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Instructor : Mr. Vuu Tien Vi ( M.A.)

Student : Phan Thuy Trang
Student’s number : 20DH712331
Class : TA2017
Student’s full name: ……………………………………………..
Student’s number: …………………………….............................
Rate Rubrics of Research Paper Writing in English Scores
1. Purpose:
................................................................................................................... 0

................................................................................................................... 0.25
10% ................................................................................................................... 0.5

................................................................................................................... 0.75

................................................................................................................... 1

2. Content:
10% 0.5

3. Organization:
10% 0.5

4. Tone:
10% .................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................. 1

5. Sentence-Structure:
10% 0.5

6. Word Choice:
10% 0.5

7. Grammar,Spelling,Writing,Mechanics(punctuation,itali
cs, capitalization,etc.): 0
10% 0.5

8. References:
10% 0.5


ATTITUDE (20%) + = =
NAME: Phan Thuy Trang

STUDENT’S ID: 20DH712331

UNIT NAME: Research Methodology





I certify that the attached material is my original word. No other person’s work or
ideas have been used without acknowledgment. Except where I have clearly stated
that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented this for
assessment in another course or unit at this or any other institution.

Name/signature: Date:

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 2
1.1. Background .....................................................................................................2
1.2. Literature review ............................................................................................ 3
1.3. Objectives ....................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Scopes .............................................................................................................4
1.5. Organization ................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 5
2.1. Career orientation .............................................................................................. 5
2.2. Situation of career-oriented students after graduation ......................................6
2.2.1. Situation of World students ........................................................................ 6
2.2.2. Situation of Vietnamese students ................................................................6
2.3. Factors affecting student orientation .................................................................7
2.3.1. Passions and hobbies ..................................................................................7
2.3.2. Individual ability ......................................................................................... 7
2.3.3. Family and friends ...................................................................................... 8
2.3.4. Welfare and working environment ............................................................. 8

2.4. How to overcome obstacles ..............................................................................9

2.4.1. Take the Career Orientation Quiz ............................................................... 9

2.4.2. Always remember going to college is for yourself, not for others .............9

2.4.3. Experience and learn more ........................................................................10

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................12

3.1. Description of the Subjects ............................................................................. 12
3.2. Materials .......................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Procedures of Data Collection ........................................................................ 12
3.4. Statistical Treatment ........................................................................................13
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND FINDINGS ..........................................................14
4.1. Result of the Questionnaire ............................................................................. 14
4.2. Result of the interview .................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION .................................................................................. 25
5.1. Research questions .......................................................................................... 25
5.2. Important Findings .......................................................................................... 25
5.3. Explanation ....................................................................................................27
5.4. Limitation ........................................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................29
6.1. Some recommendations for educators ............................................................ 29
6.2. Some recommendations for students .............................................................. 30
REFERENCES .........................................................................................................32
APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................ 34
APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................................................ 38
APPENDIX 3 ............................................................................................................ 42
 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students


Career orientation is a matter of great interest to Vietnamese students in

general and HUFLIT students in particular. In order to help HUFLIT students have
better career orientation, students themselves and the University need to identify the
influencing factors and difficulties in order to find ways to help students have a
better awareness of career orientation. Career orientation is the best choice for
students to determine their future goals and abilities. This study aims to survey the
current situation of career orientation of students, specifically students of the
University of Foreign Languages and Informatics in Ho Chi Minh City. The
research also clarifies the challenges that students might experience during career
orientation. We provide the best methods to assist students in overcoming the
aforementioned challenges. The author conducted this study by surveying 100 third-
year students and interviewing 20 students from different majors at HUFLIT. The
participant was asked to respond to 2 interview questions and 10 study questions in
the questionnaire. After two weeks, a PhD student gathers and analyzes the student
poll responses that were collected by the researcher using a Google form. The
majority of students understand the significance of job orientation in general. As a
result, the method of career orientation should be used and implemented on a
regular basis by HUFLIT students and educators in the learning process due to its
numerous benefits. In addition, students need to find for themselves a suitable
method to orient their careers most effectively and cover their needs.
 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT


1.1. Background
According to Ministry of Education and Training figures from 2018, the
country as a whole has over 1.1 million university and college students, and when
divided by the average of four academic years, nearly 300,000 students graduate
each year. Since 2020, the number of unemployed people with university degrees
who are unable to find work has been about 200,000. Up to 60% of graduates are
employed in the wrong field. In the meantime, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and
Social Affairs reported that 1,059,000 persons of working age were unemployed in
the first quarter of 2019.

The quality of the human resources must be taken into consideration as a

major aspect in order to develop and strengthen the nation's economy and realize all
of its potential. In particular, given that Vietnam is actively saturating both the
regional and international markets. Therefore, there is a strong emphasis on raising
the educational level and career orientation of the younger generation greater than
ever. Career orientation is understood as the fact that each individual makes his/her
own future career choices. These options need to ensure that they match your
interests, abilities, personality, family conditions, etc., and other factors related to
each specific occupation such as job opportunities, income level. The capacity to
recognize and guide also allows a person to select a profession that matches exactly
what they desire and meets the needs of society. If your orientation is good, the job
will be good. The choice you make regarding your future employment is what leads
to the work you enjoy. However, there are still few resources available to assist
students in developing their career orientation. So, what factors influenced the
students' choice of profession? This study is an analysis of the elements influencing
students' career direction based on the difficulties mentioned above. It is necessary
to study and scientifically investigate this circumstance as well as the typical factors
that students may be affected by career orientation.

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 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
1.2. Literature review
The important of career orientation for students is being investigated. There
are some well-known publications and research on managing your career and the
variables that affect it. Researchers at the Vietnam National University in Ho Chi
Minh City's University of Social Sciences and Humanities have found. Training
facilities in Ho Chi Minh City also need to step up their efforts to influence
students' career orientation from the start of their training courses. In order to
improve efficiency and promptly provide the proper guidance in aiding students in
orienting their careers, indirect training is not equivalent to direct training. There are
numerous factors that affect each student's career orientation process, so
determining the most important ones and suggesting improvements to the
effectiveness of students' career orientation not only belongs to each individual
student but also requires the support and collaboration of the community, family,
friends, and teachers. (HCMUSSH, 2020). Speaker Hoang Tri Dung identified two
characteristics that need to be balanced and trained throughout the enrollment and
career counseling program for students in Hai Phong city with the theme "SPEED
UP 2020: LIFT YOUR WINGS”; remember that your knowledge will be sufficient
to match the market's demands; Soft skills are personal qualities and demeanor that
can be used to one's benefit. These two fundamental considerations mean that
students are no longer challenged by the decision of what major to pursue. In
addition, speaker To Nhi A stated: "Because everyone's starting place is different,
we must also endeavor to follow many approaches to achieving the aim" in a series
of national seminars accompanying High Schools and Colleges throughout 2021. A
brief but energizing sentence that will boost each student's motivation and
determination to achieve their goals.

