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General Purpose

MA12-100 (12V100AH)
Nominal Voltage 12V
Nominal C apa city(10 HR ) 100.0AH
Length 330 3mm (12.99 inches )
W idth 173 2mm (6.81 inches )
Dimens ion
C ontainer Height 212 2mm (8.35 inches )
Total Height (with Terminal) 220 2mm (8.66 inches )
Approx Weight Approx 30.0 kg (66.15lbs )
Terminal T11
Container Ma terial ABS
104.0 A H/5.20A (20hr ,1.80V/cell,25 C/77 0 F)
100.0 A H/10.0A (10hr,1.80V/cell,25 C/77 0 F)
Rated Cap acity 88.0 A H/17.6A (5hr,1.75V/cell,25 C/77 0 F)
76.2 A H/25.4A (3hr,1.75V/cell,25 0
C/77 0 F) All purpose
65.1 A H/65.1A (1hr,1.60V/cell,25 0
C/77 0 F) Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
Ma x. Dis charge C urrent 1200A (5s) Electric Power System (EPS)
Internal Re sistance Approx 4.9m Ù Emergency backup power supply
Discharge : -15 0
50 C (5 122 F) 0
Emergency light
Ope rating Temp.Ra nge Charge : 0 40 0C (32 104 0F) Railway signal
Storage : -15 40 0C (5 104 0 F)
Aircraft signal
Nominal O perating Temp. R ange 25 3 0C (77 50 F ) Alarm and security system
Initial C harging C urrent les s than 3 0.0A.Voltage Electronic apparatus and equipment
C ycle U s e
14.4V ~15.0V a t 2 5 0 C (77 0 F )Temp. C oefficient -30mV /0C
Communication power supply
No limit on I nitial C harging C urrent V oltage DC power supply
S tandby U s e
13.5 V ~13.8 V a t 2 5 0 C (77 0 F )Temp. C oefficient -20mV /0C Auto control system
o o
40 C (104 F ) 103%
C apacity a ffected by
25 o C ( 77 o F ) 100%
Temperature V dS
0o C ( 32 o F ) 86%
Le och LP se ries b atteries may be sto red for up to 6 months
Self Discharge at 25 0 C(7 7 0F) and then a fre she ning c harge is re quired.
t est ed
Fo r higher temperatures t he time interva l will be s horter. G e rma ny

0 0
Co ns ta nt C ur re nt D is ch ar ge (A m pe re s) a t 2 5 C (7 7 F )
F.V/ Tim e 5m in 10 min 15 min 20 min 30 min 45 min 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h 10 h 20 h
1.8 5V /ce ll 208.8 161.4 136.4 117.0 88.4 65.7 53.0 31.3 23.5 19.2 16.4 14.4 11.6 9.65 5.13
1.8 0V /ce ll 246.0 180.0 150.8 126.6 94.2 69.6 55.9 33.1 24.6 20.2 17.2 15.0 12.0 10.0 5.20
1.7 5V /ce ll 278.4 197.4 162.0 134.7 99.0 72.7 58.0 34.4 25.4 20.7 17.6 15.3 12.2 10.1 5.29
1.7 0V /ce ll 318.0 214.8 174.4 143.4 104.6 76.0 60.4 35.3 26.0 21.2 17.9 15.6 12.4 10.2 5.34
1.6 5V /ce ll 356.4 232.2 185.6 151.5 110.0 79.2 63.0 36.3 26.7 21.7 18.3 15.9 12.6 10.3 5.40
1.6 0V /ce ll 405.6 254.4 197.2 159.9 115.8 82.4 65.1 37.5 27.6 22.2 18.6 16.2 12.7 10.5 5.45

