Successful Homework Strategies For Teachers

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Homework has always been a controversial topic in the education system.

While some argue that it is

necessary for reinforcing learning and developing responsibility, others believe that it adds
unnecessary stress and takes away from valuable family time. As a teacher, it can be difficult to
strike a balance and create effective homework assignments that benefit your students. However,
with the right strategies, homework can become a valuable tool for enhancing learning and
promoting academic success.

The Importance of Homework

Before diving into successful strategies, it is important to understand the purpose of homework.
Homework is meant to extend the learning that takes place in the classroom and reinforce important
concepts. It also allows students to practice skills and develop time management and organizational
skills. When done correctly, homework can be a valuable tool for promoting academic growth.

Effective Homework Strategies

1. Set Clear Expectations
One of the most important strategies for successful homework is setting clear expectations. This
includes clearly communicating the purpose of the assignment, the due date, and any specific
guidelines or requirements. By setting expectations, students will know exactly what is expected of
them and can plan accordingly.

2. Make it Relevant
Homework should not be busy work. It should be relevant to what is being taught in the classroom
and should have a clear purpose. This will help students see the value in completing the assignment
and make it more meaningful.

3. Differentiate Assignments
Not all students learn the same way, so it is important to differentiate homework assignments to meet
the needs of all learners. This can include providing different levels of difficulty or allowing students
to choose from a variety of assignments that cater to their learning style.

4. Provide Feedback
Feedback is crucial for student growth and improvement. As a teacher, it is important to provide
timely and constructive feedback on homework assignments. This will not only help students
understand their strengths and weaknesses but also show them that their efforts are valued.

5. Encourage Collaboration
Collaboration can be a powerful tool for learning. Consider assigning group projects or allowing
students to work together on homework assignments. This will not only promote teamwork but also
provide students with the opportunity to learn from one another.