1.3. Objectives
The primary goal of the research is to assess the factors which affect third-year
students' career orientation at the University of Foreign Languages and Information
Technology in Ho Chi Minh City (HUFLIT). In particular, how to identify and
improve career-oriented skills. In addition, the study examines the current situation

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
and difficulties of students often encountered in order to provides methods and
timely directions for the path of self-discovery, changes to match future
employment needs.

1.4. Scopes
Sub-samples of Vietnamese university students are included in the data. Only
students at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information
Technology (HUFLIT) in District 10 of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, may
participate in this initiative. Overall, this study aims to shed light on how students
orient their careers and the factors that influence that orientation. Then, if there are
any problems, provide the appropriate remedies to solve them.

1.5. Organization
The introduction of this research article provides a summary of career
orientation. The article continues by highlighting the situation of career orientation
among HUFLIT students as well as the significance of the ability. The next section
is the factors affecting the career orientation of students. The paper finishes with
numerous recommendations to assist students to develop their career orientation
skills after presenting the research findings and engaging in discussion.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT


2.1. Career orientation

Career orientation is a comprehensive and continuously updated educational
concept to provide individuals (students, students) at training institutions with
information and experiences, helping them to have a successful career, preparing
well for future career choices.

Personal career orientation plays an important role in the career development

and success of each individual. If the career orientation is not right, you will face
many difficulties and disadvantages in the chosen job. The documents define career
direction in a variety of ways. Common definitions are:

Career orientation is the more common definition. This refers to an

individual's job preferences and choices, or the way he or she orients him or herself
in her career throughout her life (B. Miller, 2023). Career orientation is a
comprehensive and continuing education concept designed to provide individuals at
the secondary level with the information and experiences to prepare them to live
and work in a necessary society, environment (Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung, Luong Thi
Thanh Vinh, 2018). Many individuals naturally develop a pattern of job preferences
based on not just their interests, but on the way they prefer to work. For instance,
some people really prefer to work as part of a team, while others do better working
independently. Some like to be creative, while others would rather have a particular
set of tasks to complete each day. Each of these personality aspects can help to
make up a career orientation.

Career orientation is malleable, which means it will change over time and will
be influenced by both personal and professional events. However, there are many
various types of job orientation, so it's not necessary to be solely career, job, or job
focused. In fact, many people have different orientations (Garrett Mintz, 2022).

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
2.2. Situation of career-oriented students after graduation
2.2.1. Situation of World students
The seminar is a component of the Policy Research initiative in association
with the German Rosa-Luxembourg Foundation. Out of the almost 3,000 grads
surveyed for the conference study, 73% of students got employment after
graduation, however up to 58.2% of graduates did not know how to apply. Where to
get a work, 42% can't fulfill the company's standards, 27% can't obtain a job
because the study field isn't appropriate for the market, and even 18% of students
can't find a job because the business doesn't understand the training industry (Hong
Hanh, Dan Tri newspaper).
Career orientation encourages the spirit of learning of students and the spirit of
creativity of educators. Career orientation also creates a premise to develop
students' thinking and build a solid foundation for the country's potential in the

2.2.2. Situation of Vietnamese students

Learners lack the necessary information about the field of study, resulting in a
less desirable major decision, which has existed for many years but has not been
adequately handled. Because of this, a poll conducted by the Ministry of Education
and Training found that 65.4% of first-year students did not fully get the meaning
and goal of the discipline; 50.8% did not know what to do after graduation; and
75.6% of students are less satisfied than they thought they would be with their
profession of choice; 32.4% of students plan to retake the test the following year (N.
Loc, Kiem Toan Newspaper, 2022).

Data recently disclosed by a number of colleges adds to the body of

knowledge about this problem. Consequently, when asked, almost 50% of students
had no idea how to pick the correct major; more than 40% did not know what they
liked or were strong at; and 77% wanted guidance on picking a profession that
suited their skills.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
2.3. Factors affecting student orientation
2.3.1. Passions and hobbies
Orienting a job to follow you to work for many years in your life, so if you
don't have passion, it's easy to give up when you encounter obstacles and difficulties.
According to a study, up to 66% of students believe they have a lot of influence
over their future employment decisions. However, a tiny percentage of students
(about 2%) believe that it makes no difference at all. In other circumstances,
students are still unsure of their genuine passions at the beginning of the job
decision process (M.A. Ho Duc Hiep, Nguyen Ngo Thuy Vy, 2022). Instead, if you
have a great passion for the profession, then you will be serious about your work,
always learning to improve your abilities. With love, you will have new ideas,
always create yourself to achieve the highest performance at work. So take the time
to find out what you really like (Hong Nguyen, 2021). This leads to psychological
comfort when choosing a school and choosing the desired major.

2.3.2. Individual ability

Besides passions and interests, self-efficacy is one of the factors affecting
students' choice of majors. Because love is not enough, with some occupations the
requirements and working environment require high in appropriate capacity. It will
be difficult for you to succeed in careers such as singer, actress, model, painter, etc.
if you do not have artistic talent. Therefore, when choosing a career, you need to
find out how capable you are, whether it is suitable for that industry or not.
Absolutely do not choose a career by the influence of others (Hong Nguyen, 2021).
Having enough passion and ability will help you do well and develop in your work.
Social needs Among the scientific factors to decide on a career, social needs are an
important factor. Because the current labor market is constantly changing, this
directly affects the needs of each industry. Some industries need a lot of human
resources, there are also industries that are currently having a surplus of labor, so
the level of competition is very high. Your work should be compatible with your
attitudes, beliefs, and personality. It will capitalize on your key strengths and
abilities but also give you the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge in the
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areas you want to develop (Krystine Lumanta, 2021). Therefore, before choosing a
career, you should study the market and consider social needs to make the best

2.3.3. Family and friends

Many young people choose careers based on their passions and interests but do
not have enough knowledge about the labor market and industry characteristics. At
this time, parents and siblings who have already entered the labor market will have
social insights and give you a lot of useful advice (Hong Nguyen, 2021). This
influence usually manifests itself in the following ways: The more concerned
parents are with their children, the more likely they are to interfere in their
children's career choices. The higher the parent's level, the stronger the level of
interest and influence on the child's career orientation, the parents' occupation also
affects the children's career choice, the family's economic status also affects the
children's career choice. influence learners' career choices. Considering the
educational context of Nghe An province, a land rich in tradition of studiousness,
the family factor has a great influence on the career choice and orientation of the
education path of young people (Nguyen Thi Thanh Dung, Luong Thi Thanh Vinh,
2018). Besides, in the high school environment, young people often play together in
a small group based on the similarity of age, interests, and views at school or near
their residence. You often discuss with each other when standing on the threshold of
choosing a career for the future. Therefore, many students tend to choose the same
profession as their close friends or follow their advice. The exchange of friends also
has the effect of shaping career trends.

