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Barchester Visions and goals.

Barchester main Vision Points are known has R.I.P.E. R which stands for Respect
integrity Passion Empowerment and responsibility. These are the standards
Barchester expects of its employees. These Standards are used to Create a workplace
ethos that everyone should be part of.

Barchester Vision statement makes it easy for staff to understand what is required
of them and
for people to know whatis expected off Barchester ' They know how their family
members should be treated. This means the team has a guide on how they should
behave and what the community should feel like.

To communicate those goals it is important that you lead by example and follow the
standards yourself this way the team can see how important it is. It is also
important to make sure you are making staff aware if they are not living up to the
company Visions. This can be done with assessments and progress reviews. All
aspects of the Vision statement are important to the team as it is all important to
their everyday roles.

You can check the teams understanding of the Vision Points by asking them what the
goals are and how they apply to their role. It is important to let individuals
understand that they are important to company values and that they contribute to
the group as a whole. The team is only as strong as its individual parts.

All aspects of the company goals are important to all members of the as they are in
place to help residents live in a safe and welcoming environment. They also help to
maintain a high quality of service. The message can be conveyed through lots of
different ways. The main way would be to lead by example. If you are working in a
way that shows the values work then others will want to do the same. They will see
the value of doing this. Anytime the team get together or when having feedback can
be used to pass on the company values. This can include meetings and supervisions.

Team members can learn through training and mentoring by the team leader and
records should be kept to show what incidents of mentoring have been done. This
can include minutes of meetings and written supervision records. These can also be
used to record where the team member is in regards to learning company values. One
way you can see if the team understands the company values is to ask questions
about their understanding and get them to ask questions in return so they can
expand their knowledge.

Motivational techniques can include Maslows hierarchy of needs, Hertzbergs Two-

factor Theory and Vrooms Expectancy Theory as well as many others. Maslows
hierarchy of needs is particularly important in the care sector. It both shows how
the team members are developing but also shows how they are applying the company
values to the care of residents. If the residents are living life to their full
potential then team members must be doing their best to live up to company values
and be able to help them do this. It also means that the team members are also
being able to achieve their full potential according to maslow. Maslow says that
each person has a set of needs which they will need to feel fulfilled in order to
feel complete. The basic needs would be things like having a staff room and breaks.
Then they would need to feel safe. For example they need to know that the company
is doing all it can to keep them safe such as providing the right equipment. They
need to feel like they belong and that they allowed a good work - home life
balance. They then also need to feel recognised and that their contributions are
valued. Finally the team members need to be enabled to maximise their potential and
be the best they can.

Hertzberg theory says that their are two groups called satisfiers and
dissatisfiers. Satisfiers include recognition, the work its self and growth
opportunities. Recognition makes team members feel accomplished and that intern
also makes them want to repeat the same process again. The work itself needs to be
considered important so that the team members want to do it to the best of their
abilities. Growth opportunities will make team members want to achieve more.
Dissatisfiers include company policies, salary and status. Company policy can
include many things but a good example at the moment might be covid policies.
Wearing masks and social distancing. This might cause people to be unhappy at work.
Salary if staff members believe they are not being paid enough they will not put in
their best efforts.

The team leader needs to remember they should try to take away dissatisfaction in
the workplace. They do this by trying to reviewing poor company policies. Provide
effective supervisions for team members to learn from and feel valued. The leader
needs to try and offer competitive wages. This incentives the workers to perform
to their best and stay with the company.

Vrooms Expectancy Theory in the workplace says that if a employee values the
outcome of their work then they will be more inclined to put more energy in their
work. If employees feel like this then the employee will want to keep the feelings
of success that comes as an reward for doing a good job. This Theory states that an
employee should feel their work will start a series of events if this doesn't
happen the employee will feel what is the point of trying your best. So if staff do
a good job they will be rewarded. The team leader needs to make sure the team
members have everything at their disposal in order to do the best they can. The
team member needs to know that if they do something good they might not get
rewarded straight away but it doesn't mean they won't be rewarded overall. For
example if a team member learns a new skill over time this would look good on their
cv and could earn them a proportion. Rewards don't need to be big but they do need
to be meaningful to the individual.

Effective questioning will help the team leader to find out what the team members
know and how they're feeling. This type of questioning can be done in a number of
ways. Open questions will help the team leader to learn the facts about a given
situation. Hypothetical questions can help the team think about things from a new
perspective. Closing questions can bring about agreement and conclusion. The team
leader will need to use recognised coaching methods which include GROW, ARROW and
OSCAR. GROW helps people to know what their goals are,what is happening now in the
workplace, what ideas they have to achieve the goals, and what each member of the
team need to do and in what timescale. The ARROW coaching method let's the team
know what their aims are, what is going on at the moment, what is the difference
between where the team is now and their goals, what can they do to achieve their
goals. OSCAR coaching method tells the team what their goals are, what is currently
going in the workplace, what choices are available to the team, what do the team
members need to do in order to achieve the goals and when will reviews take place
to see if they are achieving their goals.

High performing teams.

The features of a high performing team are as following.

Communication. The team needs to be able to communicate with its self and others.
If Communication breaks down it can lead to conflict and poor performance.

Leadership and accountability. High performing teams have good leaders who can
motivate others but also the individual members can take responsibility for their
own acts. They can own up when they have done wrong. The team members should be
able to do what is right not what is easy. The team members also should feel
empowered to be able to do things that would normally be the leaders job. This
helps the individuals feel they are part of something bigger than their individual

Trust. The team needs to feel comfortable with each other and be able to trust each
other. This will help the team to work through challenges and enable the team to
take risks. Lack of trust will mean the team is not confident in itself.

Collaboration. This is one of the basics of being a team. If members of the team
don't work together well then the team will not be able to progress properly and
some tasks will not be completed at all. Team members who do collaborate will
enhance and complement each other. They will also learn new skills.

Sense of purpose. Teams that have a clear sense of purpose will have defined goals.
Others will also know what to expect of the team and will not ask them to do things
that are not part of their goals . subsequently this should lead to less failures
and a higher moral.


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