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In 2011 Lady Gaga released the international hit « Born This Way » in an

eponymous album. This single has grown as a LGBTQ+ anthem, propelling the pop-star
to the rank of LGBTQ+ icon, spokeswoman and activist.
This same year, she founded the Born This Way Foundation and launched it at Harvard
University, declaring its goal to « challenge meanness and cruelty by inspiring young
people to create a support system in their respective communities ». During the
inauguration night many artists and politicians gave speeches, among the actress and
producer Oprah Winfrey, the writer Deepak Chopra and the United States Secretary of
Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.

Besides, she took part into the « Me Too » movement, testifying to her own
experience of post-traumatic syndrome in order to fight sexual assault, inform about
consequences and give women strength to speak up and denounce their abusers.

Thanks to her visibility Lady Gaga tries to give to every apparitions a political
meaning. Indeed, she protested against the way homosexuals are treated in American
army by receiving her awards at the MTV Video Music Awards with a well-known meat
dress, supported by four officers, all victims of this type of discrimination. She declared
on Ellen Degeneres’ show : « If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t
fight for our rights […] pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our
Recently, in line with Global Citizen, she managed to raise $127m for coronavirus relief by
means of a show. Entitled « One world together at home » gathering a lot of personalities.

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