2.3.4. Welfare and working environment

Many students confirm that they are strongly influenced by the professional
environment: 50.6% think that the career environment has a great influence on their
career orientation (M.A. Ho Duc Hiep, Nguyen Ngo Thuy Vy, 2022). Because
everyone wants to graduate from school to work in a good environment and be
well-remunerated. The good environment everyone wants is a comfortable working

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environment, capable of developing thinking and self. Popular benefits that many
companies now offer include gyms, health insurance, and shopping discounts. There
may also be a social committee and team building days, entirely devoted to the
social side of the job. Connected to this are larger celebrations like a Christmas
party to end the year, as a way for the company to say thank you for all the efforts
of its employees (Krystine Lumanta, 2021). Good compensation is salary and bonus
for recognized contributions. This is also the factor that makes people want to stick
with that job for the rest of their lives.

2.4. How to overcome obstacles

There are still some students who have graduated and still cannot find the
right path for themselves. There are also people who have just finished their 2nd
and 3rd years and have realized what they really need. So don't panic if you can't
shape your career for the future right now. Here are ways to help students – students
can find the cause and solution to the problem:

2.4.1. Take the Career Orientation Quiz

Currently, there are many tests designed to help you easily find out your
ability. The main example is the 16 personality test or John L. Holland's Holland
Code test method (Tien Tran, 2022). Both of the above tests help you orient
yourself to specific groups of people based on your personality and mentality. At
the same time, the test will suggest people to do suitable occupations. This is a
scientific method to help answer the questions of those who do not know what they

2.4.2. Always remember going to college is for yourself, not for others

Vietnamese students are under a lot of pressure because of the "ghost" named
"university". Wherever you go, you will also be asked "What major do you plan to
study?", "Why don't you study this major? This industry sucks. The other industry is
hotter.”. Many young people who are struggling with the age gap and lack life

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 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
confidence have a lot of unseen pressure when they must actively choose their
future careers. Pressure from family, society, or even yourself causes many of you
to feel stuck and in crisis, which causes you to make the incorrect choices (Tien
Tran, 2022). Listen to what your heart tells you because the words out there can't
decide your future.

When you have passion as well as opinion, even if it is difficult, you will still
be able to reach success more easily. Choose a career according to your ability, go
on the path that makes you feel real happiness.

2.4.3. Experience and learn more

Along the career way, you want people to remember you as a friendly or
astute co-worker. You choose to be someone who always balances work and family;
or ready to focus day and night for work. The values you follow will shape your
outlook on life as well as your career path. Dr Robert K. Cooper once said that
values are the anchors that keep you at peace and shine in this world; and so
clarifying values is just as important as finding a reason to live.

You need a lot of experience to know exactly if the job is really right for you.
So start this as soon as possible. Especially for students, time is the most valuable
asset you have in your life. Take advantage of it and look for opportunities to
experience, hone skills and experience for yourself (Tien Tran, 2022).

In conclusion:

To sum up, there are many definition of career orientation and the synonym
of this. Besides, the career orientation of Vietnamese students in particular and
international students in general is affected by many factors. The first is the element
of passions and hobbies. The next is the individual ability factor. The third is family
and friends. The last is benefits and working environment. On the other hand, career
orientation also has many challenges for students. There are already mentioned
methods to address those challenges. Firstly, students take a quiz to get to know
themselves. Secondly, students need to determine the purpose of learning and the
PHAN THUY TRANG - 20DH712331 10
 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
object to study is themselves. Finally, students conduct practical experience and
training to find true values and suitable career orientations for themselves. By
practicing on, students have the foundation to step by step orient their career.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT


3.1. Description of the Subjects

The research was carried out with the involvement of 107 HUFLIT students
ranging in age from 21 to 20. They are the ones that are looking for and deciding on
a career path. When it was impacted by numerous elements, they struggled and gave
it a lot of thought. As a result, the major goal of the study is to understand the
variables that affect participants' career orientation and identify the best method for
helping them overcome disorientation.

3.2. Materials
The study included both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The
questionnaire used in the quantitative method has 10 questions about research and 3
questions about personal information. The survey was composed of 10 questions
and focused on students' opinions on the significance of career orientation and the
variables influencing it. Personal information about the participant's profession, age,
gender, and other characteristics were also collected. In the qualitative method,
interviews are employed, and 2 questions are used to survey the challenges that
students experience when orienting their careers and their expectations when
meeting challenges.

3.3. Procedures of Data Collection

Initially, the survey questionnaire was created as a Google Form to facilitate d
ata collection.This questionnaire is written in both Vietnamese and English to guara
ntee that all students can comprehend it. The second stage is to collect information f
rom students by sending a Google Form link to the faculty and school's Facebook p
ages, such as K26 - Faculty of Foreign Languages and K26 -
HUFLIT. The third step requires students to complete all of the questions and give t
heir comments via Google Form.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
The participants in this study questionnaire were chosen at random.
Participants were given questionnaires to complete for the study. The researcher
will compile all of the participant replies and process the data in the fourth and fifth
steps. Then for the last step, interviews with roughly 20 out of 100 participants were
requested in order to learn more about their concerns and recommendations. The
researcher then gathers and analyzes their comments.

3.4. Statistical Treatment

The results were transformed into accurate scientific studying using statistics,
charts, and percentages and Excel.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT

During a survey week, the research collected 100 student replies via
questionnaires and 20 interview responses about students' career orientation. The
researcher will compile the findings and begin data analysis after a week. Male
students made up 35.9% of the respondents to the questionnaire, while female
respondents made up the remaining 64.1%. 20 students were interviewed, and
35.9% of them were men and 64.1% were women. This survey is for third-year
HUFLIT students. whereby the Faculty of Foreign Languages has more than 55% of
the whole student body, the Faculty of Business Administration and Information
Technology has 19.4% of the total student body split equally, and the remaining
25.6% of the student body is made up of students from other faculties.

4.1. Result of the Questionnaire

In the questionnaire, there are 10 research questions include the following
format yes or no, 5 level question and multiple choice. This question deals with
issues such as status, intentions or viewpoints and factors that influence student
decisions. All responses were statistically based on percentage excel by the

4.1.1. When did you start your career orientation?

Figure 1. Time for students' career orientation

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
Figure 1 depicts students at HUFLIT approach to career orientation. Overall,
students' choices vary widely. It affects each option differently. Most of the students
responded starting in high school. More specifically, out of 100 students who
answered the questionnaire, 42.9 percent students answered that they started their
career orientation from high school. 13.3 percent of students start in their third year.
12.4 percent of students begin their sophomore year. 10.5 percent of students have
no orientation. And the remaining 20.9 starting from the remaining milestones. In
the conditions of free development, most students have career orientation very early
before going to university. But there are also students who start their career
orientation very late in their final years of university and even have no direction. As
through this survey, it is positive that the students were soon self-consciously aware
of the importance of career orientation. Early career orientation is a positive signal
to give students a clear direction in their future career.

