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Curriculum Document
Binus Business School Undergraduate Program
Management Study Program
Binusian 2026
Version/Revision : 1/0
Effective Date : 1 September 2022


Vision, Mission, and Program Objectives.....................................................................................1

BINUS Graduate Attributes.......................................................................................................... 2
Competency Goals....................................................................................................................... 4
Alignment of Program Objectives with Competency Goals..........................................................5
Alignment of Graduate Profiles with Competency Goals..............................................................6
Assessment Rubrics..................................................................................................................... 9
Curriculum Mapping................................................................................................................... 12
Assessment Plan........................................................................................................................ 21
University Courses..................................................................................................................... 25
Course Distribution..................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix: Minor Program........................................................................................................... 42
Appendix: Free Electives............................................................................................................ 62
Appendix: Multidisciplinary Stream............................................................................................. 66
Appendix: Student Mobility......................................................................................................... 67
Appendix: Foreign Language Courses.......................................................................................73
Enrichment Appendix................................................................................................................. 74
1. Enrichment Scheme...................................................................................................... 74
2. Certified Internship Track.............................................................................................. 75
3. Certified Research Track............................................................................................... 76
4. Certified Entrepreneurship Track...................................................................................76
5. Certified Community Development Track......................................................................76
6. Certified Study Abroad Track.........................................................................................77
7. Certified Specific Independent Study Track...................................................................78
8. Further Study Track....................................................................................................... 79
Course Prerequisites.................................................................................................................. 81
Quality Control Courses............................................................................................................. 82
List of Course Equivalency......................................................................................................... 83
Minimum Passing Grade............................................................................................................ 84
Appendix: Flowchart................................................................................................................... 89
Revision/Change(s) of Curriculum Document(s)........................................................................90

Vision, Mission, and Program Objectives

Vision: A world-class business school, fostering and empowering the society in serving and building the nation.

Mission : Providing world class business education to build the nation and to contribute to community development by means of:

 Educating BINUSIANs to develop exemplary characters through holistic approach.

Educating BINUSIANs to be ethical & innovative graduates with multiple skills to deal with business challenges using holistic approach.
 Resolving business and entrepreneurship issues with meaningful and relevant research.
Encouraging BINUSIAN to advance knowledge and practices with high quality research for resolving business and entrepreneurship issues.
 Fostering BINUSIANs through self-enrichment.
Nourishing BINUSIANs’ SPIRIT for improving personal and professional capabilities.
 Empowering BINUSIANs to continuously improve business community.
Invigorating BINUSIANs to solve the business community challenges through academic and community service activities.

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BINUS Graduate Attributes

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Competency Goals

Problem Solving and

Management and Business
Entrepreneurial Skills

Global and Sustainability Professionalism and Ethical

Mindsets Competence

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Alignment of Program Objectives with Competency Goals

Competency Goals (CG)

(CG 1) (CG 2) (CG 3) (CG 4)

Management and Problem Solving and Global Mindset Professionalism and
Business Concepts Entrepreneurial Skills Each student should be Ethical Competence
Program Objectives (PO)
Each student should be Each student should be able to perform global and Each student should be
able to comprehend able to systematically and sustainability mindsets in able to apply ethical and
management and business innovatively solve applying business professional values.
concepts. problems and overcome concepts.
challenges in businesses
Provide students with
business and managerial
knowledge and skills for
exploration and active v v v
participation in sustainable
and digital business
Equip students with digital
technology and analytical
skills for entrepreneurial and
ethical business and
management practices v v v
finance and business
organizations and provide
tools used in business
Nurture students to be
professional, creative, and
forward looking in v v v v
organization, community and
global context.

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Alignment of Graduate Profiles with Competency Goals

Graduate profiles are roles carried out by the graduates in the specific field or expertise after completing their studies.

Competency Goals (CG) are competencies that should be achieved by students upon graduation in the area of knowledge, skills, and attitude designed
based on recent advancement and needs, scientific development and graduate profiles.

The following table illustrates the alignment of graduate profiles with competency goals.

Competency Goals
Graduate Profiles
CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Analyst v v

Developer v v v

Entrepreneur v v v

Manager v v v v

Consultant v v v v

Lecturer v v v v

The graduate profiles in the table above require the graduate to achieve all the competency goals

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Alignment of Competency Goals to Traits/Learning Objectives

Competency Goals Learning Objectives
(CG 1) Konsep-Konsep Manajemen dan Bisnis (L.Obj 1.1) Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip manajemen dan bisnis;

Setiap mahasiswa harus mampu memahami konsep-konsep bisnis dan Ability to explain principles of management and business;
(L.Obj 1.2) Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan berbagai fungsi-fungsi
manajemen dan bisnis yang berbeda;
Management and Business Concepts Ability to demonstrate knowledge of different management and business functions;
Each student should be able to comprehend management and (L.Obj 1.3) Kemampuan untuk menganalisis isu-isu bisnis terkini dalam konteks global;
business concepts.
Ability to analyze current management and business issues in diverse contexts.

(CG 2) Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Kewirausahaan (L.Obj 2.1) Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan keterampilan kreatif dan inovatif
dalam mengidentifikasi ide dan solusi inovatif;
Setiap mahasiswa harus mampu secara sistematis dan inovatif
memecahkan masalah dan mengatasi tantangan-tantangan dalam Ability to demonstrate creative and innovative skills in providing business solution;
(L.Obj 2.2) Kemampuan untuk menerapkan peranti TIK yang relevan dalam proses
pengambilan keputusan bisnis;
Problem Solving and Entrepreneurial Skills Ability to apply relevant ICT tools in business decision making process;
Each student should be able to systematically and innovatively solve (L.Obj 2.3) Kemampuan untuk menerapkan analisis numerik dan pemikiran kritis dalam
problems and overcome challenges in businesses. pengambilan keputusan bisnis;

Ability to apply numerical analysis and critical thinking in business decision making;

(CG 3) Pola Pikir Global dan Keberlanjutan (L.Obj 3.1) Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan kerja kolaboratif di lingkungan
dengan latar belakang beragam;
Setiap mahasiswa harus mampu menerapkan pola pikir global dalam
menjalankan konsep bisnis. Ability to demonstrate collaborative working in diverse background environment;

(L.Obj 3.2) Kemampuan untuk menerapkan konsep keberlanjutan untuk mendorong

pertumbuhan bisnis;

Ability to apply sustainability concepts to promote business growth;

Global and Sustainability Mindsets

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Competency Goals Learning Objectives

Each student should be able to perform global and sustainability (L.Obj 3.3) Kemampuan untuk menerapkan keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif;
mindsets in applying business concepts.
Ability to apply effective communication skills;

(CG 4) Profesionalisme dan Kompetensi Etis (L.Obj 4.1) Kemampuan untuk mendemonstrasikan nilai-nilai profesional dalam konteks
Setiap mahasiswa harus mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai etika dan
profesional. Ability to demonstrate professional values in business context;

(L.Obj 4.2) Kemampuan untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai yang berkelanjutan dan etika
dalam konteks bisnis.
Professionalism and Ethical Competence
Ability to apply sustainable and ethical values in business context.
Each student should be able to apply ethical and professional values.

*There is no assessment for the multidisciplinary student outcomes

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Assessment Rubrics

Competency Learning Above Expectation Meet Expectation
Criteria Expectation
Goals Objectives (84,1-100) (64,1-84)
CG 1 Each Able to explain Clear and Clear explanation of 4 Limited and/or
student should principles of comprehensive management principles incomplete
be able to management explanation of 4 (planning, organizing, explanation of the
comprehend (planning, management principles leading, controlling) 4 principles of
management organizing, (planning, organizing, management
and business leading, leading, controlling) (planning,
concepts. L.Obj 1.1 Ability to Controlling) according to the given organizing, leading,
explain principles of context controlling).
management and
business; Able to explain Clear and Clear explanation of 3 Limited and/or
principles of comprehensive business principles incomplete
business (profit, explanation of 3 business (profit, sustainability, explanation of 3
sustainability, and principles (profit, and growth) business principles
growth) sustainability, and growth) (profit,
according to the given sustainability, and
context growth)
Concept of Clear explanation of the Clear explanation of Limited
business function integration of different each different business explanation of
business functions functions towards the different business
L.Obj 1.2 Ability to towards the efficient and efficient and effective functions
demonstrate effective use of business use of business
knowledge of resources resources
different Concept of Clear explanation of the Clear explanation of Limited
management and management integration of different each different explanation of
business functions; function management functions management functions different
towards the efficient and towards the efficient management
effective use of and effective use of functions
management resources management resources
L.Obj 1.3 Ability to Aspects of global Comprehensive analysis Clear analysis of global Limited analysis of
analyze current business and of global business and business and the global business
management and management management management and management
business issues in opportunities and opportunities and activities opportunities and opportunities and

Page 9 of 91

Competency Learning Above Expectation Meet Expectation
Criteria Expectation
Goals Objectives (84,1-100) (64,1-84)
diverse contexts. activities activities activities.
L.Obj 2.1 Ability to Business Innovative, applicable, Innovative and Applicable
demonstrate ideas/solutions and sustainable business applicable business business
creative and ideas/solutions relevant to ideas/solutions relevant solutions/ideas but
innovative skills in the problems to the problems. not necessarily
providing business innovative
CG 2 Each
L.Obj 2.2 Ability to
student should Use appropriate Advanced use of ICT Appropriate use of Limited use of ICT
apply relevant ICT
be able to ICT application for application for business ICT application for application for
tools in business
systematically business solutions solutions business solutions business solutions.
decision making;
L.Obj 2.3 Ability to Collecting and Advanced use of Appropriate use of Limited technique
apply numerical processing data technique in collecting and technique in collecting in collecting and
solve problems
analysis and critical processing data to support and processing data to processing data to
and overcome
thinking in business business decision making support business support business
challenges in
decision making process. decision making decision making
process. process.
Critical Critical and Clear and critical Limited
interpretation of comprehensive interpretation of data interpretation of
data interpretation of data analysis results in data analysis
analysis results to support business decision results to support
business decision making. making. business decision
CG 3. Each L.Obj 3.1 Ability to Teamwork Leading the team of Effective participation Limited
student should demonstrate members from diverse and contribution to participation and
be able to collaborative background to achieve the teamwork with contribution to to
perform global working in diverse objectives members from diverse teamwork with
and background background to achieve members from
sustainability environment; the objectives diverse
mindsets in background to
applying achieve the
business objectives
concepts. L.Obj 3.2 Ability to Sustainability Comprehensive use of Complete applications Partial use of
apply sustainability pillars: people, sustainability pillars in of sustainability pillars sustainability pillars
concepts to promote profit, planet business solutions in business solutions in business
business growth solutions

Page 10 of 91

Competency Learning Above Expectation Meet Expectation
Criteria Expectation
Goals Objectives (84,1-100) (64,1-84)
Oral Effective, well- Well-organized and Unorganized
Communication organized, and interactive presentation with
Skills interactive presentation presentations in lack of
in professional context professional context interactions with
L.Obj 3.3 Ability to
apply effective
Written Cohesive (brief and Organized written Unorganized
Communication comprehensive) and report with coherent written report with
Skills coherent (logical and sequence with some
consistent flow) written appropriate language inappropriate
report with advanced use use language use
of language.
SPIRIT: Strive for High standard in all Demonstration of all Demonstration of
Lobj 4.1. Ability to Excellence, SPIRIT values and give SPIRIT values and give few SPIRIT values
demonstrate Perseverance, consistently high impact sufficient impact to and give limited
professional values Integrity, Respect, to stakeholders stakeholders impact to
in business context; Innovation, stakeholders
Recognition of Limited
Recognition of
comprehensive understanding of
sustainable and ethical
CG 4. Each Identification of sustainable and ethical sustainable and
issues and the
student should sustainable and issues from various ethical issues and
relationship among the
be able to ethical issues aspects, and the the relationship
issues in business
apply ethical relationship among the among the issues
and issues in business context in business context
Lobj 4.2. Ability to
professional Application of
apply sustainable
values Application of sustainable Application of limited sustainable
and ethical values in
and ethical concepts to sustainable and ethical and ethical
business context.
address issues in real concepts to address concepts to
Application of
business context and issues in real business address issues in
sustainable and
consideration of context and real business
ethical concepts
comprehensive consideration of context and
implications from various implications of the consideration of
perspectives. application. limited implications
of the application.

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Curriculum Mapping
(Alignment of Competency Goals with Courses)


CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
University Courses
CHAR6013005 Character Building: Pancasila* 2 1 x 1
Character Building: Citizenship
CHAR6014005 2 2 x 1
CHAR6015005 Character Building: Religion (Agama) 2 3 x x 1
ENTR6509005 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2 2 xx xx 1
ENTR6510005 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2 3 x 1
LANG6027005 Indonesian 2 3 x 1
ENTR6511005 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation* 2 4 x 1
Core Courses
Introduction to Management and
MGMT6011005 4 1 xx 1
Management Information Systems for
ISYS6181005 4 1 x 1
MGMT6012005 Human Resources Management* 4 1 xx 2
MATH6176005 Business Mathematics 2 1 x 1
MKTG6318005 Marketing Management* 4 1 xx 1
ECON6099005 Business Economics 4 2 xx 1
ACCT6351005 Accounting for Business 4 2 x 1
BUSS6171005 Business Sustainability 4 2 xx xx xx 2
STAT6206005 Business Statistics I 2 2 x 1
BUSS6066005 Business Ethics* 2 2 xx xx xx 3
FINC6001005 Financial Management 4 3 x 1
MGMT6297005 Operations Management 4 3 x 1

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
STAT6207005 Business Statistics II 2/2 3 xx xx 2
Stream: Business Organizational Dynamic
Research Method in Business
RSCH6723005 3/1 4 x x 2
MGMT6462005 Leadership Agility 4 4 x x 2
MGMT6463005 Organizational Behavior 4 4 x x 2
MGMT6341005 Strategic Management 4 4 x x xx xx 2
MGMT6464005 Corporate Governance 2 4 x x 2
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 4 x 1
Advanced Topics in Business and
MGMT6033005 2 4 x x 2
Stream: E-Business & Digitalization
Research Method in Business
RSCH6724005 3/1 4 x x 2
Development Management
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 4 x 1
ISYS6079005 E-Business System 4 4 X 1
MGMT6374005 Analysis on E-Business Investment 4 4 x xx xx 1
ISYS6085005 Advanced Topics in E-Business 2 4 x 1
E-Business Strategy and
ISYS6744005 4 4 x x 2
Stream: Business Development & Transformation
RSCH6725005 Research Method in E-Business 3/1 4 x x 2
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 4 x 1
BUSS6109005 Business Development 4 4 x x 2
MGMT6196005 Project Management 4 4 x 1
BUSS6229005 Business Simulation 4 4 xx xx 1
Advanced Topic in Business
MGMT6465005 2 4 x x 2
Development Management

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
Enrichment Program: Certified Internship
Industrial Experience in Dynamic
MGMT6421005 8 6 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Industrial Experience in Business
MGMT6422005 8 6 x x x x x x 4
Entrepreneurial and Industrial
MGMT6152005 4 6 x x x x x x 4
Business Development
Professional Experience in Dynamic
MGMT6423005 8 7 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Professional Development on
MGMT6424005 8 7 x x x x x x 4
Sustainability Profession
Business Management and
MGMT6137005 4 7 x x x x x x 4
Professional Development
Enrichment Program: Certified Research
RSCH6370005 Research for Business Management 8 6 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Scientific Writing in Business
RSCH6551005 8 6 x x x x x x 4
Global Entrepreneurship and
RSCH6454005 4 6 x x x x x x 4
Business Development
RSCH6373005 Research for Industrial Competition 8 7 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Scientific Writing in Management
RSCH6552005 8 7 x x x x x x 4
Global Entrepreneurship and
RSCH6375005 4 7 x x x x x x 4
Industrial Competition
Enrichment Program: Certified Entrepreneurship
ENTR6902005 New Business Initiation 8 6 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
ENTR6903005 Product Development Process 8 6 x x x x x x 4
ENTR6904005 EES in New Business I 4 6 x x x x x x 4
ENTR6905005 Product Launching 8 7 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
ENTR6906005 Business Development 8 7 x x x x x x 4

