Social 7 Mar 20

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Final Review of Seven Years War Date Wednesday, Mar 20

Subject/Grade Time
Social 7 45 minutes (8:20-9:05)
Level Duration


General GLO 7.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the distinct roles of, and the
Learning relationships among, the Aboriginal, French and British peoples in forging the foundations of Canadian
Outcomes: Confederation.
Specific In what ways did conflicts between the French and the British in Europe impact North America?
Learning (TCC, LPP)
7.1.1 Appreciate the influence of diverse Aboriginal, French and British peoples on events leading to

Students will:
1. Analyze differences in French and British strategy to the Seven Years War
2. Analyze strengths and weaknesses of the British and French Forces in North America.
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))
● Venn Diagram activity
● Strengths and Weaknesses activity
● Students have a background of the Seven Years war in North ● Google slides
America and Europe ● Worksheets in Google classroom
● Chromebooks
● Kahoot
Introduction Time
Have students do vocab work at 8:13 until after Oh Canada/announcements
Start after announcements 2
We’re going to wrap up the deep dive we’ve been doing this week on the Seven Years War
Body Time
Recap 2 mins (8:20-8:22)
Wolfe vs. Montcalm, the British took over Louisbourg, then they wanted to take down the fortress of
Quebec to conquer New France. We will get to the actual conquering of New France next week, but for
now I want to make sure you understand the positions of the French and the British.

20 minutes (8:22-4:42)
Half the class will complete the Venn Diagram assignment, then the other half will do the strengths and
weaknesses, and then we’ll come together. You may work/collaborate with others. You may use that chart
we did last week on strategies, forts, etc. to help complete your chart. 35
Put the timer on the board. I will circulate and check up specifically on Cupar, Dax, Cash, Jaxon, and
**Have printed copies of the completed French and Indian chart for Chloe and Jessica

Share 10 minutes (8:45- 8:55)

Pair students up(pre-assigned pairs), then they will have 10 minutes to share and then submit to Google
classroom. Circulate and listen to conversations.
After students have done sharing, they will submit to Google classroom
Closure Time
Kahoot (8:55-9:05)
As a wrap up, we will do a kahoot.
Jessica can get her phone if she has not yet been added to the server 10

Tomorrow we will look into the Acadian people and their role in the struggle for control of NOrth America
This lesson went well! The students responded well to this activity, and the timer on the board
really helped with staying on track and timing. The collaboration was good, students got to work
with people they usually don’t, and weaker students were able to get more out of the activity.
The Kahoot was a fun way to wrap up everything we’ve learned so far, and ended right on time.

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