Ordering Homework Help from ⇒ ⇔

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In conclusion, homework can be a valuable tool for promoting learning and academic success when
done correctly. By setting clear expectations, making assignments relevant, differentiating, providing
feedback, and encouraging collaboration, teachers can create effective homework assignments that
benefit their students. And in times of need, ⇒ ⇔ is always there to provide reliable
and professional homework help. Order now and see the difference it can make in your students'
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your subscription today and save 20%. Emma Kenyon 10. Be a positive role model We avoid
negative language around schoolwork. As soon as I know their work is not with them, I call home.
Giving too much homework can actually be less effective and just frustrate parents and students. No
matter which way you decide to go, being consistent with your consequences is key. He took one
look at the project and felt overwhelmed. There should never be the question of “What is our
homework tonight?” because everyone already knows. This saves me time and my sanity during my
morning routine. Aim to give your students a handful of review problems for each core subject (ie.
Allow students to move from one “learning station” to the next where short, interactive activities can
engage the students. 2) Permit kinesthetic learners to sit on the side of the classroom, so if they need
to move around or stand, it won’t distract the students behind them. 3) Allow your students to hav.
Aim to give your students a handful of review problems for each core subject (ie. Keeping things
consistent will keep students from getting confused and forgetting their homework. Instead, give
your students a nightly dose of review (include skills you’ve already fully taught) and maybe just
one or two problems on the newest skill. The BEST way to keep your routine consistent is to pick a
resource to use for your homework for each subject and stick with it. I also make sure that the
homework that they find most difficult or least entertaining is done first, again, so the worst part is
out of the way and a weight is taken off their shoulders. So, we try to put some of the basic tips for
students to tackle the pressure of homework and some parent’s role to help children with the study.
Emma Kenyon, mum of three children aged seven, eight and 10, and teacher at Clifton College 2. If
they are having trouble with a problem, this is their opportunity to get more help because they are
more than likely going to see a similar problem on the next night’s homework. For that, students don’t
do the homework correctly and are unable to finish them before deadlines. Regardless of your
situation, there is always a way to find a “spot” for your child to get some work done. My daughters
are always coming home with papers from school. This has been a very helpful tool in making sure
that ALL of my students are meeting the standards. Judging from his initial response to this
assignment, I knew he was not going to be working on this project freely. First, I have told my
students that I will call home and speak with their parents if homework is missed. Little measures
like this can encourage deeper thinking and greater development of useful skills necessary for
success in exams and essays at school. So how can teachers empower the often-conflicting needs of
their kinesthetic learners. You might find improper space to sit and environment to start working on
homework if you are not organized. A lot of times, students care more about this kind of
consequence than they do about sitting out or working through lunch. They aren’t checking for
correctness, just completion. By that, your children will also get to acknowledge the problems they
did on the homework note.
Instead, give your students a nightly dose of review (include skills you’ve already fully taught) and
maybe just one or two problems on the newest skill. One folder is for teacher notes that come home
about what is going on at the school. I also make sure that the homework that they find most difficult
or least entertaining is done first, again, so the worst part is out of the way and a weight is taken off
their shoulders. In fact, don’t make anything homework related a hassle. This attitude towards
homework has helped my students understand its necessity and promotes them to use this time to
ask for help. Emma Kenyon, mum of three children aged seven, eight and 10, and teacher at Clifton
College 2. Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons, Jacque from KC Edventures with Kids and
Melissa from Imagination Soup all share ideas on how they do homework at home and also in their
classroom environments. It is important to look at how homework affects kids in ways other than
grades and test scores. If homework is stressing you out, step back and make a new plan. They aren’t
checking for correctness, just completion. However, I do go over homework as a group every single
day. To focus on homework, you must need lots of energy, which will come from having the proper
amount of meat, vegetable, nutritious foods, and avoiding junk foods. As soon as I know their work
is not with them, I call home. I have come across a few strategies that have worked for different
groups of students. If you can incorporate some of the tips I mentioned, homework can be a pleasant
and helpful experience for everyone involved. Reduce your Netflix time by a few hours a week, put
that time toward your online education, and you'll be golden. Copyright - 2020 - Unique College of
Technology- All rights reserved. By that, your children will also get to acknowledge the problems
they did on the homework note. This usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes. (longer only when
necessary). Parents can also stay in control when they know what is expected. First, I have told my
students that I will call home and speak with their parents if homework is missed. Every student gets
a different level of support at home with their work. Try not to jump all over the place and pull
random worksheets out. If you can incorporate some of the tips I mentioned, homework can be a
pleasant and helpful experience for everyone involved. Find another word to use such as assignments
or activities. Emma Kenyon 10. Be a positive role model We avoid negative language around
schoolwork. Proper management of your study room and working materials will help to zip your
mind on homework completions. So, best for everyone to start the home assignments as soon as
possible and lead the works in advance. It is very consistent and everyone knows what to expect.