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
ENTR6907005 EES in New Business II 4 7 x x x x x x 4
Enrichment Program: Certified Community Development
Community Outreach Project
CMDV6120005 8 6 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Community Outreach Project Design
CMDV6331005 8 6 x x x x x x 4
in Management
CMDV6169005 Socio Entrepreneurship Development 4 6 x x x x x x 4
Community Development Project
CMDV6117005 8 7 xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
Community Development Project
CMDV6332005 8 7 x x x x x x 4
Design in Management
CMDV6094005 Managing Socio Entrepreneurship 4 7 x x x x x x 4
Enrichment Program: Certified Study Abroad
GLOB6005005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 1 4 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6006005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 2 4 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6007005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 3 4 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6008005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 4 4 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6009005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 5 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6010005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 6 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6011005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 7 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6012005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 8 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6013005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 9 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6014005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 10 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6015005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 11 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6016005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 12 2 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6251005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 29 4 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6017005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 13 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
GLOB6018005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 14 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6019005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 15 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6020005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 16 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6021005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 17 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6022005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 18 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6023005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 19 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6024005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 20 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6025005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 21 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6026005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 22 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6027005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 23 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6028005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 24 2 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
GLOB6253005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 31 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Enrichment Program: Certified Specific Independent Study
CSIS6001005 Course Certification 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
CSIS6002005 Technical Skill Enrichment 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
CSIS6003005 Industrial Project 9 6/7 x x x x x x 4
CSIS6004005 Soft Skill Enrichment 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6005005 8 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 1
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6006005 8 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 2
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6007005 6 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 3
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6008005 6 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 4
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6009005 6 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 5
CSIS6010005 Elective Course for Specific 5 6/7 x x x x x x 4

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
Independent Study 6
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6011005 5 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 7
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6012005 5 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 8
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6013005 5 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 9
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6014005 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 10
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6015005 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 11
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6016005 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 12
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6017005 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 13
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6018005 4 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 14
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6019005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 15
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6020005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 16
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6021005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 17
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6022005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 18
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6023005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 19
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6024005 3 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 20
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6025005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 21
CSIS6026005 Elective Course for Specific 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
Independent Study 22
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6027005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 23
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6028005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 24
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6029005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 25
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6030005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 26
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6031005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 27
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6032005 2 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 28
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6033005 1 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 29
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6034005 1 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 30
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6035005 1 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 31
Elective Course for Specific
CSIS6036005 1 6/7 x x x x x x 4
Independent Study 32
Enrichment Program: Further Study - Master of Management
ENTR6561005 Design Thinking for Innovation 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
MKTG6299005 Business Negotiation 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
MKTG6300005 Marketing Strategy 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
STAT6187005 Applied Statistics 4 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
Human Resources Management
MGMT6420005 4 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
Enrichment Program: Further Study - Master of Management Information Systems
Digital Technology and
ISYS6829005 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4

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CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
ISYS6830005 Data Analytics for Business 6 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Applied Technology in Information
ISYS6831005 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Stream: Information Systems Strategic Management
Strategic Planning for
ISYS6806005 6 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
Information Systems
Stream: Digitalpreneurship
ISYS6663005 New Media Ventures and Innovation 6 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
Enrichment: Further Study - Master of Communication
COMM6591005 Computer Mediated Communication 6 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
COMM6596005 International Public Relations 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
COMM6700005 Applied Communication Project 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
COMM6593005 Corporate Branding 6 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Enrichment: Further Study - Master of Industrial Engineering
Advanced Supply chain management
ISYE6316005 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
and operations
ISYE6317005 System simulation and analytics 6 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
ISYE6319005 Applied Business Engineering Project 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Industrial Product design and
ISYE6318005 6 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
Enrichment: Further Study - Master of Accounting
COSO Framework Internal Control
ACCT6502005 4 7 x x x x x x x x x x x 4
& Fraud Prevention
ACCT6503005 Risk Assessment Analytics 6 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
FINC6219005 Financial Reporting Decisions 6 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
ACCT6505005 Applied Technology in Accounting 4 7 x x x x x x X x x x x 4
Final Courses

Page 19 of 91


CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4

Course Code Course Name CG to
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2
MGMT6402005 Pre-Thesis 2 8 x x x x x x x 4
MGMT6410005 Thesis 4 8 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 4
MGMT6017005 Thesis 6 8 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 4

*) Quality Control Course
x: Indicates there is a relationship between the L.Obj and the course(s)
xx: Indicates there is a strong relationship between the L.Obj and the course(s), thus the course(s) will be assessed for the attainment of the particular L.Obj

Page 20 of 91

Assessment Plan
Where to Assess
Method of
Traits/LO Sem
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Kemampuan Introduction
untuk menjelaskan to Final Exam
prinsip-prinsip Managemen (Case Study
manajemen dan bisnis; t and Analysis)
Ability to explain Thesis
principles of Thesi (Assessment
management and s from Supervisor
business; and Examiner)
L.Obj 1.2 Kemampuan Human
Final Exam
untuk Resources
(Case Study
mendemonstrasikan Managemen
pengetahuan berbagai t
fungsi-fungsi Marketing
Group Project
manajemen dan bisnis Managemen
yang berbeda; t
Enrichmen Enrichmen
Ability to demonstrate t Program t Program
Site and Faculty
knowledge of different (Excluding (Excluding
management and Study Study
business functions; Abroad Abroad
Track) Track)
from Supervisor
and Examiner)

L.Obj 1.3 Kemampuan Business Group Project

untuk menganalisis isu- Economics Report
isu bisnis terkini dalam Thesi Thesis
konteks global; s (Assessment
from Supervisor
Ability to analyze current
and Examiner)
management and

Page 21 of 91

Where to Assess
Method of
Traits/LO Sem
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Assessment

business issues in
L.Obj 2.1 Kemampuan Entrepreneurshi Group Project
untuk p : Ideation Report
keterampilan kreatif dan
inovatif dalam Enrichmen Enrichmen
mengidentifikasi ide dan t Program t Program
Site and Faculty
solusi inovatif; (Excluding (Excluding
Study Study
Ability to demonstrate Assessment
Abroad Abroad
creative and innovative Track) Track)
skills in providing
business solution;
L.Obj 2.2 Kemampuan Business
Group Project
untuk menerapkan Statistics
peranti TIK yang relevan II
dalam proses Analysis on
Group Project
pengambilan keputusan E-Business
bisnis; Investment
Business Group Project
Ability to apply relevant Simulation Report
ICT tools in business
decision making Strategic Group Project
process; Management Report
Thesi (Assessment
s from Supervisor
and Examiner)
L.Obj 2.3 Kemampuan Business
Group Project
untuk menerapkan Statistics
analisis numerik dan II
pemikiran kritis dalam Analysis on Group Project
pengambilan keputusan E-Business Report

Page 22 of 91

Where to Assess
Method of
Traits/LO Sem
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Assessment
bisnis; Business Group Project
Simulation Report
Ability to apply
numerical analysis and Strategic Group Project
critical thinking in Management Report
business decision Thesis
making; Thesi (Assessment
s from Supervisor
and Examiner)
L.Obj 3.1 Kemampuan Enrichmen Enrichmen
untuk t Program t Program
Site and Faculty
mendemonstrasikan (Excluding (Excluding
kerja kolaboratif di Study Study
lingkungan dengan latar Abroad Abroad
belakang beragam; Track) Track)

Ability to demonstrate
Entrepreneurshi Entrepreneurshi
collaborative working in
p : Ideation p Ideation
diverse background
L.Obj 3.2 Business Group Project
Kemampuan untuk Sustainability Report
menerapkan konsep
keberlanjutan untuk
Enrichmen Enrichmen
t Program t Program
pertumbuhan bisnis; Site and Faculty
(Excluding (Excluding
Ability to apply Study Study
sustainability concepts Abroad Abroad
to promote business Track) Track)
(L.Obj 3.3) Kemampuan Group Project
untuk menerapkan Business Ethics
keterampilan komunikasi
Enrichmen Enrichmen Site and Faculty
t Program t Program Supervisor

Page 23 of 91

Where to Assess
Method of
Traits/LO Sem
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Assessment
yang efektif; (Excluding (Excluding
Study Study
Ability to apply effective Assessment
Abroad Abroad
communication skills; Track) Track)
Thesi (Assessment
s from Supervisor
and Examiner)
L.Obj 4.1 Kemampuan Business Group Project
untuk Sustainability Report
Business Group Project
nilai-nilai profesional
Ethics Report
dalam konteks bisnis;
Enrichmen Enrichmen
Ability to demonstrate t Program t Program
Site and Faculty
professional values in (Excluding (Excluding
business context; Study Study
Abroad Abroad
Track) Track)
Thesi (Assessment
s from Supervisor
and Examiner)
L.Obj 4.2 Kemampuan Business Group Project
untuk menerapkan nilai- Sustainability Report
nilai yang berkelanjutan
Business Group Project
dan etika dalam konteks
Ethics Report
Enrichmen Enrichmen
Ability to apply t Program t Program
Site and Faculty
sustainable and ethical (Excluding (Excluding
values in business Study Study
context. Abroad Abroad
Track) Track)

Page 24 of 91

Curriculum Development
University Courses
Binusian 2026

Page 25 of 91

According to the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 3 year 2020, every graduate of higher education should have the following

Description Related BINUS University Courses

Have faith in God and able to demonstrate religious manner; Character Building: Agama
Uphold humanity values in carrying out task based on religion, moral, and
Character Building: Agama
Contribute in the development of quality life in social, national, and
Character Building: Pancasila
civilization advancement based on Pancasila;
Take part as a proud citizen who has national pride, nationalism, and
Character Building: Kewarganegaraan, Indonesian, Indonesian Language
responsibility for the country;
Respect diversity of culture, view, religion, beliefs, opinion or other people’s
Character Building: Kewarganegaraan
Work together, have social awareness, and care for society and Character Building: Kewarganegaraan, Entrepreneurship: Ideation,
environment; Entrepreneurship: Prototyping, Entrepreneurship: Market Validation,
Obey the law and discipline in social and national life; Character Building: Kewarganegaraan
Character Building: Kewarganegaraan, Character Building: Pancasila,
Indonesian, Indonesian Language, English for Frontrunners, English for
Internalize academic values, norms and ethics; Independent Users, English for Professionals, Academic English I,
Academic English II, English Professional, Basic Japanese Language,
Basic Chinese Language.
Entrepreneurship: Ideation, Entrepreneurship: Prototyping,
Entrepreneurship: Market Validation, Indonesian Language, English for
Frontrunners, English for Independent Users, English for Professionals,
Demonstrate responsibility for work in the field independently; and
English Access, English Global, Academic English I, Academic English II,
English Professional, Basic Japanese Language, Basic Chinese
Entrepreneurship: Ideation, Entrepreneurship: Prototyping,
Internalize self-autonomy, perseverance, and entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship: Market Validation.

Page 26 of 91

Alignment of Binus Graduate Attributes with Student Outcomes and Learning Objectives
Binus Graduate Attributes Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
Character building courses: SO 1. Mampu menganalisis secara kritis persoalan- (Lobj 1.1) Mampu mengaplikasikan kemampuan berpikir kritis
persoalan yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan publik, dalam memecahkan persoalan yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan
1. Social Awareness komunitas dan hubungan sosial kemasyarakatan publik, ideologi kebangsaan dan hubungan sosial
2. Growth mindset untuk perubahan karakter diri dan transformasi sosial kemasyarakatan.
3. Adaptability masyarakat yang lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu.
4. Critical and creative Able to apply critical thinking skills in solving problems related to
thinking Able to critically analyze issues related to public public policy, national ideology and social relations.
5. Collaboration policy, community and social relations for changes in (Lobj 1.2) Mampu mengaplikasikan kesadaran sosial dalam
self-character and better social transformation of beradaptasi dengan situasi lingkungan baru yang selalu berubah
society from time to time. dan berkolaborasi dengan berbagai macam kelompok sosial dan
individu yang beragam kebudayaan lokal dan global.

Able to apply social awareness in adapting to new and changing

environmental situations and to collaborate with various social
groups and individuals with diverse local and global cultures.
(Lobj 1.3) Mampu mengaplikasikan pemikiran inklusif yang
transformatif dalam konteks hubungan antar umat beragama dan
komunitas sosial melalui tindakan-tindakan dan sikap-sikap yang
berkarakter toleran, empati dan kepedulian sosial.

Able to apply transformative inclusive thinking in the context of

relationships between religious communities and social
communities through actions and attitudes that are characterized
by tolerance, empathy and social care.
Entrepreneurship courses: SO 2. Mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir (Lobj 2.1) Mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan
kritis dan kreatif melalui proyek kolaborasi dengan kreatif dalam proyek kolaborasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan
1. Critical and Creative memanfaatkan teknologi terkini untuk berkontribusi yang ditemukan di dalam proses pembelajaran.
Thinking ke dunia kerja global dan komunitas yang memiliki
2. Growth mindset pola pikir bertumbuh, inisiatif dan kemampuan Able to develop critical and creative thinking skills in collaborative
3. Initiative beradaptasi. project to respond the problems found in the learning process.
4. Adaptability (Lobj 2.2) Mampu mengimplementasikan ide-ide untuk
5. Collaboration Able to develop critical and creative thinking skills menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi
through collaborative project by utilizing the latest terkini
trend in technology to contribute to the global
workplace and community that have growth mindset, Able to implement ideas to solve the problems by utilizing the
initiative and adaptability latest trend in technology.

Page 27 of 91

Binus Graduate Attributes Student Outcomes Learning Objectives

(Lobj 2.3) Mampu melakukan refleksi terhadap ide-ide dan proses
penyelesaian masalah untuk mengembangkan pola pikir
bertumbuh, inisiatif dan kemampuan beradaptasi.

Able to do the reflection on the ideas and problem-solving

process for developing growth mindset, initiative, and adaptability.
Language courses: SO 3. Mampu mempraktikkan keterampilan (Lobj 3.1) Mampu menerapkan kaidah berbahasa tulis dan/atau
berbahasa tulis dan/atau lisan untuk beragam lisan untuk beragam keperluan.
1. Applied Management keperluan.
Skills Able to apply written and/or spoken language rules for a variety of
Able to practice language proficiency in written purposes.
and/or oral form for a variety of purposes. (Lobj 3.2) Mampu menuangkan gagasan secara tertulis dan/atau
lisan untuk beragam keperluan dengan alur dan struktur
penalaran yang sistematis.

Able to express ideas in writing and/or orally for a variety of

purposes with a systematic reasoning flow and structure.
(Lobj 3.3) Mampu mempraktikkan teknik berkomunikasi tulis
dan/atau lisan untuk beragam keperluan.

Able to practice written and/or oral communication techniques for

a variety of purposes.

