Toxicology MCQ

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Toxicology MCQ (lectures 1,2,3)

1- Which of the following best describes toxicology?

a) The study of toxins in the environment

b) The study of adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.

c) The study of poisons in the human body

d) The study of infectious diseases

2- What is the main objective of toxicology?

a) To identify beneficial chemicals

b) To develop new drugs

c) To understand the harmful effects of chemicals

d) To promote chemical usage

3- Which term refers to the amount of a toxic substance that enters the body?

a) Dose

b) Exposure

c) Toxicity

d) Concentration

4- What is the main difference between a poison and a toxin?

a) Poisons are man-made, while toxins occur naturally.

b) Poisons are ingested, while toxins are inhaled.

c) Poisons cause immediate death, while toxins have delayed effects.

d)There is no significant difference between the two terms.

5- What is the purpose of an animal toxicology study?

a) To determine the effects of a chemical on humans

b) To determine the effects of a chemical on animals

c) To develop new animal species

d) To assess the effects of chemicals on the environment

6- Which of the following is not a type of toxicity?

a) Acute toxicity

b) Chronic toxicity

c) Environmental toxicity

d) Occupational toxicity

7- Which of the following factors may influence an individual's susceptibility to toxic


a. Age
b. Pre-existing medical conditions
c. Nutritional status
d. All of the above

8- The Therapeutic Index is used to:

a. Compare the lethal dose to the minimally toxic dose.

b. Compare the 50% response to a pharmaceutical in terms of therapeutically effectiveness

(ED50) and toxicity (LDS0).

c. Compare the lethal dose levels for different pharmaceuticals.

9- The Margin of Safety is:

a. A comparison of the minimally lethal dose (LD01) to the maximally effective dose

b. The amount of a pharmaceutical that can be given before toxicity first appears.

c. The difference between the EDS0 and LD50.

10- A toxic substance produced by biological system is specially referred to as a-

a) toxicant

b) toxin

c) xenobiotic

d) poison

11- Which of the following toxicity can occur due to single exposure?

a). Acute toxicity

b). Sub-acute toxicity

c).Sub-chronic toxicity

d).Chronic toxicity

12- Knowledge of the dose-response relationship permits one to determine:

a. Whether exposure has caused an effect, threshold or the effect, and the rate of buildup of
the effect with increasing dose levels.

b. The degree of metabolism of a xenobiotic.

c. The relationship of exposure dose to absorbed dose.

13- The dose level at which a toxic effect is first encountered is known as the:

a. Threshold Dose

b. First Dose

c. Median Toxic Dose

14- The LD50 represents

a. The effect level resulting from a threshold dose of 50mg.

b. The point at which the liver is 50% destroyed.

c. The estimated dose level that will produce 50% deaths in groups of animals
administered a specific dose.

15- Which of the following statements about dose-response relationships is true?

a) The response is independent of the dose.

b) The response is always linear,

c) The response Increases as the dose increases.

d) The response decreases as the dose increases.

16- The professional activities of toxicologists fall into three main categories:

a. descriptive , mechanistic ,and regulatory

b. descriptive, mechanistic, and environmental

c. descriptive, mechanistic, and occupational

d. descriptive ,mechanistic ,and forensic

17- Five Identical experimental animals are treated with 1 mg of one of the following
toxins. The animal treated with which toxlc is most likely to die?

a. ethyl alcohol (LD50=1050=10,000mg/kg)

b. botulinum toxin (LD50=(LD50=0.00001mg/kg)

c. nicotine (LD(D50=1mg/kg).

d. ferrous sulfate (LD50.D50=1500mg/kg)

18- The half-life of a toxic substance refers to:

a) The time it takes for the substance to be eliminated from the body

b) The time it takes for the substance to reach peak concentration in the blood

c) The time it takes for the substance to be absorbed into the bloodstream

d) The time it takes for the substance to be metabolized in the liver

19- The process of metabolism can result in the formation of:

a) Metabolites that are more toxic than the parent compound

b) Metabolites that are less toxic than the parent compound

c) Metabolites that have the same toxicity as the parent compound

d) Metabolites that have no toxicity

20- The "threshold dose" refers to the:

a) Lowest dose at which a toxic effect is observed

b) Highest dose at which a toxic effect is observed

c) Average dose at which a toxic effect is observed

d) Dose at which 50% of the population experiences toxic effects

21- The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) is also known as the no effect level (NEL).

a. True

b. False

22- The term toxicant is used when talking about toxic substances that are produced by or
are a by-product of human-made activities

a. True

b. False

23- Toxickinetics refers to:

a) The movement of toxic substances within the environment

b) The breakdown of toxic substances in the body

c) The elimination of toxic substances from the body

d) The effects of toxic substances on living organisms.