4.1.2. On a 5-point scale, how important is career orientation to you?

Figure 2. The importance of career orientation to students

The graph shows the degree of interest third-year students have in choosing a
career path. The chart's columns generally have a lot of variation. The majority of
students are aware of the value of career orientation. In more detail, out of 107
students who responded to the survey, 44.1% said career orientation is extremely
important, 38.3% said it is significant, and 17.8% said it is slightly important. The
remainder of respondents (a small percentage) said that career direction is not
crucial. This demonstrates the pupils' intense interest in career guidance. Their

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
future direction and development are highly impacted by their career orientation.
When you have a distinct perception, this is a positive indicator.

4.1.3. Are you facing a situation of career orientation outside of your


Figure 3. Percentage of HUFLIT third-year students in the wrong major

The graph depicts the current career direction of third-year students. The
responses on the graph generally differ significantly. Most students struggle with a
professional path that is unrelated to their major. In more detail, of the 107 students
who responded to the questionnaire, 60.7% said they had trouble studying outside
of their major, while the remaining 39.3% said they studied for the right career. As
a result, it demonstrates that the majority of pupils are struggling with learning
direction. The most general is choosing the incorrect field of study. This figure is
reasonable given that numerous polls of Vietnamese students conducted in recent
years also found that they had the same issue as HUFLIT students. There are
numerous reasons that have an impact on the issue of altering career direction from
the original. This necessitates that students put in increasingly more effort in order
to follow the appropriate career orientation you have established.

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4.1.4. Which of the following factors influence your career

Figure 4. Factors influencing career orientation

The graph depicts the factors that influence the current career orientation of
third-year students. The responses on the chart are frequently the prevalent factors
that have an impact on the students. The majority of pupils are impacted by personal
needs-related elements like skills, passions, interests, and abilities. In addition,
75.7% of the 107 students who responded to the survey and provided information
claimed they chose their careers based on their own abilities. Passion, interest, and
work environment are the second most important component, accounting for 62.6%.
Family and health are the next two elements impacting your decisions, accounting
for 37.4% and 30.8%, respectively. The remaining company benefits (29.9%) and
other considerations (6%) have a minor impact on your selection. Third-year
HUFLIT students' career decisions are often influenced by a variety of factors,
although the majority of these elements are personal needs, like interests, capacities,
and work environments. When they are aware of how to take care of and educate
yourself, they can compare this to the demands of society in terms of job search.
Based on that, it also provides teachers with a general overview of the influencing
elements that can be developed and completely utilized for their advantages.

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4.1.5. Have you tried any of the following career orientations? What
have you done to improve your career direction?

Figure 5. Career Orientation Progress

Figure 6. Improve career orientation

Two graphs that examine student career-related development are intended to

illustrate the stage most students are at. The responses range widely. In particular,
67% of students have been or are now pursuing work experience related to their
career inclination. Additionally, 43% of students have never attempted to in a
profession that is future-focused. The majority of student chose to learn from your
forebears (67.3%) and experience the work in the orientation oneself (61.7%) when

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experiencing and preparing for the first step of orientation. These are useful
techniques for vetting your best friend's choice. They also planned career
orientation (46.7%), took tests (29%), and attended skills seminars and workshops
(30.8%) to lay the groundwork for the next step. The orientation process for
HUFLIT third-year students is typically more focused on the experience process,
with the early stages (self-knowledge) being used to be ready for the testing phase.
They are currently in a phase of identity, orientation, and self-discovery, thus this
number is also relevant. As a result, student must carefully plan your pay and
develop themselves to meet societal demands.

4.1.6. Do your friends and relatives give you suggestions for your
current career direction?

Figure 7. Career orientation from acquaintances

The chart describes the influence of the relationships around you on career
direction. The results differed significantly. Most of you received suggestions and
references from relatives and friends, accounting for 76.6%. The remaining
percentage (23.4%) of you do not consult and receive advice from family and
friends. This shows that the level of concern about career orientation of students and
parents is very high. Inheritance and awareness of directional potential is an
effective signal as well as an effective reference source for HUFLIT third-year

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4.1.7. Do you often lose your career direction?

Figure 8. Frequency of losing career direction

The chart examines the stability of the students when orienting their career.
The results were surprising numbers. The majority of HUFLIT third-year students
said that they have not yet decided on their career direction, accounting for 38.3%.
36.4% of the answers are that you constantly lose direction. A small part of about
25.2% of the answers are almost not straying from the initial career direction. In
general, it shows that your career orientation is at an unstable level. Although
starting very early, you are still struggling to redefine your career direction. The
results are presented in the data above, and the chart, which displays an alarming
level, highlights the urgent need for educators and students to locate the appropriate
support for future career orientation.

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4.1.8. What are you afraid of when it comes to deciding on a career

Figure 9. Concern about career direction

Graph depicting students' worries during career orientation. The students'

anxiety has been partially revealed by the results. Most of students, or 57% and
52.3%, are concerned about their income and unemployment. 39% of respondents
expressed anxiety about the future growth prospects of their jobs. 28% of
respondents expressed self-consciousness about choosing the wrong field of study.
Only a small portion are worried about things like family restrictions and other
things. According to the generalization, student experience extreme anxiousness
before making a decision. The need for prompt advice and assistance is worrying
for families and educators. These concerns are also new concerns of students in
general and HUFLIT students in particular.

4.2. Result of the interview

In the interview, the researcher randomly selected 20 students for the
interview question. The researcher used interviews directly to record the most
positive and accurate results. Respondents were provided with 2 interview questions
about challenges and recommendations. After 1 to 3 days of the interview, the
researcher collected and processed the feedback.

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4.2.1. What factors are you concerned about when planning your
future career? Why?
The survey form shows that most of your career orientation has been affected
by many factors. Besides, the study also explores the reasons why they are affected
by those factors. The researcher has synthesized common factors such as income,
personal capacity, working environment and company benefits.

