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ENVL 4300: Environmental Issues

Ecological Footprint
Libby D’Albero & Stacy Fernandez
Environmental Consequence APA Citation

Product and use Product: pure 100% peanuts peanut butter (for simplicity’s ● Aguayo, J., & Canavan, R. (2016). What’s
sake we will be discussing peanut butter in its most basic in my peanut butter? EWG.
form, although it often takes additions of salt, sugars,
hydrogenated oils, and other preservatives) whats-my-peanut-butter
● Smuckers. (2024). Natural Creamy Peanut
Use: dietary intake Butter.

Background, source Americans began growing peanuts as a commercial crop in

& extraction the 1800s. They were first grown in Virginia for food, oil, ● Admin. (2023). Manufacturing peanut
description and as a cocoa substitute. As a cheap and easy crop, peanuts butter – the in & out - peanut butter.
were considered food for livestock and the poor. Although Peanut Butter -.
some form of peanut butter had been used by the Incas in
South America, Harvey Kellog was the first to introduce the nufacturing-peanut-butter-the-in-out/#:~:t
idea to the US in 1895 (Wheeling, 2021). ext=The%20primary%20ingredient%20in
Today, peanuts are the twelfth most valuable cash crop in the C%20and%20emulsifiers
US. Peanut butter consumption alone accounts for $850 ● National Peanut Board. (2023). NPB.
million in retail sales each year (Wheeling, 2021).
Peanuts are grown in the Southeastern United States and are ● Post Consumer Brands. (2023). How is
usually harvested from September to November. They Peanut Butter Made.
provide nitrogen fixation in the soil and require less water
compared to other crops. Most commercial farmers grow the ws/how-is-peanut-butter-made/
crop in large, rowed fields. At the end of the season, they use ● Virginia Diner. (2023). VD.

large combines to pull the peanuts from the soil and allow -grow#
them to cure in place. Farmers may move the peanuts for ● Wheeling, K. (2021). A Brief History of
further desiccation inside hot, dry, convective rooms Peanut Butter. Smithsonian Magazine.
(Virginia Diner, 2023). Then, they use a shaker to separate
the peanuts from the pods. A large amount of peanuts can be ion/brief-history-peanut-butter-18097652
grown on one acre, giving farmers a high yield just from this 5/
one crop (National Peanut Board, 2023). ● 5 lesser-known facts about harvesting
peanuts. 5 Lesser-Known Facts about
Then, the peanuts go through a four step process; roasting, Harvesting Peanuts. (2023).
blanching, grinding, and mixing. Raw peanuts are roasted in
large ovens at nearly 290 ℉ for up to ten minutes. ings-you-dont-know-about-harvesting-pea
Immediately after, the roasted nuts are cooled quickly to stop nuts/
the baking process at the desired color. A blancher removes
the outer skin of the peanut, typically using a steamer. Then,
they are ground in multiple stages to avoid producing too
much heat and affect the flavor profile (Post Consumer
Brands, 2023). The last step in the process is mixing in
added ingredients to improve the taste and texture of the
butter, like sugar, salt, or preservatives. The product must be
tested for contaminants before it can be packaged
(Nuflowerfoods, 2023). After passing testing, the peanut
butter is packaged and organized for shipment.

Compared to other crops, peanuts are considered an

environmentally friendly crop. They require approximately
3.2 gallons of water to produce one ounce of peanuts
(National Peanut Board, 2023X). When the peanut is
separated from the organic stem of the plant, that matter is
often used as fertilizer for other crops. Additionally, the hull,
its dry shell casing, can be composted. In fact, some
companies are looking into transforming them into biofuel.