24- Which of the following routes of exposure allows for the fastest absorption of toxic

a) Inhalation

b) Dermal (skin) absorption



25- Which of the following is NOT a factor that can influence the toxic kinetics of a

a) Age of the individual

b) Genetic factors

c) Gender of the individual

d) Color of the substance

26- Which of the following factors affects the toxicity of a chemical?



c)Genetic makeup

d)All of the above

27- Which of the following enzymes play crucial role in detoxification of the chemicals?

A .Digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract destroy all the chemicals entering into the body.

b. Cytochrome p450 oxidases ,UDP-glucuronyl transferases and glutathione S-transferases

c. Superoxide dismutase ,catalase, glutathione peroxidase

d. B&C

e. All of the above

28- Bio activation encompasses the following.

a. A less harmful substance is converted into more harmful one.

b. It is a process which activates the metabolizing enzymes in the liver.

c. Bio activation is a part of biotransformation process,

d. B & C

E. A & C

29- Which information can be obtained from an acute toxicity study?

a. A Median toxic dose (TD50)

b. Median lethal dose (LD50)

c. No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOEL)

d. Target organ

e. All of the above

30- Which of the following factors can Influence the toxicodynamics of a substance?

a) Affinity of the substance for its target site

b)Duration of exposure

c) Individual susceptibility

d)All of the above

31- The process by which a toxic substance is converted to a less toxic or inactive form is
known as:

3) Detoxification

b) Biotransformation


d) Metabolism
32- Liver is the main metabolizing organ in the body. Which of the following statement is
true in association with toxicant metabolism and reduction of toxicity?

a. Liver alone metabolizes all the toxicants and does not need any further assistance

b. Kidney plays an essential role in elimination of metabolized toxicants through urine.

c. Cardiovascular system plays an important role In detoxification of the chemicals.

d. All the chemicals are removed from the body through bile, after metabolism in the liver.

E. Gastrointestinal tract controls the flow of chemicals into the liver.

33- Which of the following will have the most damaging effects?

a) A hydrophilic chemical via inhalation route.

b) A lipophilic chemical via dermal route.
c) A lipophilic chemical via inhalation route.
d) A hydrophilic chemical via oral route.
e) A hydrophilic chemical via dermal route.

34- Which of the following factors may influence an individual's susceptibility to toxic


b) Pre-existing medical conditions

c) Nutritional status

d)All of the above

35- What is the main purpose of detoxification in toxicology?

a) To eliminate toxic substances from the environment

b) To neutralize or eliminate toxic substances within the body

c) To develop new antidotes for toxic substances

d)To increase the toxicity of certain chemicals

36- Which of the following factors can affect the absorption of toxic substances through the

a) Temperature

b) Surface area

c)Duration of exposure

d) All of the above

37- You have worked at a chemical facility for 10 years. The facility does not require
protective equipment, and you have developed a number of serious health affects in the
last 7 years. You are possibly experiencing what type of exposure?

a. Chronic

b. Acute

38- You are worried about contamination of vegetables grown in contaminated soils. What
type of toxicologist would you contact?


b. Environmental

C. Regulatory

d. Food

39- The larger the amount of exposure and the greater the dose, the greater the observed
response, or effect.

a. True

b. false

40- Which of the following factors can affect the distribution of a toxic substance within the

a) Blood flow to different organs

b) Lipid solubility of the substance

c) Protein binding of the substance

d) All of the above

41- What is the LD50 value?

a)The lowest dose of a substance that produces a toxic effect

b) The highest dose of a substance that produces a toxic effect

c) The dose at which 50% of the test population dies

d) The dose at which 50% of the test population shows no effect

42- What is the primary aim of risk assessment in toxicology?

a) To determine the toxic effects of chemicals

b) To establish safe exposure limits for chemicals

c) To develop new chemicals

d) To identify potential sources of contamination

43- Most of the chemicals are excreted out by the kidneys through urine which are the
other organs or modes involved in excretion of chemicals?

a) Lungs through expiration of volatile compounds.

b) Sweat glands excrete a number of metabolites out of the body.
c) Through bile.
d) Mammary glands
e) All of the above but A,B and Care Important.

44- Descriptive toxicology is concerned directly with

a) Description of toxicology related research fields.

b) Origin of toxicants in nature.
c) Toxicity testing, which provides information for safety evaluation and regulatory
d) Describing the toxicology as a science and art to laymen and unrelated scientific fields.
e) A and D
45- A particular dose of substance X is minimal toxic to animal. Substance Y is also minimal
toxic to the animals at the same dose, but when both the substances are administered
together they show the toxicity sever at orders of magnitude higher than compared with
Individual administrations. This is an example of:

a) Potentiation
b) Synergism
c) Additivity
d) Acute Toxicity
e) Agonism

46- Which is true regarding chronic exposure?

a) Repeated exposure occurring for a period of three months.

b) Repeated exposure occurring for a period of one month.
c) Repeated exposure occurring for a period of more than three months.
d) Repeated exposure occurring for a period of one day.
e) It is not categorized as chronic if no toxicity occurs.

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