Page 28 of 91

Assessment Rubrics
Excellent Good Average Poor
Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
(SO-1) Mampu (LObj 1.1) Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu
menganalisis secara mengaplikasikan menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
kritis persoalan- kemampuan berpikir kemampuan berpikir kemampuan berpikir kemampuan berpikir kemampuan berpikir
persoalan yang kritis dalam Kemampuan logis, kritis dan kritis dan kreatif kritis dalam yang kurang kritis
berkaitan dengan memecahkan berpikir logis, kritis kreatif dalam dalam menyelesaikan dalam
kebijakan publik, persoalan yang dan kreatif menyelesaikan menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan menyelesaikan
persoalan-persoalan persoalan-persoalan yang berkaitan persoalan-persoalan
komunitas dan berkaitan dengan
Ability to think yang berkaitan yang berkaitan dengan kebangsaan yang berkaitan
hubungan sosial kebijakan publik,
logically, critically dengan kebangsaan dengan kebangsaan dan kenegaraan. dengan kebangsaan
kemasyarakatan ideologi kebangsaan and creatively dan kenegaraan. dan kenegaraan. dan kenegaraan.
untuk perubahan dan hubungan sosial Able to show critical
karakter diri dan kemasyarakatan. Able to show the Able to show the thinking skills in Able to show less
transformasi sosial ability to think ability to think solving problems critical thinking skills
masyarakat yang Able to apply critical logically, critically critically and related to nationality in solving problems
lebih baik dari waktu thinking skills in and creatively in creatively in solving and statehood. related to nationality
ke waktu. solving problems solving problems problems related to and statehood.
related to public related to nationality nationality and
Able to critically policy, national and statehood. statehood.
analyze issues ideology and social Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu
related to public relations. menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
policy, community Kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial
and social relations dalam pemecahan dalam pemecahan dalam pemecahan dalam pemecahan dalam pemecahan
for a better self- masalah sosial masalah sosial masalah sosial masalah sosial masalah sosial
character change kebangasaan kebangsaan dengan kebangsaan dengan kebangsaan dengan kebangsaan dengan
and social konsep dan konsep dan argumentasi yang argumentasi yang
transformation from Social awareness argumentasi yang argumentasi yang relevan. kurang relevan.
time to time. in solving social relevan, lengkap, relevan dan lengkap.
problems konsisten dan detail. Able to show social Able to show social
Able to show social awareness in solving awareness in solving
Able to show social awareness in solving national social national social
awareness in solving national social problems with problems with
national social problems with relevant arguments. arguments that are
problems with relevant and less relevant.
relevant, complete, complete concepts
consistent and and arguments.

Page 29 of 91

Excellent Good Average Poor

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
detailed concepts
and arguments.
(LObj 1.2) Mampu Mampu beradaptasi Mampu beradaptasi Mampu Mampu menjelaskan
mengaplikasikan dan menunjukkan dan menunjukkan menunjukkan konsep adaptasi dan
kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial kesadaran sosial adaptasi dan kesadaran sosial
dalam beradaptasi dalam relasi dengan dalam relasi dengan kesadaran sosial dalam lingkungan
dengan situasi individu dan individu dan terhadap lingkungan yang beragam.
lingkungan baru yang Adaptasi dan kelompok sosial di kelompok sosial di sosialnya sendiri.
kesadaran social luar lingkungan luar lingkungan Able to explain the
selalu berubah dan
sosialnya sendiri dan sosialnya sendiri. Able to show social concept of
berkolaborasi dengan
Adaptation and lingkungan global. adaptation and adaptation and
berbagai macam social awareness Able to adapt and awareness to their social awareness in
kelompok sosial dan Able to adapt and show social own social diverse
individu yang beragam show social awareness in environment. environments.
kebudayaan lokal dan awareness in relations with
global. relations with individuals and
individuals and social groups outside
Able to apply social social groups outside their own social
awareness in their own social environment.
adapting to new and environment and the
changing global environment.
environmental Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu menjelaskan
situations and to berkolaborasi berkolaborasi mengidentifikasi konsep perbedaan
collaborate with dengan berbagai dengan berbagai perbedaan dari dalam berbagai
various social groups macam individu dan macam individu dan setiap individu yang kelompok sosial.
and individuals with Kolaborasi kelompok sosial kelompok sosial ada di dalam
diverse local and yang beragam yang beragam kelompok sosial. Able to explain the
global cultures. Collaboration kebudayaan lokal kebudayaan lokal. concept of difference
dan global. in various social
Able to identify the
Able to collaborate groups.
differences of each
Able to collaborate with various kinds of
individual in the
with various kinds of individuals and
social group.
individuals and social groups with
social groups with diverse local
diverse local and cultures.
global cultures.

Page 30 of 91

Excellent Good Average Poor

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
(LObj 1.3) Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu menjelaskan
mengaplikasikan mengaplikasikan mengaplikasikan mengidentifikasi konsep pemikiran
pemikiran inklusif pemikiran inklusif pemikiran inklusif pemikiran inklusif inklusif yang
yang transformatif yang transformatif yang transformatif yang transformatif transformatif dalam
dalam konteks dalam hubungan dalam hubungan dalam hubungan hubungan antara
hubungan antar umat Pemikiran inklusif antara umat antara umat antara umat umat beragama dan
beragama dan yang transformative beragama dan beragama dan beragama dan komunitas sosial.
komunitas sosial komunitas sosial di komunitas sosial di komunitas sosial.
melalui tindakan- Inclusive lingkungan sosialnya lingkungan sosialnya Able to explain the
tindakan dan sikap- transformative sendiri dan sendiri. Able to identify concept of inclusive,
sikap yang thinking lingkungan di luar inclusive, transformative
berkarakter toleran, kelompoknya. Able to apply transformative thinking in
empati dan kepedulian transformative thinking in relationships
sosial. Able to apply inclusive thinking in relationships between religious
transformative relationships between religious communities and
Able to apply inclusive thinking in between religious communities and social communities.
transformative relationships communities and social communities.
inclusive thinking in between religious social communities
the context of communities and in their own social
relationships between social communities environment.
religious communities in their own social
and social environment and the
communities through environment outside
actions and attitudes their group.
that are characterized Karakter yang Mampu menerapkan Mampu Mampu Mampu menjelaskan
by tolerance, empathy toleran dan peduli sikap dan tindakan menunjukkan sikap mengidentifikasi konsep toleransi dan
and social care. yang berkarakter dan tindakan yang penerapan konsep sikap peduli dalam
A tolerant and toleran dan peduli berkarakter toleran toleransi dan sikap lingkungan sosial
caring character dalam lingkungan dan peduli dalam peduli dalam bermasyarakat.
sosial bermasyarakat lingkungan sosial lingkungan sosial
di lingkungan bermasyarakat di bermasyarakat. Able to explain the
sosialnya sendiri dan lingkungan sosialnya concept of tolerant
lingkungan di luar sendiri. Able to identify the and caring attitudes
kelompoknya. concept of tolerant in the community.
Able to show tolerant and caring attitudes
Able to apply tolerant and caring attitudes in the community.
and caring attitudes and actions within

Page 31 of 91

Excellent Good Average Poor

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
and actions within their own
their own community community.
and in the larger
(SO-2) Mampu (L.Obj 2.1) Mampu Mampu untuk Mampu untuk Mampu untuk Mampu untuk
mengembangkan mengembangkan menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti
kemampuan berpikir kemampuan berpikir pemikiran kritis dan perkembangan perkembangan perkembangan
kritis dan kreatif kritis dan kreatif dalam kreatif yang pemikiran kritis dan pemikiran kritis dan pemikiran kritis dan
melalui proyek proyek kolaborasi berkembang di kreatif yang kreatif yang cukup kreatif yang kurang
kolaborasi dengan untuk mengatasi Pemikiran kritis dan dalam proyek memuaskan di memuaskan di di dalam proyek
memanfaatkan permasalahan yang kreatif kolaborasi. dalam proyek dalam proyek kolaborasi.
teknologi terkini ditemukan di dalam kolaborasi. kolaborasi.
untuk berkontribusi proses pembelajaran. Able to show Able to show
ke dunia kerja global Critical and creative evidence of critical Able to show Able to show evidence of the
dan komunitas yang Able to develop thinking and creative thinking evidence of satisfactory evidence development of
memiliki pola pikir critical and creative developed in satisfactory of the development critical and creative
bertumbuh, inisiatif thinking skills in collaborative development of of critical and thinking that is
dan kemampuan collaborative project projects. critical and creative creative thinking in a lacking in
beradaptasi. to respond the thinking in a collaborative project. collaborative
problems found in the collaborative project. projects.
Able to develop learning process.
critical and creative (L.Obj 2.2) Mampu Mampu untuk Mampu untuk Mampu untuk Mampu untuk
thinking skills mengimplementasikan menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti menunjukkan bukti
through collaborative ide-ide untuk pengimplementasian pengimplementasian pengimplementasian pengimplementasian
project by utilizing menyelesaikan ideyang unggul ide yang ide yang cukup ide yang kurang
the latest trend in permasalahan dengan Implementasi Ide untuk menyelesaikan memuaskan untuk memuaskan untuk untuk menyelesaikan
technology to memanfaatkan permasalahan menyelesaikan menyelesaikan permasalahan
contribute to the teknologi terkini. Ideas dengan permasalahan permasalahan dengan
global workplace and implementation memanfaatkan. dengan dengan memanfaatkan.
community that have Able to implement memanfaatkan. memanfaatkan.
growth mindset, ideas to solve the Able to show the Able to show the
initiative and problems by utilizing evidence of the Able to show the Able to show the evidence of the
adaptability the latest trend in excellent ideas evidence of the evidence of the insufficient ideas
technology. implementation to satisfactory ideas mediocre ideas implementation to
solve the problems implementation to implementation to solve the problems
by utilizing the latest solve the problems solve the problems by utilizing the latest
trend in technology. by utilizing the latest by utilizing the latest trend in technology.

Page 32 of 91

Excellent Good Average Poor

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
trend in technology. trend in technology.

(L.Obj 2.3). Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu

melakukan refleksi menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
terhadap ide-ide dan Refleksi terhadap rencana tindak lanjut rencana tindak lanjut rencana tindak lanjut rencana tindak lanjut
proses penyelesaian ide-idea dan proses yang unggul yang memuaskan yang cukup yang kurang
masalah untuk penyelesaian terhadap ide-ide dan terhadap ide-ide dan memuaskan terhadap ide-ide dan
mengembangkan pola masalah proses penyelesaian proses penyelesaian terhadap ide-ide dan proses penyelesaian
masalah untuk masalah untuk proses penyelesaian masalah untuk
pikir bertumbuh,
The reflection on mengembangkan mengembangkan masalah untuk mengembangkan
inisiatif dan
ideas and problem pola pikir bertumbuh, pola pikir bertumbuh, mengembangkan pola pikir bertumbuh,
kemampuan solving process inisiatif dan inisiatif dan pola pikir bertumbuh, inisiatif dan
beradaptasi. kemampuan kemampuan inisiatif dan kemampuan
beradaptasi. beradaptasi. kemampuan beradaptasi.
Able to do the beradaptasi.
reflection on the ideas Able to show Able to show Able to show
and problem-solving excellent follow up satisfactory follow up Able to show insufficient follow up
process for plan on the ideas plan on the ideas mediocre follow up plan on the ideas
developing growth and problem-solving and problem-solving plan on the ideas and problem-solving
mindset, initiative, and process for process for and problem-solving process for
adaptability. developing growth developing growth process for developing growth
mindset, initiative, mindset, initiative, developing growth mindset, initiative,
and adaptability. and adaptability. mindset, initiative, and adaptability.
and adaptability.
(SO-3) Mampu (Lobj 3.1.) Mampu Mampu menerapkan Mampu menerapkan Mampu menerapkan Mampu menerapkan
mempraktikkan menerapkan kaidah kaidah berbahasa kaidah berbahasa kaidah berbahasa kaidah berbahasa
keterampilan berbahasa tulis Aspek dalam tulis dan/atau lisan tulis dan/atau lisan tulis dan/atau lisan tulis dan/atau lisan
berbahasa tulis dan/atau lisan untuk kaidah berbahasa dalam semua aspek dalam dua aspek dalam satu aspek dalam satu aspek
dan/atau lisan untuk beragam keperluan. tulis dan/atau lisan (ketepatan ejaan, (ketepatan ejaan, (ketepatan ejaan, (ketepatan ejaan,
beragam keperluan. kata, dan kalimat) kata, dan kalimat) kata, dan kalimat) kata, dan kalimat)
Aspects in written untuk beragam untuk beragam untuk beragam secara terbatas.
Able to apply written
and/or spoken keperluan. keperluan. keperluan.
Able to practice and/or spoken
language principles Able to apply written
language proficiency language rules for a Able to apply written Able to apply written Able to apply written and/or spoken
in written and/or oral variety of purposes. and/or spoken and/or spoken and/or spoken language principles
form for a variety of language principles language principles language principles in one aspect
in all aspects in two aspects in one aspect (accuracy of spelling,

Page 33 of 91

Excellent Good Average Poor

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives Criteria
(85-100) (75-84) (65-74) (≤64)
(correct spelling, (correct spelling, (correct spelling, words and
words and words and words and sentences) in a
sentences) for a sentences) for a sentences) for a limited manner.
variety of purposes. variety of purposes. variety of purposes.
(Lobj 3.2.) Mampu Mampu menuangkan Mampu menuangkan Mampu menuangkan Mampu menuangkan
menuangkan gagasan gagasan secara gagasan secara gagasan secara gagasan secara
secara tertulis tertulis dan/atau lisan tertulis dan/atau lisan tertulis dan/atau lisan tertulis dan/atau lisan
dan/atau lisan untuk Alur dan struktur untuk beragam untuk beragam untuk beragam dengan alur dan
beragam keperluan gagasan keperluan dengan keperluan dengan keperluan dengan struktur penalaran
dengan alur dan alur dan struktur alur atau struktur alur atau struktur yang tidak
struktur penalaran Cohesive and penalaran yang penalaran yang penalaran yang sistematis.
yang sistematis. structured ideas sistematis. sistematis. sistematis.
Able to express
Able to express ideas Able to express Able to express Able to express ideas in writing
in writing and/or orally ideas in writing ideas in writing ideas in writing and/or orally with an
for a variety of and/or orally for a and/or orally for a and/or orally for a unsystematic flow
purposes. purposes with a variety of purposes variety of purposes variety of purposes and structure of
systematic reasoning with a systematic with a systematic with a systematic reasoning.
flow and structure. flow and structure of reasoning flow or reasoning flow or
reasoning. structure. structure.
(Lobj 3.3.) Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu
mempraktikkan teknik mempraktikkan mempraktikkan mempraktikkan salah mempraktikkan satu
berkomunikasi tulis Teknik semua teknik beberapa teknik satu teknik teknik berkomunikasi
dan/atau lisan untuk berkomunikasi tulis berkomunikasi tulis berkomunikasi tulis berkomunikasi tulis tulis atau lisan
beragam keperluan. dan lisan dan/atau lisan untuk dan/atau lisan untuk dan/atau lisan untuk
beragam keperluan. beragam keperluan. beragam keperluan. Able to practice a
Able to practice Written and/or oral written or oral
written and/or oral communication Able to practice all Able to practice Able to practice one communication
communication techniques written and oral several written of the written and/or technique.
techniques for a communication and/or oral oral communication
variety of purposes. techniques for a communication techniques for a
variety of purposes. techniques for a variety of purposes.
variety of purposes

Page 34 of 91

Curriculum Mapping
(Alignment Student Outcomes to Course)
Student Outcomes

SO 1 SO 2 SO 3

Total L.Obj
Course Code Course Name
L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj to Support
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3

CHAR6013005 Character Building: Pancasila 2 xx 1

Character Building:
CHAR6014005 2 xx 1
CHAR6015005 Character Building: Agama 2 xx 1

