Parent Letter2

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

I’d like to welcome you to my web page. Here you can find a little about me. How our classroom will work, in the aspect of classroom
management, and ways to communicate in the class. You can go to the teacher resources and look at what technology we will be
using. I have also placed my resume here. I also like to keep an open-door policy so if you need to contact me or have any
questions there is a way to do that.

Our class will be learning and using technology in our classroom. We use I pads that stay in the classroom. Since COVID there has
been an increase in the classrooms using technology. We will learn how to do quizzes, explore the world in virtual filed trips. A long
with use our district approved programs Istation and Schoology.

I would also like to touch on ISTE Educator Standards for students. This includes Empowered learner, digital citizen,
knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative communicator, global collaborator. We
are preparing for your students to thrive in technology. You can learn more about this at ISTE | 1. Students. I encourage
you to take the time to read more on ISTE.

With virtual learning we will need to work together to encourage our learners to encounter new things with confidence and use
resources to look things up such as videos, and pdfs. Then to reflect on what they have learned. Most importantly be patient with
yourself, and your students together we will get though this on a positive note.

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