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BLOCK5 Extreme weather article 5 unit5


Extreme weather isn’t a prediction (Predictable)

“Climate change isn't something people get to

choose to believe or not: it's happening.” So, we
must try not to pollute earth and take care of it .
(State your main idea , don’t give advice)

(Nice topic sentence) A lot of people don’t know what

is meant by extreme weather. Extreme climate and
weather events are unusual and rare events. they
often result a lot of damage both to nature and to

I'm certain you would agree with me that extreme

weather affect people(deeply). Extreme weather can
directly harm people by exposing them to harsh
conditions, impacting mental health.

There are many ways people can adapt with to

extreme weather conditions.(check grammar) People
all over the world also adapt by limiting outdoor
activities to warmer times of the day. Also, people
BLOCK5 Extreme weather article 5 unit5

should know the temperature before going out. I think

those are ways to adapt with the normal weather!

To sum up , I want to say that earth provides enough

to satisfy every human’s need , but not every human

1. Introduction:
o Strengthen the introduction to provide context and engage the reader's interest.
o Example: "Understanding extreme weather is crucial in today's world, yet many people remain
unaware of its significance. In this article, we explore the impacts of extreme weather events on both
nature and people, shedding light on the importance of adaptation in mitigating their effects."
2. Adaptation Strategies:
o Present adaptation strategies in a structured manner, highlighting practical measures for individuals
and communities.
o Example: "To adapt to extreme weather conditions, individuals can take proactive steps. Some of
them can be limiting outdoor activities to cooler times of the day and staying informed about weather
forecasts. Additionally, communities can implement measures such as improving infrastructure
resilience and developing early warning systems to minimize the impacts of extreme weather events."
3. Conclusion:
o Summarize the key points of the article and reinforce the importance of adaptation in addressing the
challenges of extreme weather.
o Example: "In conclusion, extreme weather events pose significant risks to both nature and people,
underscoring the need for proactive adaptation measures.

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