ENTR6509005 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2 xx 1

ENTR6510005 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2 xx 1

ENTR6511005 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2 xx 1

ENGL6253005 English for Frontrunners 0 x x x 3

ENGL6254005 English for Independent Users 0 x x x 3

ENGL6255005 English for Professionals 0 x x x 3

JAPN6190005 Basic Japanese Language 0 x x x 3

CHIN6163005 Basic Chinese Language 0 x x x 3

LANG6027005 Indonesian 2 xx xx xx 3

Page 35 of 91

Assessment Plan

Learning Objectives Where to Assess Weight Assessment Method

(LObj 1.1) Mampu mengaplikasikan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam
memecahkan persoalan yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan publik, ideologi
kebangsaan dan hubungan sosial kemasyarakatan
CB: Pancasila 100% Project
Able to apply critical thinking skills in solving problems related to public policy,
national ideology and social relations
(LObj 1.2) Mampu mengaplikasikan kesadaran sosial dalam beradaptasi
dengan situasi lingkungan baru yang selalu berubah dan berkolaborasi dengan
berbagai macam kelompok sosial dan individu yang beragam kebudayaan lokal
dan global
CB: Kewarganegaraan 100% Project
Able to apply social awareness in adapting to new and changing environmental
situations and to collaborate with various social groups and individuals with
diverse local and global cultures
(LObj 1.3) Mampu mengaplikasikan pemikiran inklusif yang transformatif dalam
konteks hubungan antar umat beragama dan komunitas sosial melalui
tindakan-tindakan dan sikap-sikap yang berkarakter toleran, empati dan
kepedulian sosial
CB: Agama 100% Project
Able to apply transformative inclusive thinking in the context of relationships
between religious communities and social communities through actions and
attitudes that are characterized by tolerance, empathy and social care
(LObj 2.1) Mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif
dalam proyek kolaborasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ditemukan di
dalam proses pembelajaran Entrepreneurship:
100% Assignment and Final Exam
Able to develop critical and creative thinking skills in collaborative project to
respond the problems found in the learning process
(LObj 2.2) Mampu mengimplementasikan ide-ide untuk menyelesaikan
permasalahan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terkini
100% Assignment and Final Exam
Able to implement ideas to solve the problems by utilizing the latest trend in
(LObj 2.3) Mampu melakukan refleksi terhadap ide-ide dan proses Entrepreneurship: Market 100% Assignment and Final Exam
penyelesaian masalah untuk mengembangkan pola pikir bertumbuh, inisiatif Validation

Page 36 of 91

Learning Objectives Where to Assess Weight Assessment Method

dan kemampuan beradaptasi

Able to do the reflection on the ideas and problem-solving process for

developing growth mindset, initiative, and adaptability
(LObj 3.1) Mampu menerapkan kaidah berbahasa tulis dan/atau lisan untuk
Assignment (Paperwork, Video
beragam keperluan
Indonesian 100% Project), Mid Exam and Final
Able to apply written and/or spoken language rules for a variety of purposes
(LObj 3.2) Mampu menuangkan gagasan secara tertulis dan/atau lisan untuk
beragam keperluan dengan alur dan struktur penalaran yang sistematis Assignment (Paperwork, Video
Indonesian 100% Project), Mid Exam and Final
Able to express ideas in writing and/or orally for a variety of purposes with a Exam
systematic reasoning flow and structure
(LObj 3.3) Mampu mempraktikkan teknik berkomunikasi tulis dan/atau lisan
untuk beragam keperluan Assignment (Paperwork, Video
Indonesian 100% Project), Mid Exam and Final
Able to practice written and/or oral communication techniques for a variety of Exam

Page 37 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Course Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Distributio Study
: Management
Program : -
n Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6013005 Character Building: Pancasila 2
MKK MGMT6011005 Introduction to Management and Business* 4
MKK ISYS6181005 Management Information Systems for Leader 4
MKK MATH6176005 Business Mathematics 2
MKK MGMT6012005 Human Resources Management 4
MKK MKTG6318005 Marketing Management*&** 4
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 20
*) This course is delivered in English
**) Global Learning System course
Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test
results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.

Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6014005 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2
MKK ECON6099005 Business Economics 4
MKK BUSS6066005 Business Ethics** 2
MKK STAT6206005 Business Statistics I 2
MKB BUSS6171005 Business Sustainability** 4
MKK ACCT6351005 Accounting for Business 4
MKB ENTR6509005 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 40
**) Global Learning System course
Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test
results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.

Page 38 of 91

Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6015005 Character Building: Agama 2
MKK MGMT6297005 Operations Management** 4
MKK FINC6001005 Financial Management 4
MKB STAT6207005 Business Statistics II 2/2
MKB ENTR6510005 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
MKB LANG6027005 Indonesian 2
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 18
Cumulative SCU 58
**) Global Learning System course
Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test
results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail

Group Course SCU
MKB ENTR6511005 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2
Stream: Business Organizational Dynamic
MKB RSCH6723005 Research Method in Business Organization** 3/1
MKB MGMT6462005 Leadership Agility 4
MKB MGMT6463005 Organizational Behavior 2
MKB MGMT6464005 Corporate Governance 2
MKB MGMT6033005 Advanced Topics in Business and Organization 2
MKB MGMT6341005 Strategic Management** 4
MKK LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2
Stream: Business Development & Transformation
Research Method in Business Development
MKB RSCH6724005 3/1
Management **
MKB BUSS6109005 Business Development 4
MKB MGMT6196005 Project Management** 4
MKB BUSS6229005 Business Simulation 4
Advanced Topic in Business Development
MKB MGMT6465005 2
MKK LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2
Stream: E-Business & Digitalization
MKB RSCH6725005 Research Method in E-Business** 3/1
MKB MGMT6374005 Analysis on E-Business Investment* ** 4
MKB ISYS6079005 E-Business System* 4
MKB ISYS6744005 E-Business Strategy and Implementation* 4
MKB ISYS6085005 Advanced Topics in E-Business 2
MKK LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 22
Cumulative SCU 80
*) This course is delivered in English
**) Global Learning System course

Page 39 of 91

Students are required to choose Streaming

Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test
results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail.

Group Course SCU
Stream: Creative Business
MKB ENPR6166032 Launch Creative Business Startup 4
MKB ENPR6167032 Startup Funding 4
MKB ENPR6190032 Business Intelligence 2/2
MKB ENPR6162032 Risk Assessment and Decision Making in Business 4
MKB COMP6667032 Interaction Design 2/2
Stream: Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
MKB ENPR6177002 Financing Innovative Ventures 4
MKB ENPR6178002 Customer Engagement Strategy 4
MKB ENPR6179002 Franchise Business 4
MKB ENPR6180002 Disruptive Strategy & Innovation 4
MKB ENPR6181002 Managing Innovation for Circular Economy 4
MKB Minor Program 20
MKB Free Electives 20
MKB Multidisciplinary Stream 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 100
1) Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Bandung
2) Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Malang
Students are required to choose one of the streamings/ minor program/free electives/cross streaming

Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program I 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 120
Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tra
ck detail

Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program II 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 140
Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tra
ck detail

Page 40 of 91

Group Course SCU
MKB MGMT6402005 Pre-Thesis 2
MKB MGMT6410005 Thesis 4
MKB MGMT6017005 Thesis 6
Total SCU 6
Cumulative SCU 146
Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 6 th and/or 7th semester by the students who
meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program.

Notes : (Information for group table)

MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Ketrampilan (Science and Skill Course)
MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (Creative Expertise Course)
MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Personality Development Course)
MPB = Mata kuliah Perilaku Berkarya (Creative Behavior Course)
MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (Social Living Course)

Page 41 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Appendix: Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Minor Study
: Management
Program : -
Program Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Minor Program Semester 5
Minor @ Binus Kemanggisan
Digital Ecosystem v
Human Capital in Digital Workplace v
Sustainable Development v
Cross Cultural Communication v
Interactive & Users Experience Design v
Data Analytics v
Robotic Process Automation v
Minor @ Binus Alam Sutera
Digital Transformation v
Minor @ Binus Bekasi
Virtual Services Experience v
Culinary v
Minor @ Binus Malang
Digital Technopreneur v
Minor @ Binus Bandung
DesignPreneur v
Minor @ Binus Semarang
Metaverse in Business v

The minor programs can change anytime based on the trends of knowledge and industry
each year. Students will receive information about the updated minor programs during the
registration period.

2.1 Minor Description
To face challenges in the era of technological disruption and the wave of the 4.0 industrial
revolutions, this minor program offers foundational knowledge about the digital ecosystem in
the 4.0 industrial revolutions. Through this minor program, students will be able to develop
fundamental knowledge about main pillars of the digital ecosystem, such as informatics,
business, and creative design. Students will also be able to combine the knowledge they gain
from their respective majors with information technology to develop real solutions for society.

2.2 Career Options

Chief technology officer, digital business strategy expert/consultant, digital solution architect,
digital business strategy manager, digital operations manager.

Page 42 of 91

2.3 Features and Uniqueness

This program is designed by combining informatics, games, cyber security, design, and
business. This program is designed in such a way that even though students have no basic
knowledge they can still follow it, and implement the knowledge gained from their department
with the knowledge gained in real cases.

2.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to apply information technology (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain digital ecosystem concept
to develop digital ecosystem solutions for and its implementation in cases of the society
society (L.Obj 1.2) Able to develop digital ecosystem
solutions based on information technology in
overcoming real problems in society
(SO 2) Able to develop brand identity as a (L.Obj 2.1) Able to develop brand identity as a
representation of digital ecosystem solutions representation of digital ecosystem solutions for
for society society
(L.Obj 2.1) Able to develop visual identity as a
representation of digital ecosystem solutions for the

2.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO 2
Course Owner Method of
Course Code Course Name SCU LObj LObj LObj LObj
Dept. Assessment
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Introduction to
COMP6683001 Artificial 2/2 xx x Case Study
Digital Information
ISYS6549003 4 xx xx xx Project
Innovation Systems
Current Trends Computer
COMP6937001 2 xx x x x Case Study
in Technology Science
Narative Marketing
COMM6501019 4 x -
Development Communication
DSGN6834007 Visual Identity 4 New Media x x -
Cyber Security
COMP6685001 2 Cyber Security x x -
for Business

2.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 60% Case Study
L.Obj 1.1
Current Trends in Technology 40% Case Study
L.Obj 1.2 Digital Innovation 100% Project
L.Obj 2.1 Digital Innovation 100% Project
L.Obj 2.2. Digital Innovation 100% Project

2.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
COMP6683001 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2/2

MKB ISYS6549003 Digital Innovation 4

COMP6937001 Current Trends in Technology 2

Total SCU 10

Page 43 of 91

2.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
COMM6501019 Narative Development 4

MKB DSGN6834007 Visual Identity 4

COMP6685001 Cyber Security for Business 2

Total SCU 10


3.1 Minor Description
HCDW focuses on the human aspect of improving performance and developing human
resources in the Industrial 4.0 era, which utilizes a significant number of digital and mobile

3.2 Career Options

Human resource consultant, human resource manager, HR application developer (HRIS
developer), HR development consultant

3.3 Features and Uniqueness

HCDW combines the perspectives of psychology, management, law, and informatics systems
in discussing and analyzing various phenomena related to human resource development in
the Industrial 4.0 era.

3.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO1) Able to correlate human aspect, (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain human aspects,
legal aspects, and digital ecosystem in legal aspects, and digital ecosystem in
workforce. workforce.
(L.Obj 1.2) Able to correlate human and legal
aspects in digital ecosystems to manage
human resources.
(SO2) Able to plan human resources (L.Obj 2.1) Able to discuss human resources
development program using current trend development principles in an organization.
technology in an organization.
(L.Obj 2.2) Able to apply the current
technology in designing human resources
development program.

3.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO2
Course Course
Course Code SCU L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj
Name Owner Dept.
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Psychology in
PSYC6174027 The 4 Psychology xx
MGMT6349005 Workplace 4 Management xx
Workplace Information
ISYS6551003 4 xx
and Systems
Aspects in Business
LAWS6157028 4 xx
Digital Law
PSYC6175027 Human 4 Psychology xx
Page 44 of 91

SO 1 SO2
Course Course
Course Code SCU L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj
Name Owner Dept.
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
3.6 Assessment Plan
Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Psychology in The Workplace 100% Paper
Digital Workplace Strategy 50% Presentation
L.Obj 1.2
Legal Aspects in Digital Workplace 50% Presentation
L.Obj 2.1 Human Resources Development 100% Summary Report
L.Obj 2.2 Digital Workplace and Technology 100% Presentation

3.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
PSYC6174027 Psychology in The Workplace 4
MGMT6349005 Digital Workplace Strategy 4
MKB ISYS6551003 Digital Workplace and Technology 4
LAWS6157028 Legal Aspects in Digital Workplace 4
PSYC6175027 Human Resources Development 4
Total SCU 20

4.1 Minor Description
The minor program on the topic of Sustainable Development prepares students from other
disciplines for careers in engineering-related fields. Students will receive enrichment in the
fields of Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and
Food Technology. Students also gain knowledge of the development and application of the
latest technology in the engineering field, which supports sustainable development and the
industrial revolution 4.0.

4.2 Career Options

Construction Manager; Property Manager; Building Manager; Civil Engineer; Project
Manager; Pre Sales and Marketing Engineer, Product Specialist, Product Development,
Business Development.

4.3 Features and Uniqueness

Students will gain sustainability knowledge in the field of engineering and the latest
technology related to architectural design process; construction and infrastructure, eco
materials; industry and manufacture process, public safety; food technology and food
industry; hardware programming, sensors and actuators; technology and feasibility study to
contribute to the society.

4.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to explain the concept and (L.Obj 1.1) Able to identify the concepts and principles of
principles of sustainable development sustainable development.
that meet specifics needs with
consideration of eco material, (L.Obj 1.2) Able to explain the concept and principle of
manufacture process, public safety, sustainable development that meet specifics needs with
technology and feasibility study to consideration of eco material, manufacture process, public
contribute to the society safety, technology and feasibility study to contribute to the

Page 45 of 91

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives

(SO 2) Able to apply the concepts (L.Obj 2.1) Able to choose the suitable concepts and principles
principle of sustainable development of sustainable development to establish sustainability goals
that meet specifics needs with
consideration of eco material, (L.Obj 2.2) Able to apply the concepts principle of sustainable
manufacture process, public safety, development to establish sustainability goals that meet
technology and feasibility study to specifics needs with consideration of eco material,
contribute to the society manufacture process, public safety, technology and feasibility
study to contribute to the society

4.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO 2
Course Code Course Name SCU LObj LObj LObj LObj
Owner Dept.
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
ISYE6154011 Design and 4 x x x xx
Digital for
CPEN6217010 Sustainable 4 x x xx xx
Introduction to
ARCH6119014 Sustainable 2 Architecture xx xx
Health, Safety,
ISYE6155011 and 2 x x x x
Administration in
Engineering Interior
DSGN6835008 4 x x
Material Design
Engineering Civil
CIVL6118013 4 x x x x
Economic Engineering

4.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Introduction to Sustainable Development 100% Paper
L.Obj 1.2 Introduction to Sustainable Development 100% Paper
L.Obj 2.1 Digital for Sustainable Development 100% Hands on Project, Presentation
Sustainable Design and Manufacture 50% Project
L.Obj 2.2
Digital for Sustainable Development 50% Hands on Project, Presentation

4.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYE6154011 Sustainable Design and Manufacture 4
MKB CPEN6217010 Digital for Sustainable Development 4
ARCH6119014 Introduction to Sustainable Development 2
Total SCU 10

4.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
MKB ISYE6155011 Occupational, Health, Safety, and Administration in 2
Page 46 of 91

Group Course SCU

DSGN6835008 Engineering Material 4
CIVL6118013 Engineering Economic 4
Total SCU 10


5.1 Minor Description
This minor program equips students with the ability to communicate using languages and
understanding cultures of foreign parties. In addition, this minor program enables students to
apply intercultural awareness through both Indonesian and foreign languages and cultures.

5.2 Career Options

Language specialist, language localization specialist, translator, interpreter, mobility

5.3 Features and Uniqueness

In this Minor program students not only learn Chinese Business, communication in the
diversity and character of Asian businesses (China, Japan, Korea), but also study Private
International Law, Comparative Politics and National Identity in Global World.

5.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to apply language skills and (L.Obj 1.1) Able to apply Asia foreign language in
intercultural awareness. conversation.

(L.Obj 1.2) Able to interpret situations from Asia

foreign cultures/cultural contexts in relation to their
own culture.

