Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Learning Outcome

In order to produce graduates with expected profiles, learning outcomes are developed which
divided into 2 groups: Specialist competencies, and social competencies. The details are as
A. Specialist Competencies
1. Capable to perform safe management of surgery, including meticulous assessment pre-
operative, intra-operative, and post-operative care
2. Capable to optimize any medical problem that occur during perioperative period
(perioperative medicine)
3. Capable to perform a safe emergency surgery and disaster management
4. Capable to perform comprehensive traumatology and acute care surgery
5. Capable to perform advance and minimal invasive surgery

B. Social competencies (Medical knowledge and Clinically Skilled)

6. Capable to demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and
system of health care, especially surgical field, and the ability to effectively call on
system resources to provide care that is of optimal value. (System-based practice and
Health Problem Manager)
7. Capable to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective
information exchange and teaming with patients, patients’ families, and professional
associates (Effective Communication Skill)
8. Capable to demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving biomedical, clinical,
and cognate (e.g. epidemiological and socialbehavioural) sciences and the application
of this knowledge to patient care (Medical knowledge and Clinically Skilled).
9. Capable to investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate
scientific evidence, and improve their patient care practices (Practiced-based learning and
10. Capable to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the
treatment of health problems and the promotion of health (Patient safety)
LO 1 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan tindakan perioperative medicine dengan aman dan
benar (Care provider, manajer).
LO 2 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan tindakan pembedahan elektif didalam kamar operasi
maupun bedsite dengan aman dan benar (Care provider, manajer).
LO 3 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan Tindakan pembedahan emergensi didalam kamar
operasi maupun bedsite dengan aman dan benar (Care provider, manajer).
LO 4 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan Tindakan pada kasus traumatology and acute care
surgery secara komprehensif (Care provider, manajer, akademisi).
LO 5 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan penanganan advance and minimal invasive surgery
secara benar dan aman (Care provider, manajer, komunikator).
LO 6 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan penanganan crisis management maupun tatalaksana
critical care medicine secara komprehensif yang meliputi manajemen hemodinamik, infeksi,
cairan dan nutrisi pre dan post operasi (Care provider, manajer).
LO 7 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan penanganan emergency pada kasus bencana didalam
RS maupun diluar RS (Care provider, manajer, komunikator).
LO 8 : Mampu membuat keputusan yang independen dalam menjalankan pekerjaan profesinya
sehingga dapat berkontribusi secara aktif dan berkelanjutan terhadap peningkatan kualitas
pelayanan kesehatan dan keamanan pasien (manajer, komunikator).
LO 9 : Mampu bekerjasama maupun memimpin suatu tim kerja yang sebidang maupun tidak
sebidang (Interprofessional healthcare team) untuk memecahkan masalah baik pada bidang
pembedahan, maupun masalah yang lebih luas dari bidangnya (akademisi, komunikator,
LO 10 : Menguasai dan mampu melakukan telaah kritis informasi dan sumber informasinya serta
mengaplikasikan evidence based medicine kedalam praktek klinis (care provider, akademisi,
LO 11 : Menguasai dan mampu berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan dan penyebarluasan
pengetahuan dan praktek klinis ilmu bedah. (akademisi, researcher).

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