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Igala UK General Meeting

Nov 5 2011 St Lukes West Kilburn Fernhead Road London W9 3EH

Attendees Ileigo Akagwu Ejura Akagwu Sam Haruna Abdullahi Bakwo Isah Mohammed Dauda Abdulkadir Yusuf Abubakar Umar Alidu Abuh Stephen A. A. S. Abuh Mrs S.E. Agbo Abdumalik Mohammed Thomas Shuaibu Regina Dakwoji John Haruna & family Sunny Onuh Anibe Agamah Apologies Mrs Amina Okolo Abdul Adejo (NHC) Minutes Meeting starts at 14.26 with opening prayer from Mr. Sam Haruna Chairman Bakwo gives the opening speech welcoming members and thanking them for taking out the time to attend. Minutes of last meeting were not taken therefore none was given All members present introduced themselves Feedback from Igala day 2011 Bakwo: Music was good Malik: Food wasnt very great Simeon Abuh: Time for donations was not made when most people were around so opportunity was lost to make maximum Bakwo: On the last note, pledges have not been duly honored Ileigo: We werent Uk focussed enough. Not enough info on activities going on Dauda: Unexpected change of MC affected tone of programme Everyone agreed that timing was bad. Culture of late coming. Thomas Shuaibu: Finance has always been an issue, so it was sad that the chance to raise funds was missed. Suggested that we should include room for collection and a sort of fee for late coming Ileigo: A lot of people attend Igala day only and contribute noting Bakwo: Spoke about the venues location and the associated cost. He recommended

John: gave his apologies not attending the Igala day. He had booked a date in Nigeria which he could not change last minute. Also mentioned that the dates for the event uctuate too much. I would be helpful if a xed date can be used each year. Mohammed: in terms of xing date, he suggested a day in August as Ramadan wouldn't fall within that month again John: igala activities should be irrespective of members religion as we are all Igala and that is the priority. Godwin Agbo: the mistake we made previously was made again: registration at the beginning of the event didn't happen. Regina Dakwoji: suggested a late levy and monthly dues would make us committed. Gave the example of Urhobo community ning people 2 for coming late, even by 5mins. John Haruna: suggested regional meetings Iliego: if smaller meetings hold, there should be a regional focus Sam Haruna: wasn't pleased with how children were left uncontrolled. Also, time consciousness and discipline is not there. Immediately putting Reginas suggestion into action, lateness fee was collected from all members who arrived late. Bakwo gave a nancial breakdown of recent Igala UK spending Malik gave a quick nancial report Income from annual dues: 300 Income from ochachi (traditional cap): 190 (from 90 investment) Website: Chairman made an appeal to Sunny and Anibe to help in tidying the website before the end of the tenure. Anibe explained the current state of the website, number of users over the past year and updates such as adverts and pictures Sunny also appealed to members to contribute to content to the development of the website Bursary: Chairman explained that the payment was delayed due to the over-dominance of candidates from Ankpa. No fault of the candidates themselves, but the process of distributing the award has not been perfected. In particular, not enough announcements of the scheme on radio, TV etc. Membership drive: business as usual Mohammed: Suggested we act immediately on regional groups. He offered to manage the South of London and Agbo to manage the South Simeon: Suggestion to pull people in from our work places or school. Wherever we meet them. Mrs Agbo: Suggested more names should be included from all across UK Rev Uchola: people are drawn to what they can benet. Therefore, there might be need to create programmes of activities such as legal aid, education etc that will address issues our people face in the country. Suggested that any of our meetings should include an activity. Malik ended the meeting with a prayer

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