(L.Obj 1.3) Able to demonstrate the ability to

interact and mediate cross-language and cultural
exchanges in accordance with the cultural context.

5.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1
Course Owner
Course Code Course Name SCU LObj LObj LObj
1.1 1.2 1.3
Chinese Conversation in Chinese
CHIN6132026 4 xx xx
Daily Activities Literature
Communication in Marketing
COMM6502019 2 x
Diversity Communication
BUSS6170025 Asian Business Ethics 4 xx
Chinese Conversation in
CHIN6134026 Business 4 x x
Private International
LAWS6158028 2 Business Law x
INTR6135029 Comparative Politics 4 x

5.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Chinese Conversation in Daily Activities 100% Role Play

Page 47 of 91

L.Obj 1.2 Chinese Conversation in Daily Activities 100% Role Play

L.Obj 1.3 Asian Business Ethics 100% Project

5.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
CHIN6132026 Chinese Conversation in Daily Activities 4
MKB COMM6502019 Communication in Diversity 2
BUSS6170025 Asian Business Ethics 4
Total SCU 10

5.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
CHIN6134026 Chinese Conversation in Business Communication 4
MKB LAWS6158028 Private International Law 2
INTR6135029 Comparative Politics 4
Total SCU 10


6.1 Minor Description
In today's digital era, people are competing to produce the best digital products that suit the
users’ needs. How can we make this happen? Minor Interactive & User Experience (UX)
Design is the answer. In this Minor program, students will learn about the basics of UX
starting from finding, designing, and building a digital product that is in accordance with a
good UX concept to ensure that the digital products produced have adopted the UX theory. In
this minor program, students will study UX from 3 (three) main pillars of UX, namely
Information Systems, Psychology, and Design through 6 (six) subjects that can be selected.

6.2 Career Options

UX Researcher, UX Designer, Usability Analyst, Information Architect, Interaction Designer,
Visual Designer, Content Strategies.

6.3 Features and Uniqueness

In this program students will gain knowledge about Interactive & User Experience Design
directly from 3 (three) fields of science that have a major role in forming an extraordinary user
experience, namely Information Systems, Psychology and Visual Communication Design.

6.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to summarize the (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain human, design, and technology
concept of user experience design aspects in user experience design

(L.Obj 1.2) Able to correlate human, design, and technology

aspects in digital media

(SO 2) Able to develop digital (L.Obj 2.1) Able to develop visual language for digital product
product based on user experience navigation
design principles
(L.Obj 2.2) Able to apply user experience principles for digital
product development

Page 48 of 91

6.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO2
Course Code Course Name SCU LObj LObj LObj LObj
Owner Dept.
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
User-Centered xx
ISYS6553003 Research and 4 xx
PSYC617602 Psychology and
4 Psychology xx xx
7 User Experience
Fundamental of
DSIN6003007 2 New Media xx
Interface Design
Core Principles: Information
ISYS6554003 4 x x
Interactive Design Systems
DSGN683700 Digital Design
4 New Media x x
7 Production
Information Information
ISYS6556003 2 x x
Architecture Systems

6.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Psychology and User Experience 100% Paper
Psychology and User Experience 50% Presentation, Summary Report
L.Obj 1.2
User-Centered Research and Evaluation 50% Presentation, Summary Report
L.Obj 2.1 Fundamental of Interface Design 100% Project
L.Obj 2.2 User-Centered Research and Evaluation 100% Presentation, Summary Report

6.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6553003 User-Centered Research and Evaluation 4
MKB PSYC6176027 Psychology and User Experience 4
DSIN6003007 Fundamental of Interface Design 2
Total SCU 10

6.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6554003 Core Principles: Interactive Design 4
MKB DSGN6837007 Digital Design Production 4
ISYS6556003 Information Architecture 2
Total SCU 10

7.1 Minor Description
The Data Analytics minor program provides insight into acquisitions and analysis of data in
organizations by using critical thinking from multiple strategic perspectives, including
consumer behavior communicated in the form of visualizations/models that can support
retrieval decision.

7.2 Career Options

Data Analyst, Marketing Analyst

Page 49 of 91

7.3 Features and Uniqueness

Have basic knowledge of Acquisition and analysis data, Predict consumer behavior patterns
and Design a data model/visualization for retrieval decision.

7.4 Differences in the learning process (if any), for example Creative Class, Smart
Class, etc
The Data Analytics minor program uses a combination of models interactive learning using
case based learning and continuous project based on best practice companies that can
improve students’ understanding related to the implementation of data analysis.

7.5 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to explain market behavior to predict (L.Obj 1.1) Able to describe current market
strategic decision situation
(L.Obj 1.2) Able to explain strategic decision
based on current market situation
(SO 2) Able to analyze business data to make an (L.Obj 2.1) Able to use Data Analytic tools
effective market prediction using data analytic tools (L.Obj 2.2) Able to analyze output data for
business prediction

7.6 Curriculum Mapping

Course Owner
Course Code Course Name SCU Lobj Lobj Lobj Lobj
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Introduction to Data Information
ISYS6680003 2 xx xx
Analytics Systems
Data Management & Information
ISYS6681003 4 x xx
Descriptive Analytics Systems
Statistical for Decision
STAT6198049 4 Statistic xx x
Application of Predictive
ISYS6682003 Analytics to Business 4 x x
Prescriptive Analytics Information
ISYS6683003 4 x x x
and Optimization Systems
Digitalization of Markets Global Business
MKTG6312005 2 x x
and Consumption Marketing

7.7 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Introduction to Data Analytics 100% Presentation
L.Obj 1.2 Introduction to Data Analytics 100% Presentation
L.Obj 2.1 Statistical for Decision Making 100% Case Study, Presentation
Case Study, Project,
L.Obj 2.2 Data Management & Descriptive Analytics 100%

7.8 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6680003 Introduction to Data Analytics 2
MKB ISYS6681003 Data Management & Descriptive Analytics 4
STAT6198049 Statistical for Decision Making 4
Total SCU 10

Page 50 of 91

7.9 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6682003 Application of Predictive Analytics to Business Data 4
ISYS6683003 Prescriptive Analytics and Optimization 4
MKTG6312005 Digitalization of Markets and Consumption 2
Total SCU 10


8.1 Minor Description
The Robotic Process Automation minor program provides an understanding of the concept of
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in automating repetitive processes, as well as providing
an understanding of how the RPA development process involving the concept of Artificial

8.2 Career Options

RPA Developer, RPA Architect, RPA Business Analyst, System Analyst, Corporate
Information Systems Designer, Technopreuneur, IS Project Manager, IT/IS Consultant.

8.3 Features and Uniqueness

Have basic knowledge of business processes and explore creative ideas related to
automation, Know how to implement business processes using automation technology and
Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the automation process

8.4 Differences in the learning process (if any), for example Creative Class, Smart
Class, etc
The Robotic Process Automation minor program uses a combination of interactive project-
based learning models that allow students to directly demonstrate the application of robotic
process automation in real cases.

8.5 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to explain Robotic Process (L.Obj 1.1) Able to identify robotic process
Automation (RPA) technology in supporting automation steps
business process (L.Obj 1.2) Able to explain automation technology
that can solve current business problem
(SO 2) Able to develop Robotic Process (.LObj 2.1) Able to identify process that can be
Automation (RPA) technology in supporting automated by RPA
business process (L.Obj 2.2) Able to develop RPA solution

8.6 Curriculum Mapping

Course SO1 SO2
Course Code Course Name SCU Owner L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj
Dept. 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Basic Programming for Computer
COMP6857001 2 x x xx
Automation Science
COMP6858001 RPA Concept & Design 2 xx x xx
RPA Developer Information
ISYS6684003 4 xx x xx
Fundamental Systems
ISYS6685003 RPA Developer Advance 4 x x
RPA Business Analytics Information
ISYS6686003 4 x x
Fundamental Systems
Business Process Information
ISYS6687003 2 x xx
Improvement Systems
COMP6859001 Intelligence Automation 2 Computer x x
Page 51 of 91

Course SO1 SO2

Course Code Course Name SCU Owner L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj L.Obj
Dept. 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2

8.7 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
RPA Concept & Design 50% Case Study, Presentation
L.Obj 1.1
RPA Developer Fundamental 50% Project
L.Obj 1.2 Business Process Improvement 100% Case Study, Presentation
L.Obj 2.1 RPA Concept & Design 100% Case Study, Presentation
Basic Programming for Automation 50% Project
L.Obj 2.2
RPA Developer Fundamental 50% Project

8.8 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
COMP6857001 Basic Programming for Automation 2
COMP6858001 RPA Concept & Design 2
ISYS6684003 RPA Developer Fundamental 4
ISYS6687003 Business Process Improvement 2
Total SCU 10

8.9 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6685003 RPA Developer Advance 4
MKB ISYS6686003 RPA Business Analytics Fundamental 4
COMP6859001 Intelligence Automation 2
Total SCU 10

9.1 Minor Description
Digital Transformation provides knowledge on how information technology can be a
competitive advantage in business processes. In this minor program, students will learn about
innovation in business processes, data management, and strategies that can support
companies to become leaders in the digital era.

9.2 Career Options

Business Analyst, System Analyst, Corporate Information Systems Designer, Database
Administrator, Database Designer, Technopreuneur, IS Project Manager, IT/IS Consultant
and Auditor, Social Media professional, and Marketing Analyst

9.3 Features and Uniqueness

1. Having basic knowledge of business processes and digging creative ideas digitally
2. Knowing how to design a business strategy using technology
3. Learning about digital business in an interactive and fun learning model

Page 52 of 91

9.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives

(SO 1) Able to explain current business (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain current business process
condition and relevant Information condition
Technology for Digital Transformation
(L.Obj 1.2) Able to outline the roles of Information
Technology for Digital Transformation

(SO 2) Able to analyze business data to (L.Obj 2.1) Able to use technology for Data
make an effective Business Decision by Management and Data Analysis
using Information Technology
(L.Obj 2.2) Able to analyze an effective business
decision by using Data Management and Data Analysis

9.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO 2
Course Owner
Course Code Course Name SCU LObj LObj LObj LObj
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Business Models and
ISYS6559003 Technology 4 xx xx
Business Data Information
ISYS6557003 4 xx xx
Management Systems
MGMT6484005 Digital Strategy 2 Business x xx
Digital Marketing Information
ISYS6695003 4 x x
Analysis System
Practical Statistics for
STAT6200049 4 Statistics x x
Digital Business
Success Factor for
ISYS6560003 Leading Digital 2 x x

9.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
Business Models and Technology Project, Case Study,
L.Obj 1.1 100%
Innovation Presentation
Business Models and Technology Project, Case Study,
L.Obj 1.2 Innovation Presentation
Digital Strategy 40% Case Study, Presentation
Project, Case Study,
L.Obj 2.1 Business Data Management 100%
Project, Case Study,
L.Obj 2.2. Business Data Management 100%

9.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take all fundamental courses to pass the minor program:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6559003 Business Models and Technology Innovation 4
MKB ISYS6557003 Business Data Management 4
MGMT6484005 Digital Strategy 2

Page 53 of 91

Total SCU 10

Page 54 of 91

9.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6695003 Digital Marketing Analysis 4
MKB STAT6200049 Practical Statistics for Digital Business 4
ISYS6560003 Success Factor for Leading Digital Transformation 2
Total SCU 10


10.1 Minor Description
This minor program explores the concept and implementation of virtual services in the fields
of Financial Technology, Marketing, Supply chain, Market Place and Hospitality Management.

10.2 Career Options

FinTech Expert in Banking/Trading, Social media Expert for Marketing, Expert in Services for
Hospitality Management, Suply Chain, Shipment, Market Place, Business process Expert in
procurement and E-Commerce.

10.3 Features and Uniqueness

Virtual services equip students with various business functions in the fields of Financial
Technology, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Procurement and Market Place
supported by virtual services.

10.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO1 ) Able to explain the concept of (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain the potential of virtual
virtual services in various business services in various business functions
functions (L.Obj 1.2) Able to explain the application of virtual
services in various business functions
(SO 2) Able to analyze virtual services in (L.Obj 2.1) Able to use virtual services in business
business functions functions
(L.Obj 2.2) Able to analyze virtual services in
business functions

10.5 Curriculum Mapping

Course SO 1 SO 2
Course Method of
Course Code SCU Priority Owner LObj LOb LObj LObj
Name Assessment
Dept. 1.1 j 1.2 2.1 2.2
ISYS6561003 of Virtual 2 1 xx x Paper
ACCT6350020 Financial 4 2 Accounting x x xx xx
Virtual Business
Operation 3 Managemen Paper, Case
MGMT6354005 4 x xx x x
and Supply t study
Virtual Information
ISYS6562003 4 4 x x x x -
Market Place Systems
Virtual Hotel
HTMN6082021 Hospitality 4 5 Managemen x x x x -
Management t
Seminar on
ISYS6563003 Virtual 2 6 x x -

10.6 Assessment Plan

Page 55 of 91

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Fundamental of Virtual Services 100% Paper
L.Obj 1.2 Virtual Operation and Supply Chain 100% Paper, Case study
L.Obj 2.1 Virtual Financial Services 100% Report, Presentation
L.Obj 2.2 Virtual Financial Services 100% Report, Presentation

10.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6561003 Fundamental of Virtual Services 2
MKB ACCT6350020 Virtual Financial Services 4
MGMT6354005 Virtual Operation and Supply Chain 4
Total SCU 10

10.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6562003 Virtual Market Place 4
MKB HTMN6082021 Virtual Hospitality Management 4
ISYS6563003 Seminar on Virtual Services 2
Total SCU 10

11.1 Minor Description
The Culinary Minor Program provides learning that focuses on Culinary, Pastry & Bakery
field. The curriculum design is more of practicums, which aim to make students have the
competencies required in the fields of Food Production, Pastry & Bakery and Authentic
Indonesian Cuisine.

11.2 Career Options

Entrepreneur in the field of Culinary (Resto, Café, Catering Business), Chef, Restaurant

11.3 Features and Uniqueness

Students from all existing majors can follow this minor program without having to demonstrate
basic knowledge of Culinary (Food Production, Pastry & Bakery). Interaction with experienced
lecturers who are hospitality experts (reliable Chefs) from 5 Star Hotels can provide very
useful information.

11.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to apply basic knowledge and (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain products, basic
methods of cooking of food production, ingredients, cooking - baking processes
pastry & bakery according to international according to international hotel standards.
hotel standards. (L.Obj 1.2) Able to apply cooking-baking
principles to produce food products according
to international hotel standards.

Page 56 of 91

11.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1
Course Owner
Course Code Course Name SCU L.Obj L.Obj
1.1 1.2
Food and Beverage
HTMN6108021 2 Hotel Management xx x
HTMN6008021 Kitchen Operation 4 Hotel Management x xx
Pastry and Bakery
HTMN6128021 4 Hotel Management x xx
HTMN6155021 Indonesian Cuisine 4 Hotel Management x x
HTMN6125021 4 Hotel Management x x
HTMN6154021 Culinary Tourism 2 Hotel Management x x
SCU for HTMN6008021, HTMN6128021, HTMN6155021, HTMN6125021 are practical

11.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Food and Beverage Management 100% Group Project (100%)
Kitchen Operation 50% Individual Project (50%)
L.Obj 1.2
Pastry and Bakery Operation 50% Individual Project (50%)

11.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take fundamental courses:
Group Course SCU
HTMN6108021 Food and Beverage Management 2
MKB HTMN6008021 Kitchen Operation 4
HTMN6128021 Pastry and Bakery Operation 4
Total SCU 10
SCU for HTMN6008021, HTMN6128021 are practical

11.8 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
HTMN6155021 Indonesian Cuisine 4
MKB HTMN6125021 Restaurant Operation 4
HTMN6154021 Culinary Tourism 2
Total SCU 10
SCU for HTMN6155021, HTMN6125021 are practical


12.1 Minor Description
Digital Technopreneur is a minor program that facilitates students in exploring the potentials
of developing digital technology venture that combines technical competence with
entrepreneurial skills, creativity, and innovative ideas to produce digital technology business
models & prototypes. The minor program embraces the human-centered approach in helping
students to develop innovative value propositions.

