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I am Joe, a District Manager of Phanna Laboratories, Inc. I have been with the
company for seven years, five years as a Medical Representative and two years as a
District manager. I joined my company primarily because of the good financial offer and
benefits. I am married, with 3 children. I finished B.S. Commerce from one of the
universities in Manila. I think I have a happy life. I am what I am now because of hard
work. Yes, hard work is my forte. You see, I came from a modest family of six, and I
grew up in the province.

Initially, I found great difficulty with the medical terms, especially when I made
detail presentations to doctors. I felt better whenever my District Manager was with me
during sales calls. He usually took over the interviews. But when I was on my own, I
used my excellent public relations to get my sales. After all, I felt that my good sales
record would be the best basis for my promotion in the future.

I did not find much time to really invest in some good books as an additional
leaming tool. Instead I spent my free time in good times "with the boys". After all, "all
work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy." I felt that the company-sponsored in-house
trainings, plus my own field experience, were good enough to enable me to lead my men
and manage my district.

My reports were always on time, but I never got feedback from my Sales
Manager as to whether what I wrote in my reports were the very infonnation my boss
really wanted or needed. As far as I was concerned my reports contained good sales
figures, and that's what's important to assure my Sales Manager that everything was okay
in my district.

My group's performance last year was very good as far as sales was concerned.
In fact, I was given a good commendation by my Sales Manager. This year, however, the
sales of my district have not been very good. I'm having problems with some of my
men, and I need your advice. So, Let me tell you about each of them.

I have five Medical Representatives under me: Abe, Ben, Charlie, David, Ernie
and I Key Accounts Representative, Fred.


Abe and Ben have been wittr the company for two years now. They follow my
orders and are always on time with their reports. Whenever they encounter any problem
with their doctors or drugstore owners, they always come to me for help. I encourage
them to come to me whenever they encounter difficulties in their job. My experience
enables me to give immediate solutions to their problems. S/ith close supervision, I get
good results. I see to it that they know exactly what to do, what my standards are, and I
exercise close monitoring of their activities. Both are producing good sales and I have no

*Developed by Career Systems,lnc. DMDP O7l13

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