The majority of students believe that their profession choices will be

influenced by two factors: their personal potential and income. Student P.B.D.
shared that “I am interested in my own ability and stable income because I feel that
if you want to orient yourself in a profession you love, but your basic skills are not
strong enough. One is that you try to improve, the other is that you should choose
another career that is more suitable to fight for jobs that do not come, the results are
not as expected. N.K.D also has the same opinion as follows: “I care about salary
and also my favorite. Because I have to have a good salary to support myself and
also help my parents raise my brother and sister.” Nearly 20 students shared the
opinion that income and personal ability will greatly affect their decision. They
need a stable salary to help their parents and improve their lives in the future. In
addition, the level of interest and ability to meet the needs of the job also helps them
work more effectively and for a long time.

A minor percentage of the opinions concur that they are concerned about the
welfare of the business and the working environment. T.A shared that: "I care about
benefits like salary. Because for me, a high salary is the biggest motivation for me
to work. The second thing I care about is promotion opportunities. Because No
matter what job you do, the opportunity for advancement is also a way for yourself
to work hard.". When someone works hard to finish a task, they also expect a
comfortable workplace and fair pay so that they can grow to their full potential.
Future prospects for promotion are also present. Students are generally impacted by
elements that have a direct impact on their material and spiritual requirements.

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4.2.2. Which plan has provided you with a clearer career orientation?
If so, could you explain it clearly? If not, how do you anticipate receiving
career orientation support?
The purpose of the question is to gather information on student intentions and
help-needy circumstances. The researcher compiled common responses regarding
third-year HUFLIT students' orientation schedules.

More than 60% of the students had a clear orientation. Many students have
chosen to experience the real work in their future career orientation to try the
appropriate level. As D.A shared: “I try to experience the listed jobs, which I think I
will like or have the ability. Because when the experience version, you have the
opportunity to know what you are missing, suitable or not. After that, we will
gradually eliminate and choose the best profession”. Student P.T.T. agrees with D.A
that "I am an avid learner, so I have to experience many different professions to
know which field I really fit in, and what skills I have in the industry while I am
studying." A effective strategy to develop a backup plan for part-time jobs is to
attend college. In addition to sharing about actual experiences, there are also sharing
about the plans that are being set. The group of friends H.T. P shared their opinion:
“We are considering which subject is our current capacity and education most
suitable for, and set each small goal for the long-term plan.” Clear directions are
positive signals that students are worried and build a foundation for their future

Furthermore, there is a small percentage of students who are struggling

without orientation and seeking assistance. They all look to the school for guidance
and counsel. They seek an environment to aid in their experience and practical
guidance from knowledgeable individuals since they are disoriented. In general,
career orientation is a lengthy process that requires kids to develop and gain
experience, as well as school and family support to mentor them both emotionally
and physically.

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In conclusion:

The questions in the survey received positive feedback from students on the
topic of career orientation. The findings demonstrate that pupils began their career
orientation in high school. You clearly understand the value of career orientation.
Many students are studying in the opposite direction from their job orientation,
despite having one at a young age, because there are many elements that will
influence their career orientation in the future. The majority of students are
concerned with their professional development and environment. The majority of
students' career orientation processes are both direct and indirect. The most direct
approach is to engage in actual work during the orientation. The indirect route is to
learn from those who have gone before. As a result, the majority of students
understand the value of career orientation and take into account variables
determining their future employment.

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5.1. Research questions

The purpose of this study is to find results for the researcher's hypotheses.
These problems are posed by the researcher, who then conducts research based on
the student's job orientation. The first research question concerns the career
orientation of Vietnamese students in general, and HUFLIT students in specific.
The purpose of this study question is to determine whether students have a strong
sense of career orientation. The second research question of the research paper
concerns the difficulties that students frequently encounter when deciding on a
career path. Researchers can then better understand the issues and factors
influencing students' career orientation and offer solutions to assist students in
overcoming difficulties in properly orienting themselves.

5.2. Important Findings

5.2.1. How is the current situation of students' career orientation?
The study is based on a brief survey and interview form from Ho Chi Minh
City University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology (HUFLIT).
According to a detailed analysis of the poll data, the majority of students recognize
the value of career orientation and get started on it very early. However, a small part
of students starts thinking about their career orientation very late and even have no
career orientation. A concerning observation is that many students study in the
opposite direction and frequently shift orientation, despite the very early orientation.
This demonstrates that although most students are conscious of the significance of
career orientation, they still encounter many challenges in selecting the appropriate
orientation for themselves.

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5.2.2. What are difficulties that the students encounter in their
career orientation?
The findings from surveys and interviews also indicate that students struggle
with job orientation. The challenges they encountered while navigating their jobs
were frequently mentioned by students. The researcher has enumerated these
challenges, including studying in the incorrect major, worrying about losing your
job, having a low income, and choosing unpopular degrees. The majority of
students worry that their future employment prospects will result in low revenue.
Nearly 20 students agreed that the things they were concerned about when deciding
on their careers were employment opportunities, income, and self-efficacy. Due to
an increase in both the number of graduates and the demand for employment, there
is more competition for available positions. Therefore, students need to develop
their own skills in order to have a stable work with a high income. The above
difficulties are the difficulties most of the students are facing.

5.2.3. What solutions help students overcome difficulties in their

career orientation?
Based on the interview findings, the researcher has devised a number of
solutions to assist students with this issue. The first solution is to take career-
oriented tests to understand your requirements and abilities, because most graduates
are unemployed because they do not know themselves well. Learn about yourself
and the requirements of society by being persistent and patient. The second solution
is to spend money on education. "Invest in knowledge, and your investment will
always pay off," successful people all agree. Knowledge enables students to better
themselves and lay a firm foundation for all professions. The third solution is for
students to gain knowledge and expertise from their teachers, libraries, and the
Internet. Experience is a valuable commodity that can only be acquired through
time and work. The most valuable benefit it provides is the opportunity to develop
and stand out from the crowd of recent graduates looking for employment. As a
result, concentrate on learning and training yourself so that your job search
requirements align with societal development needs.
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5.3. Explanation
Many factors influence a student's career orientation. The majority of pupils
are impacted by their own ability, societal demands, and families. First, pupils must
deal with the competency factor. The most important element influencing students'
job inclination is their capacity (hobbies, interests, and abilities), which accounts for
more than 70% of the variance. The second criterion is societal requirements (60
percent of the selection opinion was based on work prospects and career potential).
Finally, approximately 40% of pupils were impacted by advice and family
circumstances. The cause of these difficulties and domination is that they are not
capable and understand their own needs. The second reason is that their
development environment has not provided many opportunities for them to explore
and learn career orientations. The third reason is that there is still a competitive job
market because of the rising demand for jobs in society. But the study also revealed
that students were conscious of their obligations to their families and the wider

5.4. Limitation
Although the research has reached its aim, there were still some unavoidable
limitations and shortcomings. The first, the researcher was conducted in a short
period of time. The second, the population of participants also was limited, 100
students completed the questionnaire and 20 students for the interview. All
participants are from the third year of the University of Ho Chi Minh City
University of Foreign Language and Information Technology. The third, the
researcher also only took the survey to get the answers within 1 week, then
collected and processed. The fourth, the research is only realized the method's
potential effectiveness over the next 5 years. In addition, the researcher is limited in
terms of the research problem. The researcher can only focus on one main issue, the
awareness of HUFLIT students about career orientation.