12.2 Career Options

Entrepreneur, Digital-preneur, Techno-preneur, Creative-preneur, Design-preneur.

Page 57 of 91

12.3 Features and Uniqueness

Digital Technopreneur minor program is composed of multi-disciplinary subjects, covering IT,
business, communication, and design. The program also introduces collaborative initiatives
with various stakeholders (corporations, business actors, and creative communities).

The minor program utilizes project-based and challenge-based learning, supported by the use
of co-working space, Mac incubator lab, creative class, smart class, and field study
opportunities. The program fosters collaboration among students from various disciplinary
backgrounds in designing digital technology business ideas and prototypes.

This program requires students to take the Business Start-up Track for the Enrichment

12.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Demonstrate skills to develop (L.Obj 1.1) Identify the essential skills required in
technology venture team forming a technology venture team
(L.Obj 1.2) Implement the formation of
multidisciplinary team
(SO 2) Use tools in developing (L.Obj 2.1) Understand new technology trends and
human-centered digital technology market potentials
business models and prototypes (L.Obj 2.2) Implement appropriate tools to generate
human-centered digital technology business models
and prototypes

12.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO 2
Course Owner of
Lobj 1.1

Lobj 1.2

Lobj 2.1

Lobj 2.2
Course Code Course Name SCU
Dept. Assessm

ENTR6528002 Entrepreneurial 4 x xx x xx
Business Creation
DSGN6839006 4 Communication x x xx xx
COMM6504018 Digital Branding 2 Public Relations x x xx x Project
Market Entrepreneurship
ENTR6529002 2 x x xx x
Intelligence Business Creation
User Experience
COMP6687004 4 Computer Science xx x x xx
DSGN6844023 4 Interior Design x x x xx
Digital Future

12.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 User Experience Design 100%
L.Obj 1.2 The Entrepreneurial Innovator 100%
Interactive Design 30%
L.Obj 2.1 Digital Branding 30%
Market Intelligence 40% Project
The Entrepreneurial Innovator 25%
Interactive Design 25%
L.Obj 2.2
User Experience Design 25%
Prototyping Digital Future 25%

Page 58 of 91

12.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take all fundamental courses to pass the minor program:
Group Course SCU
ENTR6528002 The Entrepreneurial Innovator 4
DSGN6839006 Interactive Design 4
COMM6504018 Digital Branding 2
ENTR6529002 Market Intelligence 2
COMP6687004 User Experience Design 4
DSGN6844023 Prototyping Digital Future 4
Total SCU 20

13.1 Minor Description
The Designpreneur Minor program give students the ability to be able to produce innovative
work in the form of products or services based on creativity and design that can be utilized in
running or developing a business.

13.2 Career Options:

Design journalist, product designer, packaging designer, service system designer, service
process analyst, creative director, sociopreneur.

13.3 Features and Uniqueness

Designpreneur Minor programs is interdisciplinary approaches that constructed from a set of
courses from various study programs such as computer science, Visual Communication
Design, Interior Design and Entrepreneurship that provide additional knowledge and skills
(breadth competence) to complement the major / spesific student outcomes.

Designpreneurs minor program implement project-based learning, problem-based learning

which is carried out comprehensively and is supported by facilities such as creative class and
computer laboratories. The learning will involve all students from different study programs to
work together and contribute to design a business product and business service.

13.4 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to solve problems in society (L.Obj 1.1) Able to identify current problems in
with works based on product design and / society in the field of entrepreneurship, specifically
or service design in a creative and product design and / or service design.
innovative way.
(L.Obj 1.2) Able to analyze the needs related to the
latest problems in society in the field of
entrepreneurship, especially product design and / or
service design.
(L.Obj 1.3) Able to develop product design and / or
service design as a solution to overcome problems in
the field of entrepreneurship.
(SO 2) Able to apply design expertise with (L.Obj 2.1) Able to develop interactive designs by
information and communication utilizing information and communication technology
technology (ICT) in managing a business (ICT).
or entrepreneurship.
(L.Obj 2.2) Able to apply design principles in
managing a business or entrepreneurship

Page 59 of 91

13.5 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1 SO 2
Course Owner
Course Code Course Name SCU
Dept. Lobj Lobj Lobj Lobj Lobj
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2

Fundamental of
ENTR6525032 4 Creativepreneurship x xx x

COMP6688031 4 Computer Science x xx

Surface Visual
DSGN6797034 Packaging 4 Communication x xx x
Design Design

Hospitality and
ENTR6526032 4 Creativepreneurship xx x
Service Design

DSGN6843033 Project Design 4 Interior Design x x xx

13.6 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Hospitality and Service Design 100% Case Study
L.Obj 1.2 Fundamental of Designpreneur 100% Case study
L.Obj 1.3 Surface Packaging Design 100% Project
L.Obj 2.1 UI/UX Development 100% Case Study
L.Obj 2.2 Project Design 100% Project

13.7 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take all fundamental courses to pass the minor program:
Group Course SCU
ENTR6525032 Fundamental of Designpreneur 4
COMP6688031 UI/UX Development 4
MKB DSGN6797034 Surface Packaging Design 4
ENTR6526032 Hospitality and Service Design 4
DSGN6843033 Project Design 4
Total SCU 20


14.1 Minor Description
The objective of the Metaverse in Business minor program in general is to offer a new
learning experience in business innovation in the digital world. After completing the Metaverse
in Business minor program, students will be able to design Virtual Reality applications so that
they are able to present users in a virtual world, as if they are in another place, and develop
Augmented Reality applications to present virtual effects in the real world.

14.2 Career Options

AR/VR Designer, AR/VR Developer, AR/VR Engineer, AR/VR Researcher

14.3 Features and Uniqueness

a. Hybrid Learning that is personalized with structured meetings, combined with classical
learning, tutorials and industry visits to ensure that the students will have a real-world
learning experience that can be demonstrated to other potential learners.

Page 60 of 91

b. Intended for students across disciplines who have strong learning motivation. The
content is designed in a modular way, which is presented in simple language and clear
visual steps. The complexity of the material is arranged with gradual gradations so that
students can learn and apply their new skills.
c. At the end of the course, students will receive a Metaverse for Business certificate in
recognition of their special competence in the field of information technology applied to
business, including skills in data analysis, visual design and practical computing.
14.4 Differences in the learning process (if any), for example Creative Class, Smart
Class, etc.
a. The learning process for the Metaverse in Business minor program is carried out using
Smart Class facilities to interact, discuss, and use the Metaverse Lab facilities for
collaborative experiments.
b. Teaching and learning are project and case-based methods in the business world.
Students will gain real-world industrial learning experiences through industrial visits
guided by practitioners.
c. The outputs of the Metaverse in Business minor program are: (1) Certificate/Student
Competencies, (2) Learning products in the form of prototypes, models or applications,
(3) Scientific Publications of laboratory experimental results, (4) Intellectual Property
Rights (as an additional output)

14.5 Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives

Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO1 ) Able to develop AR/VR (LObj 1.1) Able to design AR/VR technology to
application prototypes to support the create a stakeholder experience in a variety of
Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0 business and industries.

(L.Obj 1.2) Able to improve Design Thinking with

Data Analytic to produce innovative products and
business strategies with new equipment and

14.6 Curriculum Mapping

SO 1
Course Code Course Name SCU Course Owner Dept. Lobj Lobj
1.1 1.2
ISYS6777052 Business Model 2 Information Systems xx
COMP6889051 Virtual Reality 4 Computer Science xx
COMP6890051 Augmented reality 4 Computer Science xx
ISYS6778052 Data Analytics 2 Information Systems x
DSGN6981053 Design Thinking 4 Visual Communication Design x
DSGN6980053 Interface Design 4 Visual Communication Design x x

14.7 Assessment Plan

Where to Assess Weight Method of Assessment
L.Obj 1.1 Virtual Reality 100% Case Study – Project
Business Model 40% Case Study – Project
L.Obj 1.2
Augmented reality 60% Case Study – Project

14.8 Minor Fundamental Courses

Students must take all fundamental courses to pass the minor program:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6777052 Business Model 2
MKB COMP6889051 Virtual Reality 4
COMP6890051 Augmented reality 4
Total SCU 10
Page 61 of 91

Page 62 of 91

14.9 Minor Supporting Courses

Students must take Supporting courses:
Group Course SCU
ISYS6778052 Data Analytics 2
MKB DSGN6981053 Design Thinking 4
DSGN6980053 Interface Design 4
Total SCU 10

Page 63 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Appendix: Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Free Study
: Management
Program : -
Electives Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Course Owner Grou

No Course Code Course Name SCU Semester
Department p
1 MKB MKTG6324005 Retail Marketing Management 2 5
Global Business
2 MKB MKTG6270005 Retail and Omni Channel 2 5
Global Business
3 MKK MGMT6358005 Managing Business Information 2/2 5
4 MKB CPEN6098010 Computer Networks 2/2 5
5 MKB CPEN6126010 Cross Platform Application Development 4 5
6 MKB CPEN6225010 Telco Network & Switching System 2 5
7 MKB CPEN6232010 Cloud Technology Practice 2 5
8 MKB ISYE6067011 Global Supply Chain 2 5
9 MKB ISYE6165011 Supply Chain Risk & Negotiation 2 5
10 MKB ISYE6115011 Transportation Modeling 2 5
11 MKB ISYE6167011 Decision Support System 2 5
12 MKB ISYE6168011 Financial Engineering 2 5
13 Food Technology MKK FOOD6073015 Current Issues in Food Technology 2 5
14 Food Technology MKK CPEN6235015 IoT in Food Industry 2 5
15 Food Technology MKK FOOD6094015 Nutrition & Health 4 5
16 Architecture MKB ARCH6146014 Interior Architecture 4 5
17 Architecture MKB ARCH6128014 Multimedia in Design Presentation 4 5
18 Architecture MKB ARCH6147014 Behavior in Architecture 4 5
19 MKB COMP6144001 Web Programming 2 5
20 MKB ISYS6197001 Business Application Development 2/2 5
21 MKB MOBI6059001 Mobile Programming 2 5
Game Application
22 MKB GAME6085001 Object Oriented Game Programming 2 5
and Technology
23 Marketing MKB COMM6624019 Digital Creative Content 2/2 5

Page 64 of 91

Course Owner Grou

No Course Code Course Name SCU Semester
Department p
24 MKB COMM6620019 Online Publishing 2/2 5
25 MKB COMM6533019 Creative Program Design 2/2 5
26 MKB COMM6510019 Reportage & Interview Technique 2/2 5
27 MKB COMM6622019 Audio Journalism 2/2 5
28 MKB COMM6410019 Digital Broadcasting Production 2/2 5
29 MKB COMM6632019 Writing for Corporate Communication 2/2 5
30 MKB COMM6541019 Digital Corporate Communication 2/2 5
31 MKB COMM6634019 Environmental Issues and Brand Activism 4 5
32 MKB COMM6635019 Integrated Marketing Communication 2 5
33 MKB COMM6637019 Brand Activation 2/2 5
Marketing Social Media Planning & Engagement
34 MKB COMM6638019 2/2 5
35 Tourism MKB TRSM6142022 Event Management 4 5
36 Tourism MKB TRSM6218022 Adventure Tourism Management 4 5
37 Tourism MKB TRSM6220022 Rural Tourism Entrepreneurship 4 5
38 Tourism MKB TRSM6221022 Sport Tourism 2 5
39 Tourism MKB BUSS6137022 Tourism E-Business 4 5
40 Tourism MKB TRSM6216022 Guiding and Interpretation 2 5
41 Tourism MKB TRSM6212022 Indonesian Culture 4 5
42 Tourism MKB TRSM6140022 Tourism Law and Regulation 2 5
Principles of Tourism Accounting and
43 Tourism MKB ACCT6383022 2 5
Hotel Revenue Management in Hospitality
44 MKB HTMN6145021 2 5
Hotel Food Safety
45 MKB HTMN6146021 2 5
Management Management
Hotel Consumer Behavior in
46 MKB HTMN6018021 2 5
Management Hospitality
47 MKB HTMN6147021 Hospitality Management 4 5
48 MKB HTMN6001021 Introduction to Hospitality 4 5
49 MKB HTMN6108021 Food and Beverage Management 2 5
50 MKB HTMN6131021 Catering Management 2 5
51 Accounting MKB ACCT6116020 Social and Environmental Accounting 2 5
52 Accounting MKB ACCT6461020 Accounting Syariah 2 5
53 Taxation MKB TAXN6053020 Regional Tax Systems 2 5
Finance Introduction to Financial Market and Fin-
54 MKK FINC6189020 2 5

Page 65 of 91

Course Owner Grou

No Course Code Course Name SCU Semester
Department p
55 Finance MKK FINC6010020 International Finance 2 5
56 Cyber Security MKB COMP6542001 Computer Security Fundamental 2 5
57 Data Science MKB DTSC6006001 Machine Learning 2/1 5
Mobile Application
58 MKB MOBI6068001 Web Design 2 5
& Technology
Mobile Application
59 MKB MOBI6070001 Embedded System and Internet of Things 3 5
& Technology
Mobile Application
60 MKB MOBI6059001 Mobile Programming 2 5
& Technology
61 Statistics MKB STAT6157049 Data Mining and Visualization 2 5
62 MKB ISYS6196003 Business Analytics 2 5
63 MKB ISYS6199003 Data & Text Mining 4 5
64 MKB ISYS6202003 Social Informatics 4 5
65 MKB ISYS6402003 Business Analytics 2/2 5
66 MKB ISYS8066003 Business Process Management 4 5
67 Information MKB ISYS6579003 Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems 4 5
68 Animation MKB DSGN6689007 Concept Art & Production Design 2 5
69 Animation MKB DSGN6690007 Animation Storytelling 2 5
70 MKK DSGN6661007 Photography 4 5
71 Film MKB FILM6059009 Global Cinema 4 5
72 New Media MKB DSGN6743007 Digital Graphic Reproduction 4 5
73 Interior Design MKB DSGN6612008 Design Trend 2 5
74 MKK INTR6137029 Indonesia in Perspectives 2 5
75 MKK INTR6180029 Introduction to International Media 2 5
76 MKK INTR6142029 Diplomacy and International Politics 2/2 5
77 Chinese Literature MKB CHIN6157026 Chinese Business for Etiquette (Beginner) 4 5
78 Chinese Literature MKB CHIN6158026 Chinese Business in Daily Communication 4 5
79 Chinese Literature MKB CHIN6159026 Chinese Character Writing 2 5
80 English Literature MKB SOCS6021024 Social and Digital Media Writing 2 5
81 English Literature MKB ENGL6244024 Social Media Broadcasting 4 5
82 Business Law MKB LAWS6017028 Intellectual Property Rights 4 5
83 Business Law MKB LAWS6110028 Cyber Law 2 5
Banking-Financial Law & Islamic Business
84 Business Law MKB LAWS6168028 4 5
Business Law Capital Market, Legal Audit, & Due
85 MKB LAWS6169028 4 5
Business Law Business Competition & Consumer
86 MKB LAWS6171028 2 5
Protection Law
Page 66 of 91

Course Owner Grou

No Course Code Course Name SCU Semester
Department p
87 Business Law MKB LAWS6174028 Contract & Legislative Drafting 2 5
88 Psychology MKB PSYC6124027 Psychology of Early Childhood Education 4 5
89 Psychology MKB PSYC6145027 Urban Psychology 4 5
90 Psychology MKB PSYC6138027 Lifespan Development 4 5
Primary Teacher
91 MKB EDUC6074030 Art & Craft 4 5
Primary Teacher
92 MKB EDUC8004030 School Based Management 2 5
Japanese Japanese Corporate Culture and
93 MKB JAPN6116025 Management (Nihon No Kigyou Bunka to 2 5
Japanese Ideas and Images of Japanese Culture
94 MKK JAPN6150025 2 5
Literature (Nihon Bunka Aidea to Imeeji)
95 MKB JAPN6111025 Introductory Japanese I 4 5
Japanese Practical Japanese Culture (Nihon Bunka
96 MKB JAPN6056025 2 5
Literature Taiken)
97 MKB JAPN6036025 Japanese Tourism (Nihon Kankou) 2 5
98 MKB JAPN6104025 Japanese Industry and Technology 2 5

Page 67 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Appendix: Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Multidisciplina Study
: Management
Program :-
ry Stream Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Students will receive information about multidisciplinary stream during the registration period.