What can get completed each day and how much time will it take.
Tracking difficulties happen when eyes jump backward and forward and struggle to stay on a single
line of text. Most studies find that parental help is important but that it matters more HOW the
parent is helping rather than how OFTEN the parent is helping (21). Every student gets a different
level of support at home with their work. Google Forms are great for homework and they grade
themselves. I have lots of tried-and-true tips for “EVERYTHING” homework related. It is important
for kids to understand the work that they are responsible for completing each week and the amount
of time it will take. Although I do not check every student’s homework, I do ask them to bring it to
small groups and we do use it as a learning tool if necessary. It is very consistent and everyone knows
what to expect. I glance over everyone’s work and make a mental note of what I notice. The BEST
way to keep your routine consistent is to pick a resource to use for your homework for each subject
and stick with it. Click on the images below to go to some of my product pages. This often creates a
motivating game that can help them to maintain attention on the task at hand. Emma Espley 13.
Focus on methodology If my child is stuck on something that involves maths equations and they
can’t give me the answer straight away, I ask them to talk me through the method first; this usually
helps them remember and they eventually get to the answer. Instead, give your students a nightly
dose of review (include skills you’ve already fully taught) and maybe just one or two problems on
the newest skill. I am not a believer in taking away recess, and I think many schools don’t encourage
that either. However, giving some homework is important because it allows parents to stay informed
and actually see what is expected of their child. No matter which way you decide to go, being
consistent with your consequences is key. Odds are, most of your students don’t understand the
concept enough to perform on their own, so if you think about it, they will just be practicing the new
skill incorrectly. As I scroll down the answer sheet, my students ask me questions and we go over
anything they are having trouble with. This has been a very helpful tool in making sure that ALL of
my students are meeting the standards. It can reduce children’s opportunities for free play, which is
essential for the development of language, cognitive, self-regulation, and social-emotional skills (15).
Homework gives them the opportunity to keep practicing and feel success at their own pace. They
are now responsible for completing their missed homework and whatever morning work is expected
of them. So back in 2005, I made it my mission to design and distribute high-end, remedial products
as well as memorable, motivating lessons that bring delight to learning. After accomplishing a school
task, reward them with small gifts or give them more encouraging words to show outstanding
outcomes in the future. A lot of times, students care more about this kind of consequence than they
do about sitting out or working through lunch. No matter which way you decide to go, being
consistent with your consequences is key. Schools are well aware that methods have changed in
everything from mathematics to the teaching of English and grammar. Research finds that this
attitude is associated with student success (20). All of the following homework help suggestions can
be modified for different age levels and learning styles.
My next 4 tips are going to explain more about how to do this. In fact, don’t make anything
homework related a hassle. Only provide help when your child asks for it and step away whenever
possible. First, I have told my students that I will call home and speak with their parents if
homework is missed. This helps children become more independent in completing their homework.
As a parent, how you are involved in your child’s homework really matters. In that case, as a parent,
you are allowed to help them with the functional assessment but directly can’t find the solutions. Try
not to jump all over the place and pull random worksheets out. Giving too much homework can
actually be less effective and just frustrate parents and students. For that, students don’t do the
homework correctly and are unable to finish them before deadlines. However, I do go over
homework as a group every single day. Building confidence will lead you to emphasize your ability
to tackle the pressures of homework. Odds are, most of your students don’t understand the concept
enough to perform on their own, so if you think about it, they will just be practicing the new skill
incorrectly. Ellie Becker-Willett, mum to Jack, 14, George, 10, and Henry, eight 5. To make sure his
work gets finished, he has established a routine. Homework is the perfect way to see if a student
“gets it”, and it didn’t take any class time. The more you are able to give a home-friendly
environment, the more your children will be focused on their school works. I made sure most of
them reviewed the topics I had already FULLY covered in class, while also including at least one
question on the topic we were currently learning. If you can’t work it out quickly yourself, and your
child can’t remember, contact the school the next day to ask for a quick explanation. My kids are
lucky to go to a school with a fairly short day and not a lot of homework. Wordsmyth for Kids is
great for literacy tasks such as finding definitions, synonyms and antonyms and example sentences.
The clock in the front was something my daughter brought home after her time unit. I find the most
success when I reward those who do their homework rather than punishing those who don’t. You will
receive emails from us but can opt out at any time. I have lots of tried-and-true tips for
“EVERYTHING” homework related. For instance, one can prepare healthy snacks and tasty drinks
and also collect favorite pillows, fidget toys. As soon as I know their work is not with them, I call
home. I have found that this consequence drastically limits the amount of missed homework.
Register For FREE Register and get FREE resources and activities or 14-day FREE trial Ready to
unlock all our resources. I have lots of tried-and-true tips for “EVERYTHING” homework related.
Odds are, most of your students don’t understand the concept enough to perform on their own, so if
you think about it, they will just be practicing the new skill incorrectly. In my experience, I have seen
my students’ self-confidence boost. They aren’t checking for correctness, just completion. I have
