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EMP5120: Product Development and Management

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 1

Faculty of Engineering

Inter Team

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP51202

NPI Phases| up stream and down stream

Concept Development Make Test Launch


Research Engineering Production Marketing

Marketing Development Test Sales
Product QA

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 3

Upstream Down Stream Communications | Interaction
Serial batch: The downstream team waits Early start in the dark: The downstream get
for the upstream to finish before they start an early start because they are pressed in time and
their work can’t wait till the upstream finish their work
However, they don’t become aware of the upstream
design until the upstream team complete their work
upstream engineering team
upstream engineering team


downstream engineering team PROJECT
downstream engineering team

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden Revolutionizing product development Quantum Leaps in speed efficiency and quality: Steven 4
Wheelwright and Kim Clark: ISBN: 0-02-905515-6
Upstream Down Stream Communications | Interaction
Early involvement mode: The upstream Integrated problem solving: Links the
and downstream players engage in an upstreaming and down streaming activities
interactive pattern of communication The teams are integrated and work in close
However, they wait to begin their work till the collaboration Engineering
upstream team is mid design
upstream engineering team
upstream engineering team


Communications Communications

downstream engineering team
Copyright 2020 Colin Moden downstream engineering team EMP5120 5
Concrete Example: Building a skyscraper
Architecture team


Construction Team

Architecture team PROJECT


Construction Team

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 6
Considerations | up stream down stream
• Upstream Considerations • Downstream Considerations
Downstream-friendly solutions Forecasting from upstream inputs
Error-free design Managing risk
Quick problem solving Provision for project changes
Issue early warnings

Early warning
Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 7
Attitude Toward Integration | take risks
People in the
upstream team
must be willing to
share early
information with
People in the down stream must their downstream
be willing to take risks based on colleagues
their best forecast of the future
A “wait and see” attitude may
appear to minimize the risks of
change but is a cultural obstacle
to integration
Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 8
Trust | and the end result
People need to trust each other and
feel jointly responsible
design engineering worked hard to
deliver a world class product, they must
trust the manufacturing engineer to do
their part

Effective integration is also based on

shared responsibility for the results
It is not enough that the design is
complete or that there is a complete set
of tools and processes
All groups must recognize that their
objective is a product that meets the
companies goals and objectives
Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 9
Appropriate Integration of Teams
• The degree of integration depends • Achieving real cross functional
upon the situation integration
• Deep integration Occurs at the working level
Time critical situations Designers working with Test engineers,
working with marketing engineers etc.
Dynamic markets
Complex / advanced technology
• Light integration
Incremental developments
Mature markets / technologies

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 10

Forms of Communications| Dimensions of Choice
Dimensions of Range of Choice
Richness of Media Limited: Rich:
Documentations, email Face to Face

Frequency Low:
One shot batch
on-line intensive

Direction One way: Dictation Two way: Dialogue

Late: Completed work
Preliminary begins the
Timing ends the process

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 11

EMP5120: Product Development and Management

Copyright 2020 Colin Moden EMP5120 12

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