Page 68 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Appendix: Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Student Study
: Management
Program : -
Mobility Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

1. Entrepreneurship @Binus Bandung

1.1 Alignment of Program Objectives with Competency Goals

Competency Goals (CG)

(CG 2)
Each student
should be able to (CG 4)
(CG 1) demonstrate (CG 3) Each student
Each entrepreneurial Each should be able
Program student acumen by student to articulate
Objectives (PO) should be applying creative, should be sustainable
able to innovative, able to apply business
comprehen analytical thinking ethical and perspective in
d business as well as professional exercising
concept applying values. business
communication concept.
skills, and ICT
(PO 1) Provide
students basic
knowledge in the
fields of
and Management
they need in
business practice
(PO 2) Provide
students with
and business skills
integrated with
technology that
have an impact on
v v
operations, finance
and business
organizations and
provide tools used
in business
(PO 3) Preparing v v
students to
entrepreneurs and
agents of change
ethically by
utilizing skills and
knowledge in
Page 69 of 91

building a

Page 70 of 91

1.2 Alignment of Graduate Profiles with Competency Goals

Competency Goals
(CG 2)
(CG 4)
Each student should (CG 3)
(CG 1) Each student
be able to demonstrate
Graduate Each student should be able to
Each student entrepreneurial
Profiles should be able articulate
should be able acumen by applying
to apply sustainable
to comprehend creative, innovative,
ethical and business
business analytical thinking as
professional perspective in
concept well as applying
values. exercising business
communication skills,
and ICT skills
Entrepreneur v v v v
Intrapreneur v v v v
v v v v
v v v v
v v v v
Business v v v v

1.3 Alignment of Competency Goals to Learning objectives

Competency Goals Traits/LO
CG-1 Konsep Bisnis LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan konsep
Business Concept 1.1 bisnis, fungsi bisnis, dan proses bisnis.
Setiap siswa harus dapat
mengaplikasikan konsep bisnis. Ability to explain business concept,
business function and processes
Each student should be able to LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan ekosistem
apply business concept. 1.2 bisnis (politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya);

Ability to explain business ecosystem

(political, economic, social and culture)
LO- Kemampuan untuk mengubah konsep
1.3 bisnis dan ekosistem bisnis untuk
mengembangkan model bisnis

Ability to apply business concept and

ecosystem to develop sustainable business
CG-2 Kecerdasaan Kewirausahaan LO- Kemampuan untuk mengembangkan bisnis
Entrepreneurial Acumen 2.1 secara kreatif dan inovatif;
Setiap siswa harus mampu
menunjukkan kecerdasan Ability to develop creative and innovative
kewirausahaan dengan menerapkan business
pemikiran kreatif, inovatif, analitis, LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan
serta menerapkan keterampilan 2.2 penggunaan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi, dan keterampilan TIK. komunikasi dalam bisnis;.

Each student should be able to Ability to demonstrate the utilization

demonstrate entrepreneurial of ICT in business
acumen by applying creative, LO- Kemampuan untuk menerapkan komunikasi
innovative, analytical thinking as 2.3 dan kolaborasi bisnis.
well as applying communication
skills, and ICT skills Ability to apply business communication
Page 71 of 91

Competency Goals Traits/LO

and collaboration
LO- Kemampuan untuk menerapkan analisis
2.4 risiko bisnis dalam pengambilan keputusan

Ability to apply business risk

analysis for business decision making
CG-3 Etika LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan nilai
Ethics 3.1 profesional dalam konteks bisnis;
Setiap siswa harus dapat
menerapkan nilai etika dan Ability to demonstrate professional values in
profesional. business context;
LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan
Each student should be able to 3.2 kecerdasan sosial dan etika bisnis dalam
apply ethical and professional proses bisnis.
Ability to demonstrate social acumen and
business ethics in business processes.
CG-4 Perspektif Bisnis Berkelanjutan LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan strategi
Sustainable Business Perspective 4.1 pengembangan internal untuk keberlanjutan
Setiap siswa harus mampu bisnis
menunjukkan perspektif bisnis
berkelanjutan dalam menjalankan Ability to articulate internal development
bisnis. strategies for business sustainability
LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan peluang
Each student should be able to 4.2 dan kontribusi pada masyarakat bagi
articulate sustainable business keberlanjutan bisnis jangka panjang
perspective in exercising business.
Ability to articulate opportunities and
contribution to society for sustainable

1.4 Curriculum Mapping

CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4
Credits :

Course Code Course Name

Launch Creative
ENPR6166032 Business 4 5 xx xx x

ENPR6167032 Startup Funding 4 5 x x x

ENPR6190032 2/2 5 xx xx x

Assessment and
ENPR6162032 4 5 xx x xx
Decision Making
in Business

COMP6667032 2/2 5 x xx x xx

Page 72 of 91

2. Entrepreneurship @Binus Malang

2.1 Alignment of Program Objectives with Competency Goals

Competency Goals (CG)

(CG 2)
Each student
(CG 4)
should be able to
(CG 1) Each student
demonstrate (CG 3)
Each should be able
Program entrepreneurial Each student
student to articulate
Objectives acumen by should be
should be sustainable
(PO) applying creative, able to apply
able to business
innovative, ethical and
apply perspective in
analytical thinking professional
business exercising
as well as applying values.
concept business
skills, and ICT
(PO 1) Provide
students with
knowledge in
the fields of
Entrepreneurshi v
p and
they need in
(PO 2) Provide
students with
and business
skills integrated
with information
technology that
have an impact
on business,
v v
finance and
and provide
tools used in
(PO 3)
students to
and agents of
v v
change ethically
by utilizing skills
and knowledge
in building a

Page 73 of 91

2.2 Alignment of Graduate Profiles with Competency Goals

Competency Goals
(CG 2)
(CG 4)
Each student should (CG 3)
(CG 1) Each student
be able to demonstrate
Graduate Each student should be able to
Each student entrepreneurial
Profiles should be able articulate
should be able acumen by applying
to apply sustainable
to apply creative, innovative,
ethical and business
business analytical thinking as
professional perspective in
concept. well as applying
values. exercising business
communication skills,
and ICT skills.
Entrepreneur v v v v
Intrapreneur v v v v
v v v v
v v v v
v v v v
Business v v v v

2.3 Alignment of Competency Goals to Learning objectives

Competency Goals Traits/LO
CG-1 Konsep Bisnis LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan konsep
Business Concept 1.1 bisnis, fungsi bisnis, dan proses bisnis.
Setiap siswa harus dapat
mengaplikasikan konsep bisnis. Ability to explain business concept,
business function and processes
Each student should be able to LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan ekosistem
apply business concept. 1.2 bisnis (politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya);

Ability to explain business ecosystem

(political, economic, social and culture)
LO- Kemampuan untuk mengubah konsep
1.3 bisnis dan ekosistem bisnis untuk
mengembangkan model bisnis

Ability to apply business concept and

ecosystem to develop sustainable business
CG-2 Kecerdasaan Kewirausahaan LO- Kemampuan untuk mengembangkan bisnis
Entrepreneurial Acumen 2.1 secara kreatif dan inovatif;
Setiap siswa harus mampu
menunjukkan kecerdasan Ability to develop creative and innovative
kewirausahaan dengan menerapkan business
pemikiran kreatif, inovatif, analitis, LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan
serta menerapkan keterampilan 2.2 penggunaan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi, dan keterampilan TIK. komunikasi dalam bisnis;.

Each student should be able to Ability to demonstrate the utilization

demonstrate entrepreneurial of ICT in business
acumen by applying creative, LO- Kemampuan untuk menerapkan komunikasi
innovative, analytical thinking as 2.3 dan kolaborasi bisnis.
well as applying communication
skills, and ICT skills Ability to apply business communication
Page 74 of 91

Competency Goals Traits/LO

and collaboration
LO- Kemampuan untuk menerapkan analisis
2.4 risiko bisnis dalam pengambilan keputusan

Ability to apply business risk

analysis for business decision making
CG-3 Etika LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan nilai
Ethics 3.1 profesional dalam konteks bisnis;
Setiap siswa harus dapat
menerapkan nilai etika dan Ability to demonstrate professional values in
profesional. business context;
LO- Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan
Each student should be able to 3.2 kecerdasan sosial dan etika bisnis dalam
apply ethical and professional proses bisnis.
Ability to demonstrate social acumen and
business ethics in business processes.
CG-4 Perspektif Bisnis Berkelanjutan LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan strategi
Sustainable Business Perspective 4.1 pengembangan internal untuk keberlanjutan
Setiap siswa harus mampu bisnis
menunjukkan perspektif bisnis
berkelanjutan dalam menjalankan Ability to articulate internal development
bisnis. strategies for business sustainability
Each student should be able to LO- Kemampuan untuk menjelaskan peluang
articulate sustainable business 4.2 dan kontribusi pada masyarakat bagi
perspective in exercising business. keberlanjutan bisnis jangka panjang

Ability to articulate opportunities and

contribution to society for sustainable

2.4 Curriculum Mapping

CG 1 CG 2 CG 3 CG 4
Credits :

Course Code Course Name

ENPR6177002 Innovative 4 5 x x x

ENPR6178002 Engagement 4 5 x x x

ENPR6179002 4 5 x x x

ENPR6180002 Strategy & 4 5 x x x

Innovation for
ENPR6181002 4 5 x x x

Page 75 of 91

Page 76 of 91


Appendix: Degree
: Bachelor (S1)
: Binus Business School

School Undergraduate program
: Management
Language Program : -

Binusian : 2026

Curriculum : 2022

Foreign language courses are personalized courses that can be taken by the students according to their
own pace from semester 1 until semester 4 or before they take enrichment. The courses are available at
BINUSMAYA – Beelingua.

The following are the provisions of the courses that must be taken by students:

Group Course SCU

MKB Foreign Language Courses
MKB ENGL6253005 English for Frontrunners 0
MKB ENGL6254005 English for Independent Users 0
MKB ENGL6255005 English for Professionals 0
MKB JAPN6190005 Basic Japanese Language 0
MKB CHIN6163005 Basic Chinese Language 0

1. Students with Binus University English Proficiency Test score less than 437 are required to
take English for Frontrunners and English for Independent Users.

2. Students with Binus University English Proficiency Test score less than 520 are required to
take English for Independent Users and English for Professionals.

3. Students with Binus University English Proficiency Test score equal to or greater than 520 are
required to take English for Professionals and choose Basic Japanese Language or Basic
Chinese Language.

4. Students are required to pass the foreign language courses before they take enrichment.

5. Students can see the requirements to pass the foreign language courses at BINUSMAYA –

Page 77 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Faculty/ : Binus Business School

Enrichment School
Undergraduate program

: Management
Appendix Program
: -
: 2026
Curriculum : 2022

Semester 6 Semester 7
1 V V
2 V V
3 V V
4 V V
5 V V
6 V V
7 V V
8 V V
9 V V
10 V V
11 V V
12 V V
13 V V
14 V V
15 V V
16 V V
17 V V
18 V V
19 V V
20 V V
21 V V
22 V V
23 V V
24 V V
25 V V
26 V V
27 V V
28 V V
29 V V
30 V V
31 V V
32 V V
33 V V
34 V V
35 V V
36 V V
37 V V
38 V V
39 V V

Page 78 of 91

Semester 6 Semester 7
40 V V
41 V V

IN : Certified Internship
RS : Certified Research
EN : Certified Entrepreneurship
CD : Certified Community Development
SA : Certified Study Abroad
IS : Certified Specific Independent Study
FS : Further Study
etc : Study Program Special Purposes


Student can choose one of the existing tracks


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

MGMT6421005 Industrial Experience in Dynamic Industry 8

MKB MGMT6422005 Industrial Experience in Business Sustainability 8

Entrepreneurial and Industrial Business
MGMT6152005 4
Total SCU 20

Enrichment Program II

Group Course SCU

Professional Experience in Dynamic
MGMT6423005 8
Professional Development on Sustainability
MKB MGMT6424005 8
Business Management and Professional
MGMT6137005 4
Total SCU 20

Page 79 of 91


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

RSCH6370005 Research for Business Management 8

MKB RSCH6551005 Scientific Writing in Business Management 8

Global Entrepreneurship and Business
RSCH6454005 4
Total SCU 20

Enrichment Program II

Group Course SCU

RSCH6373005 Research for Industrial Competition 8

MKB RSCH6552005 Scientific Writing in Management Research 8

Global Entrepreneurship and Industrial
RSCH6375005 4
Total SCU 20


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

ENTR6902005 New Business Initiation 8
MKB ENTR6903005 Product Development Process 8
ENTR6904005 EES in New Business I 4
Total SCU 20

Enrichment Program II

Group Course SCU

ENTR6905005 Product Launching 8
MKB ENTR6906005 Business Development 8
ENTR6907005 EES in New Business II 4
Total SCU 20


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

CMDV6120005 Community Outreach Project Implementation 8
Community Outreach Project Design in
MKB CMDV6331005 8
CMDV6169005 Socio Entrepreneurship Development 4
Total SCU 20

Enrichment Program II

Page 80 of 91

Group Course SCU

CMDV6117005 Community Development Project Implementation 8
Community Development Project Design in
MKB CMDV6332005 8
CMDV6094005 Managing Socio Entrepreneurship 4
Total SCU 20


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

Elective courses list for study abroad*
GLOB6005005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 1 4
GLOB6006005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 2 4
GLOB6007005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 3 4
GLOB6008005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 4 4
GLOB6009005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 5 2
GLOB6010005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 6 2
MKB GLOB6011005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 7 2
GLOB6012005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 8 2
GLOB6013005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 9 2
GLOB6014005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 10 2
GLOB6015005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 11 2
GLOB6016005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 12 2
GLOB6251005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 29 4
Total SCU 20
*) Transferred courses will be transferred based on credit transfer policies on study program with
total of 20 credits

Enrichment Program II

Group Course SCU

Elective courses list for study abroad*
GLOB6017005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 13 4
GLOB6018005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 14 4
GLOB6019005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 15 4
GLOB6020005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 16 4
GLOB6021005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 17 2
GLOB6022005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 18 2
GLOB6023005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 19 2
GLOB6024005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 20 2
GLOB6025005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 21 2
GLOB6026005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 22 2
GLOB6027005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 23 2
GLOB6028005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 24 2

Page 81 of 91

Group Course SCU

GLOB6253005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 31 4
Total SCU 20
*) Transferred courses will be transferred based on credit transfer policies on study program with
total of 20 credits


Enrichment Program I

Group Course SCU

Elective courses list for Certified Specific Independent Study*
CSIS6001005 Course Certification 3
CSIS6002005 Technical Skill Enrichment 4
CSIS6003005 Industrial Project 9
CSIS6004005 Soft Skill Enrichment 4
CSIS6005005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 1 8
CSIS6006005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 2 8
CSIS6007005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 3 6
CSIS6008005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 4 6
CSIS6009005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 5 6
CSIS6010005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 6 5
CSIS6011005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 7 5
CSIS6012005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 8 5
CSIS6013005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 9 5
CSIS6014005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 10 4
CSIS6015005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 11 4
CSIS6016005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 12 4
CSIS6017005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 13 4
CSIS6018005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 14 4
CSIS6019005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 15 3
CSIS6020005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 16 3
CSIS6021005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 17 3
CSIS6022005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 18 3
CSIS6023005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 19 3
CSIS6024005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 20 3
CSIS6025005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 21 2
CSIS6026005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 22 2
CSIS6027005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 23 2
CSIS6028005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 24 2
CSIS6029005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 25 2
CSIS6030005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 26 2
CSIS6031005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 27 2
CSIS6032005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 28 2
CSIS6033005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 29 1
CSIS6034005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 30 1

Page 82 of 91

Group Course SCU

CSIS6035005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 31 1
CSIS6036005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 32 1
Total SCU 20
*) For students who take BINUS certified specific independent study courses, they should take the
first 4 courses on the list above (20 credits). Meanwhile, electives courses 1 to 32 are transferred
courses for students who take certified specific independent study courses outside BINUS University.
Transferred courses will be transferred based on credit transfer policies on study program with total
of 20 credits


Enrichment Program II (Master of Management)

Group Course SCU

ENTR6561005 Design Thinking for Innovation 4
MKTG6299005 Business Negotiation 4
MKB MKTG6300005 Marketing Strategy 4
STAT6187005 Applied Statistics 4
MGMT6420005 Human Resources Management Strategy 4
Total SCU 20

Enrichment Program II (Master of Management Information Systems)

Group Course SCU

ISYS6829005 Digital Technology and Transformation 4
ISYS6830005 Data Analytics for Business 6
ISYS6831005 Applied Technology in Information Systems* 4
MKB Stream: Information Systems Strategic Management
ISYS6806005 Strategic Planning for Information Systems 6
Stream: Digitalpreneurship
ISYS6663005 New Media Ventures and Innovation 6
Total SCU 20
*This course is part of the certification program.

