Almoite Meriel B. Ged107

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Activity (Understanding Arts and Humanities)

1. Watch these documentary videos

v=ctFyKw31_Mk&t=10s (Sa Kambas ngLipunan) and“Angono”)

a. How do you think that in these documentary films, arts and humanities influences
the life of man?

- In documentary films, arts and humanities serve as powerful tools for individuals to
interpret and understand their experiences. Through various artistic expressions like
visual arts, literature, music, and performance, documentaries delve into complex
emotions, societal issues, and cultural identities. These elements evoke empathy,
stimulate critical thinking, andmotivate social change by spotlighting marginalized
communities, historical events, and pressing concerns. By weaving arts and
humanities into their narratives, filmmakers provide audiences with a deeper
understandingof humanity, fostering connections across diverse cultures and

b. Provide and explain the importance of arts in relation to the documentaryfilm

-The significance of arts in documentary films lies in its capacitytoenhance

storytelling, evoke emotions, and deepen audience engagement. Visual arts offer
powerful visual cues, while music sets mood and conveys cultural nuances.
Literature and poetry provide profound insights into human experiences and
historical contexts. By integrating these artistic elements, filmmakers create multi-
dimensional narratives that resonate deeply with audiences, fostering empathy,
understanding, and appreciationfor diverse perspectives.

c. What are some of the philosophical implications of arts depicted in thefilm?

- The philosophical implications of arts in "Kambas ng Lipunan: Angono" explore

themes like cultural identity, memory, and the interaction of art andsociety. Through
visual arts, the film delves into how Angono artists expresstheir heritage, challenge
norms, and navigate change. It raises questions about art's role in preserving
memory, shaping identity, and fostering unity. The film also prompts reflections on
power dynamics in art, its commercialization, and artists' social responsibilities.
Overall, it inspires viewers to consider art's transformative potential and its impact
on humanexperiences.
2. Create a ppt gallery depicting/identifying/explain the different functionof arts.
(Maximum of five examples for each function) Why do you thinkthat arts need to
have a “form” and creativity at the same time?


3. Why do we call something beautiful? Does art need to be perfect tobebeautiful or

an art can be beautiful even it is not perfect?

- Beauty is subjective and influenced by personal preferences, experiences, and

cultural backgrounds. It can be found in various forms, including art, nature, human
creations, and abstract concepts. Art doesn't have to be flawless to be beautiful;
imperfections can add depthand uniqueness. Many celebrated artworks have flaws
that contribute totheir charm. What makes art beautiful is its ability to evoke
emotions, stimulate thoughts, and connect with the viewer on a profound level.

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