Ancillary products Peanut butter is commonly sold in PET (polyethylene

and impacts terephthalate) plastic jars. PET plastic jars are a popular ● Benyathiar, P., Kumar, P., Carpenter, G.,
choice for peanut butter brands because they are light, Brace, J., & Mishra, D. K. (2022).
flexible, durable, and cheaper to produce (Burch Bottle and Polymers, 14(12), 2366.
Packaging, 2024). PET plastic is made using components
from crude oil that is extracted via drilling or fracking (Path, s/PMC9231234/#:~:text=Mechanical%20
2019). Oil drilling disturbs marine ecosystems, releases recycling%20is%20a%20conventional,nat
pollutants into the air, and degrades the environment (EIA, ure%20of%20the%20polymeric%20mater
2022). Fracking produces copious wastewater, emits ial.
greenhouse gases, and produces air and noise pollution ● Burch Bottle and Packaging. (2024).
(Lin-Schweitzer, 2022). Plastic Jars.
The synthesis of PET plastic is an energy intensive process. lastic-containers/plastic-jars/container-styl
It takes approximately 3.4 megajoules of energy to produce a e/Peanut-Butter?page=1
one-liter jar, cap, and labeling. Manufacturing 1 ton of PET ● EIA. (2022). Oil and Petroleum Products
produces nearly 3 tons of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, for Explained. US Energy Information
every jar sold, nearly 3 liters of water were used in its Administration.
production. Considering other needs, the energy used to fill,
ship out, recover, and recycle a PET bottle is the equivalent and-petroleum-products/oil-and-the-envir
of roughly 1 cup of oil (Pacific Institute, 2013). onment.php#:~:text=Exploring%20and%
In contrast, glass jars are considered a more sustainable 20area%20of%20vegetation.
choice. Glass containers are easy to reuse, but they are more ● Glass for Europe. (n.d.). From sand to flat
prone to breaking. Since glass is a heavier material, it is glass.
more costly to make and distribute, and also requires more
fossil fuels to truck across the country (Trayak, 2019). lat-glass/#:~:text=The%20 sand%20
The glass manufacturing process starts as a mix of raw by,part%20of%20the%20sand%20supplie
materials like sand and limestone. They are heated at high r
temperatures to melt and mold. Glass products must be ● Industrial Quick Search. (n.d.). Industrial
inspected for imperfections before they are able to be Quick Search. Plastic Container: What Is
shipped (O.Berk, 2018). It? How Is It Made? Types Of.

Glass making is an energy intensive process. On average, the tic-container.html#:~:text=The%20most%

glass industry consumes nearly 700 million GJ in just one 20commonly%20used%20material,is%20
year (Cantini et al., 2022). Obtaining raw materials for glass polyethylene%20terephthalate%20(PET).
disturbs land and releases pollutants into the air. The quality ● Let’s make a bottle: Understanding the
of sand needed for glass-making is high grade. These glass bottle formation process. Glass,
deposits typically include fossil beaches, rivers, lakes, or Plastic, Metal Bottles and Caps Wholesale
wind deposits (Glass for Europe, n.d.). The sand is extracted - O.Berk®. (2018).
by a sand supplier and then delivered to manufacturing
companies across the country. Since sand is such a heavy ourse/glass-bottle-formation#:~:text=All
material, it is both financially and environmentally %20glass%20bottles%20start%20out,desi
expensive to transport. red%20properties%20of%20the%20bottle
● Lin-Schweitzer, A. (2022). Integrated
effort needed to mitigate fracking while
protecting both humans and the
environment. Yale School of Public
● Pacific Institute. (2013). Bottled water
and energy.
● Path. (2019). What exactly is PET plastic.
● Trayakdev. (2019, May 20). Blog: Glass
vs plastic: The facts: Pros and cons.