Enrichment Program II (Master of Communication)

Group Course SCU

COMM6591005 Computer Mediated Communication 6
COMM6596005 International Public Relations 4

Page 83 of 91

COMM6700005 Applied Communication Project* 4

COMM6593005 Corporate Branding 6
Total SCU 20
*This course is part of the certification program.

Enrichment Program II (Master of Industrial Engineering)

Group Course SCU

Advanced Supply chain management
ISYE6316005 4
and operations
ISYE6317005 System simulation and analytics 6
ISYE6319005 Applied Business Engineering Project* 4
ISYE6318005 Industrial Product design and production 6
Total SCU 20
*This course is part of the certification program.

Enrichment Program II (Master of Accounting)

Group Course SCU

COSO Framework Internal Control & Fraud
ACCT6502005 4
ACCT6503005 Risk Assessment Analytics 6
FINC6219005 Financial Reporting Decisions 6
ACCT6505005 Applied Technology in Accounting 4
Total SCU 20
*This course is part of the certification program.

Page 84 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)

Course Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Prerequisit Study
: Management

Program : -
es Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Course SCU Sem Course Prerequisite SCU Sem

MGMT6410005 Thesis 4 Research Method in
Business Organization
3/1 4

Research Method in
8 RSCH6724005 Business Development 3/1 4
MGMT6017005 Thesis 6
Research Method in E-
3/1 4

Stream: Business Organizational Dynamic

Strategic Human Resources
MGMT6341005 4 4 MGMT6012005 4 1
Management Management
*) The examination schedule will be a priority to be scheduled on the first day, the grade will also be processed as priority.

Page 85 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)

Quality Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Control Study
: Management

Program : -
Courses Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

No Code Course Name SCU Semester
Passing Grade
1 CHAR6013005 Character Building: Pancasila 2 B 1
Entrepreneurship: Market
2 ENTR6511005 2 C 4
3 MKTG6318005 Marketing Management 4 C 1
Human Resources
4 MGMT6012005 4 C 1
Introduction to Management and
5 MGMT6011005 4 C 1
6 BUSS6066005 Business Ethics 2 C 2
7 BUSS6171005 Business Sustainability 4 C 2
Stream: Business Organizational Dynamic
8 MGMT6341005 Strategic Management 4 C 4
Stream: E-Business & Digitalization
Analysis on E-Business
8 MGMT6374005 4 C 4
Stream: Business Development & Transformation
8 BUSS6229005 Business Simulation 4 C 4
*) Tutorial and Multipaper

Page 86 of 91

Degree : Bachelor (S1)
List of Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Course Study
: Management

Equivalenc Program
: -
: 2026

y Curriculum : 2022

Previous Curriculum Equivalent to

Code Course Name Code Course Name
MGMT63570 Corporation 4
MGMT64120 Relationship 2
COMM80060 Business No Equivalent Course(s)
05 Communication
ISYS608400 Database 2/2
RSCH60260 Research
05 Methodology
MGMT63580 Managing Business
05 Information
MGMT63750 Organizational MGMT63410 Strategic
4 4
05 Learning 05 management
Leadership &
MGMT62760 Managing Human MGMT64620
4 Leadership agility 4
05 Capital in 05
Compensation and
MGMT61450 MGMT64630 Organizational
Performance 2 2
05 05 Behavior
BUSS61730 Managing Innovation BUSS61090 Business
4 4
05 and Knowledge 05 Development
Advanced Topic in
BUSS61940 Business Negotiation MGMT64650 Business
2 2
05 Strategy 05 Development
Advanced Topics in
BUSS61630 Organization MGMT60330
2 Business and 2
05 Development Strategy 05 Organization
MGMT60290 Knowledge ISYS608500 Advanced Topics in
2 2
05 Management 5 E-Business
STAT806700 STAT620600
Business Statistics I 2 Business Statistics I 2
5 5
MKTG80050 Marketing MKTG63180 Marketing
4 4
05 Management 05 Management
Page 87 of 91

Previous Curriculum Equivalent to

Code Course Name Code Course Name
STAT806800 STAT620700
Business Statistics II 2/2 Business Statistics II 2/2
5 5
ISYS817500 E-Business Strategy ISYS674400 E-Business Strategy
4 4
5 and Implementation 5 and Implementation

Degree : Bachelor (S1)

Minimum Faculty/
: Binus Business School
Undergraduate program

Passing Study
: Management

Program : -
Grade Binusian
: 2026
: 2022

Course Code Course Name SCU Passing
University Courses
CHAR6013005 Character Building: Pancasila 2 B
CHAR6014005 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 D
CHAR6015005 Character Building: Agama 2 D
ENTR6509005 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2 D
ENTR6510005 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2 D
ENTR6511005 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2 C
LANG6027005 Indonesian 2 D
ENGL6253005 English for Frontrunners 0 C
ENGL6254005 English for Independent Users 0 C
ENGL6255005 English for Professionals 0 C
JAPN6190005 Basic Japanese Language 0 C
CHIN6163005 Basic Chinese Language 0 C
Core Courses
MGMT6011005 Introduction to Management and Business 4 C
ACCT6351005 Accounting for Business 4 D
MATH6176005 Business Mathematics 2 D
ECON6099005 Business Economics 4 D
ISYS6181005 Management Information Systems for Leader 4 D
STAT6206005 Business Statistics I 2 D
MKTG6318005 Marketing Management 4 C

Page 88 of 91

Course Code Course Name SCU Passing
FINC6001005 Financial Management 4 D
STAT6207005 Business Statistics II 2/2 D
MGMT6012005 Human Resources Management 4 C
BUSS6171005 Business Sustainability 4 C
MGMT6297005 Operations Management 4 D
BUSS6066005 Business Ethics 2 C
Stream: Business Organizational Dynamic
RSCH6723005 Research Method in Business Organization 3/1 D
MGMT6462005 Leadership Agility 4 D
MGMT6463005 Organizational Behavior 2 D
MGMT6341005 Strategic Management 4 C
MGMT6464005 Corporate Governance 2 D
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 D
MGMT6033005 Advanced Topics in Business and Organization 2 D
Stream: Business Development & Transformation
RSCH6725005 Research Method in E-Business 3/1 D
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 D
BUSS6109005 Business Development 4 D
MGMT6196005 Project Management 4 D
BUSS6229005 Business Simulation 4 C
Advanced Topic in Business Development
MGMT6465005 2 D
Stream: E-Business & Digitalization
Research Method in Business Development
RSCH6724005 3/1 D
LAWS6159005 Legal Aspect in Business 2 D
ISYS6079005 E-Business System 4 D
MGMT6374005 Analysis on E-Business Investment 4 C
ISYS6085005 Advanced Topics in E-Business 2 D
ISYS6744005 E-Business Strategy and Implementation 4 D
Minor Program Courses 20 D
Free Electives Courses 20 D
Multidisciplinary Stream Courses 20 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Internship Courses
MGMT6421005 Industrial Experience in Dynamic Industry 8 D
MGMT6422005 Industrial Experience in Business Sustainability 8 D
Entrepreneurial and Industrial Business
MGMT6152005 4 D
MGMT6423005 Professional Experience in Dynamic Organization 8 D
Professional Development on Sustainability
MGMT6424005 8 D
Business Management and Professional
MGMT6137005 4 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Research Courses
Page 89 of 91

Course Code Course Name SCU Passing
RSCH6370005 Research for Business Management 8 D
RSCH6551005 Scientific Writing in Business Management 8 D
Global Entrepreneurship and Business
RSCH6454005 4 D
RSCH6373005 Research for Industrial Competition 8 D
RSCH6552005 Scientific Writing in Management Research 8 D
RSCH6375005 Global Entrepreneurship and Industrial Competition 4 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Entrepreneurship Courses
ENTR6902005 New Business Initiation 8 D
ENTR6903005 Product Development Process 8 D
ENTR6904005 EES in New Business I 4 D
ENTR6905005 Product Launching 8 D
ENTR6906005 Business Development 8 D
ENTR6907005 EES in New Business II 4 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Community Development Courses
CMDV6120005 Community Outreach Project Implementation 8 D
Community Outreach Project Design in
CMDV6331005 8 D
CMDV6169005 Socio Entrepreneurship Development 4 D
CMDV6117005 Community Development Project Implementation 8 D
Community Development Project Design in
CMDV6332005 8 D
CMDV6094005 Managing Socio Entrepreneurship 4 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Study Abroad Courses
GLOB6005005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 1 4 D
GLOB6006005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 2 4 D
GLOB6007005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 3 4 D
GLOB6008005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 4 4 D
GLOB6009005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 5 2 D
GLOB6010005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 6 2 D
GLOB6011005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 7 2 D
GLOB6012005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 8 2 D
GLOB6013005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 9 2 D
GLOB6014005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 10 2 D
GLOB6015005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 11 2 D
GLOB6016005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 12 2 D
GLOB6251005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 29 4 D
GLOB6017005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 13 4 D
GLOB6018005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 14 4 D
GLOB6019005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 15 4 D
GLOB6020005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 16 4 D
GLOB6021005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 17 2 D

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Course Code Course Name SCU Passing
GLOB6022005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 18 2 D
GLOB6023005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 19 2 D
GLOB6024005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 20 2 D
GLOB6025005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 21 2 D
GLOB6026005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 22 2 D
GLOB6027005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 23 2 D
GLOB6028005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 24 2 D
GLOB6253005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 31 4 D
Enrichment Program: Certified Specific Independent Study Courses
CSIS6001005 Course Certification 3 D
CSIS6002005 Technical Skill Enrichment 4 D
CSIS6003005 Industrial Project 9 D
CSIS6004005 Soft Skill Enrichment 4 D
CSIS6005005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 1 8 D
CSIS6006005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 2 8 D
CSIS6007005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 3 6 D
CSIS6008005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 4 6 D
CSIS6009005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 5 6 D
CSIS6010005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 6 5 D
CSIS6011005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 7 5 D
CSIS6012005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 8 5 D
CSIS6013005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 9 5 D
CSIS6014005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 10 4 D
CSIS6015005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 11 4 D
CSIS6016005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 12 4 D
CSIS6017005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 13 4 D
CSIS6018005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 14 4 D
CSIS6019005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 15 3 D
CSIS6020005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 16 3 D
CSIS6021005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 17 3 D
CSIS6022005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 18 3 D
CSIS6023005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 19 3 D
CSIS6024005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 20 3 D
CSIS6025005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 21 2 D
CSIS6026005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 22 2 D
CSIS6027005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 23 2 D
CSIS6028005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 24 2 D
CSIS6029005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 25 2 D
CSIS6030005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 26 2 D
CSIS6031005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 27 2 D
CSIS6032005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 28 2 D
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Course Code Course Name SCU Passing
CSIS6033005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 29 1 D
CSIS6034005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 30 1 D
CSIS6035005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 31 1 D
CSIS6036005 Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 32 1 D
Enrichment Program: Further Study Courses Master of Manajemen
ENTR6561005 Design Thinking for Innovation 4 D
MKTG6299005 Business Negotiation 4 D
MKTG6300005 Marketing Strategy 4 D
STAT6187005 Applied Statistics 4 D
MGMT6420005 Human Resources Management Strategy 4 D
Enrichment Program: Further Study Master of Management Information Systems
ISYS6829005 Digital Technology and Transformation 4 D
ISYS6830005 Data Analytics for Business 6 D
ISYS6831005 Applied Technology in Information Systems 4 D
Stream: Information Systems Strategic Management
ISYS6806005 Strategic Planning for Information Systems 6 D
Stream: Digitalpreneurship
ISYS6663005 New Media Ventures and Innovation 6 D
Enrichment: Further Study Master of Communication
COMM6591005 Computer Mediated Communication 6 D
COMM6596005 International Public Relations 4 D
COMM6700005 Applied Communication Project 4 D
COMM6593005 Corporate Branding 6 D
Enrichment: Further Study Master of Industrial Engineering
Advanced Supply chain management D
ISYE6316005 4
and operations
ISYE6317005 System simulation and analytics 6 D
ISYE6319005 Applied Business Engineering Project 4 D
ISYE6318005 Industrial Product design and production 6 D
Enrichment: Further Study Master of Accounting
COSO Framework Internal Control & Fraud D
ACCT6502005 4
ACCT6503005 Risk Assessment Analytics 6 D
FINC6219005 Financial Reporting Decisions 6 D
ACCT6505005 Applied Technology in Accounting 4 D
Final Courses
MGMT6402005 Pre-Thesis 2 C
MGMT6410005 Thesis 4 C
MGMT6017005 Thesis 6 C

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Degree : Bachelor (S1)
Faculty/ : Binus Business School

Appendix: School
Undergraduate program

: Management
Flowchart Program
: -
: 2026
Curriculum : 2022

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Details of Curriculum Document(s)

Type of Document(s): [ ] Vision, Mission, and Program Objectives

[ ] Alignment of Program Objectives with Students Outcomes

[ ] Alignment of Students Outcomes with Learning Objectives

[ ] Assessment Rubrics

[ ] Curriculum Mapping

[ ] Assessment Plan

[ ] Course Distribution

[ ] Enrichment Appendix

[ ] Course Prerequisites

[ ] Quality Control Courses

[ ] List of Course Equivalency

[ ] Minimum Passing Grade

Reason for change(s) :

Change(s) will be implemented in: [[date month year]]

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Prepared by,

(Dr. Lasmy, S.Kom., M.M.)

Head of Management Program

Verified and Approved by,

(Dr. Ir. Hardijanto Saroso, M.MT., M.M., CDMS, CBV ) (Prof. Dr. Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, S.E., M.M.)
Dean of Binus Business School Undergraduate Program Vice Rector Academic Development
Date: Date:

(Dr. Reina, S.Kom., M.M.) (Dr. Nelly, S.Kom., M.M., CSCA) (Gatot Soepriyanto, S.E., Ak.,
BINUS @Kemanggisan Campus BINUS @Alam Sutera Campus M.Buss (Acc)., Ph.D., CA, CFE)
Director Director BINUS @Bekasi Campus Director
Date: Date: Date:

Signed by,

(Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M.)


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