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Rel󰈎󰈇󰈏o󰈞 D󰈎s󰇹󰈹󰈏mi󰈝󰈀󰉄󰈏on

In Pa󰈔󰈎󰈼t󰇽󰈝
Bri󰈩󰇾 󰉀󰈏󰈼to󰈸󰉙
✔ 96% of Pakistan's population is muslim ✔ Many non-Muslims migrated to other
✔ 4% in not muslim countries like India
✔ Non-Muslims are not allowed to practice ✔ If anyone slanders the name of islam or
any religion other than islam the prophets name, they will go to jail
✔ In 1956 Pakistan declared its nation to be ✔ Muslims abuse the non-Muslims in the
known as “The Islamic Republic Of streets and in schools
Pakistan” ✔ The non-Muslims are forced to learn by
✔ Other religions in Pakistan are the morals of the Quran.
Christianity, Hinduism, and shias. ✔ Non-Muslim women have been harassed
and raped as well as forcibly married.

● The Ahmadiyya
call themselves ● from 1984 to
Muslims but November 2018, 265
aren't to the Ahmadis have been
government. killed
● The Ahmadis ● More than 300 have
endure the most been assaulted
harassment ● More than 700 have
from Muslims been booked for
and the displaying Kalima
government ● 27 Ahmadi mosques
● People have have been obliterated
damaged and ● 34 Ahmadi mosques
even destroyed have been closed by
their mosques the government
● 22 Ahmadi mosques
burned or damaged 3

Trending discrimination in Pakistan

By: Bushrat Elahi Jamil (Daily Times) February 21st 2019

Wh󰉘 󰉓as 󰉃󰈋󰈩 󰇽r󰉃i󰇸l󰈩 󰈚󰇽󰇶e?

✔ Giving awareness to the world about the discrimination from the

government that the non-Muslims are enduring
✔ To call for action by the non-Muslims or pressure groups or even

Ar󰉃i󰇸l󰈩 S󰉊󰈚󰈛ar󰈎󰉛󰇽󰉄i󰈡n
✔ Pakistan Changed the nations name
to “Islamic Republic Of Pakistan”
✔ Discrimination against other religions
other than muslims and disallowing to
practice them
✔ Non-Muslim begin to migrate like
hindus going to India

Ar󰉃i󰇸l󰈩 S󰉊󰈚󰈛ar󰈎󰉛󰇽󰉄i󰈡n 2
✔ Schools only teach through the Quran and
non-Muslims are forced to learn it
✔ Non-Muslims not being allowed to run for
presidency or any major political
✔ Laws that allow discrimination against
✔ The Ahmadis discrimination and su ering
from the government
Exa󰈚󰈦l󰈩 #1
Over 200 Ahmadis have been killed and over 300
have been assaulted. Even more have been booked
and arrested for numerous matters like calling
Azan, as well as pretending to be muslims.

Exa󰈚󰈦l󰈩 #2
Ahmadis had their mosques damaged and
destroyed some even burned down. Many died
and many were at grief for their loved ones.
The government did not take any actions
towards these events but actually encouraged

A󰈃er󰈚󰈀󰉄h 󰈢󰇾 a󰉅󰈀󰇸k 󰈢󰈝 Place your screenshot here

Ah󰈚a󰇶󰈎 m󰈢󰈻󰈬u󰈩 (2005)

UD󰉀󰈣 󰉝r󰉃i󰇸l󰈩󰈻 󰉐󰈏ol󰈀󰉃󰇵󰇶

Article 2: “Freedom from


Artcle 1: “All Human

Beings are born free and Article 18: Freedom of
equal and equal in dignity religion and belief”
and rights.”
01 02
` Article 10: Right to fair

Wh󰉘 A󰈹e Th󰈡󰈻󰇵 A󰈹ti󰇹󰈘󰈩s V󰈏o󰈗󰈀󰉄󰇵d

Article 1: Pakistan is degrading non-muslims

Article 2: Pakistan not allowing any religion practice except islam

Article 10: Ahmadis are sentenced to jail and found guilty when there is lack
of evidence supporting the sentencing

Article 18: Non-muslims aren't allowed to practice their relgioun in


Call “ Tel: 051-9216620 Fax:
051-9216621” (National Call Center)

Contact Via Email and “”.

How to improve the situation in pakistan

Cutting relationships Getting other countries

with pakistan and and organizations involved
boycotting. like the UN

The non-muslims unite to protest and fight for their rights as

well as petition for their rights to the government.

Total success!
Similarities To The Chinese Uighurs

● Both Uighurs and Non-Muslims are being discriminated for their


● Both Uighurs and Non-Muslims have less human rights then

everyone else

● Neither Uighurs or non-Muslims have any political standpoints

Contrast Between Non-muslims and Chinese Uighurs.

● In Pakistan, people were discriminated against for not

being muslims

● The Uighurs were discriminated for being muslims

“Contact Us.” OHCHR,

“Trending Discrimination in Pakistan.” Daily Times, 22 Feb. 2019,

Roth, Kenneth. “World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Pakistan.” Human Rights Watch, 17 Jan. 2019,

Chaudhury, Dipanjan Roy. “Pakistan Institutionalised Discrimination against Minority Groups: EU Parliament Report.” The
Economic Times, Economic Times, 14 May 2019,

“Claiming Human Rights.” Article 30,


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