lots of tried-and-true tips for “EVERYTHING” homework related. Dr. Erica Warren offers a friendly
and informative place where teachers, parents and therapists can find expert advice, multisensory
strategies and mindful teaching materials. Giving too much homework can actually be less effective
and just frustrate parents and students. Pile on the praise Praise the effort, not the result. The BEST
way to keep your routine consistent is to pick a resource to use for your homework for each subject
and stick with it. Paul Dunstan, leadership group member at Aldenham School and father of three
children, aged 15, 12 and eight 9. They are now responsible for completing their missed homework
and whatever morning work is expected of them. By doing this, I save lots of time and still use my
homework effectively. (NOTE: I do check homework more closely during small group instruction
and use it as a learning tool). Although I do not check every student’s homework, I do ask them to
bring it to small groups and we do use it as a learning tool if necessary. Tracking can be improved by
strengthening eye muscles as well as getting your eyes and brain to work cooperatively. Get out and
about Visits to places like museums, non-fiction texts, TV programmes and the library are all useful
for supporting topic-style homework. I also have a folder for supplemental lessons that I would like
to work on with my students. Aim to give your students a handful of review problems for each core
subject (ie. Judging from his initial response to this assignment, I knew he was not going to be
working on this project freely. Homework gives them the opportunity to keep practicing and feel
success at their own pace. Here’s to a week of happy kiddos and limited homework struggles. Math,
Reading, etc.) These assignments should only take about 10-15 minutes each. Try not to jump all
over the place and pull random worksheets out. Often, what should take little time, drags out into
hours and hours and families are often desperate for manageable solutions. I find the most success
when I reward those who do their homework rather than punishing those who don’t. Emma Espley
13. Focus on methodology If my child is stuck on something that involves maths equations and they
can’t give me the answer straight away, I ask them to talk me through the method first; this usually
helps them remember and they eventually get to the answer. Teachers’ tricks for helping with
homework Fed up of fighting about homework. It helps us keep track of when homework is set and
when it’s due in. If work isn’t finished, he foregoes sports. PERIOD. While play is essential, school
work comes first. First, I have told my students that I will call home and speak with their parents if
homework is missed. Perhaps one of the problems is poor tracking skills. Odds are, most of your
students don’t understand the concept enough to perform on their own, so if you think about it, they
will just be practicing the new skill incorrectly.
If students have a competitive nature, you can also use a timer to see how fast they can complete a
few problems, and then see if they can beat their time. This makes building a habit of studying and
doing homework a great strategy for success at school and in enrichment programs. It promotes the
kind of regular, ongoing practice and learning that is necessary for mastering the concepts in a class,
allowing for faster progression and deeper understanding of material. Some I need to return, some I
need to keep as reminders, and others I need to keep so that I know what is going on at the school,
so I created a parent basket to organize these materials. So, if you can make a good connection with
your teachers, later you can ask them about the requirements. I have found that this consequence
drastically limits the amount of missed homework. Emma Kenyon, mum of three children aged
seven, eight and 10, and teacher at Clifton College 2. Be available to answer simple questions and to
provide praise for their effort and hard work. My next 4 tips are going to explain more about how to
do this. What can get completed each day and how much time will it take. Even kindergarten
students report an average of 25 minutes of homework per day (19). Regardless of your situation,
there is always a way to find a “spot” for your child to get some work done. To make sure his work
gets finished, he has established a routine. No matter which way you decide to go, being consistent
with your consequences is key. It is important to look at how homework affects kids in ways other
than grades and test scores. In addition, too much parent involvement and being controlling with
homework is associated with worse academic performance (21, 24, 25). Well, believe it or not,
homework can actually be a positive and important tool in a child’s education, if done correctly. This
is important because research shows that allowing children more independence in completing
homework benefits their academic skills (22, 23). I have a TON of Google Form Homework
resources I know you will love. First, I have told my students that I will call home and speak with
their parents if homework is missed. Proper management of your study room and working materials
will help to zip your mind on homework completions. They are now responsible for completing their
missed homework and whatever morning work is expected of them. By doing this, I save lots of
time and still use my homework effectively. (NOTE: I do check homework more closely during small
group instruction and use it as a learning tool). Please read our privacy policy Start your 14-day trial
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extraordinary materials that have made working with my Year 6 child such a pleasure. - Yolanda,
London This is an excellent resource, for anybody looking to understand more about the curriculum
that your children are studying and add some extra support at home. Math, Reading, etc.) These
assignments should only take about 10-15 minutes each. Here you'll find plenty of great ideas for fun
learning activities and things to do with kids. They may not master the skill on the first, second, or
third night, but eventually, they do. More like this The beginner's guide to primary-school homework
9 homework help tips from real parents Siblings and homework: how to survive Could helping your
child with homework actually hinder their learning. I glance over everyone’s work and make a
mental note of what I notice. It helps us keep track of when homework is set and when it’s due in.
But remember, if you go through your notes or textbooks, you will easily find out the solutions.

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