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5.5. Need for Further Research

Unfortunately, this study was limited to HUFLIT only. Therefore, further

studies need to be conducted at universities across the country. Moreover, educators
should apply this self-study method to all levels of learning from elementary to
advanced level. In addition, the limitation of this study is that it has not mentioned
in depth the reasons leading to students choosing factors that affect students' career

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6.1. Some recommendations for educators

Today, the career orientation of students is vitally crucial in the process of
studying at the university level. Career orientation is an important component in
pupils' future learning and development. Therefore, universities must prioritize
providing students with the proper orientation and supervision. Researchers have
currently developed a wide range of methods to assist education become more
visible and better serve students' requirements.

Firstly, educators should organize seminars and extracurricular activities for

students. Specifically, there are career seminars and short-term internships at
companies. For example, educators combined with inspirational speakers have had
certain success creating seminars and talkshow to exchange with students. The
successful organization of career-oriented activities for students will help students
have an environment to gain experience and exchange knowledge. Besides, it helps
educators understand the status and problems students face to promptly take
remedial measures.

Secondly, educators ought to broaden and include vocational support

resources. The development of technology has led to the appearance of many tools
supporting the teaching and learning process, including vocational education for
students. Some online applications can be very helpful for career counseling, such
as Career Planner. With this application, students will be able to take a number of
personality tests, interest tests, etc. to determine the level of suitability with the
career orientation of the students. Besides, there is also the advantage of fingerprint
biometric method - a popular method in the world. This method will analyze the
shape, length and density of the fingerprints. Scientists will use the innate
association between fingerprints to find out the hidden qualities and talents of each
individual. This will be very suitable for students who do not know themselves well.

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Finally, teachers should incorporate book-based career counseling. Educators
can use textbooks to directly reach students in addition to auxiliary websites. Books
give students access to a wealth of information, but they are also a useful tool for
helping them determine their own course. Reading books about careers can help
students uncover similarities with themselves in order to clarify their ambitions and
goals clearly by relying on the author's knowledge, experiences, and sharing. In
order for the strategy to be successful, educators can recommend to the well-known
books in their area of interest.

In conclusion, the research offered three suggestions for educators. The first
suggestion is that educators plan seminars and extracurricular events for students,
particularly those that address career advising. The second suggestion is for
educators to broaden and include career support resources. The final
recommendation is that educators incorporate occupational guidance through books.
If colleges use the following methods to the curriculum, it will help to improve
career orientation and suit the demands of students.

6.2. Some recommendations for students

Today, career orientation is a major role in predicting pupils' future success. In
fact, most students continue to confront the difficulty of losing or changing career
orientation due to a variety of causes, but this is the challenge to assist students in
gaining more development and success in their careers, as well as experience.
Currently, researchers have developed a variety of methods to assist pupils in
simply overcoming these challenges.

Firstly, in the process of career orientation, getting to know yourself is the

most important step. This is the foundation to take the right steps and path for
yourself in the future. There is an old saying: " He who sees through life and death
will meet most success". The orientation of their own career can only be accurate
when they take themselves as the center and take the time to learn about their
personality and thinking. Many young people have the notion that if they are
passionate or like something, they will do it well, but research shows that this logic

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is not entirely correct. The correct answer is the opposite, when you have strengths
and do something well, you will be passionate about that job. Therefore, in order to
self-direct your career, you need to determine what your strengths are. They can
rely on the results of their previous successful jobs or rely on the evaluation of
friends and relatives.

Secondly, students need to understand the professions well. Each career has
many different jobs, but you need to have a general knowledge of the fields. Think
about all the careers that you feel are a good match for your talents and interests.
From there learn about career requirements, career names, required skills and places
students can work after graduation. Understanding future careers will help students
have a better overview.

Finally, students should supplement and improve soft skills. Participating in

soft skills courses to discover and hone is a very good method for career guidance
and self-positioning. Successful people only use 25% of their professional
knowledge and the remaining 75% are thanks to the soft skills they learn and
accumulate. Accumulating enough practical experience and soft skills is the key to
the right career direction.

In summary, the researcher made 3 recommendations to the students. First,

students need to know themselves. Second, students need to understand the
professions well. Third, students should supplement and improve soft skills. In this
way, if students apply it, it will help them orient their careers well.

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Factors affecting students' career orientation. (n.d.). ( Retrieved from

Garrett Mintz. (2022, 01 06). What Does it Mean to have Career Work Orientation?
(Ambition in Motion ) Retrieved from https://ambition-in-

Hong Hanh. (n.d.). Sinh viên thất nghiệp do thiếu định hướng nghề. Retrieved from
Dan Tri Newspaper:

Hong Nguyen. (2021, 8 23). Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến lựa chọn nghề nghiệp.
Retrieved from JobsGo:

Krystine Lumanta. (2021, 2 16). 7 factors for finding a job that makes you happy.
(Page Personnel) Retrieved from

M.A Ho Duc Hiep, Nguyen Ngo Thuy Vy. (2022). Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến định
hướng nghề nghiệp của sinh viên. quanlynhanuoc.

Miller, B. (2023, 4 8). What Is a Career Orientation? Retrieved from Practical

Adult Insights:

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N. Loc. (2022, 4 14). Không để học sinh không chọn nhầm ngành nghề, tránh lãng
phí nguồn lực. Retrieved from Kiem Toan Newspaper:

Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung; Luong Thi Thanh Vinh. (2018). Evaluate factors affecting
career orientation.

Ph.D. Bui Ha Phuong; The teaching staff of the library department – information.
(2020). Factors impacting on career orientation of graduate student at
University of Social sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University,
Ho Chi Minh City.

Ph.D. To Nhi A. (2021, 5 14). Talkshow career orientation. (FPT Education)

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Tien Tran. (2022, 5 7). Định Hướng Nghề Nghiệp Cho Tương Lai Không Khó Như
Bạn Nghĩ. Retrieved from Glints:

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The purpose of the survey was to learn more about the third-year HUFLIT
students' level of interest and career orientation. As a result, the ideal career
orientation solution is offered, and the significance of career orientation in pupils
from an early age is emphasized.

