to conventional CT systems, require an
sions across the SFOV as well as the inverse square law. The intensity calibration that stores values of unattenuated x-ray
bowtie filter improves image quality by reducing scattered ra- intensity (I0 ) in memory for calculation of the linear attenua-
diation and beam hardening effects and reduces patient dose tion coefficient after the log transform is applied to measure-
by reducing the intensity of the x-ray beam near the edges of ments of transmitted intensity. While intensity calibrations are
the body. typically performed daily in conventional CT, they are often
Most FPCT implementations exclude the bowtie filter, ei- performed less frequently for many FPCT implementations.
ther for reasons of practicality, e.g., C-arms in the IR lab, or Other calibrations may be performed to account for beam
in order to maintain adequate x-ray fluence with weak x-ray hardening or to scale CT numbers after image reconstruction.
tubes, e.g., dental FPCT. One manufacturer of a FPCT sys- Accurate image reconstruction in CT requires that the dis-
tem does use bowtie filters, one for a small body or head tances and angles relating the x-ray source, detector array, and
SFOV and one for a large body SFOV. While bowtie filters are image plane be known precisely. C-arm based FPCT systems
changed automatically according to protocol or SFOV selec- require extensive geometric calibration67–69 to account for the
tion in conventional CT, bowtie filters must be changed man- flexing of the C-arm and other changes in gantry geometry

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F IG . 8. Variation in kVp as a function of view number during a FPCT scan

of an oval-shaped phantom. The set value was 66 kVp and this FPCT system
modulates both the mA and kVp during a scan.

F IG . 7. Example of bead helix phantom used for geometric calibration of the context of C-arm imaging of the head and neck,74 and
FPCT system. Schafer et al. extended the work to dosimetry in the body (32
cm CTDI and other body dosimetry phantoms).75 Each study
demonstrated that the dose distribution within the phantom,
that occur during FPCT scanning. The geometric calibration
and in particular at the four peripheral locations within the
process generally involves scanning a phantom with a series
CTDI phantom, was nonuniform for limited-angle implemen-
of beads arranged in a spiral or other known regular pattern
tations of FPCT.
(Fig. 7) to establish a mapping between a point in the im-
The extension of reference dosimetry to patient dosimetry
age and its projected location on the image receptor for each
introduces some additional complicating factors. Systems op-
acquired projection. The projection matrices built from these
erating under ADRC may vary the kVp during an FPCT scan
mappings and known geometric parameters of the FPCT sys-
(Fig. 8), leading to output (mGy/mAs) variations during the
tem are then used to correct each projection during volumet-
scan and complicating patient-specific dosimetry.
ric image reconstruction (Fig. 6). As a consequence of the
Anderson et al., in a presentation at the 2004 Radiologi-
need for intensity and geometry calibration and the variation
cal Society of North American (RSNA) meeting,78 discussed
of such calibrations with changing scan parameters, certain
methods that can be used to estimate patient doses based on
modes of operation may be unavailable if they have not been
reference dosimetry. Their formalism used a measured fit of
calibrated by the manufacturer, and changing certain parame-
output as a function of kVp to correct, projection by projec-
ters of the scan protocol on the fly may not be an option. For
tion, the mAs used to acquire each frame to an equivalent mAs
example, changing the input dose to the detector for FPCT
at a reference kVp. This can be described as
may not be possible without first having the new option cali-  
brated by a service engineer. kVpproj α
= mAs proj × , (5)