Impact of personal Americans consume about 700 million pounds of peanut ● Farm Credit. (n.d.). That’s nuts.
use butter per year (Farm Credit, n.d.). That’s approximately 3
pounds of product per person. As mentioned above, it takes es/default/files/Knowledge%20Center%2
3.2 gallons of water to produce one ounce of peanuts. To 0Assets/Teaching%20Materials/Peanut%2
produce one PET plastic jar it takes nearly 3 liters of water. 0Facts.pdf
That’s 48 oz of peanuts x 3.2 gallons + 3 L, or 154.4 gallons ● Jerry. (2022). How many joules of energy
of water to support the average American’s peanut butter are in an electric car.
consumption. For reference, that is approximately two
bathtubs full of water just to consume one ounce of peanut joules-of-energy-are-in-an-electric-car
butter per week. And that figure does not include the water
used in drilling and fracking for crude oil to form a plastic

In terms of energy, it takes 3.4 MJ to produce one liter-sized

PET container. That’s 37.4 MJ of energy to produce a year’s
supply of peanut butter jars. This amount of energy is
enough to power an electric car with a 25 kW-hour motor for
almost 42 miles (Jerry, 2022).

Our personal consumption of peanut butter is far lower than

the average consumer, probably about one third of the
amount. That accounts for about 51 gallons of water and 12
MJ of energy in a year. Overall, as interesting as these
figures are, the environmental impacts of peanut butter, just
like any mass produced product, are vast. Not included in
above discussion are effects far more difficult to measure;
the degree of ecological disturbance due to drilling and
fracking, the biodiversity lost through agricultural land
conversion, or the amount of microplastics resulting from

the disposal of plastic jars. Using a holistic approach to this

topic, the footprint of a product as innocuous as peanut
butter is quite bleak.

Disposal of end PET is the most widely recycled plastic in the world.
product However, only 20% of PET material in the US is recycled ● Cantini, A. Leoni, L., Ferraro, S., De
(Britannica, 2023). PET plastics can be recycled a few times Carlo, F., Martini, C., Martini, F., Salvio,
before ending up in landfills (Trayak, 2019). PET can be M. (2022). Technological Energy
recycled completely with the condition that containers are Efficiency Improvements in
thoroughly separated, washed, and dried before being melted Glass-Production Industries and Their
and reprocessed (Cantini et al., 2022). PET recycling is not Future Perspectives in Italy. Processes,
universal in the US because plastics are difficult to collect, 10, 2653.
nearly impossible to sort for recycling, environmentally
harmful to reprocess, and noneconomical to recycle (deVise, 2653#:~:text=The%20glass%20industry%
2022). 20is%20highly,consumption%20of%20a
Plastic in landfills takes a long time to decompose. The ● deVise, D. (2022). Why most plastic isn’t
plastic then breaks down into microplastics that end up in the getting recycled. Changing America.
environment. Microplastics can become so fine that they are
transported away from their landfill homes via the air and ainability/environment/3712999-why-mos
leachate. The large specific area of microplastics allows the t-plastic-isnt-getting-recycled/#:~:text=Gr
particles to absorb pollutants and deliver them into the eenpeace%20makes%20a%20case%20tha
environment (Cantini et al., 2022). t,5)%20not%20economical%20to%20rec
Something else to consider to do with jars is reuse them.
They can be used around the house to store other items.
Refill stores are also becoming popular, and the jars can be
refilled with new peanut butter.

How to reduce We do not think it is fair to recommend the average

impacts of product American reduce their peanut butter consumption. Rather,
and its use consumers should look for more environmentally friendly
alternatives of sourcing their product. To start, consumers

should avoid purchasing peanut butter sold in plastic

containers. Zero waste grocery stores are becoming more
popular across the country, allowing customers to provide
their own jars and containers to take home their food
products. If possible, locally grown peanut butters are a good
option that may be available at nearby farmers markets or
small grocery stores.

Of course, consumers finding themselves buying peanut

butter in plastic or glass jars can still reduce their impacts.
For PET plastic jars, users should be thorough and deliberate
in cleaning the container entirely before tossing it in the
recycling. They should also make sure that their recycling
services accept PET plastics. Those who find themselves left
with an empty glass jar have two choices; reuse or recycle.
Similarly, they should make sure the container has been
washed thoroughly before tossing it into glass recycling.

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