Personal information:

1. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female

2. What is your major?

 Faculty of Foreign Language

 Faculty of Oriental Languages and Cultures
 Faculty of Information Technology
 Faculty of Economics Finance
 Faculty of Business Administration
 Faculty of International Relations
 Faculty of Law
 Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you fit into your current field of study?
 Not appropriate
 Slightly appropriate
 Quite appropriate
 Appropriate
 Very approriate

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Research information

1. When did you start your career orientation?

 Preceding high school

 High school
 Freshman
 Sophomore
 Junior
 Not oriented

2. On a 5-point scale, how important is career orientation to you?

 Not important
 Slightly important
 Quite important
 Important
 Very important

3. Are you facing a situation of career orientation outside of your major?

 Yes, I am
 No, I’m not

4. Which of the following factors influence your career orientation?

 Family
 Hobbies and passion
 My abilities
 Working environment
 Company welfare
 Health
 Other

5. Have you tried any of the following career orientations?

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 Yes, I have tried to do it
 Yes, I'm trying to do that
 No, I have never tried to do that

6. What have you done to improve your career direction?

 Take the test of ability.

 Experience the work you desire.
 Pay attention to the brothers' and sisters' prior experiences.
 Long-term career planning
 Enroll in a course to improve your skills
 Participate in a session on career orientation

7. Do your friends and relatives give you suggestions for your current career

 Yes, they do
 No, they don’t

8. Do you often lose your career direction?

 Indeed, I constantly lose my course in my professional life

 I still haven't decided on a definite job path
 No, I hardly ever stray from my job path

9. What is your current orientation related to?

 Business
 Education
 Medical
 Politics
 Technique
 Finance
 Other

10. What are you afraid of when it comes to deciding on a career path?

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 That occupation will be unpopular in the future.
 You're studying in the wrong field
 Forbidden family
 Low income
 Unemployment
 Other

Interview question

1. What factors are you concerned about when planning your future career? Why?

2. Which plan has provided you with a clearer career orientation? If so, could you
explain it clearly? If not, how do you anticipate receiving career orientation support?

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Mục đích của cuộc khảo sát nhằm tìm hiểu thêm về mức độ yêu thích và định
hướng nghề nghiệp của sinh viên HUFLIT năm thứ ba. Từ đó đưa ra giải pháp định
hướng nghề nghiệp lý tưởng, nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc định hướng nghề
nghiệp cho học sinh ngay từ nhỏ.

Thông tin cá nhân:

1. Giới tính của bạn là gì?
 Nam
 Nữ
2. Chuyên ngành của bạn là gì?
 Khoa Ngoại ngữ
 Khoa Ngôn ngữ và Văn hóa Phương Đông
 Khoa Công nghệ thông tin
 Khoa Kinh Tế Tài Chính
 Khoa Quản trị kinh doanh
 Khoa Quan hệ Quốc tế
 Khoa Luật
 Khoa Du lịch và Khách sạn

3. Trên thang điểm từ 1 đến 5, bạn phù hợp với ngành học hiện tại ở mức độ nào?
 Không phù hợp
 Hơi phù hợp
 Khá phù hợp
 Thích hợp
 Rất phù hợp

Thông tin nghiên cứu

1. Bạn bắt đầu định hướng nghề nghiệp từ khi nào?

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 Chuẩn bị tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông
 Trung học phổ thông
 Sinh viên năm nhất
 Sinh viên năm hai
 Thiếu niên
 Không định hướng
2. Trên thang điểm 5, định hướng nghề nghiệp quan trọng như thế nào đối với bạn?
 Không quan trọng
 Hơi quan trọng
 Khá quan trọng
 Quan trọng
 Rất quan trọng
3. Bạn có đang gặp phải tình trạng định hướng nghề nghiệp ngoài chuyên ngành
 Vâng, tôi có gặp phải
 Không, tôi không gặp phải
4.Yếu tố nào sau đây ảnh hưởng đến định hướng nghề nghiệp của bạn?
 Gia đình
 Sở thích và đam mê
 Khả năng của tôi
 Môi trường làm việc
 Phúc lợi công ty
 Sức khỏe
 Khác
5. Bạn đã thử bất kỳ định hướng nghề nghiệp nào sau đây chưa?
 Vâng, tôi đã cố gắng thực hiện
 Vâng, tôi đang cố gắng làm điều đó
 Không, tôi chưa bao giờ thử làm điều đó
6. Bạn đã làm gì để cải thiện định hướng nghề nghiệp của mình?
 Làm bài kiểm tra năng lực.

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
 Trải nghiệm công việc bạn mong muốn.
 Học hỏi kinh nghiệm đi trước của các anh chị em
 Lập kế hoạch nghề nghiệp dài hạn
 Đăng ký một khóa học để nâng cao kỹ năng của bạn
 Tham gia buổi định hướng nghề nghiệp
7. Bạn bè và người thân của bạn có đưa ra gợi ý cho hướng đi nghề nghiệp hiện tại
của bạn không?
 Họ có gợi ý
 Họ không gợi ý
8. Bạn có thường xuyên mất phương hướng trong sự nghiệp không?
 Thật vậy, tôi liên tục đánh mất hướng đi trong cuộc đời nghề nghiệp của
 Tôi vẫn chưa quyết định được con đường công việc cụ thể
 Không, tôi hầu như không bao giờ đi lạc khỏi con đường công việc của mình
9. Định hướng hiện tại của bạn liên quan đến điều gì?
 Kinh doanh
 Giáo dục
 Y tế
 Chính trị
 Kỹ thuật
 Tài chính
 Khác
10. Bạn sợ điều gì khi quyết định chọn con đường sự nghiệp?
 Nghề nghiệp đó sẽ không phổ biến trong tương lai.
 Bạn đang học sai ngành
 Cấm gia đình
 Thu nhập thấp
 Thất nghiệp
 Khác

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 Evaluation Of Factors Influencing The Job Orientation Of Huflit's Junior Students
 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
Câu hỏi phỏng vấn
1. Bạn quan tâm đến những yếu tố nào khi hoạch định nghề nghiệp tương lai của
mình? Tại sao?

2. Kế hoạch nào giúp bạn có định hướng nghề nghiệp rõ ràng hơn? Nếu vậy, bạn
có thể giải thích nó rõ ràng? Nếu không, bạn mong được hỗ trợ định hướng
nghề nghiệp như thế nào?


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1. What factors are you concerned about when planning your future career?