6.B. Dose in FPCT where mAskVp eq

is the equivalent mAs at the reference kVp,
mAsproj is the actual mAs delivered by the system for a given
Dose measurement in CBCT has been a topic of much dis- projection, kVpproj is the kVp used for the same projection,
cussion. A number of recent publications70–77 have addressed kVp ref
kVpref is the kVp at which the reference dose (Dphantom ) was
the topic, culminating in the report of AAPM Task Group
measured, and α is the exponent of a power fit of measured
111, which provided a detailed guide for assessing dose in
output as a function of kVp. Once the mAskVp eq
has been
CBCT.77 FPCT differs from conventional CT in the fact that
calculated for each projection, the dose for the patient scan
there is no table movement during an FPCT scan, thus the
(Dscan ) can be calculated as
SFOV is limited in the axial extent to the dimensions of the 
FPD projected into the plane of the isocenter. A fairly long mAskVp
kVp ref all frames
dosimetry phantom (e.g., a stack of three CTDI phantoms to- Dscan = Dphantom ×  . (6)
taling ∼45 cm length) may be needed to completely encom- all frames
pass the longitudinal extent of scatter tails, which are long in
FPCT owing to the z-axis extent of the x-ray beam. Fahrig The measurement of reference doses in FPCT also differs
et al. discussed reference dosimetry in FPCT (Ref. 73) us- from conventional CT. For example, on many FPCT systems,
ing a suitable “point” dosimeter, e.g., a 0.6 cm3 Farmer-type the peripheral holes in the body CTDI phantom (32 cm) are
chamber. Similarly, Daly et al. reported FPCT dosimetry in alternately in and out of the SFOV as a consequence of the

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limited fan angle, and many FPCT implementations use a lim-

ited scan angle of 180◦ plus the fan beam width, resulting in
perturbation of the dose distribution. As a consequence, new
weighting functions will be required for calculating volume
CTDI measures in FPCT.

6.B.1. Optimizing dose in FPCT

For any modality, optimizing the radiation dose delivered
first requires knowledge of the equipment. This can be ac-
quired by reading the operator’s manual and other associ-
ated documentation, and may require negotiating access to
additional service-level documentation during the equipment
specification and purchase process. Depending on the FPCT
implementation being used, radiation dose can be optimized
through certain specific actions including:
1. Selecting the appropriate input detector Dp ;
2. Choosing the appropriate kVp based on the attenuation
of the anatomy being imaged (for systems operating
under ADRC);
3. Considering the image reconstruction and rendering
method to be used;
4. Removing unnecessary body parts from the SFOV;
5. Choosing the smallest SFOV necessary to cover the
region of interest (if SFOV adjustment is allowed by
the system); and
6. Choosing the appropriate angular sampling.
Item 1 deserves special mention as the dose “floor” of FPD
(see Sec. 3.A) must be considered when configuring the input
F IG . 9. Central axis dose Dc (0) normalized to the minimum dose as a func-
detector Dp . tion of selected kVp for a FPCT system operating under automatic control of
Different levels of image noise can be tolerated depend- both mA and kVp. (a) 16 cm CTDI phantom and (b) 32 cm CTDI phantom.
ing on the image rendering method used. For example, more The configured dose per pulse was constant at 0.36 μGy/pulse. Note that
image noise can be tolerated when rendering the images as when imaging the 32 cm CTDI phantom (part b), the kVp selected (110–120
kVp) by the ADRC algorithm in most cases exceeded the target kVp, result-
thick maximum intensity projections (MIP) for tracing blood
ing in the same Dc (0) regardless of target kVp for most targets. Such a high
supply in contrast-filled vessels than can be tolerated in 5 mm kVp was necessary to penetrate the 32 cm phantom.
axial sections used to look for fresh bleeding in the neuroin-
terventional lab. The better spatial resolution and iodine con-
trast of FPCT mean that FPCT images provide more detail the fact that a higher kVp is selected to sufficiently penetrate
than corresponding conventional CT images in some cases. thick body parts.
The impact of kVp, if selectable, on dose can be substantial.
Figure 9 plots the center axis dose (normalized to the mini-
6.C. Image quality in FPCT
mum dose) in both the 16 and 32 cm CTDI phantoms as a
function of selected kVp (i.e., the target kVp for the scan, The words “image quality” have many different meanings
actual kVp may increase if increased beam penetrability is in medical imaging. Ultimately, the images acquired must be
required during the scan owing to changing object attenua- adequate for the specific task being performed. The medical
tion) while the selected Dp remained unchanged in the FPCT physicist evaluating image quality for a FPCT system may
implementation of one manufacturer that uses ADRC during have one or more goals in mind: ensuring constancy of a
FPCT scanning. It can be seen that for small body parts (e.g., single imaging system, evaluating differences between imag-
16 cm CTDI phantom), center axis dose, Dc (0), is minimized ing systems, creating or benchmarking imaging protocols,
around 90 kVp. This result is a combination of two main standardizing clinical research, comparing equipment perfor-
factors—the penetration of the imaged body part by x-ray mance to manufacturer’s specifications at acceptance testing,
beams of differing quality and the variation in x-ray absorp- evaluating the adequacy of a FPCT imaging system for per-
tion efficiency of the image receptor as beam quality changes. forming a specific task, and/or examining the influence of
However, there is little dose savings when selecting a lower acquisition and reconstruction parameters on image quality.
kVp for imaging large body parts (e.g., 32 cm CTDI phantom) Considering these myriad goals, the tests performed should be
until the kVp nears the maximum available setting, owing to carefully selected based on the goal(s) of the evaluation, and