Co ns ta nt P ow er D is ch ar ge (W at ts ) a t 2 5 0 C (7 7 0 F )
F.V/ Tim e 5m in 10 min 15 min 20 min 30 min 45 min 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h 10 h 20 h
1.8 5V /ce ll 381.8 298.1 254.5 220.5 168.5 126.4 102.2 60.8 45.7 37.5 32.2 28.2 22.9 19.1 10.15
1.8 0V /ce ll 445.0 328.6 277.6 235.1 176.8 132.7 107.2 63.8 47.7 39.2 33.6 29.4 23.7 19.8 10.29
1.7 5V /ce ll 492.9 354.6 294.6 247.8 184.3 137.3 110.8 66.0 49.1 40.1 34.3 29.9 24.0 19.9 10.45
1.7 0V /ce ll 547.4 377.1 312.7 261.8 193.6 143.0 115.0 67.6 50.1 41.0 34.8 30.4 24.3 20.1 10.54
1.6 5V /ce ll 604.8 403.9 330.2 274.5 201.9 147.7 119.1 69.2 51.3 41.8 35.3 30.8 24.6 20.3 10.64
1.6 0V /ce ll 672.4 432.4 345.1 286.6 211.1 152.9 122.4 71.1 52.7 42.6 35.9 31.3 24.8 20.5 10.73

D im en si o n s

T1 1 T er m in al
Unit: mm [inch es]
20 [0.78 7]
M8 [0.315 ]
7 [0. 276]

220 2
212 2

MA12-100(12V 100A H)
M a i n te n a n c e - f r e e S e a l e d L e a d - a c i d B a tte r y
R is k of fire, ex plos ion, or burns . Do not dis a s s emble,
h e a t a b o v e th e 5 0 C , o r i n c i n e r a te .

MH 26866
P b.
L E OC H B AT T E R Y C O.,LT D. Non-s pilla ble

330 3

Discharge Characteristics Float Charging Characteristics

V Tem pe ra ture:2 5 0 C( 77F)
C harge C harging C harging
Volume C urrent Voltage
(V ) 0.10 CA- 2.25 V/ce ll te mperature25 0C
% (X C A)

0.2 5
120 15.0
110 C harged V olume
Terminal Voltage(V)

0.2 0
0.1C 0.0525C 14.0
0.205C 90 C harg e V oltage
10.0 0.4C 80 (C ons tant 2.2 5v/cell)
0.1 5
70 13.0
1C 0.6C
9.0 60
A fter 50% D is c harg e
50 0.1 0
40 A fter 100% D is c harg e
8.0 30
2C 0.0 5 11.0
10 C harg in g C urr ent
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 2 4 6 8 10 20
0 0
M in H
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Dis charge T ime Cha rging Tim e(h ours)

Tem pe ra tu re E ffe ct s in R el at io n to B at tery C ap ac ity E ff ec t o f T em per at u re o n L o n g T er m F lo at L if e

120 10
0.1 CA 8
100 0.1 7C A 6
0.2 5C A 4
Chargi ng voltage :

80 2.25V/ cell
Life expectancy(year)
C a pa c ity

60 2


20 30 40 50 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 68 86 104 122 O
0 Batter y temp eratur e
Temper ature( C)

Cyc le Life in Rel atio n to Dep th of Dis cha rge Self Discharge Characteristics
Te st ing c ondition
D is ch ar ging:c urre nt 0. 17 C (F V 1. 7V /cel l);
C ha rging: cu rren t 0.2 5C m ax , v olta ge 2 .4 5V /cel l; 10 0 C A
C ha rging v olume: 12 5% o f dis ch ar ge d c ap ac ity. 80
25 C
R emaining C apacity(%)

12 0 60

40 0 C 30 0 C
10 0 40

80 C
C a pc ity(% )

10 0% 50 % 30 % 0
DO D DO D DO D 2 4 6 8 10 12
Ambient Termperature: S torage Time(Months )
25 oC ( 77 oF)
20 No sup plemen tary cha rge req uired
A (Carry o ut supp lementa ry charg e before use if 1 00% cap acity is require d.)
0 Supplem entary c harge re quired b efore us e.Optio nal cha rging w ay as b elow:
0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1 00 0 1 20 0 1.Charg ed for a bove 3 days at limted current 0.25CA and co nstant v olatge 2 .25V/ce ll.
B 2.Charg ed for a bove 20 hours a t limted current 0.25CA and co nstant v olatge 2 .45V/cel l.
Nu mber o f C yc les 3.Charg ed for 8 ~10hou rs at lim ted curr ent 0.05 CA .

Supplem entary c harge m ay often fail to r ecover the cap acity .

C The bat tery sho uld nev er be left standin g till thi s is rea ched.

Sales Office

Importado Por: COÉXITO S.A.

Carrera. 5 No. 61A - 95 / Cali - Colombia
Línea nacional de atención al cliente: 01 8000 510606

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