1 Student 1 Quan tâm tới lương, môi trường làm việc, đồng nghiệp
và sức khoẻ cá nhân
2 Student 2 Work environment, salary and location

Yếu tố:
- Năng lực bản thân có đủ hay không
- Liệu thu nhập đối với bản thân có phù hợp không.
3 Student 3
Vì mình cảm thấy nếu bạn muốn định hướng cho bản
thân một ngành nghề nào bạn yêu thích, nhưng kỹ năng
cơ bản mình chưa vững, một là bạn cố gắng trau dồi, hai
là nên chọn một ngành nghề khác phù hợp hơn để tranh
việc làm không tới, kết quả không như mong muốn.
About the salary and also my favorite. Because I have to
have a nice salary to feed myself and also help my
4 Student 4 parents to feed my sister and brother. But if I choose the
wrong jobs, I don't like the environment there or it's
about economy, work inside just sit on a chair and typing
all days are not my type.
Giao tiếp và sự tự tin vì khi tự tin mới có thành được
5 Student 5 chuyện và giao tiếp thì như ng xưa có câu " giao tiếp là
chìa khoá để kết nối ."
Mình quan tâm tới con đường phát triển trong tương lai
6 Student 6 và mức thu nhập. Vì điều đó sẽ quyết định cuộc sống của
mình trong tương lai và kết quả cho những năm học của

7 Student 7 Phù hợp với khả năng, hoàn cảnh và năng lực của bản

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Cơ hội và môi trường làm việc vì có sự hứng thú và môi
8 Student 8 trường làm việc thoải mái thì bản thân sẽ hết mình vì
công việc hơn
Yếu tố sở thích và sự phù hợp. Nếu không yêu thích thì
đi làm một thời gian sẽ không còn hứng thú và động lực
9 Student 9 để làm việc nữa, còn nếu công việc mình yêu thích
nhưng không phù hợp với năng lực bản thân thì khó mà
10 Student 10 Salary, work environment, welfare

11 Student 11 Income - Need money to meet the requirements in life

Mình quan tâm đến phúc lợi như lương. Vì đối với mình
lương cao chính là động lực lớn nhất để mình làm việc.
12 Student 12 Điều thứ 2 mình quan tâm đến chính là chính là cơ hội
thăng tiến. Vì dù ở công việc nào đi chăng nữa thì cơ hội
thăng tiến cũng là cách để bản thân nỗ lực làm việc.
I am interested in income, a career that can benefit me
13 Student 13 because going to work is not only for passion but also to
earn money to support myself and my family.

14 Student 14 I don’t have my orientation currently. So for this

question, I cannot give you an answer.

15 Student 15 I’m concerned about the work environment. Because this

can affect my productivity.
Yếu tố sở thích. Bởi vì phải có yêu thích hoặc đam mê
16 Student 16 đặc điểm gì ở cái ngành đó thì mới làm được. Không
thích thì làm dễ chán, có thể bị áp lực nữa.

17 Student 17 Income, environment; income is important and

environment can make me focus on doing the job.

18 Student 18 Ability. Because if I don't know exactly my ability, I will

be easily discouraged by hardship in the future.

19 Student 19 The income and the passion for that jobs. income will
help me survive, and the passion help me truly alive.
Bản thân có yêu ngành nghề đó hay không vì khi mình
20 Student 20 thích thì sẽ theo đuổi đến cùng. Nghề nghiệp đó sau này
có phát triển, tiền lương cao hay không, như thế sẽ trang
trải cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn và khiến bản thân có động lực

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 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
gắn bó lâu dài hơn.

2. Which plan has provided you with a clearer career orientation? If so, could
you explain it clearly? If not, how do you anticipate receiving career
orientation support?


1 Student 1 That is learning new skills, because it helps me improve

my own capacity, suitable for my career orientation.
Đó là thử trải nghiệm các công việc được list ra, cái mà
mình nghĩ bản thân mình sẽ thích hoặc có đủ năng lực.
2 Student 2 Vi khi bản trải nghiệm thì bạn mới có cơ hội biết được
bản thân được thiếu gì, có phù hợp hay không. Sau đó sẽ
loại dần và chọn ra nghành nghề tốt nhất.
I do the test online about what's my personality and also
what's kind of job I can do with those personality, I also
3 Student 3 ask for help from my parents, friends and also my
teachers about it. I also go to a lot of talkshow and listen
to all kinds of stuff to find out what I want and what I am
gonna do.
Xác định khả năng của bản thân thông qua những hoạt
4 Student 4 động môn học ở trên trường sau đó dựa trên những kết
quả đó đánh giá xem xét xem khả năng của bản thân có
phù hợp với ngành nghề hay không.

5 Student 5 Kế hoạch để mình có thể định hướng rõ ràng hơn là từng

bước trải nghiệm để thu về những kinh nghiệm.

6 Student 6 Mình chưa có. Mình mong sẽ được trải nghiệm ở các tập
đoàn lớn.
Xem xét năng lực, học vấn hiện tại phù hợp với môn học
7 Student 7 nào nhất. Xu hướng bản thân hướng đến là như thế nào
(giảng dạy, đứng lớp, thuyết trình trước đám đông,...).
Phải bắt buộc tìm được công việc mà mình yêu thích
8 Student 8 trước khi chọn ngành học, vì việc tiếp xúc nó qua môi
trường đại học sẽ giúp ích rất nhiều đến việc đi làm trong
tương lai.

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 The Habit of Using Technology for Learning of Freshmen’s HUFLIT
I was oriented by my family from a young age and my
9 Student 9 personality is very suitable for that career. From there I
try to learn from experience and find information related
to my profession.
Plan to apply the position that I have never try. Maybe it
10 Student 10 will take a lot of time, but I can find out a suitable job
for me.

11 Student 11 Chuẩn bị định hướng từ khi học đại học , lên kế hoạch rõ
ràng cho mục tiêu và hoàn thành đúng thời gian.
I need to plan my goal more clearly and also emphasize
12 Student 12 and develop my strengths. After that, I will re-evaluate
myself to find out which is suitable for me.
Để định hướng nghề nghiệp mình chọn cách trải nghiệm
công việc đó. Đối với mình khi trải nghiệm công việc thì
13 Student 13 mới nhìn thấy được năng lực, khả năng của bản thân. Và
đây cũng là cách để kiểm tra xem bản thân có thật sự yêu
thích công việc trong tương lai không.
I think you should plan yourself first because seeing what
14 Student 14 you are capable of doing, you will know which career is
right for you and improve your own ability.

15 Student 15 Mong muốn nhận được sự hỗ trợ, điều hướng từ nhà

You should attend to the orientation relating to the career
16 Student 16 you care about and tell experts so that they can
recommend some useful suggestions.
I always believe in my decisions, i choose what i want to
17 Student 17 do and always try my best to follow my long-term and
short-term plans.
Mình mong có thể tham khảo thêm ý kiến từ những
18 Student 18 người đi trước đã từng mất phương hướng và dần cân
bằng lại và đi đúng hướng.

19 Student 19 Mình thực ra chưa có định hướng rõ ràng, mình mong

muốn được hỗ trợ định hướng nghề nghiệp.
I've went through a numerous kinds of jobs last summer.
20 Student 20 Thanks to that time, I got a variety of new challenges
and experiences for my future career path.

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