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F IG . 10. Common artifacts in FPCT, including “cone beam” artifact, evi-

dent from increased blurring of disc as distance from z = 0 increases (lower
right panel). Figures courtesy of Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen, Ph.D. (Professor, De-
partment of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University).

testing methods should be chosen to minimize inter-system

or inter-operator variability in their performance. Some tests
performed on conventional CT scanners may not be necessary
for FPCT systems, and additional tests specific to FPCT may
need to be added. Expectations that FPCT images will share
all the characteristics of conventional CT images must be ad-
justed, as these characteristics may differ markedly depending
on acquisition and reconstruction parameters.

6.C.1. Artifacts in FPCT

FPCT images may contain artifacts common to conven-
tional CT and artifacts that are unique to FPCT. Artifacts com- F IG . 11. Streak artifacts are more severe in limited angle scans owing to
mon to both FPCT and conventional CT include streaks, beam the loss of conjugate rays. Artifact is less severe in (a) conventional CT (full
angle scan) than in (b) FPCT (limited angle scan).
hardening, truncation, rings, and cone beam artifacts, to name
a few (Fig. 10).79, 80 Artifacts that tend to be more prominent
in FPCT include lag artifacts, cupping artifacts, and cone-
beam artifacts. Phantoms well-suited for use in conventional
CT may require special attention when used in FPCT owing from 5 to 30 s. Rotation speed is limited both by mechani-
to effects such as the “cone beam” artifact in Fig. 10, which cal factors, most importantly the maximum speed of gantry
varies in magnitude along the z axis. Streak artifacts will be rotation and braking via touch-guards, and data acquisition
more severe (Fig. 11) in images acquired using limited angle and processing capability. However, the entire z-axis extent
scans. Subtle ring artifacts, which are inherent to FPCT where of the scan in FPCT is covered during a single rotation, so
a million or more dels contribute to an image, can degrade re- if the patient can remain motionless during a single rotation
formatted images (Fig. 12) and may necessitate a request for they have remained motionless for the entire scan. Scan speed
more frequent calibration by the vendor of an FPCT system. can be increased and scan time decreased using one or more
In this example of a ring artifact, an FPD gain calibration, an of the strategies listed in Table V, keeping in mind that the
FPCT I0 calibration, or both calibrations may be required. availability and usefulness of these strategies depends on the
implementation of FPCT.
It is also important that medical physicists supporting
6.C.2. Sharpness and high contrast resolution
FPCT systems understand the image reconstruction options
High contrast resolution in FPCT is affected by many fac- available, including reconstruction kernels and matrix sizes,
tors. These factors include not only technical factors related so they can help with the commissioning process. This may
to image acquisition and reconstruction, such as focal spot require coordination with the vendor to locate necessary doc-
size, reconstruction kernel, and matrix size, but also patient umentation describing these options, as the terminology used
motion. A single FPCT scan (i.e., rotation) requires anywhere may differ from the familiar terminology of conventional CT.

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014301-23 Jones et al.: Optimization of dose and image quality in fluoroscopy 014301-23

at the center of the scan volume (Fig. 10, shading). Some im-
plementations of FPCT allow the operator to collimate the x-
ray field for FPCT acquisition. As scatter decreases with the
area of the FOV, collimation is an excellent strategy to im-
prove contrast and image uniformity. Image nonuniformity,
both in terms of CT number and image noise, may also be a
consequence of limited angle scanning.

