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‘Book Reviews One final note. It appears that the presidential elec- tions of December 17, 1989, may have confirmed Professor Cohen's arguments concerning the longevity of corporate ideas and influence on the worker. In Sao Paulo, Brazil's most indus- trialized and unionized state, the labor leader, Ignacio “Lula” da Silva, who represented a break with this tradition, lost to a candidate, Fernando Collor de Mello, who appeared to repre- sent elite interests, by some three million votes. “Lula” lost the general election by a little more than four million votes to Collor. Roy Arthur Glasgow Boston University De Soto, Hernando, The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. New York: Harper and Row, 1989. 261 pp. Visitors to many Third World urban centers will see unlicensed vendors hawking their wares on main streets in the center city. Private taxis (collectivos) or jammed-packed private minibuses will be offering cheap transportation to anywhere in the metropolitan area. Sprawling squatter settlements will often occupy the hillsides surrounding established neighbor- hoods. These black market activities are known throughout various regions in Africa as kalabule, magendo and trabendo. But these scenes could be a description of metropolitan Lima, Mexico City or Rio de Janeiro. More precisely, it is the back- drop for Hernando De Soto's widely heralded analysis of Peru's informal economy entitled, The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. De Soto, formerly an economist with Peru's Central Reserve Bank and now the president of the Lima-based Instituto Libertad y Democracia (Institute for Democracy and Liberty, L.L.D.), offers the most precise defini- tion yet of the "black market" economy that has come to domi- nate Peru's domestic economic structure since the early 1950's. 333 Copytight © 2012 ProQuest LIC. All rights reserved. Copyright © Association of Third World Studios, Inc.

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