6.C.4. Lag
Lag artifacts are not commonly seen in conventional CT
owing to the very fast conversion layers used and the absence
of a thin film transistor (TFT) array for storing charge. With
FPD, both afterglow in the scintillator, a minor effect, and
charge trapping in the TFT array, a more significant effect,
can result in the inclusion of residual signal from a previous
projection in subsequent projections.79 Some manufacturers
account for lag and other effects related to charge trapping,
including sensitivity changes, during the calibration process.
Methods include performing many irradiations of the FPD
during the I0 calibration to purposely induce the effect, cre-
ating an irradiation history prior to performing any calibra-
tions of the FPCT system, or using a recursive filter correction
within the projection data directly.83, 84

6.C.5. Quantitative accuracy

One of the more striking differences between FPCT im-
ages and conventional CT images is the inaccuracy of CT
numbers measured in FPCT images (Table VI).
This is caused by several factors, including beam hard-
F IG . 12. Subtle ring artifacts that are barely visible in axial images (arrow,
ening and high SPR when scanning large body parts. kVp
lower panel) can cause substantial interference in reformatted sagittal images
(arrow, upper panel). modulation and the lack of a CT number calibration (either
air/water scaling or a more detailed calibration using mul-
tiple materials) also contribute to CT number inaccuracy in
6.C.3. Low contrast resolution and uniformity certain FPCT implementations. However, absolute quantifi-
cation using CT numbers is not necessary in many clinical
Low contrast resolution is inherently reduced in FPCT situations where FPCT is used, for example in dental imag-
compared to conventional CT owing to the relatively high ing, when creating MIPs for vascular anatomy mapping, or
readout noise of FPD (Refs. 16–18) and the high scatter-to- for 3D-3D matching in radiation oncology. Even in imple-
primary ratio (SPR) that is a consequence of the large x- mentations of FPCT that use a bowtie filter and incorporate
ray field area used in FPCT.81, 82 The high SPR also causes a separate CT number scaling calibration, CT numbers may
nonuniformities in reconstructed images, including cupping, a only be accurate when the scan conditions mimic the cali-
manifestation of the large number of scattered x-rays detected bration conditions, including patient size and shape. Caution
should be taken if absolute CT numbers are used, for exam-
ple in re-planning radiation therapy treatments. Although CT
TABLE V. Strategies for reducing scan time in FPCT.
numbers may not be absolutely accurate, FPCT systems can
Strategy Penalty still be used for quantification of contrast enhancement using
relative contrast enhancement (RCE),85 which uses relative
Use a limited angle scan differences in CT numbers measured in the same locations in
(i.e., “half scan”) instead
pre- and postcontrast scans.
of a full 360 rotation (i.e.,
“full scan”) Potential for increased streak artifacts
Reduce angular sampling Potential for increased streak artifacts 6.D. Clinical use of FPCT
Use single phase instead Potential loss of additional information FPCT has found many uses in current medical practice,
of multiphase scanninga provided by multiphase scanning both within diagnostic imaging and outside diagnostic imag-
In some implementations of FPCT, a postcontrast scan is performed immediately ing in areas such as image-guided interventions. FPCT is
after a precontrast scan after the gantry returns to the start position. used in IR and neurointerventional radiology to map vascular

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TABLE VI. CT numbers measured with conventional CT equipment and two FPCT systems.

Axiom Artis DynaCTa,b Axiom Artis DynaCTa,b Varian OBIb,d True CT

Material (HU kernel) (EE kernel) Sensation 64a,c (Full fan/full scan) number (70 keV)

Air − 859 − 1018 − 998 − 996 − 1000

LDPEe − 84 − 561 − 90 − 119 − 94
Acrylic 117 − 338 124 101 120
Teflon 865 598 931 963 891

Note: Calibration of the DynaCT system does not include CT number scaling, while calibration of the OBI system does include CT number scaling. CT number scaling is
standard for the Sensation 64 (conventional CT).
Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, PA.
Conventional CT.
Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA.
Low density polyethylene.

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Medical Physics, Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2014

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